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Library ';[estern Maryland College Civilian Men 'Top Women In Fourth War Loan Drive Contest On Campus WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE February 17, 1944 McDani.I-McKinstry Teem Scores As Runner-Up; Blanch. Ward Third Netting a total of $4,629.35, the Western Maryland Six Graduate In First Mid-Year Class War Loan Drive ended Tuesday evening, as the boys of Ward Hall Fourth easily topped their closest competitor to win the contest with $1,685.90 worth of bonds and stamps. President F. G. H~lIoway Dr. F. R. Bail.y Receives The McDaniel-McKinstry team was runner-up, with a total of Give. Address At Mid- Dr. Of Law Degree In $1,347.35. Representatives of Blanche Ward sold $1,156.85 worth Winter Convocation Eccl.siastic Legislation of bonds and stamps, while the cadets invested $439.j:l5. The six members of the first mid- lum and complete it in less -tirne, Dr. Explanation of the [ow A STP sales Junior Play~r.s To year graduating class in the history Holloway reminded them, "Acceler- lies in the fact that they are partici- of Western Maryland College receiv- ation does not affect time; it .affects pating in their own two month drive. Take Stage On ed their diplomas at mid-winter Con- only your use of it. I am not in fa- vocation exercises in Alumni Hall, on vor of the acceleration of the college _Col. Harrison gponsor Friday morning, February 11. curriculum in normal times, but I Col. T. K. Harrison, sponsor of the Friday, March 3 Those receiving degrees of Bachel- am in favor of the acceleration of our contest, stated that "there was a \ or of Arts at the exercises were How- use of time always. If it has taught splendid spirit 'Of,.cooperation exhib- The Junior Players, under the di- ard Clarence Deeds, James Edward you how valuable time is, and how to ited by everyone 'concerned. The rep- rection of Miss Esther Smith, will Griffin, Robert Thomas Reynolds, use it more frugally, your accelera- resentatives who worked in the book present a program of 'four one-act Elizabeth Anne Billingslea, Kather- tion, in addition to equipping you store did a fine job, and a large ma- plays at 8 P. M. on March 3, in AI- ine Clemson, and Phyllis Ann Green. sooner for useful work, has served an jority of the faculty and students was umni Hall. excellent educational objective. e Doetor or Laws individually represented in the sales Plays to be presented include Up- A degree of Doctor of Laws, Hun- "There are only two things you can of stamps and bonds." liJfting S'adie, a satirical comedy by oris Cu,usa, waa conferred upon Dr. do with time, and you must do one or is, • Five Dollar Prize Alice, C. D. Riley; TMy're No'M of "that he explained; other," the Francis Reed Bailey for his work in Them: Perfect, a comedy by Sophie the field of ecclesiastic legislation. use it or misuse it. It is the most The prize of five dollars, which Col. Kerr; A Rogue I'll, Bed, a Welsh play Speaking before the members of Dr. F. G. Holloway democratic gift God has made. Harrison will award to Dennis Bliz- by Ronald the faculty, the students of the Col- • Unavoidable Crises zard, head of the winning Ward Han Pot Broiler, Elroy Mitchell; and T1w by Alice another satire lege, the Army Specialized Training tention is apparently being given you Although we cannot prevent crises, group, will probably be used for fur- Gerstenberg. Unit Cadets, and relatives and at this time. Apparently, I say, be- Dr. Holloway concluded, we can util- ther equipment in the men's game friends of the graduates, President cause there is no Senior Play, no Gar- ize our time so that we are better pre- room in Hering Hall. Included in the cast of characters Fred G. Holloway delivered the Con- den Party, no Baccalaureate Sermon, pared to meet these crises when they In the college "jeep drive", which in Uplift~'ng Sadw are Charlotte vocation address, after the invocation no Choir Concert, no orchestra, no includes the last two weeks of the na- .Anne Wilkins as Sadm,' Adele Tenny by the Reverend J. Leas Green. . long address, no outside speaker, no "Time is something to be measured tional drive and runs through the end as Jlfiss Cliv,,; Lucinda Holloway as • Unique Class lengthy ceremony. Actually you are not only by days and weeks and of February, Col. Harrison reports Lady Fitz'/'oy; Jean Andrews as Mrs. "You. are unique," Dr. Holloway being given a lot of attention. You months, but by opportunities to be that one jeep has been entirely paid Gatling,' Lillian Jackson: as Mrs. told the graduates. "Yours is the are getting mor-e attention per capita seized, duties to be done, objectives to for, and less than three hundred dol- Price,' Mary Webb as Mi88 Cutti7lJfl,' first mid-year graduating class; the than any graduating class I have be reached. The most significant lars is needed to complete the pur- Anne Winters as MrS. Green,' Jane first class to hold a commencement known." measurement of time is not the calen- chase of the second. Beale as Mrs. Sw:ndisk,' Ann Lassahn with a temperature under 120' F. dar but the accomplishments of men." e Drlve For Ambulance as Miss Blum,' Betty Ann Montgom- Only twice before have fewer appear- e Aceeteeetton _ Additional plans for a further ery as MrtJ. Splurge; Lucy Jane as Dino.k; The C011ege Choir, directed by Prof. ed in a graduating class. . 1875 and Discussing the subject of accelera- Alfred de Long presented an anthem drive to pay for an ambulance have Stoner Smith.; Margy Mary Spalding as as Mrs. J.b·s. Gross 1884. tion, by which the graduates were and assisted with musical parts of not yet been completed, but are being "It seems that relatively little at- able to speed up their college currtcu- Green; the program. prepared for an early release. The cast of Sophie Kerr's play in- cludes Sara Jane Rice as Amanda Patriot's Dance Will Honor Gola Bug Appointments ••. Bartlett,' Roger Thelma Young as McKinley Luev, Mrs. Janice Haines; Washington, lincoln And Virginia Voorhees, former copy Miss Vogel, the former assistant as Julia, Jlfrs. William Moore; Mrs. Jeanie Eckhardt Mrs. George Ryan; as Amy, as Oeaiie, Marjory Her- Little editor of the Gold Bl~U was recently news editor, was elected to that posi- bert Prentice ; Dean Hess as Eve, Roosevelt In Gill Gym promoted to the position of assistant tion in the She has been active in the Mrs. WilbuJ' T9rry; and Don Lewis elections held last staff editor Mar/th, A-manda!s finance. news June as Henry spring. Miss to replace Vogel, who left the Hill at the close position Since October, 1943. A RogM I'll, Bed includes in its Activities Committee Has Announced of the last semester. Previous to her election to the post cast Edward Justice as Unc16 Elias of copy editor, Miss Voorhees as copy Replacing Miss Voorhees was a Carl Hamilton's Orchestra For Event editor of the paper is John Del Vec- staff reporter in her freshman year. Price ; Anita Rue as Hwn7U.lJ!,; Margy Gross as. lIferrnl Llqyd; Mary Spald- Western Maryland students and faculty will pay tribute to chio, a former news editor and honor She was a member of the yearbook ing as Modl-yk J~s; Frances Presidents George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Franklin gr-aduate of the Roosevelt High staff at the McKeesport (Pa.) High Brown as !lfrs. 1I1uri8 The Bakery; D. Roosevelt at the Patriot's Dance to be held in Gill Gymnasium School in Washington. School. Fred Morgan as Captain Hughe$; on Saturday night, February 19, from 8 :00 to 11:45 p. m. (Cont. on page 4, col. 5) The dance will be semi-formal, and music will be provided by Carl Hamilton and his ten-piece orchestra from Baltimore. Because of a lack of transportation facilities, National Symphony Orchestra this is one of the first occasions this Girls' Glee Club year when it has been possible to se- cure the services of an outside orches- To Give Concert tra. The dance is being sponsored by the To Play Beethoven's Fifth Student Activities Committee, con- On February 20 sisting of Dean Katherine Carmich- Hans Kindler Will Direct Sixteen Women To Be ael, Dean L Forrest Free, Lt. George The Girls' Glee Club of Western J. Richards, and Margaret Ann Orchestra For Eighth Included In Program Maryland College will present its Smith. Year On Hill Set For F.bruary 18 mid-winter concert of seasonal sacred. Thomas Bush, who has capably and secular music at the Reformed headed the decoration committee for The National Symphony Orchestra group are sixteen feminine musicians, Church of Westminster on Sunday, many previous dances, is again serv- of \Vashington, D. C., with Dr. Hans more women, than any other major or- February 20, at 4:00 p. m. ing in this capacity for the Patriot's Kindler conducting, will present its chestra Ihas admitted. This unusual Featured also on this program will Dance. The decorations will include eighth annual concert in Alumni Hall arrangement was necessitated- by the be Paul Maynard, .organist and stu- conspicuously-placed American flags on Friday, February 18, at 8:1~ p. m. sparsity of young: men in the music dent composer, who will play Toocato and large silhouettes of the three Dr. Kindler organized the orches- conservatories as a rcsult of the in D Mi1Wt' by Jchan Sebastian Bach, great patriots who will be honored. tra in Washington over thirteen years draft. and an original composition, Chural In the receiving line at the dance ago, although confronted with the The National Symphony Orchestra Benediction., which will be sung by will be President and Mrs. Fred G. fact that four other persons ha-d pre- is the only major symphony which concert woman the choral group. Holloway, Dr. and Mrs. Lloyd M. viously attempted the project and boasts a Margaret assistant a femi- Kuehne; master, At the request of the Reformed Bertholf, Dean and Mrs. L. Forrest failed. He has brought the National Church officials, a seasonal program Free, Dean Katherine Carmichael, Symphony Orchestra to its present nine trombonist, Dorothy .ziegler; and consisting chiefly of Lenten music wiII Colonel and Mrs. Paul J. Dowling, position in the field of music. probably the only orchestra of its kind with a girl oboist, Natalie Hol- be scheduled for the afternoon. There Colonel Gill, and Lt. beorge J. Rich- Born in Rotterdam, Holland,; Hans Hans Kindler lern; and a female trumpet 'player, will, however, be a repetition o'f a few ards and guest. Kindler became a cellist early in life, of the more popular Christmas an- At the request of the Student Ac- and won first prize for cello and pi- The program for tomorrow even- Helen Lundgren: It is the first ma- thems which were perfected by the tivities Committee war stamp cor- ano at the Rotterdam Conservatory ing's concert is as follows: jor orchestra to open its sections, from string to harp to woodwinds and group for an earlier program. sages will be worn instead of the cus- at the age of thirteen. Dr. Kindler Concerto Grosso in D mjnor~ brasses, to the gentler sex. The order of presentation will be as tomary floral corsages. Dean Car- came to America in 1914 to become Bach Uwaldi Paula WisenfeJd, one of the femi- fonow!: michael is making the arrangements first cellist for the Philadelphia Sym- Transcribed for orchestra by Dr. nine members of the orchestra, lived Kindler Ding Dong Merrily French Carol to dance. obtain these corsages for- the phony Orchestra, under the direction Symphony ·in D major, No. 29~ in Munich until the outbreak of the \ of Leopold StokowskL Lo! How a Rose e'er Blooming The admission fee will be the usual In 1929, this artist played 110 con- war, when she fled with her family to Praetorius $1.10 per couple. certs in one season, traveling as far Wolfgang Mozart the United States. She was discov- Good Christian Men Rejoice Miss Alice Kuhn, president of the west as California, and as far east as Waltzes from "Del' Rosenkavalier"- ered by Dr. Kindler after she had German Carol Junior class, has announced that this Java. Dr. Kindler then, however, de- Richard Strauss played with the Chidago' Civic Or- Father Ete'tnal Cesar Franck dance will take the place of the an- serted the cello to start the drive for Symphony No.5 in C minor Op. 67- chestraand Women's - Symphony Or- Holy, Holy, Holy ..Peter Tschaikowsky Ludwig von Beethoven chestra, and became a member of his nual Junio~' Prom held in former a symphony orchestra in our nation's (Cont. on page 4, col. 4) years, Among tlle members of 'this year's musical family a year ago last tali, .
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