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Library Uestern Maryland College +e stmt ns ter-, Md. \ 'Male Animal' \ To Be Given ~he qoMBw; EDITORIAL ON FRATERNITIES Tomorrow Z286 PAGE 2 • (allege Playe" Will Present Annual Thanksgiving Play Vol. 20, No.5 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE November 25, 1942 In Alumni Hall are now going The College Players which this year Thirteen Seniors Make 'Whots'Who' into final rehearsals for their annual Thanksgiving play, will be The Male by James Thurber and Elliott Nugent. Tomorrow night at 8:15 P.M., Al- Representatives Chosen On umni Hall stage will be transformed At Guaclalcanal into the home of Professor Thomas Turner at Mid-Westem University. Impartial, Objective Basis Because he believes in education for the sake of ideas, Tommy, as a mem- ber of the English Department, suc- Rawlins, Jones, Prettyman, Workman, Lodge, Levin, ceeds in getting himself into trouble Whiteford, Evans, Miller, Reeves, Steele, with the narrow-minded trustees of the university . Milby, And Sowter Are Those Named • Complications Thirteen Seniors of Western Maryland College have been se- To complicate things even more, Joe Ferguson, the greatest football lected to be listed in the 1942-43 edition of Who's Who Among Stu- and Colleges. The students selected Uniuereiiies dents in Amerioasi hero in Mid-Western's history, ep- are William Prettyman, Joseph Workman, Lee Lodge, Alvin Levin, pears on the scene. Joe at one time John Rawlins, Joseph Whiteford, Albert Jones, Marvin Evans, had been rather unofficially engaged Mary Miller, Margaret Reeves, Marie Steele, Georgie Milby, and to Ellen 'I'uroer, Tommy's wife. Dorothy Sowter. .- Forsaking all, the professor decides Who's Who is published through the cooperation of all Ameri- to stick to his books and his princi- can universities and colleges. Using the total student enrollment ples until he suddenly hits upon the l as a base, Who's Who works on a percentage basis, aBoting each theory that "a woman likes a man college a certain number of representatives. who does something." In his own W.M.C.'s representatives are chosen from the senior class by words: "All the male animals fight an impartial committee. They are judged according to character, for the female, from the land crab to leadership, scholarship, and poten- the bird of paradise. They don't just tiality. The judging is based on the cadet captain in advanced military, sit and talk. They act!" And when student's four-year college record. It Workman is a member of Delta Pi Tommy Turner begins to act, things is an objective, not a personal pro- Alpha and served as co-editor of the begin to happen. Freshman Handbook for 1942-43. cedure. Emphasis is placed on scho- e whtterord Stars larship and leadership, and consldera- e'Tbree-rotd President In the role of the professor, Joe tion is also given to the students' Lee Lodge, coming from Beltsville, Whiteford is·...the character about personality, popularity, and ability to fills the position of president in the whom most of the action of the play accept responsibility. . Men's Student Government, the sen- centers. His wife, Ellen Turner, is Who's Who is a means of honoring ior class, and the Preacher Fratern- portrayed by Peggy Wilson in a soft- successful college students; it re- ly feminine characterization. quires no dues 01' fees. The book is (Cont. on page 4, col. 2) (Cont. on page 4, col. 4) sent to all American colleges and uni- The Faculty Club Hears versities and to many prospective em- Surgical Dressings ., ;(ollowing of arc college graduates. ployers Western Maryland's on Who's Who: Class Statistics representatives Prettyman, who names Lloyd A. Brown William as his home-town, Lewes, Delaware, Show Activity WITH THE MARINES-DeWane Bills, ex-'44, who left college is known to all students in his capac- Discuss Peabody last spring near the end of his sophomore year, has been heard ity as college postmaster. A member Speaking before the second meet- Figures show that the average from at Guadalcanal. Bills was a first-string tail-back 011 of Gamma Beta Chi, he is also Band ing of the Faculty Club, on Thursday, number of dressings made each week W.M.O.'s varsity team last year. After leaving, he completed Captain of the R.O.T.C. Battalion. November 21, under the direction of by the Wednesday and Friday evening his Marine training at Par-ria Island. Joseph WOI·kmal'. from Silver Mrs. Evelyn wenner, Mr. Lloyd A. surgical dressings classes since their Springs, fills the position of Assistant Brown, Librarian of the Peabody In- organization last month is well over Feature Editor on the Gold Bug. A stitute Library in Baltimore, discuss- 1000, and the average time spent on ed the subject of the Peabody Library, this activity each week is 75 work URAC Fund Drive Reaches The its founding and development. hours. Dean To Speak ... Mr. Brown gave a summary of the Miss Gray is sponsoring the Wed- Dean Free will speak before the life and notable philanthropies of nesday class-in fact, it was started college Goal As College Cooperates George Peabody, the founder of the as a Home Ec. Club project-and Eastern Association of library. Then he sketched in a gen- Dr. Mudge sponsors the Friday Deans in their meeting at the New With over ninety per cent of the appr-oximately two hundred and sev- eral way the advantages and re- class. Miss Manahan instructs the Yorker Hotel in New York City student body and faculty contributing enty-five dollars in pledges were re- sources of the library. now workers in both classes. Other this Thursday and Friday. The to the annual United Religious Ac- ceived. "Our library", explained Mr women of the faculty have been gen- general subject of the gathering tivities Council Fund Drive, the goal Included among the contributors on Brown, "is a reference library, not a will be "College Morale in War- erous in giving their time to aid this time" and the problems associated of $500 was reached for the first time the Hill were the three soroiitios, circulating one, and one of the chief project. therewith. in recent years, according to Jehu C. several fraternities, and various oth- purposes is to make its resources ac- After the dressings have been Rawlins, finance chairman. er organizations, Not only was there cessible to the serious students." made, they are inspected by Miss As a member of t.he association's After a successful "Tag Day" that a good representation of the various Mr. Brown also told something of Gray, Dr. Mudge, Miss Manahan, Executive Committee, Dean Free netted approximately two hundred groups but the dormitories also con- the value and aims of the librur'y in and Miss Parker; then they are pack- will speak in a round table dis- dollars including pledges, the collect- tributed liberally, with "A" section of the following manner: ed in paper bags containing 200 cueelon on "Attendance Regula- ors in the various dormitories con- Albert Norman Ward Hall having a "The Peabody Library has many dressings each. (Each dressing is tiona". tacted every person; and by the end hundred percent record and McKill- volumes that can be properly classed (Cont. on page 4, col. 4) of the week allotted to the drive, a sbry and Mcljaniel Halls very nearly as rure books, and the library staff is sum of two hundred twenty-four dol- perfect. extremely interested in enlarging this Average Freshman Finds That First lars and forty-one cents in cash and dent body was contacted, there are collection. The collection of works by Although every member of the stu- been has Mar-yland authors always several faculty members who haven't the primary endeavor of the library Ideas About Grades Are Wrong Argonauts Hold First' been seen because of the pressing du- directors." . and exist both for faculty At the conclusion of his prepared By Betty Waits ed hard and received good grades, a Meeting And Elect ties that around the middle of the address, he answered. several ques- students The average freshman finds it rath- few that didn't work hard and got (Cont. on page 4, col. 5) tions concerning the Peabody Library. er difficult at firsb to adjust himself poor grades, and a few that didn't New Members to the new standards and types of work hard and got good grades any- work that arc to be found in college. way. Nobody has found out just The Argonauts, \V,iII,C. honor so- Make~Up Schedule F~r Early Vacation The difference of professors, lectures, what happened to the rest of the ciety, held their- first meeting of the books and tests often leave us in a class. year at Miss Robb's home on Wednes- dazed and confused condition 50 that When seriously considered, opinion day evening, November 18. Miss Will Comprise Saturday Afternoons grades are anticipated with an odd indicates that freshmen are finding Sonya Machelson of the Chemistry mixture of awe and curiosity. the work comparativcly hard, often department spoke on "Education in In order to compensate for the minutes long. The first and second But now that the truth is out it because material must be assimilated Latvia". classes lost on December 16 to 18, due periods will combine to form the first seems to be generally conceded that more rapidly than we were previously After a short period of questions to the increase in the Christmas vaca- period; the third and fourth, the sec- first impressions are apt to be mis- accustomed to so doing. Another and discussion, president Milton Hu- tion, Dean Schofield has announced ond; the fifth and sixth, the third; leading. Few have complained about "tough" element is budgeting time so ber conducted a business meeting dur- that the classes omitted will be held and the seventh and eighth, the receiving grades lower than they that enough hours are put in at study ing which fourteen new members on Saturday, December 5 and Decem- fourth. thought they should, and many have and enough at recreation. were elected to the society. ber 12, and Saturday, January!} and Moreover, those classes meeting been pleasantly surprised (and re- Regardless of the good or bad as- They are: Lucille Gischel, Ann January 16. only on Thursday will convene only lieved) to find themselves in better pects, at least we know where we l'IIeeth, Caryl Tool', Frances Hall, 'I'he schedule for the morning of the first half of the periods desig- positions than they expected. stand, now and what to expect at the Vivian Forsythe, James Griffin; Wil- Friday, December 18, will be held on nated above. This is not to say, of course, that end of the semester. At the present liam Harrington, John Vermilyea, the afternoon of Saturday, December However, this schedule is. subject Western Maryland can expect to time, and for obvious reasons, the Mary Rehmeyer, Dorothy Clarke, 5, the first period of Friday corre- to change if students will present graduate two hundred genii in freshman class has "adopted as its Virginia Waters, Betty Rose, Ruth L. sponding to the fifth period on Sat- their reasons for disapproval to their 1946. There were many of us _w.ith theme song, that well-known ditty ,en- Baugher, and Andrew Graham. How- urday. various instructors by December 1. grades that didn't measure up to what titled, -os, Plant My' Feet On Higher ever, due to a new ruling concerning Since classes meeting on Thursday Classes scheduled for the after- they should have, many who were Ground" and can be heard crooning eligibility for the Society, several stu- and Saturday mornings are usually noons December 16 and 17 are to con- very much disheartened over the sit- it far into the wee hours as they dents will be granted associate mem- the same, on Saturday, December 12, vene on Saturdays, J anuarv 9 and uation. There were a few that work- burn the "midnight oil". (Cont. on page 4, col. 5) all -perfods win be one hour and 50 January 16 respectively.