Page 20 - TheGoldBug1943-44
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland. College, WeatmilUlter, Md., January 13, 1944 A Duly And A Privilege citizens of the United States of Ameri~'''' can we do? Drive". We shall do more than hear Each one of us has it in his power to and read it; we shall back that drive We have a tendency to think of our- . Whether in uniform or civilian buy and sell war stamps and bonds-lO and follow through with private cam- selves as a group apart from all others; clothes, we are called to serve our na- cent stamps, even if no other variety. paigns such as "Miss a sundae; unite a a self-sufficient unit composed of West- tion at the present time and put Mars It is not necessary to be liberal in family." ern Maryland College students, and tied to ·flight so that the gentler Minerva buying. The amount of money spent in This is our chance to get the glorious to no other overseeing body. We may once more come into her own place a week on confectionery products and feeJing that accompanies "belonging should, however, think of ourselves as in the world. cokes by the average college student to" an outstanding group; this is our , a group which plays a small part in the It is not our place, civilians, to with- would be sufficient to help bring the chance to show our deep thanks for the successful functioning of many larger draw from college and take up duties war to a quicker and happier ending privilege of being students in war units. in the armed forces; it does not behoove than one can easily conceive. times as serious as these, ' Participate in the Fourth War Loan The second sentence is a morale cadets to feel that the only service to be We are tremendously involved in the by buying stamps and bonds in the Col- builder, as well as a statement of bare rendered is that which is being given on situation of our States, for their future fact: a morale builder, because we all the battlefronts. rests upon our shoulders. We recognize lege Book Store between the dates of like to be considered essential to some We have m..uch to do, here on cam- our position as American youth, and January 18 and February 15. This is a duty, and a privilege. larger organization; a statement of fact pus, and we must not be willing at this put it above all other temporal offices. because we comprise a community of time. to simply stand and wait. What We hear and read "Fourth War Loan _-_ ~:~~y~i!i~~~ common usage favored "i" or "e" in envelopingly this year. Any girl who ceiving; two, that this best be evalu- First, th~ development of the mind trative softness has encouraged intel- the spelling of "subject", I came, quite can look cute in one of those affairs ated on a standard that has reference is placed here on a level with the de- lectual irresponsibility. Courses are by accident, across an enchanting used in the college kitchen has my to that of other colleges-an absolute velopment of the religious, social, (Cont. on page 4, col. 1) study of the Sand Dollar, Partly De- vote for "the girl most likely t.o suc- nuded of Spines. ceed." .Remarkable Creature The Joe Colleges, too, have learned Now, regardless of whether or not how to wield a mean dish cloth, and Campus Personalily Turnley the dictionary people were justified show signs of being handy people to in depicting said organism in such a (Cont. on page 3, col. 4) state of deshabilJe, the very fact that By Lucinda Holloway, Feature Editor the Dollar can get along at all in that condition is somehow remarkable. Im_ THE GOL.D BUG Responsibility for presenting the attended that same conference," shc she worked on the Gold Bug. The agine having so many spines that you could still sit for a portrait after hav- Ollici&l &tudenl uewsp&per of "~e.tMn Mar)" glory that is Western Maryland related. "We didn't even know each next year she devoted her literary ing been Partly Denuded of them by l.nd College. published .emi·monthly. on through the medium of the Aloha other at the time, though." ability to the Aloha; now she is the Thursday. during Octobor. November. Janu· edito,·. She is also an officer in the Funk and Wagnall. ar;r. February. March. Bud April. Rnd monthly rests' this year upon the capable • Unnatural Natural History ~e~~~ga.sSa~~eor;:~er~la~:c~~~:~ ~~dJ!:t';'in~:' shouldcrs of Mary Turnley, its edi- Home Economics Club and the secre- Be that as it may, however, I find Post office. under the Act of Manll S. 1879. tor-in-chief. tary of the Delta Sigma Kappa. Ma- here elements of inadequacy and eva- Subscription Price $2.00 a Year The lamb of Mother Goose lore joring in home economics and sociol- sio~ which I fllel it my duty to point would have a hard time following og~', Mary's name appears frequently out. According to the definition our pet Editor-In-Chief LiIlian Jackson, '45 this Mary. Born in Keyser, West on the Dean's list. Her name will ap- is "any small sea-urchin. found on Managing Editor Mary V. Webb, '45 Virginia, she moved from one town to pear for permanent record in the sandy bottoms". This strikes me as News Editor Bob Adams, '45 another so many times that prior to 1943-1944 edition of Who's lVlw Assist. News Editor June Vogel, '4.6 college days shll had never stayed A mong Students in A 11l€ricw~ Uni- pretty meager acclaim to bestow, af- ter having caused the poor creature Feature Editor ..Lucinda Holloway, '45 more than three years in anyone versities altd Colleges. She was onll so much inconvenience and discom- Sports Editor school. Her present home is in Graf- of sevcn students to be so honored. Dorothy Rovecamp, '44 ton, West Virginia. o Bridge Fan fort. And this business of sandy bot- Copy Editor Virginia Voorhees, '-16 .Graduate of Alleghany High Mary has plenty of fun, too, as she toms. From the vague allusion quoted, one might expect,_ upon aris- Cadet Editorial Council: She was graduated from Alleghany goes along. She likes to write letters, Martin Burrus, Howard Gillkeson, High School, Cumberland, Maryland. play bridge, dance, swim, and listen ing from the beach, to find a herd of clinging tenaciously the little beggars Stuart Massie, Harvey Smallwood. While 'there, she was activc in many to Tommy Dorsey's orchestra. Her to the seat of his trunks. Business Manager extra-curricular activittes including favorite foods are strawberry up- Dennis Blizzard, '45 the school paper, the French Club, sidedown cake and banana splits. (Cont. on page 3, col. 5) Advertising JUanager and several musical groups. She got Her plans for the future are not Nevin Lindsay, '47 her first smell of "printer's ink" when definite. However, she states em- Circulation Manager editing the school paper. , phatically: Interceptec:l Letter ••• Catherine Waring, 45 She recalls with particular pleasure "When I get rich, I'm going to do- Dear He~en; Contributors: Betty Waits, Marianna the scholastic press conference which nate a thousand dollars to the Aloha.. Please tell Miss B. to set her clock Murray, Shirley Jones, Mary Davies, was held in New York. There she Mary Turnley \Ve could use some of it right now." back the fifteen minutes she set it Margaret Fredrich, Catherine Ward, went on a tour of the Jrmnwl Ameri- We'll be waiting for that thousand, ahead the other night. And tell her, Irma Young, Theo. Jones, Margery can building, where she saw demon- The West Virginia traveler at last Mary. In the meantime, we are for me, that she's a good scout Zink, Lee Wallenstein, Janice McKin- strated the use of carrier pigeons in found a four year home at \Vestern grateful for a contribution worth (Eagle) anyhow. ley, Henry Lamadrid, Audrey Studds, transmitting photographs for the Maryland College. That she has more than money-your faithful Bonnie Beth Blake, Connie Stone, press. made herself thoroughly at home is service in preparing this year's rec- AI Truisl Josephine Bove, John Del Vecchio. "My future roommate, ElaiIle Ort, apparent. Durin~' her first two years ord of life at Western Maryland.
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