Page 5 - TheGoldBug1941-42
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The Gold Bug, 'tVateta MarylaDd College, \V~, Mel., September 18, 1941 PAGE FIVE Western Maryland Gridders Work Out Daily In Preparation For Busy Campaign Twelve Freshmen C.ndidates Twelve Sophomores, Eleven Engle Ret,urns Report Early For Practice •• Juniors, Five Seniors Are l:Iere To Help Team Faces Tough Card Seeking Starting Berths for a schedule which is Preparing Getting an early start for the 1941 Charlie Havens season, twelve out along with the var- as tough as any in the past few years, to- freshmen footballers Charlie Havens is busy whipping are working sity in prcparation for the five game gether a team that will provide both card for the coming campaign. Oth- speed and power for their opening Returning to the campus in the ca- ers are expected to enlarge the squad day encounter with Cortland Teach- pacity of assistant football coach, when freshman week commences on H'S on Saturday, September 27. Charles "Rip" Engle, class of 1930, the 23rd of this month. Having drilled now for three weeks, has been added to the present football Thus far, ten of the twelve fresh- twice daily, the Green and Gold elev- setup to assist Charles W. Havens, men who have reported are from out en is slowly filling up gaps left open head coach of the varsity gridders. of stute, while two represent Balti- by eight graduating seniors and six Engle, an ardent admirer of Hav- members. who failed to return to ens, will be seeking his Master of more. The schedule includes games school for various reasons. Arts Degree and will also serve as with Massunuttcn ilTilitary Academy, Mercersburg head bas~etball coach, filling the po- Get.tysburg- 'B u II e t s, Junior College, Among those returning however, Academy, Dickinson sition that Bruce Ferguson left open and Bullis Prep. Only thc last game are five seniors, eleven juniors, and when called by the army last March. twelve sophomores. will be played .a t home and that will Rip Popular be in the middle of November. "Most Kaplan, Biasi Sure noticeable of the Baby Terrors is Hy- Rip has already made himself felt mie Miller from Syracuse, a 140 Thus far only a few positions are among the boys with his pleasant, pound scat-back, Miller, although ex- closed, but within a few days, Havens quiet, and extremely modest nature. tremely short, is well built and offers will have his regulars playing to- Since graduating from college, Rip much in the way of speed and twist- gether. In the backfield Irv Biasi and has had much success with both foot- ing. Also from Syracuse comes Manny Kaplan are sure things with ball and basketball teams. In his George Natalizi, brothel' 01 Bart. The Bob Sorensen and Otts O'Keeffe work- last eight years of football, Engle younger Natalizi is shorter and stock- ing- with them. Also in the backfield has turned three undefcated and un- ier than his sophomore brother. are Bob Bricker, Tom Terry, Wane tied elevens and in those eight sea- George handles the guard position Bills, Ed Lewis and Charley Del'llanss, sons his teams have lost but eight along with "Butter Ball" Blanchette, while at the flanks are Royce Gibson, contests. His basketball teams also a New Bedford, Massachusetts, prod- Jim Roby, Frank Suffern, Ed Mogow- have been standouts and in 1934 and uct whence hails Carlton Mendell, a ski, and Bernie Gusgesky. Bart 1935 his coursters went through 42 back. Nataliai, Sig Jensen, Jim Thomas, games and came up with 39 wins. Fred Bohn, and Ai Cohen are all From waynesboro, Pennsylvania, Four-Letter Man comes Joe ~ Kugl,er, a 220 pound fig}).ting for berths at tackle, whilc George Barrick, Charley Tsouprake, The Players Speak At Western Maryland, Engle par- tackle, and Curly K"aufman, a back- Carlo Ortem:i, Joe Kittner, and Har- ticipated in four sports, winning his field man. Charlic Godwin and Jess ry Baker also the causes of a merry Johnson are two ends from Baltimore, Varsity Footballers Give Views letter in football, basketball, baseball while George Pia vis another tackle, chase for the guard po,sitions. and tennis. On the gridiron he was Center Mike Phillips is again back an end, on the court, a guard, short- is from Glen Lyon, Pennsylvania. with Reds Mat.ley and Bill Penning- from Mahoneny City, stop I and diamond, on the On ~estern Maryland's Future three man on the tennis team. number Stan Kilkuskie and Jim Schropp of ton on hand to relieve him. Pennsylvania, In ad- dition to these acomplisbments, .Rip Hazelton, Pennsylvania, complete the Hank Holljes has been assisting in There is an air of optimism circulating in Gill Gym concerning backfield candidates while Pat Car- coaching the Terror linemen but will the football season of 1941. The lads who were not too sleepy received the Alexander trophy as the uso is a center from New Jersey. leave for medical school next week. rolled over and gave these answers to the questions of the Gold best ail-round athlete of his class. BuO; Big Thrill in '29 Biasi-Should have a plenty good ,_,-- _ --- • Senior Stars • --- Engle's greatest thrill came during team ... we're stronger and better the great season of 1929 when the than last year. If we get through Ten-o;s were eng~ing Temple. The This is the ji.1·st in a series of art{clC8 on senior alldetes. the fh'st two games, we'll do O. K. Owls had been playing razzle-dazzle Bricker-Should be a much improved type of football all afternoon until club over last season providing in- Rip teamed up with one of his team- juries don't pull us down. mates and intercepted a lateral pass, Baker-I'm not certain of the aucccas going tor a touchdown. It helped in of the team but the boys are keyed. a 28 to 0 win over Temple. This was up. Should be a good season. the same year that Georgetown, Lewis-Looks like a really good year. coached by Lou Little, was beaten 7 Gibson-'l'his should be the year. to 0 and Maryland downed 12 to 0 by Terry Talks the Gre~ and Gold. Tereshinski-We should have a good team ... got a good line ... all the boys are ready to give all they Lt. G. Caple To have. Jensen-If they keep up the spirit Coach Booters they have now, we're bound to have a good season and knock Maryland Co-captained by Frank Tarbutton off tor-sure. and Bob ~Shockley, Western Mary- Roby-With a couple of breaks, we'll lands varsity soccer team, hard hit have a good season. by graduation, will start working out Tsouprake--We've go t the materi- immediately on return to school in al ... this ought to be a good sea- preparation for a busy eight game son .. tell more tater o». schedule. ... Bills-We're light and fast but by the Lt. George H. Caple, JJ'., class of I time of the Cortland game, we'll be 1932, will take over the 'soccer reins ready for them. at Western Maryland this season 1'10- Phillips-I figure we should have a placing Dr. Walter Nathan who is pretty good team this year. We've now at Boston University. Caple, in got the material. Should be a bette)' the teaching field before he came to team than last year-much better. Western Maryland as Assistant . Thomas-If the boys keep working- PMS&T, coached soccer previously in as hard as they are now, we should high school. have an excellent season. O'Keet1'c-Ought to have a winning team j that is, if they put as much Se~·en Lettermen Back Bart Barks hustle and spirit into the games as Of the squad last season, only sev- they do in pra'Ctice. Otlght to sweep en .14}ttermen are returning, the team Natalizi-Should have a good team. the series. shouldn't lose a game as far as that 10Slllg the same number of regulars Suffern-We have the material and through diploma. Those graduated goes. were: Tim Lewis and John Tomlin- Gusgesky-Can't say much, if we spirit that is requircd of a winning don't have any injuries, we should team. We're going out thcre alld son, last year's co-captains, Tom have a fairly successful scason. show them that we've got it. Elias, Bill Robinson, Bob Guy Windsor, along Day, and Hahn Frank Kittner-Barring injuries we should Mogowski-The outlook is promising. with the capable substitutes: Wilson Irwin Edward Biasi, the original speed and power. Threw the discus have a better team than last year. Sorensen-Perhaps this is it. Duncan, Harpel' LeCompte, Bill "Herm". A healthy specimen al- and participated in 100 and 440 yard Take Maryland anyway. Parks, and Chet Refskosky. Pennington-I think it all depends on Bohn-If my roomie gets l'olling, we This season finds Shockley and Tar- though a frequent visitor to the infir· dashes. at Western l'IIaryland in . killer ... mary. Enrolled has an athletic should do all right. You can't stop the spirit. a barrcl. button, two good wingmen l returning, background and a.ims to carve deeper. '38 after a brief stay at the Mounts. Kaplan-If we get qy the first couple Sly-Well, I guess it will be all right. with Francis "Buddie" Blair, first Spent four years on his varsity Is now entering his third year in the of games, we'll have a good season .. rate fullback, Francis Cook and football team in high school which backfield with the footballel's. Pel'- Barrick-Sort of light but plenty of Cohen-I think we're aU learning Brother Warren, John Hancock, vet- was city titleholder twice. Cap- formed well on the court for two sea- spirit. If we get off to a good start more this year. A group of nice. el'an goalie, Clarence Mc'Villiams, tained the pigskinners in his senior sons, last year being chosen to cap- we should do O. K. ' boys. Very good spirit. Indianhead's pride, and Thomas year when they were crowned tain the Maryland All-stars. Threw DeManss-The team is much better Rochester-After carefully weighing O'Leary. champs. Performed for four y~ars the discus a bit in college but pre- than last year. . the spirit is bet- the situation, I have come to the Although the schedule is not com· on the COUlt while his team was wiu- ferred rest to activity in the Spring. ter and we should win more games. conclusion that our representatives pleted as yet, the Terrors will proba- ning the city basketball champion- Wears a high forehead often IIIatley_Personally, r think we. ~re of the gridiron consume more calo- bly meet Loyola, Penn State, Gettys- ships for thl'ee consecutive seasons. called Curly .. . is quiet ... shares but is now looking his new car better than last year_more Spll"lt. ries daily this year than in any burg, Towson Teachers, Maryland, Captaincd the champions in his senior for excuses to go to Baltimore. Outstanding Blue Ridge, and Johns Hopkins. in track with both Ortenzi-Good, light, fast team. pl'evious season.
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