Page 22 - TheGoldBug1942-43
P. 22
PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., December 10, 1942 ffJerks" ~---_:__-,(/4 'We gee !)t'--------, • A, H. WALKER--- Post-Office Clerk Our Fe.ture Columni.t Take. Over- other rumor; that is, until confirmation Aloysius Langrall Has His December 7, One Year Ago came close on the heels of the first announce- --'----TELLS ALL. That cold, clear Sunday afternoon ment. Joe W01'kman turned in the {oUowing copy Difficulties to us as his regular Gold Bug column, "The early in December of 1941 began to have a gy In the Mystery section of the Shag- on the different conotation to the students we Department week, this Dog HOI.· The stunned By John Seth Keg." We thought--and ure believe that gradual awakening. silence gave way to a have the poignant tale of a man We were at War! We begin our day with post office you'll think so, too-that his -words this A long year has passed, a year which named Bert Furniss who had trouble with his wife. week have a more appropriate place in the As a man, Bert Furn- clerk Harrison "Buzz" Lang ral l at ~ditorw'l columns than anywhe1'e else in the added such names as the Java Sea, Midway, iss was sober and steadfast; and, six thir-ty in the morning. After paper. blood-dipped Bataan, the Flying Tigers, were it not for the fact that the an- groping across the dark, deserted -The Edito1·. Rommel, the Aleutians, and the Solomons, alogy would spoil our description, we campus, we eat our breakfast rather to the American vocabulary. Here on the might add 'that he was also a trifle hastily and then sleep-walk to the Hill, the breakfast hour is still the same; but demure. He neither drank nor post office. Monday of this week was an anniversary it is dark yet when we arise, since the pre- smoked; and he only ute at meal- While the mail is being sot-ted, none of us dare forget. December 7, 1942, cious daylight hours are needed by the man- time. Home absent minded "br-ain" looks in was a vastly different day than was its pre- ufacturers of the country in order to pro- and asks if the mail has come in yet. decessor, December 7, 1941. The first Sun- duce the tanks and guns needed to win the e Career woman The letters having been distributed, day in December, 1941, was a clear, cold, war. Now the trouble Bert Furniss had and the package list posted, we open typical winter Sunday here on College Hill, People still go to Sunday School and then with his wife was that she wanted to the window. Immediately several not a very different day from many others to church in ever increasing numbers- be a career-woman. She said she was people run up to the window, ask if before; that is, in the beginning. strange how one turns to religion in time of tired of doing house work; she wanted the mail has been sorted, look in their Breakfast was held at the usual early crisis. We still eat three meals a day; and, to get a job somewhere. All she real- box, and accuse us of laking their morning hour; and the sun had risen then, although coffee and sugar are rationed, we ly wanted to be was a job-woman, but mail. for we were not on War Time. The Sunday have lost no weight and still look good along- it sounded better when Bert was re- .Things Go Smoothly School began; and following it, the men and side the representatives of this college who counting the gr-isley business to his Things are running along smoothly women, bedecked in their Sunday best, are fighting on an island in the South Pa- sympathizers if he employed the term until about five after eight when journeyed down into the village to church, cific and who wish they could but see some "career". somebody rushes in and wants a reg- back at noon and into the dining hall for of that Sunday creamed chicken. Well, things went from bad to istered letter mailed. We arrive their creamed chicken, coffee, and sugar. The male quota of our student body has worse. One day whcn Bert came breathless in class at eight-fifteen and The conversation was light and mostly in the been depleted in order to make up another home, he found his wife in a pair of catch (censored) from the professor. vein of "Terry and the Pirates" or Whit- quota. The old crowd at home is no more. slacks. He asked her what was the At three-thirty, we dress for din- field's coming exam. ' Things are not "as usual", we are at War! meaning of this, and she said "You ner, and hurry over to thc post office Following the noon meal, the college set- We who are left behind are extremely for- don't expect me to rivet in a skirt, do looking like Little Lord Fauntleroy. tled down to the usual Sunday afternoon tunate in being allowed to finish our educa- you?" Bert was about to admit that Before we open the window, we make routine of study or sleep. Parents and tion. In us' has been put the faith of recon- he didn't, when the full import of her out long money order reports. The friends came visiting, for there was no gas structing the post-war world, Let us not words dawned on him. first person at the window smiles ration then. The afternoon was peaceful destroy that faith. We must "do our part." "Rivet!" he gasped, "You don't sweetly and asks for a money order. and serene until about mid-afternoon when We must remember a clear, cold, Sunday mean-c." 'Ve tear up the report. Next comes suddenly the radio blared forth the unbe- about a year ago and put our collective "I can and I do, Bert," she replied a long procession of heavy laundry, Jieveable news, "Pearl Harbor has been shoulder to the wheel; for "They also serve seriously. "I've landed a job at the cases until four forty-five, when the bombed by the Japanese." who only stand and wait." bomber plant." mail man comes to collect the evening The news spread like flames in a dry • Dashes From House mail. After the truck is loaded, a thicket and was discounted by many as an- -I"" 'kI..Ju..o.. Without another word, Bert Furn- character comes running in and yells, iss dashed from his house, into his "Hey Buzz. 1 gotta get this laundry car, and away in the direction of the case off tonight, I'm down to my bomber-plant. He would have her roommate's last shirt". Campus Personality Whiteford , fired! No wife of his was going to e r.ate Arrival rivet bombers-at least, not while he Finally five-thirty rolls around, Mil.daM,d, g~ was alive to prevent it! He knew she: and we close the post office. A guy .2>~! hadn't let on about her old case of strolls up and asks us casually, "1 house-maid's knee; he would tell don't suppose there was any mail for them, and the jig would be up. me, was there?" He fished in his pocket for a cigar- Buzz replies with a pained expres- By Eleanor Healy, commented Joe. met her was three years ago, but ette. This he found, but no matches. sion on his face, "Yeah, a letter". Feature Editor While on the-uijbject of his hobbies, since then he has corr-esponded rather He was driving through a sparsely The "jerk", to quote Mr. Lang-rall, Although he came to college to be one should be sure to mention Jean- regularly with her. As an indication wooded section; and as he rounded a gets excited and pleads frantically, a lawyer, Joe Whiteford has instead ette MacDonald. The first time he of what a Jeanette MacDonald fan curve ...he noticed a twenty-foot giant "Please open up the post office. I've become a psychologist at different Joe really is, he told us that he saw disappearing into the trees. He gotta have that letter. It's a matter times, but along the way he has been Naughty Marietta thil'ty-eight timoe stopped the car and called out, "Hey, of life or death." a dramatist, a militarist, a singer, and over a period of 5 years. And what's Sydney, have you got a match!" The. We arrive in the dining hall about a "Who's Who-er" of the senior class. more, he would go see it again if it giant paused and turned half about, six o'clock, shovel food in with both B01"nin Chevy Chase, "next to the were ever revived! surprised at hearing his name. He hands and fly back to the post office. bigwigs, but never among them", Joe e T'raveled Much said "I'm surprised at hearing my Upon opening the window, the stamp has lived there all his life. He at- Joe has dqne quite a lot of travel- name." drive begins, and everybody yells at tended Friends School, and while in ing-in faet, he has been half way "It's on your jersey," called Bert oncc, Soon the supply of stamps. is high school was very active in dra- ar-ound the world. He was in Europe with some impatience. "J repeat, exhausted and we have the followmg matics. in 1938, and traveled in France, Eng- have you got a match?" conversation taking place: .To Swarthmore land, Scotland, Wales, and Belgium. The giant came over without speak- Character: "Gimmc ten three's" After graduating in '39, Joe went Of all these he likes France--"The ing and flipped a book of matches into Buzz: "No stamps. Next" to Swarthmore. Upon completing one country is beautiful, the food is per- the car. 2nd Character: "Gimme ten three's" year there, however, he transferred fect----and the Folies Bergere was all "Keep 'em," he said briefly, "I got Buzz annoyed: "No stamps" to W.flLC. The "why" of this lay is that it's cracked up to be and more!" more." Then he turned and lumbered 2nd character - indignantly: "No the fact that Western Maryland of- England, he said, was cold and fog- into the forest, smashing saplings like stamps-Say what kind of a joint is fered military, dramatics, and music- gy. "The people are very cordial, al- a tank. Bert lit his cigarette and this any" ..ay?" none of which were offered in any though their sense of humor is surely drove on. (Cent. on page 4, col. 2) an interesting anima!!" In Scotland, At the bomber plant, he asked to amount at Swarthmore. Since he has been here at Western he went over Loch Lomond and saw see the medical examiner. When he Maryland, has joined THE GOLD BUG Beta Chi, of which he is viea-presi- lots of people running around in kilts. .hed been shown into the doctor's of- Joe Gamma Joe told us that he haa heard that the fice, he disclosed the fact of his wife's dent; become a lieutenant. attached to Joseph Whiteford (Cent, on page, 4, Col. 3) (Cont. on page 4, col. 5) Company C; become a member of TKA; and roomed in D Section "that most troublesome part of AN Ward So.u; ,(/~ Lucinda Holloway Recalls Hal!"'. q.lUUhe~ Although there has never been an g~ Subscription Price $2.00 a Year actor anywhere in his family, Joe has I Editor-In-Chief ..... Alvin H. Levin '43 a real interest in dramatics. For the By L. H. !~: Associate Editor.. Mary Miller '43 ~~::e~h:~e s~~;n~:~p~~i!:.ct,~: Remember the Christmas vacation touchdown, the time the footlights It wouldn't b~ Christmas unless it during your first y,ear in coJlege? At went out at the most dramatic point Managing Edi~o:lson Wolfsheimer '44 ~~::~~~~~o~~e ~::d~::t P~~:;:~' :~~~ brought that time your friends weren't too of the class play. Some little bundle of cheery thought. sophisticated to admit that they New Editor L~l~;:~y;a~:s~~ ::: the Forty-Niners in New Hampshire. Some little book to make it clear were just plain homesick. You could .Respect For Family Assistant ,N_ews Editor ..Rod Naef :45 ~~~:d~~:;P s:;;O~~i:;~:I:~~;~:gel~u~.~ That angels will always hover near; always find someone to whom you Remember the new )'espect you had after Fea~ure EdItor El.eanor Healy t.he past summer, he was with the That spnng, winter will come the could talk about the folks back home, fOI' youl' family? What a luxury it ASSIl;tant Feature E(htor ,Nation's War Theater which wns if you were willing to repay him with was to be asked what you'd like for ThaL clouds will break, that birds will rapt attention to his own story. For dinner! Even if you never helped in Sports Edilor.. .... J~~~ ~~~in~;~ ':: ~~~n~~~~~I::' Mrs, Roosevclt and Mcl- sing. then you llad one foot. in college and Christmas decorating before, you Copy Editor It irks me a little and I have reasons: one foot back home. lll'obably ilid that year. You scratchcd Mary Virginia Walker '43 • Acting Not Career I know all about the cycle of seasons. your fingers from handling holly, Surprisingly, Joe has nevel' wanted Staff Photographer ......Carl Webb '44 to make acting his life's work_"The Skies will clear-I'll never doubt it, • Good lnt("ntiolll; and you took advantage of every pos- Business Manager But I'm getting tired of hearing Remember how you lugged home sible place to hang mistletoe. You Werner Orrison '43 life is too hard; and, besides, I'm not about it; _ books with the honest intent to study felt so good-natured ·~'O\\helped your Assistant Business Manager good enough to really get anyplace", It's never been my luck to draw some over the holiday? You were little brothcr run his new electric William Burgess '45 A Dorothy Parker or a G. B. Shaw; even going to start your term paper. train. Circulation Manager !J~..e.tte.--------, But every Christmas there comes You didn't, though. A ring of the .Reluctant To Lea"c Leroy Gerding '44 Dear Rock, along telephone or doorbell, and you were Contributors: Fred G. Holloway, Jr., 'Ve hear you've been nomi- The Q\~iet Houl's by Fatrilla Strong. off with what was lcit of the old Remember the half reluctant, half Dorothy Rovecamp, Ruth Sartorio, nated for various offices thir- And now my library overflows gang. It seemed sort of strange not eager feeling you had when you went Jane Miles, Rod Naef, Alice Rohr- teen times and have never been With antidotes for earthly woes. to be up on the latest "affairs." You back to eollege? Sustained by the er, Betty Waits, Mary Virginia elected to one. If I didn't receive 'em, I'd probably teased Jim about Betty and watched somewhat doubtful joy of knowing Webb, Mary - Thomas, Mary Vir- Why don't you try creating a buy 'em. him redden before someone kindly things back home were going on ginia Walker, Elizabeth Ebaugh, new office of some sort and Force of habit's too strong to deny took you aside to explain that now pretty mueh the same without you, Sara Belle Veale, Peggy Reeves, appointing yourself F'ueh1'6T 'em. Betty was engaged to Steve. you now had both feet firmly planted Thelma Morris, Agnes Dyson, Vir- therein? For no matter how many times I flout Everyone had been leading such in college life. No more looking ginia Voorhees, Lucinda Holloway, Helpfully, 'em, different lives that there wasn't any- backward. Happier and wiser you Al Walker, Alec Resnick, Earl It just wouldn't seem Christmas with- thing to talk about except old times- were ready to take Ull the college Morey, John Seth. out. 'eln. the Lime Half·Pint made the first student's burden.
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