Page 18 - TheGoldBug1942-43
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!PAGE TWO. The Gold Bug, Woo,,,,, M",yland College, Wootmin.."" Md. Novemb« 25, 1942 : I-Ad, 'We gee Jt-I cNampuschaRraclber,---No.2K 'II cI ~'-----/l-,J,.-I.I~;-·II-~------;I emo 0 mson, atonsvI e Ki , N"_"'_~ The Fraternity System At WMC Receivecl Nickname At P.U. • TELLS ALL - BY WALKER • Needs A General House-Cleaning I shall speak of the giraffe. By Joe Workman If we may put any faith in the opinion of James V. The present set-up of the fraternity system at Western Maryland College, rapidly degenerating .s: fseventhrniles t by ; t~OW-legged ::;O~7!~~a~~a~eS::~~~l~~O~~: ;~~;eMrr~S;;:~~/:~'e;V:~~ "(ora number of years, has now reached the point where its members must blush, if they have any olis e;;. ~:%im:r~e7nera 0sout~,~ees~:oJ; nerve enough to call the giraffe an Ungulata to its face, respectat all for the use of the English language, direction nestles the fabulous land of but for purposes of this account, we might as well string at hearing the social organizations designated by Catonsville, Maryland, the home of along with him. the word [mternity. the brave and the free. that It is to this .Not Valuable we must of nonentities village From the standpoint of commercial value, the giraffe is According to Webster, the principles implied, nobody's bonanza. Its coat is not becoming; its teeth are connoted, by this word are those of "brotherhood journey this week as we introduce not ivory; and the less said about its 1IWat, the better. and unity." ~ One need only take a cursory glance the" second in our series of Campus must be noted in all fairness, however, that the giraffe It~ at the Greek-letter system on the Hill to see how Cbaracters, John Morgan Robinson. figures rather prominently in juvenile publications, usual- these principles-lofty ones for which the organi- In this character, we have what is ly performing under the title of Jerry. In adult writings, zations were founded in good faith in years gone beyond a shadow of a doubt, the too, our dumb friend plays an occasional part, furnish- by-have been dragged down to a level where acme of what a man gocs to college they are nothing but a series of letters beautiful- to achieve. In May, when the latest ing, from time to time, a convenient simile for the de- scription of ladies with long necks. ly hand-engraved and tastefully set off with a edition of the Robinson family grad- The neck to which I have just alluded has a rather gold seal on a certificate 'of membership. uates, the campus will definitely be a interesting history. It seems that in the good old days, "Brotherhood and unity"-indeed. We cannot "different" place. guild the lily by calling a fraternity system a e Yesteryear • giraffes having the longest necks ate the leaves from tall The trees and thus managed to stay more or less alive. bvctnerhood when that system is composed of But to return to yesteryeur, April ones whose necks 'were shorter died off altogether for nothing but constant petty jealousies and Lillipu- 6, 1922, to be exact; it was 'on this want of leaves. Mr. Will Cuppy wonders why the latter tian bickerings. 'I'he only unity that seems to be date that OU1' character was born. group didn't make use of the shorter trees. La-de-da , inherent in the organizations' set-up on the Hill From the accompanying photograph, Mr. Cuppy. is the unity obtained by one or more fraternities it is easily surmised why the family banding together to plant a figurative knife in wanted to call him, Jacqueline. Ca- .Giraffes Reamed the back of another club. tonsville has been his home from the Your modern giraffe has no voice. If you jump on his The senior class is a. prime-factor in support of day of his birth until the present; back and sink your teeth into him, as lions sometimes do, our argument. Instead of a compact, organized, that is, with exception of summers Pictured above is Robinson at the he cannot scream. If I were a giraffe in similar straits, friendly group of students who have spent four spent at his father's "Pinehurst on tender age of three. It was at this 1 shouldn't think I'd derive too much comfort from this years together in the same buildings on the same the Bay". point that his family considered call- ability even if I had it. The giraffes, however, seem to grounds, studied together, played together, lived Incidentally, it was at Pinehurst ing him Jacqueline. think they have been sorely reamed. together, we find only a number of petty cliques, that John received his now famous Very little is known regarding the family life of the each trying to outdo the other in name-calling name of Nemo. In his own words, our former history major, B. W., (be- giraffe. Our modern men of science assume that there is and in political discrimination. The whole idea our characten explained that a friend fore Whitfield) now a military ma- such an institution---otherwise, how could one account for is childish, absurd-and pitifully wrong; it goes visiting P. U. (Pinehurst University) jm-, informed us that four years of all the giraffes running around today? But when it against the grain of every person who wishes called him that in a moment of fond- rooming with C. E. McWilliams have comes to details, our M. M. of S. are stymied. They mean that his years in college might be looked back _ ~~:~~in~;v:au:e:~.shiJ~fa l~~:n~~~ut;~h to say, how can one get a decent perspective on the thing, upon with the feeling that he had an hundred ~~~s'byI\~::mn:!:: ~~~n~o~~e:e:!e~ when all one can see of the beasts is their heads above and thirty friends in his last year's class alone. ~:;~:cut. From that day forward- ~~o:~:u:~~:i~~ ahnadveon~_~~~;thhi~~: the trees? Let one try to sneak up close for a better We call the system childish; can it be coneid- look, and the herd scatters like a bunch of frightened ered other than that when one hears a group of e l.ike Bill year with Richard Patten has taught giraffes. In captivity, the creatures are extraordinarily fellows condemned because they are banded to- Nemo has followed his older broth- him a lot about the military depart- stand-offish, and refuse to co-operate. One is almost gether under a fraternal name, which in itself er, Bill, in nearly all his decisions. mont, tempted to shrug the shoulders. seems to be offensive to another group, and yet Both attcnded Catonsvme Elemen- Robinson's career as an athlete on The giraffe has horns on its head. The horns have fur are regarded as nice chaps, good fellows, when, tary Tech., Catonsville High Tech., the campus has fluctuated from base- on them. Consequently one need not worry himself over as individuals, they pursue their activities about Poly-Tech., and Western Marylp.nd ball to varsity basketball, the latter the possibility of a giraffe's catching cold in the horns. the campus? Can we regard it as being other College. Both pledged Delta Pi Alpha of which supplied his greatest thrill t~an petty when jealousy is aroused to anger fraternity, and both grabbed a woman of 1941 when he sat on the bench side- "Rug-Cutting", Backwoods Style pitch because one group has more prominent stu- named Jane. In conclusion, Nemo fol- lined with a leg injury and watched dents in it than another? Is it anything but un- lows Bill into the Army in May. our boys trim Loyola in the final of fair, unsportsmanlike, when the Gold Bug is as- When questioned as to how he at- the Mason-Dixon Conference Cham- Physical Education Majors serted to be controlled by one certain club be- tained such a well rounded education, (Cont. on page 4, col. 1) c~use .members of that one group were willing to Practice Old F~lk-Dances give time and effort to the creation of a student newspaper while others stood idly by and merely This Week's. ------------. By Mary Thomas criticized their work? No .one fraternity is to blame; all are equally Freshmen are annually astounded at the aesthetic as guilty. All have condemned the others. All Personality prowess of certain W.M.C. athletes-especially on the have been jealous. AU have been petty. All have dance floor. Rug-cutting seems to be a kind of collateral been prejudiced and partial. All have pulled • ------------ • On the Campus with the football furies of the hill. apart, instead of pulling together. But now let But this year the fine art of folk-dancing has swept us, for the sake o.four self-respect, if for no other Present writer of The Keg, and 1'61, which he edited, ran daily for the ca.mpus-literally. Every Tuesday and Thursday af- reason, cease this moronic, childlike display of ternoon at about 3 :30 P. M., an entourage of varsity disunity. It i~ not too late to mend our ways, to editor, in days gone by, of the Mr;- one week and three days, after which football players can be seen eagerly wending their way pull together Instead of apart, to live as brothers Kinstry Barrel, Joe Workman is also time publication was stopped. But in to Blanche Ward gym-"Phys._Ed" majors-headed for one of the seniors chosen to represent really made that ten days The Barret ~nd. ~isters instead of as vituperatively jealous W.M.C. in Who's Who in American itself known on the Hill. As a year- folk dancing class, under the tutelege of Miss Todd. Individual sources of mutual hate. It is not too Collegos. And book, "The Bilge" (the overflow from .Terry Wants Compulsion late for us to come to our senses, to see how this what's more, The BUI'rel) was published "and we According to Tom Terry (175 lb. fullback), "Folk danc- degenerated system of political factions is cheap- ing should be a compulsory course. It takes away a guy's emng our college years, which will someday, if since he is cap- had in it char-acter- sketches of .ev- bashfulness." not now, be -dear to us. Let us, if we would be tain of C Com- er-yone in McKinatry, It was really There is never a dull moment as anyone of the twenty (Reminiscent laughter pany, Joe is also some book!" called a brotherhood, drop the bars which divide a military man all during this time really spoke well girls or five boys will assure you. Some of the fellows the classes in general, and the senior class in par- for The BUge.) take things very seriously, practicing each step conscien- ticular, into snarling, spatting cliques. Let us of note. tiously. Most of them were rather sheepish at first, but Born in Koko- learn to live together, and not apart. mo, Indiana, Joe e Cold Bug Writer now anyone of them will agree that when it comes to Last year, Joe began to write his like "Duck the Oy8ter" ---lIe5iate Dioo,t roomed with Bob Sorenson. During more military man", Joe told us. At The music is supplied by records recorded by a "hilly- that year, Joe joined the Preachers, present he is waiting for his appoint- Subscription Price $2.00 a Year and for !Jlitiation had to push a ment to the Medical Administrative billy" band (not local talent, however, as you might sus- "but we need pect). "The music is good", Terry states, baby carriage on which there was a Corps of thc Army. Then, upon grad- Editer-in-Chief ..Alvin H. Levin '43 sign that proclaimed for all to read uation, he will be made a second lieu- a new victrola. This one only has one volume-too ..!ossociate Editor Mary Miller '43 that "it's the littl ethings that count!" loud." Managing FAitor Nelson Wolfsheimer '44 Sophomore year was the time tenant in that branch of the army, If you would like an exhibition, ally of the fellows News Editors Carolyn Gable '43; Lillian Jackson '45 when Joe's journalistic efforts reached • Med School Object would be glad to display their talent-, "but don't get Assistant News Editor Rod Naef '45 their heights. The. McKinstry Bar_ Joe has always wanted to be a doc- the wrong idea; this isn't a snap course." Feature Editor Eleanor Healy '43 tor, so when he enters University of Assistant Feature Editor Joe Workman '43 Maryland Medical School on April 8, Sports Editor John Robinson '43 1943, he will begin to realize a life_ Copy Editor Mary Virginia Walker '43 Dear Bill: long ambition. While in medical Staff Photographer Carl Webb '44 There are some who say you school, he will live at the Robinsons' Again we wish to remind the students and faculty Business Manager Werner Oorrison '43 are going to sign up the college home in Catonsville. of Western Maryland College t.hat the columns of Assistant Business Manager William Burgess '45 choir for the next dance. But When asked about hobbies and fa- the Gold Bug are open to anyone who wishes to Circulation Manager Leroy Gerding '44 vorites, etc., Joe said that he likes lots present his views on any matter of general concern. Contributors: Fred G. Holloway, Jr., Dorothy Rovecamp, we hardly believe that. of things-sports and writing, and We will be only too pleased to print guest editorials Cheer up-we think you did Ruth Sartorio, Jane Miles, Rod Naef, Alice Rohrer, a good job, what with the reading (Browning, especially My and open letters, whether or not your opinion con- Betty Waits, Mary Virginia Webb, Mary Thomas, Mary Army and ODT both working Last Duchess, and Oscar Wilde and curs with ours. Virginia Walker, Elizabeth Ebaugh, Sara Belle Veale, against you. Kipling and Stienbeck), and steak, Our only requireme~t is that the article be of in- Peggy Reeves, Thelma Morris, Agnes Dyson, Virginia and French fries, and 'V.M.e. sun- terest to the whole school and that they be signed Voorhees, Lucinda Holloway, Al Walker, Alec Resnick, Sincerely, sets. In the music line, "I like Tom- by the authors. Earl Morey, John Seth. (Cont.. on page 4, col. 2)
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