Page 26 - TheGoldBug1943-44
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., January 27. 1944 Selecti~e Service He~dquarters The War Dcpartment has an- Western Maryland Major Milton H. Revises DeFerment Requirements nounced that of the Army Air Hendrickson Forces was recently killed in (Cont. from page 1, col. 3) graduate school, and will be admitted action in the China combat to the school upon the completion of area. (Cont. from page 2, col. 4) scarcely be blamed upon OUl' local try, mathematics, pharmacy, physics, his preprofessional work. These stu- - teachers of pedagogy. Don't ask or meteorology. Major iiendl'ickson was a me to write it. These students must be full-time dents must come within the national member- of the class of '38, for- Item two: I have been accused Item foul': I was told by many students in good standing in a recog- quota of fifty per cent of the total mer president of the Pi Alpha of being jaundiced, a sourpuss, a that I had a neck like a giraffe's of pupils number in the graduate nized college 01' university, and must Alpha fraternity, and obtained saturated blanket, and worse. 1 and that it was exposed full length be certified by the institution that schools during the year 1938-1939 or his commission through the ad- should like to point out that I was to the wintry breezes-and, inci- they are competent and give promise 1939-1940. students in- proteesism- vanced ROTC program on the asked to do an article for the local dentally, to the ax. In other words, 4. Graduate of the successful completion of the al schools will be considered for occu- Hill. press, of general interest and on a that I had attacked the adminis- course of study. pational deferment provided they are He was a member of the subject of importance. The editor tration. There i8 a grain of truth 2. Undergradu,a,te sfudent8 who full-time students in good standing, Protestant Episcopal Church. plans a sequence of such articles. here: I admit believing the basic will [1.J·aduu.te u.fte?· July 1, 1944, and and are certified by the institution He is survived by his wife I contemplated a blurb on music, responsibility of the -main office who are majoring in chemistry, engi- that they will continue to maintain a Elise H. Hendrickson, one child, but felt incompetent after Mr. de for everything that happens on the neering, geology, geophysics, or phy- good standing through the completion Meredith Elise, his father and Long's provocative essay. Where campus, and I admit sensing in two 01' three faculty members are sics. of their course. mother, Prof. and Mrs. Dean the matter -of academic standards These students will be deferred if Here at Western Maryland Col- W. Hendrickson and two broth- gathered together, there the sub- a decided aroma ()f piscatorial de- they are full-time students in good lege, Dean Samuel B. Schofield is su- el's, Charles Dean oi Philadel- ject of the standard of scholarship composition. However-the three standing in a recognized college 01' pervising the submitting of requests phia and Robert, a student on at the college is sure to be dis- chief' officers of administration are university and if they are certified by for occupational deferment of the the Hill. cussed. Much good is constantly all exceedingly friendly to scholar- the institution that they will gradu- college students to the National Res- .being said about life on College ship. They will elevate standards ate witMn 24 months from the da.te tel' of the Scientific and Specialized Hill-and should be, for the situa- to the utmost degree that their of eertijicu.tiolJ.. These students must Personnel of the War Manpower tion is generully healthy. I believe wisdom and knowledge of condi- also come within the limits of the na- Commission in compliance with the Mid- Year Elections that growth results only from tions will aUow; they must, of tional quota. new regulations. criticism of botk kinds, hence the course, make the budget balance. selection of my subject. -The head- 3. Undorgra.d1lftte preprofessional Although it is a little early to de- Held By Sororities lines were not my doing; I hoped They are biding their time; I students who are taking courses in termine the new status of each boy on to be allowed to slip unobtrusively merely seck to abbreviate the bid- premedical, prederrtal, preveterinary, the campus as a result of the present At Recent Meeting into my usual second-balcony spot, ing. preosteopathic, Ol' p retheclog-ical fields directive, it seems that a majority of At their weekly Tuesday night but the editor put me in a box. Item five: "Can anything be will be deferred if they are certified the students wiil be unaffected imme- done?" ask many (chiefly teach- by the institution they are attending diately. Most of the preprofessional meeting held Oil January 23, the foul' .C~:'lJ~ ers). 'Yell, a few jagged corners that they will complete their prepro- students have been registered in one sororities on the Hill announced the Item three: I was here con- could be knocked off, but the whole election of various new officers to till fessional course of study within 24 of the professional schools for -some demned, there commended, for at- situation will be saved when the months from the date of ce'rtification, time, and there is consequently little positions made vacant by expiration tacking the Education depart- college acquires a comfortable and if the student has been accepted chance of their immediate drafting, of term, or by students leaving at ment. I had no such intention. I waiting Jist. Such a list was in mid-year. by a recognized ;nedical, dental, vet- unless the national quota is far sur- admire the teachers of the depar-t- rosy prospect prior to the abner- erinary, osteopathic, or theological passed. Elaine Ort who has served as vice- ment both personally and profes- mality of war, and there is every president of Delta Sigma Kappa this sionally. The tenets of the de- reason to hope that it will be at- semester will now fill the role or Swing Your Partner president. Iota Gamma Chi elected partment I do not attack as de- tained when peace returns. the department partmental ideals; Anne Winters as secretary. Miss Win- has incontestably done a fine job • 'U~ Af"_,,u Collegians To Aclopt Hayseecl Ancl ters will replace in February. Macljorman in its field: a~d its ideas are none Farewell, Madame Editor. Since Sabra who graduates Phi Alpha Mu elected an entirely of my business, anyway. But the crowding worthier material from of these your columns, I have had many an extension ideas to the Olcl Clothes For Square Dance" new group of officers. Margaret Ann whole college, the subjugation-in uncomfortable moment. How do Smith is the new president. Assist- the Latin sense-of the general you manage to take it? Reaction to The "sawing of fiddles" and the provide atmosphere through sounds ing her will be Thelma Young, vice- academic ideals to a group of con- me has varied from the ultimate sounds of "swing your partner" will bearing a reasonable facsimile to the president, Grace Dryden, secretary, cepts which seem to me to be ter- accolade of a card from Alumnus be heard in Blanche Ward Gym be- preferred Stradivarians. Mary Spaulding, alumni secretary, ribly damaging, J have opposed for Caleb O'Connor to the degradation tween 8:00 and 10:00 P. M. on Sat- The entertainment will be super- Ruth Callahan, sergeant - at - arms, nine years and shall continue to of having "Slave-Driver" append. urday night, January 29, when the vised in true mountaineer style by Jcan Eddy, chaplain. The new mem- oppose so long as motions of pol- ed to my name on the public bul- Sophomore Class will sponsor a Miss Roeelda Todd, and there will be bel'S of the Sunshine Committee are icy remain debatable in faculty letin-board. I year-n for my dingy square dance. opportunities for the dancers to buy' Anna Rose Beasman, Jean Anderson meetings. A good article, Madame niche of inconspicuity. This is de- The dan_cewill be one of the appre- refreshments with which to replenish and Jane Beall. 'Genevieve Spry will Editor, could be wr-itten analyzing cidedly the last toot from this tin ciated, though few affairs which may their vigor. There will be no charge continue in the office of treasurer. the spread of these epidemic ideas, whistle. Devotedly, be attended in informal costume. for admission, however. Dorothy ROV~C:IIllP is the president- the responsibility for which can JOliN D. MAKOSKY, S.D. Suits, skirts and sweaters, overalls, The committee in charge of the elect of Sigma Sigma Tau. Cordelia ginghams, cottons or what-have-you dance includes: Bonnie Blake, Nina Price as vice-president, Janice McKin- will all appeal' in profusion. Mizell, Bob Adams, Car-roll Doggett, ley, secretary, Virginia Lee Horine, Although actual fiddles were be- and Earl Morey, with Bob Har-r-ison treasurer, Rebecca Larmore, alumni For Personally Particular yond the realm of possibility, the acting as chair-man. Dr. Mudge, Dr. secretary were also elected Tuesday Men The committee has procured the use of a Hildebran, Dean Free, and Dean Car- night. Other new Jfficers arc Doris HEAGY BROTHERS' victrola which will be equipped to michael will be chaperons for the Hines, sunshine messenger and Mary BARBER SHOP Coffman-Fisher Co. event. Louise Reese, sergeant-at-arms. Next to Post Office Department Store Telephone 190 Hours 9 to 7.30 P. 11. -----++---- YOUR HAIR DRESSER INDIVIDUAL PERMANENTS A LARGE VALENTINE WIRE FLOWERS FOR HAVE YOUR Ready-to-wear 91 W. Main Street ALL OCCASIONS Alarm Clock Repaired Sport Wear Carroll Theatre Bldg. SELECTION' Anywhere Everywhere Millinery WESTMINSTER, MD. Alarm Clocks Repaired Nisley Shoes Now on Display Promptly Stewart N. Dutterer Repairs Made on All Kinds of Freeman Shoes Compliments of P. G: CoFFman FLORIST Clocks Clothing PETE'S GROCERY Pennsylvania Ave. At my home 11 East Main St. Times Building Phone 350 HARRY CRUMBACKER 159 W. Main St. 20 Pennsylvania Avenue Phone 102 WESTMINS~ER, MD. Try Our New COLD WAVE Carroll Theatre State Theatre Theo. F. Shaeffer PERMANENT WESTMINSTER, MD." WESTMINSTER, MD. Prices at Popular Thurs., Fri., Sat., Jan. 27, 28, 29 Thurs., Fri., Jan. 27, 28- MASTER PLUMBER' Phone 295 Robert Paige - Louise Allbritton Kathryn Grayson - Gene Kelly Lowry Beauty Shop ''THOUSANDS CHEER" "FIRED WIFE" Plumbing, Heating, Tinning Adjoining Post Office Sun., Mon., Tues., Jan. 30, 31 Saturday, January 29- Contractor Feb. 1. Roy Rogers FROM MUSIC Anne Baxter - Jane Witllcrs "l\IAN MOUNTAIN" AGENT FOR, "NORTH STAR" PIONEER OIL BURNERS, STOKOL STOKER, Compitments Wcdnesday, February 2- Sun., Mon., Tues., Jan. 30, 31- Feb. 1 ROCK WOOL HOUSE INSULATION of "LONG VOYAGE HOME" Edward G. Robinson - "DESTROYERS" Thurs., Fri., Sat., Feb. 3, 4, 5-- T. W. Mather "LET'S FACE IT" Wednesday, February RAIDER" 2- "OKLAHOMA Suu., Mon., Tues., Feb. 5, 6, 7- OFFICE AND SHOW ROOM 92 W. MAIN STREET Nelson Eddy - Claude Rains Thurs., Fri., Feb. 3, 4- ) & I "PHANTOM OF THE OPERA" "THE GOOD FELLOWS" Phone 359-J Sons Wed., Thurs., Feb. 8, 9- Saturday, February 5- WESTMINSTER, MD. Charles Laughton - Binnie Barnes Tim Holt "MAN FROM DOWN UNDER" "COME ON DANGER"
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