Page 25 - TheGoldBug1943-44
P. 25
The Gold Bug, Westet'D Maryland College, Westminster, Md., January 27, 1944 . PAGE THREe FROM "Over-Reied" Martin Team Five Colleges Are Invited • THE· Loses To Green And Gold To A!tend Hill Play Day Vaughn, Wynne and 'I'opfer also per- with each start, Improving steadily STANDS the Green and Gold clad soldiers of formed notably in this contest as the Scheduled For February western Maryland have Wynne, club came to life in general. their won first three starts of the season. Their the tallest Terror eager, is develop- By Fred Holloway victims have been the Ox Brush Com- ing shooting ability which should Basketb.lI, Badminton, Table Tennis And Fencing pany of Frederick, the Waynesboro prove valuable. Again looking forward to the fu- Y.M.C.A., and the Martin Bombers Will B. Among Sports F.atured On Program ture of western Maryland Athletic from the Glenn L. Martin Company • One-Sided Tilt Activities, we might add to the two of Middle River. The ensuing triumph against Ma r- Towson State Teacher's College, Goucher College, Marjorie changes and improvements mentioned ."JHo" and "Joe" Score High tin's, although nice for the eyes of Webster, Notre Dame, and the University of Maryland have been in the column previously, a third one Their last and by fat- the most im- the hometown fans, was not without invited to participate in a play day to be held on the Western Mary- which we think should take place. its disappointments. Coming with land College campus in the latter part of February, under the di- Noticeably lacking on Tenor teams pressive victory thus far was against quite a reputation, the visitors turned rect supervision of the Women's Athletic Association. last Sat~ for the past five or six years has the airplanc manufacturers the score was out to be not much more thnn a group Miss Marie Parker and Miss Roselda Todd, advisers of the Although night. urday been the fighting spirit and real hard- of tired defense workers, who seemed group together with the cabinet announce tentative program plans ness displayed by former squads. 56 to 37 in this tilt not quite as de- to be saving their strength for the which include basketball, badminton, cisive as the rout of Waynesboro, the This is especially evident on the foot- Terrors played better ball ngalnst midnight shift. The game was pretty and table tennis. • Th. ball elevens that have recently repre- well tucked away from the opening Fencing will also b~ scheduled as sented the Green and Gold. stiffer- opposition. The attack was gun. part of the day's activities if ade- Rolling Stone It is very difficult to lay definite led by t.he "Mo" and "Joe" in all quate judges can be obtained for the blame, but rather it seems that it three lilts find has shaped up pretty occasion. (Cont. from page 2, col. 1) punch. should be divided between the player well as ,a two man scor-ing- Mogow- WAA Party Miss Mary Jo Davis, president of Fay MacDonald,' junior: "I agree and the coaches. As far as mentors "Mo" and "Joe" are guards the organization, plans an affair sim- with 1111'. Makosky in saying that A brief resume of the season thus To Be Given are concerned, it is desirable to have ski and O'Keefe respectively. ilar to that which was sponsored by there isn't a scholarly enough attitude one who can easily get along with the the W.A.A. at Towson last year when on campus. The students don't bud- men working with him, and can, at far opens with the pre-Christmas win the women athletes of the College get their time. J don't wholly agree the same time, be firm enough to get over the quintet from Frederick For Frosh were hostesses for a play day in the full cooperation and respect of The floor play was ragged, the shoot- which Western Maryland took part, with him in saying this is a country club, but most kids do put play before the team members. irig off, but the game was a sec-saw Fr-eshman girls will be introduced • Winning Team work." For the part of the players, it seems affair and kent the interest of the to the Woman's Athletic Association The W.M.C. basketball team possible that here, it is undoubtedly fans until the 'final whistle. Definitely at a party given by upper class mem- emerged victorious. Members of the Frank Hurt, Professor of political science: "I read Prof. Makosky's arti- true as it is elsewhere, that many of lacking practice and finesse, the Ter- bers for that purpose on February winning team were Marie Steele, Au- cle with interest. I believe that he them are playing only boca usc of the rors managed t-o control the back- 11 in Blanche Ward Gymnasium at drey Routson, Mildred Hoke, Ruth scholarships they are receiving and board long enough for Ed Mogowskl 8 P. M. . Ann Kittner, Mary Louise Selrrt, Peg called attention to certain aspects of Western at experience not because of any great enthusiasm to hit the cords with the winning shot This party is an annual affair par- Thompson, and Ruth and Reba educational that deserve consideration." Maryland for being- in the game. This is very with a matter of seconds left before ticipated in by all women students, Wentz. Peg Thompson is the only unfortunate because it hinders to a the final whistle. and is the time when the officers of veteran member who is present on .ASTP Cadet largo extent those men who do enjoy e'I'errers Improve the club are presented to the stu- the Hill this year, but there arc peo- Richard Patten, A.S.T.P. cadet: "I participating in the game with whole- When the Y.M.C.A. quintet was dents, find when the functions of the ple OlV campus this year who show agree with him that it's a country hearted earnestness. met after the holidays, a vastly im- group arc explained to all prospec- signs of being equipped to take a club, but you can't tell too much this This same attitude may be applica- proved group of Terror Cagcrs took tive members. prominent part in the games of the year. It's true about the kids picking ble to other types of sports in which the floor. They had polished on: their Featured on the program will be intercollegiate contest of play day. easy courses." Western Maryland participates. What attack and defense and espcclnlly had the final badminton game which will Frances Hall, senior: "This is no process could be used to gain better sharpened up their all-important Anita Rue. Irene country club. I think there's more to - cooperation is very difficult to say, shooting eyes. It was 11 far superior 'higher education' than book 'Iamin'. but again, it is a definite hindrance team in every department as was Beard To Sing In I think that the standards are defi- that should be straightened out. shown by the 72 to 36 score which was nitely regulated by the education de- made against opposition of the same Senior Recital partment so as to be almost detri- caliber as the pre-Holidav game. mental to all other majors." O'Keefe led the scoring parade with Anita Rue and Irene Beard, senior e Classlcs Prof. 16 counters and was followed closely voice students of Professor Alfred William R. Ridington, Professor of by I1Iagowski with 15. Wildstein, DeLong, will be featured in the re- the classics: "There are extremely Miss Marie Parker, cital scheduled for February 1, at 8 few schools which feel that the level WAA Advi$er P. III. in Levine Music Hall auditor- of scholarship of their students is as Day Hop Steals decide the Western Maryland cham- ium. high as it could be. Human nature be- pion. The winners in each class have Anita Rue has chosen for her se- ing what it is, this is, I think, the Cadence From been determined, and these individ- lcctions on the program a variety Disap- of healthy and normal state of affairs. I I which with agree "The include Prof. uals will play in the semi-final match- that numbers Makosky Johannes Serenader," by A Cadet cs before the party date. \ pointed "My Heart Is Weary" by A. should like to sec the level of schol- higher and interests Brahms; larly attainments Given eAwards Also on the program for the even- Goring Thomas; R. Strauss' "All on this campus, and J might add on (Cont. from page 2, col. 5) ing is the presentation of athletic Souls' Day"; "Knock On The Door" almost any other campus in the coun- "what say?" asked my Cadet, in- awards. Those freshmen who have by Cl'ist; and Tchaikowski's "Whether try. As Prof. Makosky points out, it terrupting this one-man-quiz. em-ned five or more athletic points Day Dawns." is up to the student. In other words, "Nothing. J always wake up from will receive their class numerals; Irene Beard will present "Ah, Jc just how scholarly do students want reverie scheming-er-uh, I mean while 'V. !II. monograms will be givell Veux Vivre" from Gounod's "Romeo their institution to be?" screaming." to the upperclassmen who have over et Juliette"; "Canst Thou See Me Un- Olive Cook, senior: "He was just Now, if I were to recount the rcst eight hundred and fifty points. Any forgiven," by Mozart; "Moon-Mark- trying to point out its limitations in Capt. Bruce Ferguson of om' cOllversation, this . column freshman who has regularly attended eting," by Powell WeaVel'; "Come Un- his remarks concerning the education Yellow by Frank Sands" to These would spla~h ovcr, and run onto your hockey or basketbnU practices, en- department. I think most lleople A familiar figure on the campus to dcsk, or the floor, or what have you tel'ed the badminton tournament, or LaFarge; and "l'IIother Dear" by Es- misinterpreted those remarks to be a all the A.S.T.P. trainees and to thc in the line of environmental compo- hiked at least five miles is eligible telle Liebling. slam. The article was 'okay'." upperclassmen is that of Capt. Bruce nents. A word to the wise is suffo- for the award. The party is open to This recital will be Miss Rue's sec- Ferguson. cating, as the adage goes, so I shall all girls who are intcrested in sports. ond musical appearance of the year, SMITH Be REIFSNIDER Capt. Ferguson was a member of just say we spoke of books. And and it will be Miss Beard's first for- Incorporated the class of 1935, and an outstanding when I say "we", the spelling is ii'i. mal reciml of this semester. athlete during his college 'Years. He reality, "me". URAC Campaign Corporal Oliver Spanglcr, former LUMBER-COAL played the unsung role of blocking "Well, I'll be seeing you again member of the faculty, will accom- WESTMINSTER, MD: back and was a definite cog in making soon. I hope," I said. pr.ny both soloists. Bill Shepherd a star. According to Perhaps I am just n suspicious Sara Announces Budget Dick Harlow, he was the greatest Jane, but I wonder if my Cadet Margaret & Earl's blocking back in America for his scratched his head only because it For Coming Year Compliments Students' Center weight. He w~ also outst.·mding as itched. I watched him walk away, of Phone 214-W a member of the basketball quintet. and scratched an eyebrow pensively. (Cont. from page 1, col. 1) When Charlie Havens took over the contributions to the World Student "THE CENTRE" SANDWICHES SOFT DRINKS coaching reins in 1935, he took Fct'gie under his wing as assistant coach of Campus Personality Service Fund. The rest of the money will be used the pigskin-toters and head basket- for leadership training conference be- DRUGS-SODAS ball tutor. He remained in this ca- Wallen Bean yond the campus, recreation programs John Everhart COSMETICS pacity until he entered thc service in and donations to the William G. the winter of 1941. (Cont. from page 2, col. 4) Baker Sunday SchooL The U. R. A. C. THE COLLEGE BARBER It was the night of March 8 of that attemn.ts to provide a well rounded AND BOBBER year at Homewood Field House, when of the Bachelors, but is now a mClll- religious pr'Ogram for the benefit of AT THE FORKS bel' of the newly organized Ser\'ic~ he bowed out as a TelTor coach in a the entire college community. blaze of glory. That was the night Club. \\·hen the lighUy-regarded Ten-or Hc is very intel'csted in social work, hard-wood forwarders, whipped the and would like to combine this with Phone 9 highly touted Loyola Greyhounds in his religious studies, in some SO\·t of ASTU Basketball WESTMINSTER, MD. a mighty Hill victory for the Mason- a profession after the war. character- Concerning his personal Dixon Championship. istics, J might mention that he is very The schedule of ASTU basketball games for the com- • Fergie Returns to Hill quiet and unassuming. And if you ing semester is as follows: Then Ferguson again returned to spoke to his dorm mates, you might \ J. WM. HULL, J.w.l.r the campus in the fall of 1942 after hear that he is one of the "sleeping- The Koppers Company.. . ..January 29 being stationed at the Aberdeen Prov- est fellows" that ever stayed in Ox-Brush February 5 Successor to Cassell's ing Grounds. There he had coached Ward Hall. This; of course, might The Lutheran Theological Seminary.of Gettysburg The Store of New Fashioned February tIle Aberdeen Bombers to national be due to the burning of too much ..February 12 19 prominence as a service quint. His midniglJt oil-but whatever the cause, Glenn L. Martin (second shift) ... Jewelry and Old Fashioned job hel'e was a new one, however- \hey'll also admit il] the same breath Glenn L. Martin Local 738 ........February 26 Honesty that of a memoor of the R.O.T.C De- that Beanie is "one swell guy". And Central Y.M.C.A. of Baltimore .. ................March 4 Times Building March 11 partment. those words give peThaps the most ac- Camp Detrick of Frederick, Md.... East Main St. . But came time for the '43 court curate description of him, and like- All games will be pJayed in Gill Gymnasium. Md. wise the ultiml1te in praise to any stu- Westminster, ~:~~o:ta~~e t~:~~.~as Ferguson again, dent.
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