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Library 'Jestern llf.aryland College F~~;thSW~~Loan Drive To Open On Campus In Stamp-Bond Contest Col. Harrison And Gold Bug Vol. 21 No.5 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE January 13, 1944 Promote Month', Program In co-operation with the National Fourth War Loan Drive to be held between January 18 and February 15, a bond and stamp- Request For Aid ... URAC Campaign Chairman selling contest will be staged on the Hill, sponsored by Col. T. K. Mary Turnley, editor of the 1944 Harrison, and the Gold Bug. Aloha, announced today that an ex- Despite the large number of resident students and facUllty pensive camera, belonging to Cadet Announces January 14 As members on the campus, the amount of War Bonds and Stamps Edward Rosenthaler, has been re- sold during the last three or four ported missing since the Christmas months is far below the amount that holidays. Second Annual 'Tag Day' Widow Of Late would ordinarily be expected from a The Aloha photographic staff has community of this size. been using the camera for its work in Ruth Miles And Committee Wm. McDaniel Gold Miss Lillian Jackson, Editor of the providing illustrations for the year- Plan Finance Drive Week "Even asserted Bug, that has book, and, until the instrument though we on the Hill are compara- been recovered, this work will have Ruth Miles, chairman of the financial campaign of the United Dies Suddenly / tively sheltered from the more pain- to be suspended. ful aspects of the war, we are none All members of the student body Religious Activities Council, today announced that the organiza- Mrs. William Roberts McDaniel, the less obligated to contribute what- and the faculty are urged to aid in tion had set $500 as the goal "for its annual drive for funds, which widow of the late Dr. William R. Me- ever resources lie within our power to the search for the camera, so that will be conducted between the dates of January 14 and 21. Daniel, who served as vice president the successful and victorious culmi- photographic work for the Aloha can Miss Miles stated that the drive would start with the second and treasurer of Western Maryland nation of the war." resume as soon as possible. annual "Tag Day" on January 14, and would be followed up by a College, and- also as ex-head of the e Ccmmlttee Members Department of Mathematics and As- On the committee which will con- week of active soliciting of all fac- tronomy of the College, died at the duct the campaig'n are the three ulty members and students on the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ober house presidents of the girls' dormi- Hindu Friend Of Gandhi To Discuss Hill. Herr, in Westminster on Monday tories. These include Elaine Ort, of "Tag Day", instituted last year at morning, January 10. Blanche Ward Hall ; Beverly Slecum. Present Political Situation In India the time of the organization's cam- paign by John C. Rawlins, the famed .Graduated 1884 McDaniel Hall j and Millie Vander- _ T. A. Raman, Hindu newspaper will be present in Alumni Hall on "Rock of Seaford," gets its name beek' McKinstry Hall. 'Dennis Bliz- The youngest daughter of John and Friday, January 14, at 7:30 p. m., to from the fact. that persons donating Caroline Smith of Wakefield, the for- zard will conduct the drive in Ward man and friend of Mahatma Gandhi, give a survey of the present political to the campaign on this day receive Hall, and Don Griffin in the Semi- mer Ada R. Smith, Mrs. McDaniel nary. The cadets will also be repre- situation between India and Britain. small tags which will signify the re- was a member of the class of 1884. sented on the committee. Mr. Raman, who is sponsored by ceipt of their contribution. Her-father was a benefactor and one • Contest on Team Basis the Institute of International Educa- e Donatfons • of the original trustees of the Col- The contest will be run on a team tion, advocates, in Britain, Indian Donations to the fund will be solic- le,ge. Two other sisters, Mrs. Clara basis, with the r-epresentatives from self-determination. Although a na- ited during "Tag Day" at the two Billingslea and Mrs. Martha S. Fenby McDaniel and McKinstry Halls form-' tive of India and a member of an old doors of the dining hall, and in the also graduated from Western Mary- ing one team, representatives from Brahmin family, he does not hesitate respective dormitory offices. land. - to express both sides of the question The money collected in this drive Blanche Ward Hall forming another, • Wedded 1895 and men from Ward Hall and the and his speech will contain an esti- will be used for several purposes. Among these are the annual publica- On November 21, 1895 she married Seminary forming the third. The mate of the prospects for the solving tion of the Freshman Handbook, the the late Dr. McDaniel. Their only cadets will be represented by a fourth of the current problems. costs of activities engaged in during daughter, Dorothy S. McDaniel, was team. e Lawyer, Newspaperman the Freshman Orientation Week, the born two years later. Most of Mrs. Stamps will be sold in the post of- After being educated in Madras Christmas Pla'y, the various speakers McDaniel's activities were centered fice by dorm representatives between and London, Mr. Raman qualified for who come to the regular meetings of around Western Maryland, which she the hours of 1 P. M. to 1:45 P. M., 4 the bar. Following graduation from the member organizations, the World served as a loyal alumnus. P. M.-6 P. M., and 6:30 to 7 P. M. A King's Coilege, he attached himself Student Service Fund, and several Mrs. McDaniel was in perfect prize of five dollars will be awarded to the staff of- Mahatma Gandhi, who other activities of a religious or so- health until a few weeks ago when to the team selling the highest was in London as a member of the cial nature which take place on the she suffered a heart attack: She had amount of bonds and stamps. Round Table Conference. He worked Hill. apparently recovered, but a recurring If a girls' team wins the' contest, T. A. Raman {Cent. on page 4, col. 3) • Personal Contact attack caused her death on Monday the money will go into the dormitory morning. fund of the winning group. If the Between the voluntary pledging on will She is survived by one sister, Mrs. men's team wins, the money equip- Kitchen Staff Walks Out, Leaving "Tag Day" and the close of the cam- Clara Billingslea of Westminster, her probably, be used for further paign, representatives of the council will contact personally each boarding daughter, Mrs. Dorothy Herr, mem- ment in the game room in Hering on campus and will ber of the class of '18, her son-in-law, Hall. Posts To Be Manned By Novices student at that the time any individual answer Mr. Ober Herr and two grandchil- In a surprise move, a portion of the assistants, Mrs .. Charles Kelley and questions. Members of the committee dren, Ober Herr, Jr. and William Mc- Men's Group Will Be college kitchen staff staged a walkout Mrs. Helen Harbaugh, commend this include Ruth Miles, chairman; Joe Daniel Herr. on Friday, January 7, at 5:45 P. M. spirit and work of the volunteers. (Cont. on page 3, col. 3) The funeral was held on wednes-, Known As Kappa Pi Thirty minutes before the civilian Miss Daisy Smith, head of the Home day, January 12 at 2 P. M. from her dinner hour, twenty-five of the em- Economics Department,' has assisted daughter's home. The Rev. Mr. Low- Alpha Brotherhood mild' ASTP Begins in ell S. Ensor, pastor of Westminster Seven freshman pledges will be ad- ployees left their posts, refusing to strike. the dining hall since the return to work. Methodist Church, Dr. Fred G.'Hollo- mitted to the Hospians' Kappa Pi Al- way, president of Western Maryland pha Brotherhood at formal initiation e wage Adjustment Cause .4A~c::d~~P~:y~~ ~~;~el B. Scho-. Third Term College, and Dr. Charles E. For-lines, exercises Tuesday night, Dennis Bliz- All of the cafeteria help.ethe bakery former president of Westminster zard, president of the club announced workers and the dishwashers partici- ~::~et:e~~ll o:ot a::i~!:~~a~~~~h ::I~ On Hill Theological Seminary, officiated. pated in the strike. The dissatisfac- today. tion of the kitchen staff arose as a re- lectively. Workers may return indi- William Turner, Williams Hawkins, sult of necessary payroll adjustments vidually to regain their jobs on terms The Army Specialized Training Dramatic Art Students Frank Middleton, Irvin Rudy, Floyd which were-made at the beginning of of the payroll adjustments previously Unit at Western Maryland changed College has returned, under slightly Will Present Recital Cantrell, Redmond Davis, and Edward the new year. made. The administration intends to conditions, after having completed Oushen are the pledges of the organi- make no wage compromise. The vacancies have been temporar- walkout Flash-The was officially Friday, January 2J zation. Elected ily filled by approximately 53 stu- ended when kitchen staff members re- two successful academic terms, and a .Officers seven day furlough. The..officers of the club, elected from dents plus faculty members who have turned for army breakfast, Thursday, .250 Return • The first senior dramatic art re- the eleven charter members at the volunteered their services. Miss El- Instead of the usual three hundred citals of the year will be presented by first meeting, are: Dennis Blizzard, len Davis, the new dietician, and her January 13. men, only two hundred and fifty are five women students on Friday, Janu- president; William Harrington, vice- returning: fifteen of these belong to nary 21 in Alumni Hall at 8 P. M., president; Peck .Bond, secretary; the advanced R. O. T. C.; eighty-three Miss Esther Smith announced today. Robert Ad- Norman Cordon Scheduled to the second term class which start- Dorothy Armacost, Margaret· Ann Thomas Bush, treasurer; ed last October 12; and one hundred Smith, Dorothy Clark, Beverly Sla- ams, chaplain; and Allen Poffenberg- sixty-foul' belong to the third term er, sergeant-at-arms. cum and Josephine Branford are the .. The Kappt Pi Alpha part of our As Concert Series Artist class which started last July 12. The seniors who will participate. The cut in the number of men was made program will be composed of readings name signifies the embodiment of the Norman Cordon, brilliant bass- ly successful, and led in the fol- by the Army, which has decreed that from well-known plays. purposes and ideals of the Hospians," baritone of the Metropolitan Opel'a lowing years to the Metropolitan only three thousand new men arc to Miss Armacost will be remembered Blizzard explained. So much of the Association will be featured in t~ where he joined other promising be accepted for A. S. T. P. for her appearance as Sister Theresa organization within the club has tak- second of the Community Concert young singers in presenting concerts The top men in their classes at the in "Ladies In Retirement" and in en place during the past month that series to be presented in the West- during the spring season. It was end of the last term were J. A. Cipoy "Stage Door", last year's play. Pre- it hasn't begun to function for the minster High School Auditorium at not long before his acclaim brought of term two with all A's and one B viously seen in "The Tragic Christen- school, although its leaders are pre- 8:15 Monday evening, January 24. him a full-time job in the regular and Martin Burrus of class three with ing" and "Stage Door", Miss Clark paring to perform an essential, but Metropolitan personnel. all A's and one B. • and Miss Branford interpreted the inconspicuous, service for future .Early Training Since that time Mr. Cordon has be- .15 Qualify for.AAC roles of Louisa and Emily Creed in chapel services, dances, parties, and Mr. Cordon was born in Washing- come famous in recital, concert, and the.,Thanksgiving production. general social gatherings. ton, North Carolina, ayd receive~ his radio artistry, and has been engaged Of the fiity Cadets who left \V.M.C. A veteran of three college dramatic With the cooperation of Dean L.. earliest training, like most Amartcan- by the Teatro Colon, in Buenos Aires. last term, fifteen of them qualified for productions, "Stage Door", "Tragic Forrest Free, faculty advisor of the bred singers, in the church choir. During his first four years he sang the Army Air Corps, and were sent to Christening", and "Ladies In Retire- Hospians, the club has succeeded in While at the University of North 297 performances of 43 roles, creat- Florida and Oreensborough, North ment", Margaret Ann Smith will give acquiring a private club room for its Carolina, he 'played the saxophone ing a record in that field. Carolina. These Cadets were Frank a serious reading. Beverly Slacum, meetings. This room is located on the and sang in a male quartette, after- .Diversified Roles Snyder, Dave Wenzell, William Leuk- a member of the cast of "Stage Door", first floor of Old Ward Hall. wards devoting himself to serious While appearing with the Metro- hardt, Stanley Miller, Richard Wil- played the role of Leonora Fiske in .First Members ~u~~stct ::~~~~::~~o ~:n~~;:.t~~ politan Opera he has portrayed the liams, James Wilson, A. Dudley, Clar- ence Gerity, Thomas Horsley, Donald this year's Thanksgiving play. diversified roles of Mephistopheles in The other members of the senior th;~~u~~s:I~~:p':~~a~s!:~~:: ~:~ also studied for two years with Had- "Faust", Kezal in "The Bartered Merrill, and Jack Taylor. ~ dramatic art class, Dorothy TJlrush, len Bean, Emory Gross. Edward Jus- ley Outland. Bride", Commendatare in "Don Gi- Other men went into combat troop Thomas Bush and Anita Rue, will give tice, and Harry Mattax, who were ac- .Debut Successful ovanni", and many others of the As- units, or replacement centers. On their recitals on April 7. cepted at thE:!,J."nuary 7 meeting. His debut in. opera was high- sodation's v~rsati1e program. (GQnt. on page 4, col. 4)
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