Page 22 - TheGoldBug1943-44
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland ,College, Westmimter, Md .. January 13, 1944 Western Maryland ... Gold Bug Service ••• eolk;e(jlt, e~ eu Officers of the various social and Norman Core/on religious organizations on the Hill By are cordially invited to make use and publica- newspapers of the Prof: John D. Makosky tions which reach the Gold Bug aerv, office through our exchange (Cont. from page 3, col. 4) these are only a few of the countless ice. evidences of student disinterest in the Valuable suggestions may pos- dropped or altered at the whim of the world of the mind. Before such an sibly be gotten from the pages of student-he didn't know it would be attitude, few teachers indeed can these periodicals. You are urged so hard, the hour is inconvenient, the pump up constant enthusiasm and to see Lillian Jackson or Dennis professor sarcastic, etc.-and the year-after-year presentations of schol- Blizzard for further information weaker students arc allowed to try arly worth. concerning office hours. here and there like frantic rabbits Students-Though the deplorable - seeking the gap in the fence which state of education is most inescapa- guards the A.B. cabbage leaf. The bly obvious in .the undergraduate institution's intellectual morale takes light- Hindu Friend Of a banging rather steadily on this body, I find their responsibility They take the college as they est. front. find it, and if an atmosphere of intel- Gandhi- On Hill Paeulty-c-I consider the faculty absorption curiosity, members to possess, personally, ad- lectual is aignificant of , in the fields of in what mirnble scholarly qualities. It would study, if care and thoroughness and Friday, Jan. 14 take a collection of supermen, under honesty in matters of the mind were present conditions, to hold unflinch- what they encountered as they passed (Cont. from page 1, col. 4) ingly to the intellectual ideal. One intimately with Gandhi at this ti'me force antagonistic to scholarly work under the arch, there would he few and later followed him to India where dissenters from this way of life. is the desire for the full classroom. Raman became a free' lance newspa- Our students collectively have an • 'k/I.oi .. lI"""'- perman. aversion for study; as a result they If the college feels bound to offer He returned to London to become go where they need do as little of it the activities program of a Universi- editor of the Congress newspaper, as possible. ty (there each student attends only The Hindw;tan TimelJ. At the pres- .11)"""""'k/~ 'in a few things and his schedule stays be ent time, he is the London editor of proportion) students can the Not all crowded classrooms are the blamed'? If soft and friendly courses the largest Indian-owned news organ- result of low standards, of course, but beckon towards the haven of 90% ization, the United Press of India. there is a trend in that direction. An- of undergraduates, a C without work, As a lecturer and newspaperman, other unfortunate faculty weakness is can they be critized for following? Mr. Raman has traveled extensively Bass-baritone of M-etropolitan Opera fame who will give a the desire to be thought a human, in the United States. During these likable person. Every teacher pre- • 11)"",J~ lIlude..U trips, he has written' numerous ar- concert January 24 at Westminster page High School. (See story fers giving good grades to bad. Even so, I think one would expect ticles about this country for India. 1) Liking his students, understanding -more. There are honor courses, but Politically, Mr. Raman has always the hectic whirl they live in, he has few registered in them; there are only been known for his strong right wing every sympathy for their predica- a few students who browse in the Congress views. at the I ASTP ••• menta; he tends to think that they library; only a handful of students T. A. Raman was in Paris don't do so badly under the circum- read on beyond their assignment time of the invasion of France and stances. He grades C for D work, B through interest in what has been talked with Blum, Laval, Mardel and (Cont. from page 1, col. 5) months which will be something like for C. Exit scholarship, weeping. A studied, scarcely any feel anything Daladier. A Nazi radio campaign April 1, the present third .term class the traditional Military Ball. To sup- third opponent that throws the facul- but the most tolerant superiority- for was launched against him after his will leave. Twenty-five to thirty pel' plement their official capacity on cam- from ty for a bad loss is what might be the past; hardly a student is drawn broadcast of France London concerning cent of this group will go to advanced pus, the Cadets still have their bas- the peril and the Allies. called "general student attitude". to ideas for their own sake, or to [it- This campaign charged that he was Engineer training school, a few will ketball team which will play its first its • .bt.ui-i,tlltdude erature for ask - intrinsic every thing- not Indian and circulated a fictitiofS enter O.C.S, and the rest will return game of the new year on Saturday qualities. 15. night, January ' to troop duty. all Nearly of The little groans when the assign- "What's the usc of it'?" By- which biography of him. A new course is being offered to ment is given out, the uniform un- they mean, "How will it help me earn There will be no admission charge the Cadets this term. It is an En- willingness to investigate material a living'?" for the lecture. gineering drawing course with a six recommended but not required, the hour lab. Three new instructors have Compliments of applause accorded entertainment as • ReiJPeHdl "'" lI';' been engaged to teach it. The N.w preferable to instruction, the delight And as I write, I doubt. Maybe a A new occurrence on campus will in classes missed, the lack of curiosi- country club - church - canteen-culture American Restaurant ty about, and interest in things of in- center is a nobler, more useful insti- KEEP ON- -- - - - • be an A.S.T.P. dance held every three tellectual consequence, the pig-under- fiition than a college. Shouldn't I re- gate squeals when a searching test is nounce flunking the incompetent, tell :~7luA'IIbI:/: administered, the absorption in the more jokes, shorten--or maybe alimi- John Everhart grade and everything thereunto ap- nate-c-asaignments, give only C's - or • WITH WAR BONDS Th, pertaining, the contentment with the better, and stop insisting that stu- THE COLLEGE BARBER low C as a standard of achievement, dents know what's said in lectures- AND BOBBER Coffman-Fisher Co. the injured resentment when a D oc- or attend them. I suspect I should- AT THE FORKS Department Store curs, the incredulous amazement that life would be so much pleasanter. Per- the instructor expects detailed com- haps Mr. Hendrickson wilt buy my --++-- prehension of assignments read- red pencil. Westminster Laundry J. WM. HULL, Jeweler Ready-to-wear Both students and faculty members are u1'ged to answer Pro- 67 E. Main St. Sport Wear ieeeor Makosky's challenging statements by submitting written Successor to Cassell's Millinery copies 01 their reoiiee to the Gold Bug office not late?' than Januar'lj -- the Store of New Fashioned Nisley Shoes 24th. DRY CLEANING Jewelry and Old Fashio:,'-ed Freeman Shoes Honesty Clothing Margaret & Earl'; Compliments AND of East Main St. II East Main St: Students' Center BONSACK BROS. LAUNDRY SERVICE Westminster, Md. Phone 214-W Times Building Phone 102 SANDWICHES SOFT DRINKS SODAS tUNCHES - SMITH & REIFSNIDER COMPLIMENTS Incorporated VALENTINES of Carroll Theatre State Theatre LUMBER-COAL WESTMINSTER, MD. WESTMINSTER, MD. WESTMINSTER. MD. for Everybody Ko-Ed Klub Thurs., Fri., Sat., Jan. 13, 14, 15 Thut-a. and Fri., Jun. 13 awl 14 Chester Morris - G. E. Stone Olsen and Johnson For Personally Particular At -- ,. "CHANCE OF A LIFETIME M,. "CRAZY HOUSE" HEAGY BROTHERS' Coffman's Card Shop 52 W. Main Street Sat., January 15 BARBER SHOP Westminster, Md. Sun., Mon., Tues., Jan. 16, 17, 18 Wild Bill Elliott Next to Post Office. Opposite Bus Terminal ~ "THE GANG'S ALL HERE" "OVERLAND MAIL ROBBERY" All Star Cast Sun., Mon., 'I'ues., Jan. 16, 17, 18 Phone 283 84 E. Main St. KEEFER'S MARKET OPEN AN ACCOUNT Wed. and 'I'hurs., January 19, 20 Richard Dix Free delivery Fruits WITH Basil Rathbone - Nagel Bruce "FIWNTIER BAD ]\fAN" Monday Groceries Comphments - 'SPIDER WOMEN" Wednesday and Wed., Jan. 19 The Tom Conway - Jean Brooks Friday Afternoons Meat Colonial Jewelry Co. of hi. and Sat., Jan. 21, 22 Thurs. and Fri., Jan. 20, and 21 "FALCON AND THE CO-EDS" am WATCH REPAIRING T. W. Mather Sun'., Mon., 'I'ues., TO LIFE" "GANGWAY BROADWAY" ON Donald O'Connor DRUGS--SODAS Count Baste and his Orchestra Double Feature ''TOP !\IAN" COSMETICS EXPERT JEWELRY FOR TOMORROW" AND Jan. 23, 24, 25 "GILDERSLEEVE & Dick Powell- Mary Martin "TRUE -- Sat., Jan. 22 "MARTIAL 34 W. Main St. Jan. 26, 27, 28, 29 "THOUSANDS CHEER" Phone 9 Westminster, Md. Sons Wed., Thurs., .Fri. and Sat., Sun., Jan. 23 GUN SMOKE" WESTMINSTER, MD. Phone 303 All Star Cast "WE'VE NEVER BEEN LICKED"
   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24   25   26   27