Page 16 - TheGoldBug1942-43
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., November 12, 1942 Thanksgiving Play In Process Several New Christmas Holiday Of Being 'Pqlished Up' Plans OFferecl By Dr. Holloway President Holloway has announced from Secretary of the Navy Knox "Mal. Animal" Will B. Pr.s.nt.d In Alumni Hall; a suggestion for changing the plans which suggested that students may P.ggy Wilson, Joe Whiteford Have Rol.s . By Dottie Thrush for Christmas vacation at the As- give up their entire Christmas vace- scmbly held on Monday, November 9, tion in order to ease the transporta- Talk about working .overtime- due to the fact that the United tion eituatlon. This would tend to ec- By Peggy Reeves the lovebug sure is burning the mid- States Government is planning to cetereee the training of students. Lights burning llightly from 6:30 night oil this year, and he's added give a Christmas vacation to 16 per However- the president stated that on in room 24, Science Hall, mean more victims to his ever-increasing cent of the members of the armed it is not yet official, but merely a sug- only one thing-rehearsals for the list of "would-not· be" old maids, rob- forces. These soldiers, sailors', and gestion. Thanksgiving play to be given in Al- bing the Western Maryland campus marines will have a priority on all In closing, Dr. Holloway reminded umni Hall, Thursday, November 26, of four eligibles! transportation facilities. the students and faculty that all at 8:15 P. M. Miss Esther Smith, Marie Steele has fallen overboard According to the present college plans would be subject to govern- head of the dramatic art department and become engaged to Pfc. Rich- calendar, the Christmas Recess ment order and government aPPl'OV- and director of the play, has an- ard Rosenbaum of the United States would begin at 12 noon Friday, De~ al. nounced that this year the College Murtncs. Lieutenant Norman Foy, cember 18, and end at 8 P. M., Mon- Players will present The Male Ani- graduate of last year, has put the old day, January 4. President Holloway mal, a comedy in three acts by James sparkler on Ridgeley _Pollitt's third suggested a plan whereby the Christ- 'Wimmin-Foke' Thurber arid Elliott Nugent. It was finger, left hand. Carol Stoffregen mas Holiday would begin on wednee- first produced at the Cart Theater in took a trip to Camp Croft and came day, December 16. Classes would be New York starring Elliott Nugent, back with a ring from a former grad, held on four Saturday afternoons la- Drag Swains Ruth Matteson and Gene Tierney, Private Frank Tarbutton. Winnie tel' in the year to make up the work and later was made into a movie. Gillikin is engaged to Albert York, missed. No mention was made of the To Dance Filled with sparkling comedy from and Sara Jane Remsburg to Keidy date on which the Christmas recess beginning to end, the play depicts Young. And last, this trip, for we're would end. By i\lary Thomas several incidents in the life of Tom- sure the old bug will not stop working A vote of the student body was The wimmin-fokes is the backbone my Turner, a young professor at a for a long time, is Mary Virginia held with only a few of the students of this campus. This fact was clear- large univer-siby where he is trying to Walker, who is sporting a diamond opposing the plan suggested by Dr. proved Saturday night when Sa- show that education must be un- Miss Esther Smith bestowed upon her by Lieutenant Holloway. '!y die Hawkins Day, the day when wim- biased, that it should be concerned rormance of the Nation's War Thea- Robert Metger. Dr. Holloway read a statement min jest natcherly run 'things' was with the freedom of ideas. ter sponsored by Melvyn Douglas, climaxed by what was generally Peggy Wilson and Joe Whiteford Frank Capra, and Mrs. Eleanor agreed to be the most successful in- have both had experience on the stage Roosevelt. Here on the Hill, Joe Private Spangler Aloysius Fincls other than with the College Players. Whiteford is remembered for his per- formal dance of the year. by pig- The scene was dominated Miss Wilson has been connected with formance in The Man Who COm6 to 'Sacl Cases' In tailed "Sadies", arrayed in calicoes last 'Stancls Hill the Ramsey Street Players in Bal- D'inne1' and The. Yellow Jacket and plaids, and their blushing "Li'I timore and has appeared there in the year. Abners." . Little Three Arts Theater, as well as Debby Bowers, Bob Moore, Tom On Ear' Nut House The gym was appropriately decor- on tour with the same company. Bush and George Stephens head ated to represent Dogpatch, complete Whiteford, on the other hand, ap- the supporting cast, which also in- (Cont. from page I, col. 5) (Cont. from page 2, col. 1) with corn fodder, jugs, "Available peared in The Male Animal in White- cludes: Virginia Crucius, Phebe Rob- Although Private Spangler is "in this case was in for, the doctor clicked Jones" in one corner, and various oth- / field, New Hampshire, where he was inson, Marvin Sears, Don Griffin, the army. now", he has had the op- his tongue. "Sad case-very sad er of the Al Capp phenomena, In. associated with the Porty-Niners. He Peggy Reeves, and Fred Holloway, portunity to use his musical ability case," he sighed. "Extreme Paranoia; has also played in the Roadside Thea- h to advantage by presenting Sunday he thinks he's just a patient here, cluding a skunk which disappeared during the course of the evening. ter near \Vashington, and, this sum- The pr-ice of admission will be afternoon concerts for his fellow sol- when in reality he's Alfred the At intermission a program, notably mer, participated in the test per- thirty-five cents. diers. Private Spangler, stationed at Great". corny (a la Dogpatch), was present- the New Cumberland Reception Cen- ed, and the best Daisy Mae, Sadie ter near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, is The rest of my dream was rather Hawkins and Li'] Abner were chosen. Lucinda And .Bosl.y working as assistant chaplain and silly so I won't put any more of it Jeanne Eckhardt defended her title conducts the musical portion of the down. Before I leave, though, I of "Daisy Mae" successfully (after church services. should like to quote the opinion of having been chosen last ycar), while On the next occasion that Private James Joyce, whose book, Ulysses, I Kitty Waring was awarded the titIe Spangler obtains a furlough, he will ran across while browsing th rough of "Sadie Hawkins". The prize was present a full length musical program our Religious Ed. collateral list. Re- a handsome portrait of "Hairless in Alumni Hall, according to Dr. Hol- garding Abnormal Psychology, Mr. (Cant. from page 2, col. 5) (Cant. from page 2, col. 4) loway. J oyce has this to say: Joe". "Li'I Abner" was seen in the my pen ran out of ink, but I kept on matches, they have never been op- person of Charles (long undies) writing just the same. ponents in a real tournament. "In "Send us bright one, light one, Chlad, who received a picture of the I save aJi my notes, not only be- connection with the tennis team, I Hornborn, quickening and womb- patroness of the dance, that ravish- cause they contain much. knowledge met the real character-I've had ! Papa! ... fruit" Hoopsa, "Hoopsa, boyaboy, hoop- ing debutante, Sadie Hawkins. _ hoopaa!" sa! boyaboy, in concentrated form, but also be- more smiles on our tennis trips than Refreshments were ser-ved at a cause they come in handy at parties. anywhere else. And, by the way, I "still". Quite an intriguing game can be really got a big kick out of playing Music-by Joe Stevens was consider- started by distributing the notes Professor Frankfurter at the Mary- URAC Opens Fund ed quite up to snuff in spite of the among the guests and promising a land pep meeting." Drive With New corn hanging over the band stand. reward to the first one to decipher a Bo has always been one of the reg- page. Some of my notes baffle even ular customers at \Vestern movies. 'Tag Day' Plan PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS the most expert. This year, however, his attendance Aspiring to improve my system I record has fallen off. "You know," (Cant. from page 1, col. 4) once attended a lecture on "How To laughed Bo, "I'm concentrating on Hill outside speakers, sponsoring par- New College Rings Take Notes." I still llave the notes books, definitely'.' And then he ties, and enlarging the group of char- taken on this lecture. But a lot of laughed again-anything fOl" Ii. smile, ities which it aids. The Council is SIz.;)O $14.00 $15.50 good they're doing me. I can't even you know. made up uf representatives of all re- Applique Solid Gnld 10K Go!d plus 10% tax I·ead 'em. ligious and social groups on the Choice of Stolles Military Ball ... campus, the William Baker Sunday Emerald, Ruby, Topaz, Spinel. Ame- Initiations ••. School, S.C.A., fnter-Sorority and In- t.hyst, Black Onyx ($1.00 extra) (Cant. from page 1, col. 5) ter-Fraternity Councils, Men's and Special discount of $1.00 to first ten (Cont. from page 1, col. 2) Lieutenants Earl Schubert, Tony \"lomen's student governments, and students purchasing rings right hair cunning red bows of some- Fleming, To"\, Lavin, Tom Price, Bill the faculty. This ~'eal' it has already See display in book store. Orders what exaggerated proportions, the Orrison ·have as yet not announced sponsol'ed a Hallowe'en Party and may be placed with better to see them by. It worked. You their guests for the dance. published the Freshman Hand Book. Col. T. K. Harrison just couldn't miss those bows bobbing The general chairman of the dance in the breezes. Though their entirely is Cadet Lieut. Col. Lee Lodge, and Milson C. Ra\'e-r black costumes were probably intend- his associate is Cadet Major Bob Mr. Raver, head of the WMC Pub- ed to make them appear inconspicu- Moore. The chairmell of the various lic Relations Bureau, became the Carroll Theatre State Theatre ous, those bowS\_gave them away. other committees are as follows; father of 11 SOil,James Moore Raver, Witches, heralding Hallowe'en, music, Cadet Capt. Prettyman; pub- on Tuesday, November 3. Thurs. & Fri., Nov. 12, 13 Frida~' & Saturday landed early on the Hill as the Delt licity, Cadet Lieut. Schubert; invita- Mother, Father and Son are all do- Thursday, Nov. 12-13-14 "HILLBILLY BLITZKREIG" pledges, ~riding broomsticks and wear- tions, Cadet Lieut. Whiteford; pro- ing well. "THE PRIDE OF THE Smith Google ing the hat peculiar to witches, grams, Cadet Capt. MacWilliams; YANKEES" haunted the classrooms on October decorations, Cadet Lt. Evans; favors, Gnry Cooper, Teresa Wright Saturday, November 14 28. But when they all did the Conga Cadet Lieut. Friedel; entertainment, FOUR CHAIR SERVICE "NORTH OF THE ROCKIES" in front of Blanche Ward at lunch- Cadet Capt. Baugher. -'No Waiting Sunday, .f.Ionday, Tuesday Bill Elliott, Tex Ritter time that day-that was something The receiving line will include HEAGY BROTHERS' Nov. 15, 16, 17 Sunday, Monday & Tuesday for Ripley! Special acknowledgement Lodge and Miss Bodmer, Lieut. BARBER SHOP Rosalind Russell, Bariian Aherne Nov. 15, 16, 17 is due to Witch Baugher, who so ably Colonel and Mrs. Walton, Lieut. Ca- Ne:Jlt to Post OfJlce "MY SISTER EILEEN" Dick Foran, Andrew Sisters in led the Conga line, despite a few shy, ple and guest, Lieut. and Mrs. Bruce "PRIVATE BUCKAROO" modest protests. Ferguson, President and Mrs. Hollo- SMITH & REIFSNIDER Wed. & Thurs., Nov. 18, 19 Wednesday, November 18 way, Dean and Mrs. Free, Dean and Incorporatcd Anna Neagle, Richard Newton in Charles Starrett in Mrs. Samuel Schofield, Dean Carmi- LUMBER-COAL "WINGS FOR THE "RIDERS OF THE Workman's chael and guest, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. WOMAN" NORTHLAND" Wantz. WESTMINSTER, MD. 'Keg' Flower corsages will not be in or- Fri. & Sat., Nov. 20, 21 Thurs. & Fri., Nov. 19, 20 der, according to Cadet Lieut. Col. Laurel & Hardy in Irene Manning, Humphrey Bogart (Cont. from page 2, col. 5) Lodge; the only approved· corsages ;n are shOwing the true spirit of pre- Phone 300 "A HAUNTING WE WILL "THE BIG SHOT" paredness. will be made of war stamps. They GO" must be ordered· in advance from A. CARROLLEEN Saturday, November 21 Gene Autry in .Grill Record R. Friedel, John Williams, or Wil- Sun. & Mon., Nov. 22, 23 "CALL OF THE CANYON" The employees of Ellen Hess's liam Baylies. Coiffures George Brent, Barb~ra Stanwyck Grill would like to nominate Joe Kug- Individual ;n Sun. & Mon.,· Nov. 22, 23 ler and Chuck as the best ex- John Everhart Beauty:in its Entirety "THE GAY SISTERS" Marjorie Main. Lee BO'Vlll&nin "TISH" . amples of why the Grill is not out of business. Their rec.ord of eight ham- THE COLLEGE BARBER Tucs. &·Wed.; Nov. 24,·25 • Tuesda~mber 24 bUrgers and a gallon of milk between 66 W. Main· 51, Ann Sheridan, Denqis· Morgan in Irene Manning, Craig- Stevens in them for lunch certainly stops the AND BOBBER . WESTMINSTE~; MD. "WINGS FOR THE EAGLE" "spy SHIP" deek on all othor dm-mning. AT TIlE. F()~K$
   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21