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Library ':iestern }/aryland College Viestminster, Ivld. Campus Will Play Host To 400 Army Pre-Engineers C.dets To Occupy New Dorm, Yingling Gym, Gill Gym, And Possibly McKinstry Hall This summer will find Western algebra to differential calculus, each Vol. 20 No. 11 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE April 8, 1943 Maryland College playing host to a subject being taught by a member of large number of Army Engineer Ca- the collage faculty. However, cadets dets not exceeding four hundred in will not be enrolled in regular civil- number, Dr. Fred G. Holloway, presi- ian classes, but will attend separately 'Stage Door' Is Announced As Senior Play; dent of the institution, announced re- organized lectures. It is under- CollegePlayersWill Give Performance May14 cently. Three and possibly four of the The cadets will engage in an or- major college buildings will be used ganized sports program under the di- as living quarters by the cadets, who rection of Col. Walton. will be under strict Army discipline stood, although not definitely deter- while stationed here. mined, that cadets will not be allowed Successful Comedy To Be Final Presentation Of .To Live In Dorms to participate in regular inter-colleg- The Year; Jo~ Whiteford, Mary F. Hawkins Dr. Holloway stated that cadet en- iate athletics. gineers will occupy Albert Norman AU cadets will be under strict mil- Have Leading Roles In The Production Ward Hall, Gill Gymnasium, Ying- itary supervision at all times. It is ling Gymnasium, and possibly Mc- probable that they will arise at an Stage DOM', a play which has had both a successful season in Kinstry Hall. Those quartefed in the early hour, eat separate meals, and New York and a successful tour of the country, will be produced New Dorm will be assigned four men be required to have lights out in their by the College Players as their final dramatic effort of the year, to a room. Both cadets and civilian rooms at a comparatively early hour. Miss Esther Smith, director of dramatics, announced today. Miss men will occupy McKinstry Hall, al- It is also probable that cadets desir- Smith said that this comedy by Edna Ferber and George S. Kauf- though on separate floors. ing to leave the college campus will man will be presented on May 14 at 8 o'clock in Alumni Hall. Cadets stationed at the college wilt have to obtain special permission to In making this announcement, Miss Smith stated, "I was find very little time for outside activ- do so. especially interested in producing a comedy this year because it is ities. Dr. Holloway stated that the Despite this great influx of fledg- so essential to have some comedy to men will be required to take twenty- ling engineers, civilian students ease the tragedy of the day." four hours of class-room instruction should have little difficulty in obtain- Mary Turnley Is Stag6 Door pictures the struggle per week, twenty-four hours of su- ing rooms next semester. Dr. Hollo- which mSIlY young stage aspirants pervised study per week, six hours of way stated that he anticipates only have to undergo to make .the stage physical education, and five hours of between 100-150 male students in all Elected Editor their profession. In reality, only one military drill under Lieut.-Colonel C. four' classes next fall. These men out of twenty of these would-be ac- M. Walton, Professor of Military will be able to select rooms- from Of Aloha tors and actresses achieve their goal. Ward Hall, McKinstry, or the semi- Science and Tactics. nary. Miss Esther Smith The play shows their varying de~ees • Science Courses Mary Turnley was elected editor- of patience, intense interest, hopeful- Dr. Holloway stated that the in-chief of the 1944 Aloha. by the ness and despair. little different from those offered to Fame Comes To Hill As Two WMC junior class, at a special meeting edy The secondary theme of this com- courses presented to the cadets will be of concerns the the held in room 22, Science Hall, in struggle civilian men students. They will in- March. At the same time, the class theatre and its conservative ideals clude general chemistry, general Women Receive Unusal Honors selected Dorothy Rovecamp as busi- against the lavish extravagance and physics, a small amount of English ness manager of the next year' book. less noble ideals of Hollywood. history and E con 0 m i c geography, Academic fame, a double-barrelled master's degree. Since Miss Turnley will graduate Mary Frances Hawkins will play and every type of mathematics from dose of it, hit the Hill recently in the Lillian Jackson, a sophomore, par- at the end of the first semester next the role of Terry Randall, the hero- form of honors received by a member ticipated in the Jefferson Bi-Centen- year, two assistant editors were inc, who has a genuine appreciation Contest held at the Junior Prom Is of th~ senior class, Hannah McKee, nial Oratorical Baltimore on Friday, chosen to fill her place during the sec- of the theatre and a burning desire to in the role of Hall and Frances ond semester. Y.M.C.A. in and a member of the sophomore class, act. Joe Whiteford, Lillian Jackson. April 2. The competition in honor of Thelma Morris were selected for these David Kingsley, will have the male Challenged By Miss McKee received word that she the two-hundredth anniversary of positions. lead. had been awarded the President's Thomas Jefferson's birthday was held gir~1~::t~:e:n~:ar:i;~ :~t ~h: ;:~o~ on~h,:oC;:~~f:~~~~n\~~n\~~~~:e::~: Difficulties Fund Scholarship from the Depart- in colleges throughout the state. the first being Lucie Leigh Barnes, iora, juniors, and a few sophomores, Whitfield organized Dr. Theodore Johns Hopkins ment of Physics at Unive_rs_ity.• On Friday, April 2, Miss the contest at Western Maryland Col- editor of the 1942 year book. Since is as follows: -With depleted numbers as well as Jackson, representing Western Mary- lege. Miss Jackson, who -spoke on her freshman year, the n.ew edit~ Olga Brandt, Dorothy Clarke; finances, the junior class is being land College, placed third in the Jef- the religious and educational aspects has done active work on both the Bernice Niemeyer, Peggy Reeves; faced with numerous difficulties in ferson Bi-Centennial Oratorical Con- of Jefferson's work, was declared win- Gold Bug and the Aloka.. (Cont. on page 4, col. 4) making plans for the traditional test held in Baltimore. ner of the contest held here on March Junior Class Prom. Transportation 26. ------- Academic Clowns ------- Miss McKee, a senior physics ma- difficulties have worked a double han- jor, applied during the second week Winners from the various colleges dicap, by limiting the number of or- of February for this scholarship, entered the semi-finals and finals in chestras from which to choose and which is offered by the Department Baltimore, where before an audience 'It's Plenty All Right', Say The Seniors 'also decreasing the possibility of off- of Physics at Hopkins to men and and a board of judges, they present- campus attendance. women wishing to do graduate study ed six minute speeches on some phase Of Their Coming Follies Production The perennial problem of financing in that field. The scholarship which of Jefferson's life. the dance has been heightened this At the finals, the Western Mary- By Janet Lee Baugher Sonos of the Ra1!ge and Gene Autry year because of the unprecedented de- she received provides for tuition and land contestant used as her topic isn't even running him a close second Miss Mc- crease in the number of members of board for 'two semesters. in May with "Thomas Jefferson-Champion and Well, we've been able to catch a anymore. Kee, who will graduate the sponsoring class, many of whom an A.B. degree hopes that the Hop- Symbol of American Democracy". few stray remarks-and some pointed And so, from 7:30 till 10:30 P. M., have withdrawn to join the armed kins scholarship will enable her to Other contestants were three men, propaganda-and by idding every- we'll be highly entertained by the forces. representing Loyola College, Johns thing up, the Senior Follies is going "senior clowns" (quote Mr. Ying- work toward the achievement of her to be "plenty all right"! If anyone Hopkins University, and University ling) and "it's really WOrth 35 cents" of Baltimore. Western Maryland doubts it, ask a senior,-no kidding! placed tbird, and the prize awarded The seniors, after weighing the (quote Mr. Baugher) and "Harp" Will Aid Army Cadets WR3 $60. matter have decided to use the fol- (Mr. Robinson can say no more) ; so lowing slogan, "Plenty of characters, what more need be said? plenty of laughs, no money back." Music Groups Could anything be more appropriate? skits are now in re- 180 Blood Donors The original Outline Plans hearsal. The most timely one is go- As Register Here ing to be College Without Men with The Music Department of Western B.T.D. running a close second. Maryland College has on the April yet, we aren't sure who the "B.T.O." Nearly 180 Western Maryland stu- calendar a series of programs begin- is, but we think it's "Vickie" Blair- dents and faculty members have an- ning with a violin and piano sonata and who could be better? Then, Miss swered the call of the Red Cross by recital Friday eveening in Levine Virginia Crucius is going to take the registering as prospective blood don- Music Hall at 8 P. M., featuring Miss spotlight and give out with a few Joyce Barthelson and Mr. Philip blues numbers and we might mention Sponsored here on the Hill by the Royer. that she's good enough for the "Big -RO.T.C. and the fraternities, the Miss Barthelson has just returned G." drive will culminate in the arrival of to the campus after a three weeks There is also going to be a melo- a Blood Bank unit in Westminster on concert tour of the New England drama-the good old fashioned type Wednesday, April 21. States. Mr. Royer is thc Supervisor -but unfortunately, we haven't seen Each donor, after giving a pint of of Public School Music in Carroll the script; so we won't shock the blood, will rest and be provided with freshmen. Count'y and is known at Western Gus is still practising away on his a light lunch before returning to Maryland and throughout the state school, with the entire procedure re- for his violin performances. quiring about 45 minutes. Dave Auld The Girls' Glee Club is scheduled to and Carroll Dogget, co-chairmen of present a program at the Westmin- Song-Writing Contest ... the drive on the Hill, have announced ster High School on April 13 and to The song- writing ecntest to find a special arrangements for transporta- perform for the student body in the military.theme for the R.O.T.C. and tion to and from the Immanuel Church Monday morning assembly under the the infantry will be extended to April where the unit will be located, and for direction of Miss Grace Murray. 15 instead of ending on April 10, ae- excused cuts if it is necessary for • On April 20 at 8 P. M. there will be cording to Miss Joyce Barthelson, who students to miss classes. a student recital in Levine Music is in charge of the competition. If it is desired, transportation down HaB featuring both vocal and piano The postponement of the closing to the unit will be provided. No one groups. Those participating will' be date has been necessitated by some will be allowed to walk back, however. Misses Dorothy Clarke, Lucille Gis- students who are still working on chell, :Mary Frances Hawkins, Elea- eompositiens which are net yet in the Dr. Billingslea has announced and THE PHYSICS DEPARTMENT'S INSTRUMENT SHELTER - Will be of . nor Healy, Dean Hess, Anita Rue, and finished stages. stressed the fact that no donor must eat during the three hours before re- use to the Army cadets when they study here. On the outside is an ane- Mary Raymeyer. This is the first of As previously announced, all entries porting for the blood donation. Eat- mometer; inside are maximum and minimum thermometers and a dew-point two such recitals which will bring to may be placed in the Gold Bug box, apparatus. . the student body outstanding talent box F, in the post office. ing. immediately before would lead to extreme discomfort. Pidllred above are Hannah 'McKee, Proiesl!!or WrJ'ght, and Howard Deeds. of the Music department.
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