Page 10 - TheGoldBug1940-41
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland CoUege, Westminster, Md., October 10, 1940 RadioPrograms Sergeant Lavin. R.O.T.C. Instructor, To Retire Faw Outlines Year's Announced After Thirty Years Of Service In The Army Program (Continued from page 1, col. 4) Professor Spangler, of the music He Enlisted In 1916 emment, the regular Monday essem- department, will give a piano recital Hopes To Be! Called bly of election will be postponed to at the radio broadcast on Tuesday, Although Yet Under Into Active Duty Tuesday, election day, and students October 15, Professor Makcsky, di- Army Age Limits With Reserves will cast their ballots fO!: one of the rector of the program, announced. presidential candidates. Dr. Theodore Whitfield, of the. his- Thomas Joseph Lavin, Master Ser- tary department. This was in Sep- hall seating dining arrange- "The tory department, will address the ra- geant, Infantry-"Sarg" to you and tember, 1931, and since that time the ment will be continued," :!IIr. Faw re- dio audience the following week on me-as much a pa,t of this institu- Sergeant has been living in Westmin- the subject "America's Part in the tion as the. arch, Alumni Hall, and ster with his wife and three children, marked, "and no steps toward an Present Crisis." Old Main-today begins a four month who have attended Western Mary- honor system will be taken for These radio broadcasts are present- retirement furlough after thirty land. there's no use starting agitation for ed every Tuesday afternoon at 3 years of honorable service. "The nine years of my life here are it unless someone brings it up, and it students the voted once have o'clock in order to acquaint the radio "I regret leaving very much, and among my happiest," the sergeant down." public with the activities on the Hill, this is the start of my retirement continued: "It's hard to leave when and to give students an opportunity furlough," 'the "Sarg" remarked. you feel yourself part of the campus. Another of the president's plans is to become familiar with radio bread- "Of course, I'll be back on February Before the military work became so to join the National Student Federa- casting technique. 9 and will serve for one more month heavy, it was my hobby to help in the tion of America, an association of Student groups are invited by Pro- and then retire." athletic department and there I met student government of the United fessor Makcsky to present ideas or to Seeing the light of day for the first a true friend, Dick Harlow. What'll States. This will involve a union of arrange entire broadcasts for presen- time fifty years ago, he spent but six I do now? Just take it easy and the men and women student govern- tation on the nir. months at his birthplace, Aberden, roam around; maybe I'll go south to ments; but, Mr. Faw pointed out, this In the past, the French Club, the South Dakota. Then the Levina mi- see my son Johnny and some old pals need be only for executory purposes, International Relations club, the grated to Ireland for four years, re- the institution." After he spent four at Clearwater, Florida. Of course, I and student governments might still SCA, the art class, and the athletic tut-ning to the States where young years at Bethlehem, Western Mary- may be called into active duty with function as before. department have contributed to the Tom absorbed preliminary education. land welcomed him to the local mili- the reserves as a first lieutenant and program in one form or another. In 1910, although under army age, if I am, it's okay with me." SMITH & REIFSNIDER he became Private Lavin at Jefferson And bids Western so, Barracks, Missouri, and qas since DAY BY DAY- goodbye to Sergeant Maryland loyal Incorporated Lavin-a Military Appointments been stationed at several posts Fort in- ••• today friend of the college and a true repre- LUMBER-COAL cluding Fort George G. }leade, Sam Houston, Texas, and Camp Cus- be~~ifm,.~n t~:n~~~ilf~od l't"P1:'3'g.t~.g~~ sentative of the army. WESTMINSTER, MD. (Continued from page 1, col. 3) ter, Michigan, where he was commis- chRirman Voroon WieBand announces Company A sioned Second Lieutenant in the ma- thR\. Mngs and originsl skit" Rnd stunlS J. D, KATZ Captain, Robert W. Hahn; 1st Ser- chine gun corps. While in Texas, he ::~J;~~'if:d.tured nnd thBt upper·cla .. men JOHN EVERHAR geant, Robert E. Bricker. spent seven years in the cavalry, and QUALITY THE COLLEGE BARBE tomorrow lst Platoon in an incident on the Mexican border, •• Collego C~bl'eh will hold simultllo"ou, SHOE REPAIRING AND BOBBER 1st Lieutenant, William H. Adolph; he sustained a. fractured leg and was Special Rates to Students I AT THE FORKS 2nd Lieutenant, William G. Parks; forced to transfer to the infantry. Sergeants, Robert F. Podlich and Ir-, Following the war, Sergeant Lavin Dyeing a Specialty vin E. Biasi. was, put on recruiting duty but "I 2nd Platoon didn't like the work, so I applied for Modern Shoe Rebuilding Keefer's rst Lieutenant, Thomas F. Lewis; transfer. I wound up at Lehigh as Plat-oon Sergeant, John A. Pirie. sergeant-major, under a Captain • C.VELNOSKEY & SON. Sanitary Market Company B Percy Sadler, who was adjutant at 10 Penna. Ave. at the Forb Captain, William C. Robinson; 1st If It's Good To Eat We Have It Sergeant, Paul R. Myers. Westminster WESTMINSTER, MD. 1st Platoon Officers Nominated 1st Lieutenant, Kenneth G. Bills; 2nd Lieutenant, William A. Sturm; Continued from page 1, col. 5) Sergeants, Richard J. Baker, and riet Dygert, Mary TYson, Addison John T. Quynn. Beane. 2nd Platoon For treasurer: Elmer Evans, Mabel 1st Lieutenant, Guy F. Windsor; Greenwood, Richard Baker, Robert 2ild Lieutenant, Joseph H. Rouse; I Podlich, Ed Thomas. Sergeant, Royce D. Gibson. For sergeant-at-arms: Harry Bak, Company C _. ei-, Ed Lewis, Jack- Doenges, Addison Capt."lin, Henry C. Triesler, Jr.; Beane, Frank Tarbutton. 1st Sergeant, Harry W. Baker. For historian: Jane Fraley, Vir- 1st Platoon ginia Sweeney, Doris Davenport (t), 1st Lieutenant, Franels- L. Grum- Mabel Greenwood (t), Edna Tries- Definitely Milder, Coo/er-Smolcing bine; 2nd Lieutenant, Ralph G. Haw, ler (t). .decidedly Better-Tasting, Sophomore Class kins; Sergeants, James Townsend and Addison J. Beane. Jr. For president: Thomas O'Leary, Chesterfield is one up on 'em all 2nd Platoon Lee Lodge, John Robinson, Robert lst Lieutenant, Raymond T. Apple- BegIin, John Rawlins, Vernon Wies- g'arth; Platoon Sergeant, Robert R. and, Fred Bohn. Smokers say Stone, Jr. For vice-president: John Robinson, thatChesterfield is the one completely Company D Lee Lodge, Vernon Wiesand, John Captain, William R. Wiley; 1st Ser- Rawlins (t), Thomas Price (t), Betty satisfying cigarette. Everybody who geant, Zachariah C. Ebaugh. Crawford ru. ·Ddnald Bunce (t), Har- tries 'em likes 'em. Chesterfield's 1st Platoon old Phillips (t), Robert MQore (t), right combination of American and 1st Lieutenant, Lester J. Knepp; F1'3ncis Blair (t). 2nd Lieutenant, .Cleff O. Sumner; For secretary: Lois Guba, Peggy Turkish tobaccos is the best that. Sergeants, William M. Leister and Reeves, Betty Crawford, Mary L. money can buy. Philip H. Adams. Sehrt, Deborah Bowers. For treasurer: Clarence MacWil- 2nd Platoon Do you smoke 1st Leutenant, Cordon W. HaUff; liams, John Robinson, Rober-t Moore, the cigarette that) 2nd Lieutenant, William H. Dennis; Muriel Harding, Peggy Reeves. Platoon Sergeant, Lee M. Kindley. For eerseent-et-erms: Robert SATISFIES The color guard includes Sergeants Moore, Jack Stewart, Bosley Baug-h, Edwin F. Lewis, Norman W. Foy, Jr., er, Emmanuel Kaplan, John Robin- and Robert B. Gelder. son, Thomas Lavin, William Dumler. CARROLL THEATRE Annual Convocation Thur. to Sat.-Ot":t. 10 to 12. (Continued from page 1, col. 2) "HIRED WIFE" with Rosalind hert, Miriam Bond, Mary Bowen, Russell, Briane Aherne, Virginia Ruth Caltrider, Mary Crosswhite, Bruce, Rob~hley. Virginia Sweeney, Elizabeth Yentsch, ilIon. and Tues.-Qct. 14 and 15. Louise Young. "TOM BROWN'S SCHOOL Freshmen-Verna Cooper, Eliza- with Freddie DAYS" Sir Bartholomew, beth Gable, Lois Guba, Mary Miller, Cedric Hardwicke. Margaret Reeves, Dorothy Sowter. Wed. and Tkur.-Oct. 16 and 17. "DR. KILDARE GOES HOME" with Lew Ayres, Lionel Barry- GREETING CARDS more, Laraine Day. CREPE PAPER MAGAZINES NEWSPAPERS STATE THEATRE STATIONERY See- P. G. C,lman CO., in Times Bldg. Thur. and Fri.-Oet. 10 and 11. "GOLDEN GLOVES" with Rob- ert Paige, ~l Naish. HAVE YOUR FILMS Sat.-Oct.12. George O'Brien in • DEVELOPED "BULLET CODE" . and lUon. and TlIes.-Oct, 14 and 15. "FLOWING GOLD" with John Garfield, • FINISHED O'Brien. Frances Farmer, Pat at Wed. to Fri.-Oct. 16 to 18. Young, Loretta Melvyn The College Grill ms, Alan Marshall in FOR Doug- STAYED "HE BREAKFAST"
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