Page 6 - TheGoldBug1941-42
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.................................................................. --------------\\ PAGE SIX The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westmill5ter, Md., September 18, 1941 ' Seminary Opens __ The Morning AFter Levine Conservatory ble for the original renovation of the hall and contributed much toward the Fifty-Ninth Year The Tigers should surpass last sea- men At tackle, the 'I'errors have rangy Completed of the rooms on initial expense. Mr. William (Dent, from page 4, col. 5) Mr. Daniel Mackea, Bart in Natalizi, Fred Bohn Mather, and Mrs. Fred Adkins, all With completion sea- deal last a great On Sept. 23 son's iair record and may hit the un- (who played Sig Jensen. George Barrick, the second and third floors Levine members of the Board of Trustees, jackpot." defeated The guards son), and regulars Seven during gave contributions the past Hall has been completely transform- who Tigers consist veteran of returning for the are LeCompte, Wildey, Reter, won 5 and lost 3, trouncing the Ter- Charley 'I'souprake a;d Joe Kittner. ed from an antiquated men's dormi- year that enabled college officials to see that the ,:vork was completed. well-equipped tory into modern, a rors 37 to O. The previous year it Al Cohen and Jim Thomas can play Cummins, And Murphy was 6 to 0 win for them in the Sta- both positions and Harry Baker will music conservatory, W. E. Pennington-No J. Wolfshcimer There are nine practice rooms, six active duty wherever for Among New Entrants dium so p~rhaps they aren't so good be ready Mike Phillips is again the studios, one class room, and an audi- Newspapers - Magazines called. away from home. With one of the largest first year Concerning Bucknell, the Football center choice and the backer-up of the torium with a seating capacity of one hundred and fifty. The rooms are in- enrollments in its history, the 'Vest. Magazine quoted, "The Orange and Terror Line. sulated for sound, having thick par- Knitt.d W •• r-Sandwiche. minster Theological Seminary will Blue are mostly blue. Short-handed titions and floating floors, are lighted Ward Hall 115 for service open on Tuesday, September 23, for ~~~: Faculty Changes .. -. indirectly and are equipped according its fifty-ninth session. Among the ~~o!~~Ph~:~e::e~se b~~~:e~:;~ to speeifications of the music depart- thirty to enroll will be five members is another hard times year." Imagine (Cont. from page 1, col. 1) ment. of the 1941 graduating class of West- that with Knupp and six others of the last semester. Dean Alvey hanogle was responsi- ern Maryland College: Harper Le regular status returning from last Mr. Paul Harr-is will fill the vacan- Compte and Denzel Wildey, former year's eleven which won 4, lost 2, and cy in the art department made by the CARROLL presidents of the S. C. A., Paul Cum- tied 2. resignation of Dr. Walter Nathan, Keep up with World Events mings, Edwin Reter, and George As f01" Western Maryland. the who is now teaching at the U. of Subscribe to Murphy, Football Annual says, "1941 prospect: Boston. A graduate of the Universi- and STATE Stronger. ':Manny Kaplan is the THE SUN Beginning his first year- as an in- ty of Ohio, Mr. Harr-is obtained his structor at the seminary will be Dr. three way threat of the Terrors. If master of arts at the University of See Thornton Wood a lot the forwards Paul F. Warner, who graduated from •may happen. can be reforged, Charlie Chicago and has been teaching at the Morning-Evening Headmaster W. M. C. in the same class with Dr, Havens has been biding his hour and Annapolis High School and Johns Sunday Theatres F. G. Holloway, Dr. Warner attended Hopkins University. the Theological Seminary, continued it is overdue." his studies at Hopkins, and has been It appears that only Manny Kaplan a missionary in Japan for several and Irv Biasi have certain jobs in the years. He will teach Hebrew and Terror backfield but Bob Brickel', Students and Teachers of W.M.C. Greek. Tom Terry, Otts O'Keeffe, De Wane Start your New Year right! Ed Lewis, and Bills, Bob Sorensen, Dr. Forlines forcasts, "the most Charlie DeManns are very much in prosperous year we've had for a great there. The ends will be the same with Shop At Coffman's Fo! Your Supplies ~ many years". WESTERN MARYLAND Bernie Gusgesky, Frank Suffern, And Get Your FREE DESK BLOTTER, and Royce Gibson drawing first place Social Noles. . . ~h'_n_"_'. --, -Standard Merchandise at Standard Prices- Nationally Advertised COLLEGE (Cont. from page 2, col. 4) TYPEWRITERS FOUNTAIN PENS STATIONERY garth, Robert Hahn, Victor Impecia- When Back to College GREETING CARDS FOR ALL OCCASIONS to, Frank Mather, Michael Leister, ENTERTAINMENT Bobo Lambert, Francis Smith, are at NEWSPAPERS MAGAZINES For-t Benning, Georgia ... Bill Banks .SHOP AT is at a camp in Louisiana, and Mack P. G. COFFMAN CO. CENTERS !~;P~~::.nd Bobo Knepp are on the Keefer's Market Times Building Opposite Bus Terminal Nemo Robinson increased his fame this summer by hitch-hiking to Flor- Opposite the Post Office ida in three days. WhiJe "touring the South", he stopped at Fort Ben- Don't miss SONJA HENlE, ster- ning ... Bill Walls has applied for en- ring in ';SUN VALLEY SERENADE" trance in the Marines. back' this CASSELL'S * a 20th Century-Fox film, with Tom Arthur will be G~ENN MtLLER end his band. year as a senior after cramming cal- culus all summer ... Hank Holljes Jewelers is all ready to be off to the U. of Md. The Store of New Fashioned Jewelry medical school. Ocean City's Ma- jestieHotelmustjike Western Mary- and Old Fashioned Honesty landers. Violet Younger, Marjorie Rue, Ruth Harcum, Blanche Scott, Libby Tyson, and Alice Rohrer were J. W.l\f. HULL, Owner employed there ... Tommy Price sav- 51 E. Main Sf. Westminster, Md. ed lives in front of the Lankford Ho- tel at Ocean City, ana also enjoyed bike rides up and down the board- 1.W.Mather walk. Food Prices Up (Cont. from page 2, col. 5) & Sons Miss Tweed suggests that students contemplating going on a diet might Westminster's Oldest Store, do so now and aid both the college extends to the students of and themselves. Western Maryland College DRUGS--SODAS 01 most hearty welcome. COSMETICS Prescription Specialists • Run right (0 \ READ'S We congratulate you on "Drug Store Worthy of Y.our your choice of a college Confidence" and hope that your school Westminster, Md. Phone 9 year will be a happy one. • 'ItMvtctfnt! Welcome Back to College We take this opportunity John Everhart to extend you a cordial in- _If]ChesterfIeld vitation to visit us, make THE COLLEGE BARBER yourself acquainted, let us AND BOBBER know you are a student and AT THE FORKS if there is any 'courtesy we the Right Combination of the World's Best Cigarette can extend we want to do Tobaccos for a COOLERMILDER Better TASTE it. Phone 300 • EVERYWHERE Buy a pack ..• when you light a Chesterfield you so delightful that it's get an aroma and fragrance CARROLLEEN ~OVGO . enjoyed even by those who do not smoke. Individual Coiffures T. W. Mather & Sons We spare no expense in making Chesterfield Beauty in its Entirety WESTMINSTER'S the best smoke money can buy. : . from the to.. bacco inside, right out to the moisture-proof, LEADING 66 W. Main St. easy-to-open cellophane jacket that keeps WESTMINSTER, MD. STORE ~ Chesterfield always Fresher and Cooler.Smoking.
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