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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., November 25, 1942 SCA To Sponsor Women In The War Club News Thanksgiving BBB, dl0Ht8 e; !JRe Service By Katherine HeinmuJler nomics Lab. At this time girls are The Student Christian Association taught to fold bandages for the Red of Western Maryland College' will Beta Beta Beta, the Home Eco- sponsor H Thanksgiving service in nomics Club, and the International Cross. club holds monthly meetings The Baker Chapel on Thursday, Thanks- Relations Club have planned for the and plans to discuss the habits and giving Day at 6 P. M. The program year of 1942-43 a widespread variety customs of foreign peoples-the Lat- will be devotional in nature, with in- of club activities. ins in particular. Representatives spirational music and -the reading of The Tri Beta, National Honorary from the- various countries of the poetry centered around the theme Biological Fraternity, is presenting "Why 'I'hanksgiving f " reports on all the latest biology books world will speak to the forty-five Aside from the· regular weekly in the library. For convenience, the members and endeavor to promote a meeting of the SCA, this service is contents of the books are divided in closer relationship and better under- planned as a special feature of the halves, each member reviewing one standing of foreign lands. The President of the Club is Janith Thanksgiving Day observances. The part, Horsey; Vice-president, Frances Og- entire student body will be represent- There arc twenty-six full-fledged den; Secretar-y, Marion Young; Treas- ed as members of each of the foul' members and four provisional mem- urer, Ruth Bi-oadrup. classes will participate. bers, and twice yearly new members Paul Henry, program chairnmn of are initiated into the club. Refresh- The Inter-national Relations Club the SCA, has announced that, after ments and tea arc served at each is planning to have speakers at the the Thursday evening service, the 01'- meeting, however the Club's impor- hi-monthly meetings to present the situation to foreign the members. panizntlon will conduct two addition- tant social affairs arc the Christmas There will be one more meet.iug be- HI meetings before the reg-ular- Christ- party and the annual spring picnic. fore the Christmas holidays at which mas program. The first of these, on At the latter, the officers for the com- Wednesday, December 5th, will rca- ing year are chosen. Miss "Jiffy" Shacklock will talk on ture Mrs. Stuart widener, formerly Janith Horsey is President; John Japan where she lived for many of Alaska, as the speaker. The sec- Rawlins, vice-president; Mary Vir- years. ond will be the annual Christmas ginia Walker, historian; Virginia The Club is a chapter of the Car- choral sing, to be held on Friday, De- Waters, secretar-y; and Dr. Lloyd negie Foundation to Promote Inter- cember 11. Bertholf, treasurer. national Peace and is stressing the Since the SCA is trying this year The Home Economics Club, spon- possibilities of a permanent peace to utilize all talent available on the sored by Miss Helen Gray, is devot- settlement after the war, as well as Hill, any students who would like to ing its efforts to the war program. covering current developments in in- take part in future meetings of the The Club is promoting the surgical ternational affairs. group are urged to contact the pro- dressings classes which are held ev- There is a reserved bock shelf in gram chairman. ery Wednesday and Friday nights the library containing pertinent books fr-om seven to nine in the Home Eco- which are of interest to the club mem- bers and which may also be used by Fuel Oil Applications non-members ." The officers of the club are; Presi- Handled By Math LUCKY COW-The problem of what to do when all the farm help Joe Whiteford Has dent, Bill Pennington; Vice-president, solved by goes off to war or to defense jobs has been neatly Students On Hill Phyllis Hess of the junior class. Miss Hess obviously advises Leading Role In Rod Naef; Secretary and 'Treasurer, just pitching ill and doing one's own work regardless of sex. Nelson Wolfshiemer. Three thousand fuel oil applications 'Male Animal' One of the most active clubs of of Carroll County residents have re- (Cont. from page 1, col. 1) former years, the Debating Club, has cently been completed by the mem- been dissolved because of the diffi- bers of Dr. Spicer's math classes. no en- Thirteen Seniors Represent WMC Joe Ferguson, on the other hand, culty of obtaining speakers from oth- According to Dr. Spicer, played by Bob Moore, is big, success- er parts of the state. couragcment was needed to get stu- ful, and pleasing, though not to be dents to do this work, and it was In Annua/'Who's Who' Yearbook classed among the university scho- URAC FUND ... completed in approximately a week lars. (Cont. from page 1, col. 4) and a half. (Cont. from page 1, col. 5) Chevy Chase, is an outstanding mem- Debby Bowers, as Patricia, goes' A letter was received by Dr. Spicer ity, He is also Cadet Lieutenant-' ber of the College Players. He will through a dilemma similar to that of semaatar. However, before -the cam- from President Holloway, chairman Colonel of Western Maryland's have the lead in the forihconting her sister, Ellen, trying to make up paign will be officially closed, these of the War Price Rationing Board, R.O.T.C. Battalion. .Thanksg'iving play, The Male Ani- her mind between George Stephens as members will be given their opportu- who said, "This is a fine contribution Alvin Levin, of Baltimore, served mal. Wally, star of the university team, nitty to support the religious activi- in this period of national emergency". in 1941-42 as Managing Editor of Albert Jones, a pre-ministerial stu- and Tom Bush, who appears as Mi- ties at Western Maryland College. The students who helped with the chael Barnes, editor of The Litera-ry fuel oil applications were the follow- The Gold Bug and is Editor-in-Chief dent from Arlington, Va., is a mem- M[j,gazln6. ARGONAUTS. , . ing; Jean Andrews, Hannah McKee, this year. He is also a member of. bel' of the Black and Whites, the The play will be produced under Mary Davis, Mary Ober, wm. Rich- the Argonauts, W.M.C. honor society. Wesleyans, and the Argonauts. He the direction of Miss Esther Smith. (Cont. from page 1, col. 3) Chosen ardson, June Vogel, wtll Kerber, Don e Rawllngs Rawlins of Seaford, Dela- fills the posts of cadct captain in the of Admission will be thirty-five cents to bershlp at the next meeting of the R.O.T.C. Battalion and president John Woolston, Milton Lipstein, Peggy ware, is a member of Delta Pi Alpha the S.C.A. This year he has served students, faculty, and citizens of Argonauts. Phillips, Mal'ie Wilson, John Bur- westminster. Miss Robb and Dr. Ridding-ton are roughs, Helen Fockler, Olive Cook, and Tri-Beta. He served as chair~ as manager of the football team and the sponsors of the Argonauts. Jun- Sabra l\facDorman, Will Anders, Ted man of the recent U.R.A.C. Fund co-editor of the FI:eshman Hand- iors and seniors making an average Seigel, Charles Gatchell, Ruth Baugh- Drive. book. Surgical Dressings grade of "B" are eligible for admis- er, John Seth, Virginia Voorhees. Joseph Whiteford, who hails from Marvin Evans, editor of the sion to the society. Aloha for 1942_43, comes from Mer- cadet Class Active A New Jersey. five Men Pass Campus Personality chantville, in advanced mil~tary, Ev- (Oont, from page 1, col. 1) Phone 300 lieutenant Tests for Navy Joe Workman ans is also a Preacher. two inches square.) When Mrs. CARROLLEEN the .Gold Bug Associate space here is exhausted, storage Reserve Class Is Pre-Mecl more, serves as Associate Editor of L. C. Burns, who is in charge of the Individual Coiffure" Mary Miller, a Sigma from Balti- In the recent Naval Reserve re- (Cont. from page 2, col. 3) the Gold B'IIg, and historian of the surgical dreseing unit fOl' the coun- cruiting campaign, the Dean's office my Dorsey better- than anything senior class. She is also a member of ty, collects the dressings. Beauty in its Entirety Miss Gray says that the gil'ls have has announced that five men passed else," Joe told us. "And I like to the Argonauts and secretary of the responded nicely, but, since the all tests and are no'v duly enlisted hear symphony music, too. Inciden- French Club. groups hope to make about 6000 66 W. Main SL members of the United States Naval tally, I started out taking piano Margaret Reeves, who comes from dressings before Christmas, WESTMINSTER, MD. Reserve, Class V-7. Following are !he years ago, but that's all it amounted Passaic, N. J., is President of J.G.C. names of the new reservists: to!" One of Miss Smith's College Players, workers are needed. Junior Crcea: LeRoy Edwin Gerd- "With only a half a semester to go she is also Vice-President of the ing, Jr. until medical school, I'm getting pret- S.C.A. 1 S