Page 15 - TheGoldBug1942-43
P. 15
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., November 12, 1942 PAGE THREI! Boaters Need One Win For State Championship THE=====. Delaware Host To Big Green; Local Eleven Upsets Navy For Middies' First Defeat MORNING Boast Twenty Straight Wins team was held to a 1 to 1 tie by Gettysburg's Bullets, on HolTa Field yesterday . western periods, two overtime Despite ag·gressive Maryland's soccer • ,=====.AFTER Scoop Wolfsheimer Mecwilliams tied the game up in the third quarter, scoring nicely on a By John Robinson Roy Byham's Green 'I'en-ors will be O'Keeffe continued to run the op- pass from Bud Blair. Bob Stortz, and F. Cook stood out for Tommy Price, Blair, McWilliams, out to break Delaware's record of 20 position ragged as he gained 90 SPORTS EDITOR stl"mght games without· a loss when yard against the Red Devils. O'Keeffe the Terrors. When the annual All-Maryland, the two teams meet in Wilmington was hampered for half the season Last Wednesday an undefeated, unsco'_·ed upon Navy soccer team saw its football team is put before the public this Saturday at 2:1~ P. M.. . with a pre-season injury, but that record blasted by a spirited, fighting Green Terror squad 2 to 1, at Annapolis. eye on a Sunday sometime during the The Terrors lead m the sertea WIth appears to be cured now as tne fleet- Goals scored by Wan-en Cook and Ken Volkart within five minutes, overcame month of December, three Western the Hens, having 6 wins against 6 footed half-back has run wild for the a one point deficit, and with remarkable defensive play during the remaining past two weeks. ~~~~YI:;r~~~: ;~~lSidhe::~io~ee;org~Vres~ ~:::s \~~:kh~~: n~~u~la~:~I:ind~f::;eld Terry also returned to form last three periods allowed the Wallace bcocers to walk off with a hard-earned vic- week as he bucked for 54 yards. Ter- tory. team honors. Headed by Captain ~~:~r~~~~~:/~i~~in7~0~v~i1:0 t~e 're-, The Middies began with a crushing offensive, scoring shortly after the Mike Phillips who last year was se- ry handled the kicking and passing lected for All-State honors, the Ter- assignments in the absence of Man- opening whistle, and looked as if they were good enough to score almost at rors will have formidable representa- ny Kaplan, who is out with an injury will. Then, however, the Green and Gold started to roll and against great tives in Art O'Keeffe, Bernie Gusges- which may sideline him for the re- odds, shot the ball twice through the uprights to grab a 2 to 1 lead. kyo and Phillips. mainder of the season. It was Ter- Western Maryland drew up a very tight defense in order to protect the ry's .pass to Frank Suffern that won Last year Western Maryland was the ball game fOI· the Green. mnrgin they had assumed, and though most of the play took place in their represented by Phillips, Irv Biasi, The most Forgotten man on the en- own territory, they prevented any further Navy scoring. and Fred Bohn, and this season tire Terror team is George "Bull" should at least Barrick, the right guard. Barrick There was no outstanding player for the local team, but rather, everyone poll -three first has played good ball all season, with- stood out in his position. John Hancock, sturdy goalie, produced many thrill- team berths. Al- i ing saves, while Bud Blair, Tummy Price, and freshmen Bob Stortz and Bob so, due consider- ~~~l 1~~rl~:~~~~~)~b ; m~~:e~I~~~t ~l:~ Purdue also kept the defense steady. W. Cook led the line in play with Mac ation should be MacWilliams and Volkart assisting in a very fine manner. given to George Coach Wallace later stated that "the fellows played fine ball and we were Barrick, who Ted Laux's once-beaten Jay Vet' though never a football team will close its season all very glad to win." standout, always tomorrow against a strong Staun- Thus, by virtue of this victory, Western Maryland and the Greyhounds has played a ton Militar y Academy team on of Loyola will meet on Hoffa Field, to decide the state championship next consistent game. HolTa Field, at 3:00 P. M. Monday. This is not for the Mason-Dixon title, in which race the Terrors O! the four Although not as strong a~ the Robinson nam ed, on ly club that faced the Maryland have alre~dy .been defeated, but. for the Mal'.yland crown, where .the~ as yet O'Keeffe will be Tet-plets three weeks, because SeY- have not f-eceived a setback. ThIS gave promise to be a close affair WIth both back next season as a Western Mary- eral of the men have played a bitof teams presenting a star-studded veteran line-up. Co-captains Blair and land gridder. Phillips, Gusgesky varsity ball since then and are now Francis Cook will be playing their last game for the Green and Gold, as will and Barrick will graduate in May, Bill Pennington ineligible to piny in the J. V. g.a"~e, Hancock, Macwttliams, and Price. The Dogs can counter with veteran men and their places for next year will be the Terrors will be well represent- such as Ed Pa aourek, Franny Bock, and Barney Goldberg. Last year, Loyola hard to fill. The general play of the Terrors ed. has improved as each game has pass- The Virginians humbled Massa- playing on their home grounds, eked out a 2 to 1 win over the Terrors. e Gus Good ed by, and they should be in top shape nutten's team last week 53 to 0, Mike has always been a standout for the game this week. with their unusually heavy team. Preachers Nab Thirty-Second on defense, a fine open field tackler, Delaware will have to bottle up Art Laux really wants to beat this and a boy who really puts his all O'Keeffe and Tom Terry if they want team since he spent a year there into the game. Gus is a fine defen- to keep the Terrors from crossing himself before going to St. Joseph Consecutive Football Win sive end, and is one of the hardest the goal line. This combination ran College and a large crowd should men to move on the Terror line. up and down the field in the last two turn out to see the future Terror Gamma Bets Hold Second O'Keeffe, after an early season in- games for the Green. regulars. jury, has really come into his own, .Phillips Standout SPORTS CALENDAR Place With 19-7 Victory and has been a spear-head of the Ter- Captain Mike Phillips, the Terrors Playing before one of the largest point. The Bachelors' tuchdown waa ror attack in the last four ball games. bid for Little All American honors Friday, Nov. 13 crowds ever to witness a touchfoot- made by a pass from 'Voody Preston A fine runner, with a natural fake, will handle the center duties again FOOTBALL: J'.C. VB. Staunton to Howard Hall. Score: Black and Otts also takes his place with the fine this week. Phillips, a rugged senior MA. Hoffa Field 3:00 P. M. ball game on the hill, the Preachers control of first place by de- retained tacklers on the team. Barrick, too, from Clifton ,eight, Pa., will be play- Saturday, Nov. 14 feating the Gamma Bets.13 to O. By Whites 7-Bachelors 6. can be counted on for a consistently ing his next-to-last collegiate game winning this game, the purple team Opening the second half of the In- good baJJ game and deserves a lot of this week as the Green season closes FOOTBALL: Western Maryland assured themselves a place in the ter-Frat touch football league, the credit for his fine spirit and play. the following Saturday when CORst vs. Delaware, Wilmington, 2:15 Gamma Beta defeated the Bachelors by Guard is met on Hoffa Field. P. M. play-offs. 11score of 19 to 7. The Gamma's points Injuries have hampered other Ter- all came via the air, all tossed by ror men, who at the start of the sea- The probable starting lineups: Standings Sarge Lavin. Lavin tossed touch- western son were top performers. >'0 OU"!=:~.kl· Maryland R.I:. Delaware 11 Won Lost Pct. down passes to Buzz Langrall, the ex- Poole For the coming years, this column :;~~~;;r:k ~:6 Stallolli53 Preachers 3 0 1.000 tra point to Harry Yingling, and two would say that the Big Green has so Phillip" C Gamma Bets .667 touchdown passes to Johnny Wil- LG definite All-State candidates ill Tom 66Pial"i, Q.B. :!~~I~Ii Black N Whites .333 liams. ~~~~:~~;~.,L~ Terry, Stan Kilkuskie, Dick Koester Bachelurs .000 A pass from Preston to Jack Butt- and Joe Kugler, Chuck Godwin and '!'7 De.vii. n.n.a ner gave the Bachelors 6 points, and It Oodwi" the out-fought Gammas Never several others. 12 ()·Kpel!"~ I•. H.B ~!~~:~ yielded to the weight and size of the Preston ran the ball over for their 111 T. Terry ~'_B .Soccer Team Looks Up • Gus Defensive Star Preachers . seventh point. great Gusgesky's In the first re- defensive play When the Terrors of the soccer at right end for the Western :Mary- sistance held quarter, offenses stubborn both the of veriety pinned the 2-1 loss on the land Greell Tenors was by far the teams. The Gamma team threatened, 1st Half Scoring Leaders Navy varsity the other day, memories best piece of individual defensive and their competitors held. The r~ must have come back to Charlie 'Val- play of any of the Terrors all season. suit was that both stubborn defenses lace of the days when the Green and Gusgesky has played good ball all yielded no score to either squad and Gold, always won the state cham- season but Saturday against Dickin- the quarter closed scoreless. pionship. Now it looks as though son he really sparkled. Time and Early in the second quarter, Joe Coach Wallace has the local booters time again he would take care of the Workman on ·a beautifully executed in a fine spot to trip up our old ne- interference and make the tackle. pia)' ran 50 yards for a Preacher mesis in the form of Loyola. The Gus, a. husky end from Kingston, Pa., toucll-down the initial score of the eleven this season is a seasoned one; has played varsity end for Western first half. The score at the half time and, with such fine freshmen as Bob Maryland ever since his ophomorc read Preachers 6-Gamma Bets o. Stortz, Bob Purdue, Ed Harrison, year and this season he seems to be In This Corn.r Doc Summers and others, the Terrors tops. .Lal'in Stars should be high in spirit and ability. A The Gamma Bet squad fought hard Dear Boss: Boy did we pick them lastw eek! championship within their grasp, throughout the entire game, doing a These characters from Western home field, the, fine Senior And Junior Hockey Girls playing on their good job of holding a heavier and a Maryland had better not let us showing at Navy, all point to a Wes- more experienced Preacher team to down this week. \Ve won five tern Maryland win. Victorious In Infer-class Games 13 points. As usual, Tom Lavin and games while losing but one, and Ken Volk played a fine game. Downtown a few days back, that was that close Western Mary- Beard's Bruisers came thru with a Once again the girls on the hill are busily engaged in the inter- Late in the fourth quarter a beau- land-F. and 1\1. game. This week fin. victory over an invading Han- class hockey tournament and the season began a few weeks ago tiful pass, 'Vorkman to Lee Lodge, we expect that soccer champion- over eleven. Coach Tom Terry (pro- when the girls went through daily practice in preparation for their fine blocking, and nice running on the ship back here and also Dela- of Lodge, resulted part in another nounced Tershinski) led his Btuis- games. Preacher score. There was no other ware's string stopped. ers, all clad in Green and Gold uni- The first game of the season took place on Tuesday, November West. Md .. 14Delaware 13 forms, waving the score card from 3, on the girls hockey field, the junior defeating the sophomore A scoring, although the Gammas threat· Maryland 20Virginia 7 the bench. Terry so closely l·esembled team 2 to 1. Up until the last two minutes of the game, there was ened through the air, and the game Boston Col. 21Fordham 6 a certain other familiar figure that no score for either team, but during those last two minutes the ended Preachers 18-Gamma Bets O. ... Alabama .... 2BGeorgia T. 14 we thought that the Eagle was back. juniors were able to score twice while stick" battIe all the way. Ruth Ann o Bachelors Defeated Lehigh.. . 58 Dickinson 0 A large crowd gathered to see the the sophomores tallied once, The Whitmore made the goal for the sen- Closing the first half of the Inter- Navy 14Columbia 0 squirmish as the Bruisers were well SCOrerS for the juniors were Corky iors. Frat league, the Black and Whites W_M. (Soc..) ..3Loyola represented. Among them were Earl Price and Jeanne Dieffenbach and Last Thursday, the sophomore B barely defeated a fighting Bachelor Stauntn MA 20W_ Md J. V.. Schubert, Buzz Langrall. Tom Price, for the losers Charlotte Anne WiI- and the freshman B played what has team 7 to 6. By virtue of -this win, ·Super Max Grossman, Frank Faughman, kins. been considered by many the best the Black and Whites wound up in ·"Super Duper Woody Preston, KE;!n Volkart, Reds On the following day, the senior A game of the season. The game ended third place in the league standing!. Yours tr-uly, Hall, Lank Gatchell, Joe Wilson, and team a.nd the freshman·A team l\"'.et in a. 1-1 tie, both teams .working hard The Victon came from ?ehind; Herin 3, couple other ch.n.l1l.cters. In ·3011, the on the hockey field, the seniors win- througbout the. entire game. The and, in the closing minutes, a pass Pa.&t Record boys had a rare day and despite a .ning by a 1-0 score. The freshm~n goals were. made by Virginia Rorine front Earl Schubert to. Fred Hollo.- Won Lost Pet couple of _bl-4ll1Pshad ..a .-grand aud played a very good gam-c, but just for the Sophll and Ren~ FusS"for the way was good for 6 poInts. The same 1- 4- .• 635 glori~us ~~~n:. . .-__-'__~. "--~~'t_;_~~_~~._!a!_._! fresh. route wall u;:oo in -aaki-ng-the-~rli
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