Page 40 - TheGoldBug1942-43
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug,. Watem Maryland College, Westm.ina:ter,Md., March 11, 1943 Barthe/son and Thornton Wood part of our life, and 50 it has remain- of the "Doghouse" columns he wrote He for the Gold Bug back in 1940. ed, Royer To Give Recalls Days Sincerely yours, WOOD." had just moved into C Section then, and THORNTON Newton: Brothel' complained (Cont. from page 2, col. 5) If anyone else has anything he'd "It ,ppeat's that certain gentlemen Recital made a terrible mistake in grammar. Of Yore, like to recall about the New Dorm or have adopted the habit of taking- an Armstrong that had out to them the rain-gutters evening stroll on Heedless of my implications, they Ward Hall or any of the colorful sit- around tie edge of the roof! 'Fools Miss Joyce Barthelson and Pro- (Cont. from page 2, col. 1) uations experienced in a number of fessor Phillip Royer will present an marched away and over the hill, led years of living on the Hill, here's an rush in where angels fear to tread'. smugly who grinned We do wish that by Armstrong the lad who ab- all-sonata recital chosen from the as he went. turnal prowlers who used the gutters invitation to send them in to this sconded with my room-mate's Eng- music of Handel, Mozart, Beethoven, [ur rainspouts) on the exterior of the column. If they're" interesting, print- and Hindemith, on April 9, at 8 P. building for their walks, or the boys ing them will be a pleasure. lish cheese from th~ windowsill 1'11., in Levine Hall. Mrs. Summers To who put wads of paper under every .Classic Crack would either bring it back or purchase The program to be presented is: electric light bulb in the section, (";1' Incidentally, I'll never forget Alvin the crackers second hand." Sonata, No. IV in D Jlfa,jor Handel Address ICercie l the lads from the section who used to Newton's classic observation in one ALVIN H. LEVIN. S01!ata,No.8 ..Mozart go into the basement (before the locks Sm'inn Sonata" No.5 in F Mrs. D. R. Summers, wife of Dr. had been put on the doors) and pull Beethoven the master switch so that the lights will Sonata, 2nd ilf01!C1nont Hindemith Summers, professor of physics, at the would .stay out until some hardy in- Carroll Theatre State Theatre speak on "Life in Switzerland" The college orchestra will offer its next meeting of the French Club, dividual went down and took his life WESTMINSTER, MD. WESTMINSTER, MD. annual concert in Alumni Hall on which will be held on March 16, in in his hands and turned the current Sun., Mon., March Monday and Tuesday Thursday evening, April 29. It will on. True, there wer-e more beds over- Sunday, March 14, 15, 16 Philip Dorn 14, 15 be an all-Mozart pr-og-ram, featuring McDaniel Lounge at 6:45 P. M. turned in that section ill one year Joan Leslie - i~ames Cagney Virginia Gilmore Mrs. Summers has lived near Lake the J1wit8r Symphony. Alice Ditt- Geneva, where the French language than in the entire post-Harlow period. in mar will sing two arias frqm the is spoken. She will answer any ques- "I stopped to think of the men who "YANKEE DOODL.E DANDY" "CHETNIKS, ,{,HE FIGHTING Magic Flu.t~. tion on this subject during the course lived in the section that year: Tony Thursday, Friday & Saturday GUERILLAS" On Monday, April Iii, the Girls' of the meeting. Ortenzi, Jack Lytton, Bob Moore, Bob Msrch 18, 19, 20 Tuesday, March 16 Glee Club, under the direction of Selmon, Verne Wiesand, Ted Jester, Humphrey Bogart Lloyd Nolan - Heather Angle Miss Grace Murray, will present a The rest of the program will in- Charlie Merchant, Glenn Martin, Bill Ingrid Bergman - Paul Hem-led in in concert in Alumni Hall. This pro- clude a. French song sung by Mary Leatherman, Gay Ross, 'Doc' Sumner, "CASABLANCA" ''TIME TO I{)LL" Hawkins, Frances and a cello solo by gram will also be given on April 13 Ruth Loikel. Refreshments will be Kenny Bills, Charlie Earl, and yours Sunday, Monday & Tuesday Wednesday, March 17 at the Westminster High School. served. truly among them. Others were March 21, 22, 23 The Three Mesquiteers there to fill the place to capacity. Ray Mllland William Paulette Goddard "VALLEY OF HUNTED MEN" Bendix Gold Bug Edit,orship Obstacle Course Will Some of these men are now memories in Thurs. Weaver Bri~s. & Elviry 18, 19 & Fri., March in the frat rooms, some are still in "THE CRYSTAL BALL" Remains The Same Be Made Tougher school, one has been overseas with the Wed. & Thurs. March 24, 25 "OLD HOMESTEAD" army eighteen months, and one WIIS Lum & Abner (Cont. from page 1, col. 5) (Cont. from page 1, col. 5) reported killed iri . action in North Franf~in Pangborn Saturday, March 20 under the direction of John Robin- company races on the obstacle course Africa. I expect to go out sometime "TWO WEE~S TO LIVE" Bill i~oYd son, '43, for the third consecutive are held, the present record being soon. To say that we set a reputa- "UNDERCOVER I\IAN" year. Earl Schubert, '43, and Wilbur held by Emory Gross of "B" company tion for hell-raising is something that Fd. & Sat., March 26, 27 Preston, '44, will work under Mr. with a low of 1:42. for a full lap may be true; but Section D. was John Sheffield Weissmuller Sun. & Mon., March 21, 22 Ann Rutherford Johnny Robinson as his assistants. around the course. home, and what transpired there was in Red Skelton LeRoy Gerding, '44, will fill the po- The captain has stated that all men ''TARZAN TRIUMPHS" in sition of business manager. This taking the program will be. required Sunday, Monday & Tuesday "WHISTLING IN DIXIE" post was left vacant by the gradua- to make a full lap of the course under COOTES' March 28, 29, 30 Tues. & Wed., March 23, 24 tion of Werner Orrison, '45, inrJanu- a maximum limit of two minutes. Any Noel Coward • Bernard Miles Hedy Lamerr. Charles Boyer in in ary. Mn Gerding, who formerly time over that figure will be unsatis- BARBERSHOP "IN WHICH WE SERVE" "ALGIERS" held the posit.ion of circulation man- factory. HUB BASEMENT ager, will now have charge of both advertising and circulation. William Burgess, '45, has been given the place of circulation manager. Dur- ing the past year, he filled the post of assistant business manager. With the last issue of the Gold Bug in May, the senior members of ALL OVER THE WORLD the staff will follow the normal meth- od of appointing the editor-in-chief America's 900,000 aviation and staff members for the coming year. combine their skill and experience to satisfy today'! demand for vital war necessities. Thanks to our air. plane makers, ground crews and pilots like Capt. SMITH" REIFSNIDER Hookon Gulbransen (shown here), of Pon American Incorporated Airways, needed supplies are flown to our 'fighting LUMBER-COAL men all over the world, WESTMINSTER, MD. John Everhart THE COLLEGE BARBER AND BOBBER AT THE FORKS FREDERICS TRU CURL PERMANENT WAVE The nearest thing to naturally curly hair Phone 395 for test curl, and appointments Lowry Beauty Shop ALLOVER C 'L . THE WORL 0 Adjoining Post Office .J.leste .r.. ~JJelds ,S~ DRUGS-SODAS - men in th SJgar ett es are m,andon-the"sPot TE COSMETICS We Deliver W,th their , ""LOER ~ BETTER TAS Action shot show that c~,news pictures 1'h e ervice rePorts Jghty itn Phone 9 POrtant: to the Qls Why bil/io . WESTMINSTER, MD. Chesterfields are ;So of AIILDE/i, BE and ship Qnd !. e{lJgsniPPed 6 rTEn.TASTING Their right Co P,ol1e 10 every co~ train and truck J, WM. HULL, Jeweler rette tObacco ~bmation of th er of the globe. . e World's b s gives smok Successor to Cassell's smokin g mOre pJe ers eVeryth' est ciga .. aSUre. The Store of New Fashioned THE (/CA RETTE TH mg thatlllak es Jewelry and Old Fashioned Honesty WHAT TH:: CIIIES SMOI{ East Main St. WANT ERS Westminster. Md. Times Building Cop¢ghI1943.LIGGn-r&::MYluToehCOOCo.
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