Page 46 - TheGoldBug1943-44
P. 46
PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, WestmiD5ter, Md., Thursday, April 27, 1944 Parrot Becomes The Campus Lives ••• Dean Free To, HungrYiResorts Crown Queen To Violence By Harvey Buck On' May 6 (Cont. from page 2, col. 1) (Cont. from page 2, col. (5) urday A. M. were surprised to see a contributor was R. Bruce, Dean of (Cont. from page 1, col. 5) At long last, the day arrived. Leon- pecially sorry to hear of the depar-ture large sign on McDaniel steps read- St. Louis, Mo. Queen, Marjorie Little: Visiting "Not long ago, a student at a large ard knew instinctively that his time of friend and trainer, "Pop" Calhoun. ing: "Stop for free complete cata- midwestern university found him- King, Mildred Lloyd: High Chamber- had come. With his last remaining Here's.hoping Pop will be back again log." Needless to say, the demand lain, Lucy Jane Stoner; King's Fool, strength he flew out into the cool eve- when the Terrors again take to the was terrific! . self without a required theme and at Mindell Seltzer; Page Twenty-one, ning sky, in search of a benevolent gridiron. . Early risers last Sat- Lucie Leigh Barnes, '42, recently the last minute solved the problem Doris Hines; Page Thirty, Irene Van god. Presently he saw one--a large of Amer-ican Airlines, back on cam- by copyingv-ve', ail old compo- Fcasan ; Cook, Betty Leister; Scullion, man stretched out in a hammock be- pus this week, A former Aloha ed·i· sition taken from the fraternity files. Grace Jemison,. Two Quarreling~ tween two trees. For a moment Leon- tor she'll do a return engagement ~'S A week later the paper was return- Maids, Bonnie Blake and Mary Louise ' ard hovered in awed adoration above recently he became quite bald." publisher's adviser. The 7:31 ed marked "A", but attached was a A Lord, Betty Ann Mont- the fat god's arm. Then, with what "Quite so, but what made him think stampede into Sunday night chapel terse note requesting the student to Alexander; A Lady, Ruth Callahan; A gomery; corresponded to a sigh of contented .you were responsible?" asked the boy, continues. How long, how long? call at the professor's office. Fearing- Page, Vernelle Ports; Maid, Patricia resignation, he settled down upon the setting his pall on the top step. What is this strange attraction of tin the worst, the lad reluctantly made flesh of the arm. He had committed "Oh, that wasn't quite the way of roofs for the local woodpeckers daily his way to the interview. Barrett. his martyred body to the strong right it," protested Grandma.' "You see, I at6 A. M.? The professor was abrupt and to arm of his benevolent god; he was give Archibald a hunk of garden let- thc point. "Fifteen years ago when PATRONIZE ready to die. tuce for his meal every day, Well, the .Coronet Classic I wrote this composition, I received day before yesterday, he didn't eat The following, reprinted from April a "C". But you have my frank opin- OUR e Pale Spot the lettuce ... " ion-I always thought it was worth Suddenly there was the sound of Coronet str-ikes us as one of the best ADVERTISERS, rushing wind, and a gigantic hand • Obvious Boredom stories to appeal' in some tune. The an "A". loomed above Leonard's still living "No?" yawned the lad. He was ob- body. A resounding smack ruptured vicuslybecoming bored. . the stiJIness. Leonard's smashed "No. He used it for a wig. And corpse formed a pale-a very pale yesterday when I stucky my finger in spot-on the arm of the corpulent his cage to tickle him, he.. " deity. "He was hungry and took a mouth- ful o! your finger. Yes, I see it all .Singular Occurrence now. You just want to watch your- If you do not believe this tale I self in the future," 'said the brown- have just told you (for other reasons haired boy summarily. than because a male mosquito does He picked up the bucket and not bite humans anyway, that is) skipped the hed~e to the next house. then here is another story. For those of you who are cynics here is The Singular Occurrence of the Parrot's Wig: e Inqutaittve Gamin A little brown-haired boy came to the door selling lemonade out of a big, perspiring bucket. Grandma opened' the door and bought some. As she handed the gamin his reward, which was a 'ntckle, the child noticed that a rag bandage was on her finger. Said the gamin (or "child", if you prefer) "Wadja dutyer finger?" "0," said Grandma, wiping a bit of lemon pulp from the tip of her nose, "the parrot bit me there." ._ "Did he indeed?" said the urchin. • Bald Archibald 8-WEEK You can bet it all that"TS"is the Guy-Popular at mail-call. Those "Yes, you see poor old Archibald had been molting on the top of his COURSE folksof his never slip on sending head for a number of years; and just A special Summer schedule- plenty Chesterfields ... and of Shorthand and Typewriting- course being Aces himself, this begins SUBSCRIBE TO THE makes a handsome combination. JUNE 26 AND JULY 10 GOLD BUG Sure, you've got it •.. Combina- Recommended for high school graduates, college students, and tion is what we're leading up to teachers, Also career courses. Sec- •••Chesterfield's ,,, RIGHT COMBINATION GET FLOWERS EARLY retarial diplomas awarded. Ask for Summer School Bulletin MOTHERS DAY WORLD'S BEST TOBACCOS May 14 -STRA YER Stewart N, Dutterer FLORIS'T COLLEGE Pennsylvania Ave. 13th & F Streets NA.1748 Phone 350 WASHINGTON 5, D. C. Carroll Theatre State Theatre WESTMINSTER, MD. WESTMINSTER, MD. Thurs, & Fri" April 27 and 28--- Thursday, April 27- Ida Lupine - Paul Henreid DOUBLE FEATURE "IN OUR TIME" "KLONDIKE KATE" and "MOONLIGHT IN VERMONT" Fri. & Sat., April 28-29- Sat., Apri129~ "SWING OUT TUE BLUES" "SUNDOWN VALLEY" SUIl., Mnn., Tues., Sun., Mon., 'I'ues., April SO-May 1 und 2 April 30--May 1, and 2 Ruth Hussey - Ray Mllland Irene Manning - Dennis Morgan "THE UNINVITED" "THE DESERT SONG" Wed., May S~ Tex O'Brien Wed., Thur s., Fri., Sat., May 3, 4,5,6--- "OUTLAW ROUNDUP" All Star Cast "BROADWAY RHYTHM" Thurs. & Pri. May 4 and 5- DOUBLE FEATURE "TORNADO" Sun., Mon., Tues., Wed., "FLYING THE BLACKMAILER" May 7, 8, 9, 10 Rita Hayworth - Gene Kelly Sat., May 6- "COVER GIRL" Charles Starrett ':RIDING WEST" Thurs, & Fri., May 11and 12- Sun., Mon., Tues." May 7, 8, 9,- Hedy Lamarr - Wm. Powell Randolph Scott FRED WARING'S "THE HEAVENLY BODY" "GUNG HO!" VICTORY TUNES Five Nights a Week all NBC Stations
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