Page 21 - TheGoldBug1943-44
P. 21
The Gold Bug. Western Maryland College, Wutminster, Md., January 13, 1944 PAGE THREB FROM • THE • Former Terrors Serving Uncle Sam STANDS Well-Remembered Athletes In Land And Sea Forces At Home and Abroad By Fred Holloway Backtracking for a moment, the East-West Shrine football game, played each New Year's Day in San Francisco, is made up of All-Star players chosen from over the nation, to represent their respective "halves" of the United States. In 1934, Wes- tern Maryland was honoreds by having Bill Shepherd, star halfback picked to play on the Eastern team. Though the Atlantic side aggregation bowed in a 1\'1-14 defeat, Shepherd was one of the outstanding players on the field that nfterncon.. And so the Terror star's ability was duly recognized when the Northern California Football Writers Associa- tion placed him as a first-string half- back on the All-time, All-star East- West grid team-a fact of which aU a;'cen and Gold football followers may well be proud . • War Affects Sports With all the upsetting of plans, general confusion, and re-arranging necessitated by the war, one often wonders what change will be made in the setup of the Terrors inter-colle- giate sports program. Two changes that will undoubtedly take place on our Hill will be the in- creased participation in activities by the students, due to a larger program of organized athletics, a direct out- come of the Army system: and sec- ond, the expansion of the staff of our Physical Education Department. The Athletic Department has al- ways been understaffed and with the ending of the war and the returning to civilian life of former directors, this department could be rounded out into a larger, more efficient group. When Charlie Havens was on the Hill, his- duties included Director of Athletics, and Head Football and Baseball Coach. With this system, it was impossible to devote sufficient at- tention to any particular duty to make the results of that duty letter perfect . • Enlarged Coaching Staff Thus, when Havens and the other athletic coaches, now on leave-of- • IN THE ARMY WITH - Bug with URAC Campaign plus the Girls' Finals absence in the services of their coun- The national sports column will return try, return to the campus, in the next issue of the Gold Aloysius ones now carrying on, the staff should Cadet Smallwood as columnist. Open's Tomorrow' style than End Season take on a better operating it ever before displayed. This should The badminton tournament is very (Cont. from page 1, col. 5) --- A. H. WALKER. play an important part in building up neal' completion with all but the Se- Cupicl'sGo/cienArrow ( Cant. from page 3, col. 5) the teams of Western Maryland to nior class winner decided. The Fresh- Geary and Olive Cook, assistant com- their former position as a leader men finals were' between Knight and Makes High Score mittee chairmen: Frances Moles- As a matter of fact, Senator Gold- among the colleges, with the contin- Cassen, with the latter winning. The . A chorus of "Oh's" and "Ah's" and worth, collector for McDaniel Hall; farbe of Long Island did have some- ued policy of non-subsidation. Sophomore champion is Ethel Dun- "how lovely's" greeted the thir-d fin- May Honemann, collector for Blanche thing quite similar happen to him ning, .;"ho defeated Doris Kemp in ger, left hand of many of our Western Ward; Mildred Vanderbeek, collector once. III that instance, however, the Western Maryland has. crowned her Jast set, while the Juniors' de- Maryland co-eds on their return from for McKinstry Hall; and Wallen dollars were real silver ones; and they many heroes on the gridiron, on the ciding match was waged between Kit- the Christmas holidays. Thirteen Bean, collector for Ward Hall. had been affixed to his bathing-suit hardwood, on the canvas, and on the ty Waring and Gail Lodge with the new engagement rings have made The United Religious Activities by his niece, 'Who was a ghastly child, diamond, and they are also contribut- latter carr-ying off the honors. their appearance on the campus to Council is the main coordinating with bits of bubble gum. I forget agency for the religious and social ac- ing their share on the field of battle. A tournament among nine of the show that their owners have become just how she contrived to put the This column, and every faithful Wes- best players ended the fencing sea- victims of the lovebug , tivities on the campus. Tne council is dollars on while he was sitting down. tern Marylander, pays tribute to an son and established Donna Duvall as Mary JO Davis is engaged to Harry made up of representatives from all I think she dug a tunnel. of the religious and social groups on outstanding member of the class of the first Western l'IIar~nd champion P. Cochrane, Petty officer 3rd. class. the campus, including the William G. .Y & W Hide Issue '39, a towering "hulk" of humanity duelist. This was the first winter the Proving that roommates stick tog cth- And then, beneath this picture, one the Student well over six feet, Capt. Joseph athletic department included fencing er, Jane Hughes received a ring from Baker Sunday School, the Inter-Soc- finds the terms "Ambulacral and In- Christian Association, O'Leair. Joe, a varsity member of as a W.A.A. sport. The others par- Robert F. White and Barbara Randall or-ity Council, the Men's and women's tcrambulacral Zones". This is clear- the football and golf teams, made the ticipating in the final bouts were became engaged to Sgt. Stephen W. ly an attempt on the part of Funk Student supreme sacrifice. in the Battle of Jeannie Eckhardt, runner-up; Doris Peace. ulty. Governments and the fac- and his pal to obscure the issue. By Bougainville, in the South Pacific, .in Kemp, Millie Lloyd, Mindel Seltzer, • Most Recently Engaged means of this subtle machination, the November of last year. Ellie Marsh, Ruth Callahan, Kitty One of the most recently engaged • The -------- reader is duped into turning to the Also due for recognition is Kenneth Waring, and Bonnie Blake -. couples is Frances V. Wahman and "A's" or anywhere else. But the trap Bills recently retired as a Captain be- Cadet Alger Zoff, Jr., a member of Rolling Stone is sprung. Our gullible reader be- Kenny, now teach- Court Sextets cause of wounds received in the battle ASTU on the Hill. Jean Shenton is comes so absorbed in the Aments pic- for North Africa. engaged to Clifford Campen. ____ By Connie Stone ~ tured in the next column, that his in- to the To Practice ing school in New York, was a fine Mildred Lloyd received a ring from dignation regarding flat urchins is grid back, contributing greatly Pvt. Walter C. West. Pvt. West was (Cont. from page 3, col. 1) considerably cooled, if not altogether upset of Wake Forest in 1938, and Doris Kemp, basketball manager formerly a member of the Army have around any house. forgotten. He spends the rest of the was also a member of the basketball for the Women's Athletic Association, Specialized Training Unit at Western Best joke of the whole situation day trying to figure out the difference and baseball squads. Maryland . was a would-be glamour girl who between staminate Aments and pistil- announced that practice was to begin • Terror Athlete Decorated this week with organized games plan- e Students Past and Present found herself with the only two male Jate ones. Still another outstanding alumnus ned for the future. Ruth 1. Miles is now the fiancee of vounteers assigned to the dlshwaster. • Dictionaries Doubtful is Capt. Eddie Elder who received the The Senior Class team of last year Lt. William Prettyman. one of last The steam made her makeup streak any So here we are. from If we can draw evi- the conclusion scant Silver Star for gallantry in action in retained the crown for several seasons year's graduates. Virginia Lee Hor- clown-fashion and as her hair drooped the Mediterranean theater. He was a and many are anxious to see who will ine is engaged to Naval Aviation Ca- it changed from the Shirley Temple dence presented, it would appear that as picture- are all right dictionaries trfple- threat pigskin toter and cap- be their successors. It would seem det Charles Harris a former student to the Mortimer Snerd variety. Re- books, but are to be regarded with tained the team in '40... that the Sophomores are the most her-e. .Sara Jane Rice has announced sult: one mortified girl, two derisive So one could continue to render likely, since they were the runners- her engagement to Cadet Alvin Walk- and highly amused boys. suspicion as works of reference. Per- tribute to the O'Leairs, the Bills, the up last year. However, they have er of Aloysius fame. Best sport I've heard of is Ann sonally, I intend from now on to rely Elders, the Lewis's, and the Adolph's, lost two valuable guards, Ruth and To prove that leap year isn't neces- Cain, freshman, who gave twelve upon my own nativc intelligence in of spelling and definition. horu-s of her time Sunday to help re- all matters who were all once a part of our own Reba Wentz. sary, Jean Lee Phillips, Edna 'Haller, But I have babbled too long. So Western Maryland organization. But Practices are now planned for Tues- Louise Ridgely and Thelma Younx lieve the tight situation. Anyone who they'll all be back, if only in spirit day, Wednesday, Thursday, and Fri- also became engaged in 1943, and last spends twelve hours of one day in a now, until I see you all again, I shall , and once again the good 01' Hill wilJ day, with those on Tuesday and year's Gold Buc editor, Alvin H. Lev- hot kitchen ought to get the Army- close with sincerest regards and fer- in the vent prayer for yourhappiness rock to the strains of "Fight! W.M. Thursday beginning about ten after in announced his engagement to Miss Navy "E".......-Qrbetter still, just the new year. Army and "that gravy in the Navy." C!" five. Selma Cooper.
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