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Library ~}estern Ivaryland College Vlcstminster, Md. MADAME AWARD COLBJOURNSEN FOR COURAGE PAGE 3 PAGE 6 Vol. 21, No. 12 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. May 18,1944 Five Senior Women Chosen For Honorary, Organization Dorothy Rovecamp, Margaret Ann Smith, Mary Turnley, Beverly Slacum, And Cordelia Price Elected Five senior women have been elected by their classmates to become' the charter members of a newly-formed honor society "for the purr,0se of recognizing leadership in women students on the campus Dorothy Hovecarnp, Margaret Ann Art Students Smith. Mary Turnley, Price Beverly those Sla- cum, and Cordelia were Plpn Exhibit elected as charter members, as an- K. nounced today byDeen Katherine Of Work Carmichael, chairman of the commit- by Dr. Fred tee which was authorized G. Holloway to. investigate the desir- Art work' of the students of Wes- ability of such an organization at tern Maryland College will be on ex- Western Maryland College. hibition in Smith Hall from Thursday, The committee, consisting of Miss May 18, at 8:00 P. M. through Mou- Addie Belle Robb, Dr. Evelyn Mudge, day, May 22, Mrs. Evelyn Wenner, and Miss Esther The display arranged under the di- Smith, in addition to Dr. Carmichael, rection of Miss Louise Shipley, in- determined: that the initial group be structor in the Fine Arts department, self-perpetuating by vote of its mem- will represent the work of eighty-five bers; that the organization be not of the college students. only an honor organization but also Included in the exhibition will be a service organization; and that the oil paintings, sculpture, etchings. committee give ten names of women drawings, pastels, illus'tra ticna, wa- leaders from whom the senior women tercolor's, design and crafts. might select five, Art majors who are exhibiting are The list of names presented to the Elizabeth Miller, Margaret F'redrich, senior women included Josephine Thomas Bush, Barbara Richter, Pat Branford, Olive Cook, Frances Hall, Donovan, Ruth Hageman, Ethel Dun- Ann Meath, Elaine Ort, Cordelia ning, and Helen Ridgley. Miss Elizabeth Miller senior and Miss Barbara Richter, sophomore, are shown in the art lab. cas,ting a last minute Elizabeth Miller, senior art student Price, Dorothy Rovecamp, Beverly glance at pieces of their "';ork which will be displayed in the exhibit this week --- Story page 1, column 4 is exhibiting sculpture, oil paintings, Slacurn, Margaret Ann Smith, Doro- thy Thrush, and Mary Turnley. Be- etchings, and watercolors. Outstand- cause of a tie. eleven women were Seniors ,In "The Old Majd" Buffet Dinner ing among her sculpture is a portrait nominated by the committee. of Beverly freshman, Holland, head A constitution for organiza- the and a seated nude figure. t tion and further plans for its future President and Mrs. Fred G. Hollo- Prepare Final Production way will errlertain the senior class watercolors Armacost will exhibit her existence are now being discussed by Dorothy of local' scenes, oil paint- in their home at the annual buffet ings, sculpture and designs. Thomas the members of the junior class, dinner, this evening at 6 P. M. which is expecting to carry on its Du.1 Lead Is Shared By Studebaker and Slacum; Bush will exhibit his sculpture, wa- work next year. The junior class is Following traditional the - Miss Esther Smith Directs The College Playe" the dinner will be semi-formal custom, tercolors and textile designs. Margery also discussing a suitable name for Zink will exhibit a garden figure and and will be served by ten girls from the portrait head of Jacqueline Kilham. the honor society, which is unnamed College Players' presentation of the senior class play, "The as yet. Old Maid," by Zoe Akins, will officially open Commencement junior class. They are: Shirley Margaret Fredrich will exhibit sculp- The structure of the honor society Week-end in Alumni Hall at 8:00 P. M., on Friday, May 26,1944. Townsend, Lillian Jackson, Charlotte ture, oil paintings, and watercolors. is similar to those existing in many re- The watercolor class has just Mary Studebaker and Beverly Slacum have been selected to por- MacConney, Ruth Miles, Anne Nich- cently been introduced to the Art de- other colleges in the country. One of tray the dual lead. ols, Nell Quirk, Marian Stiffler, Mar- partment, but the ether classes are the requirements of these organiza- garet Ann Thompson. and Charlotte The Pulitzer Prize was awarded to those that have also been offered in tions is that the .g'roup- must have a !~~c~!:~uinse1:s30~3:~r~~:~~~c~ ~u~~~~ Hill To Ac~ Ann Wilkins. the past. (Cont. on page 5, col. 2) Anderson and Helen Menken Esther As Host To co- starred in the leads. Miss Smith, who is directing the produc- Commencement Week-End Activities To tion, states that the costumes are par- Ministers ticularly interesting, as they depict the picturesque by-gone Crlnollne Business sessions, committee meet- Begin And E~d In Alumni Hall Auditorium Period of New York society. ings, religious services and banquets The cast of "The Old Maid" fol- are being planned for the fifth ses- College Pla~ers in A~umni Hall at 8 Saturday, May 27, Now lows: sion of the Baltimore Annual Confer- Randolph-Macon College :'e:~~e~~ ~lt~~rti:;.elll;!;e~~yOP;I~C:~ Designated Alumni Day; Delia Lovell Beverly Slacum ence of the Methodist Church which President Chosen To Be Charlotte Lovell Mary Studebaker will be held at Western Maryland and Mary Studebaker are co-starred Garden Party Banquet Dr. Lanskell Edward Justice College from May 31 to June 4. Speaker At Graduation in the production, which is under the t Mrs. Mingott Dorothy Thrush Approximately 350 ministers and Commencement Week-end exercises direction of Miss Esther Smith. Clementine . Dorothy Clarke an equal number of representatives begin on Friday evening, May 26, Commencement Week e Reservatjon Deadline James Ralston Robert Harrison are expected to attend the conference. with the presentation of the senior - A number of alumni are expected Joseph Ralston William Cook Three-fourths of the delegates will play in Alumni Hall, and terminate Calendar to return to the campus for Alumni Lanning Halsey Thomas Bush live-in the college dormitories. Bishop with the awarding of diplomas to the John Halsey John Vermilyea Edwin Hughes, presiding bishop of seventy-sixth graduating class of Friday, May 19-12 Noon, $5 days Day, Saturday, May 27, as guests Delia Halsey . ...... Anita Rue the Washington area, will be in charge Western Maryland College on May begin torrest of term. of the college. Reservations must Nora Lillian Jackson o.f all meetings in Alumni Hall. 28. Alumni Day has been designated Tues1:lay, May 23--Seniors excused. be made with Cot. T. K. Harri- Mrs. Jennie Meade Classrooms in Science and Lewis as Saturday, May 27, with a garden from classes. son by May 24 if alumni and close Josephine Bradford Halls will be used for committee party and annual banquet scheduled Wednesday, May 24-Clo.sing of relatives of graduates wish to stay Bridget Dorothy Armacost meetings. by the Alumni Association on that reservations for week-end over- in Albert Norman Ward Hall and Servant.. Mary Spaulding The officers of the conference in- date. night visitors. . Blanche Ward Hall on Saturday night. Tina Lucy Tandy Thursday, May 25----Dress rehear- The alumni will be entertained at clude - President, Bishop Hughes; sal for senior play, Alumni Hall. a garden party in Robinson Garden Before coming to Western Mary- Secretary, William F. Wright; Treas- •.J, Earl Moreland Public invited. from 2 to. 4 P. M. The receiving line land, Miss Studebaker, who will play urer, Emrnette R. Spencer; Statis- President Jesse Earl Moreland, of Fvidny, IIIay 26-12 Noon, classes at the party will consist of Dr. and the title role, was a student of ad- tician, Russell W. Sapp; Registrar, Randolph-Macon Men's College, Ash- end for the school year. Mrs. Fred G. Holloway and officials vanced dramatic art at State College William H. Hagerty; Conference- land, Va., win be the main speaker 8 P.M., Senior play, "The Old of the Alumni Association. in New York and in 1939 participated lay-leader, D. Stewart Patterson. at Commencement. Exercises on Sun- in the Mohawk Drama Festival, a On Thursday, June 1, Rev. G. Ray day afternoon, May 28, at 2 P. M. Maid," Alumni Hall. .Alumni Banquet Day. summer stock theatre, under the su- Jordan, D.D., pastor of the First Dr. Moreland has been a student at Saturday, May 27-Alumni Robinson The annual Alumni Banquet will 2 P. M., Garden party, pervision of Charles Colburn at Union Methodist Church, Charlotte, North Austin College, Southern Methodist be held in the Dining Hall on Satur- College. Since she has been on the Carolina, will speak at the afternoon University, and Peabody College. He Garden. of Alumni day evening at 6:30 P. M., with tor- 4:"10 P. M.• Meeting campus, she has taken part in the inspirational hour on the subject, became an educational missionary and mal dress proper. A reunion of each Christmas play, as the Virgin Mary, "Have We Outgrown Evangelism 1" taught at Porto Alegre College in Association. fifth class will be held on Alumni 6:30 P. M.-AnnuaJ and palticipated in the senior drama- Friday will feature an address by Brazil f;om 1921 to 1927, when he ner. Dining Hall. Alumni Din- Day, including the classes of '39, '34, t.ic recital, in which she gave "The Rev. Karl K. Quimby, D.D., during became president of the co.llege. He Sunday, May 28-10 A, M., Bacca- '29, and so forth. Hedda Gabler." the World Service Hour and a' second remained president of Porto Alegre laureate Sermo.n. by Dr. Hollo.- Dr. Fred G. Holloway will preach'" Miss Slacum is a veteran of the talk by Rev. Jordan with "What I College until 1934, when he returned way, Alumni Hall. the Baccalaureate Sermon on Sunday Western Maryland stage, having pre- Want Before I Die" as his topic. to the States. He has been president 2 P. M., Commencement Exer- morning at 10 A. M., in Alumni Hall, viously starred in the casts of "Stage The annual meeting of the Balti- of Randolph-Macon since June, 1939. cises, Alumni Hall. Dr. Jesse to. be followed at 2 P. M. by the Com- Doo.r" and "Ladies in Retirement." more Conference Youth FeUowship "The Old Maid," by Zoe Akins. will Earl Moreland, guest speaker. mencement Exercises, with Dr. Jesse (Cont. on page 4/ co.l. 3) (Cant. on page 5, eol: 3) be the senior play presented by the Earl Moreland the main speaker.
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