Page 39 - TheGoldBug1939-40
P. 39
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., February 22, 1940 PAGE TIlREE Green Terrors Play Hopkins Team Tonight by Neil and Sho.::k The basketball team seems to be on the bottom of the ladder in its efforts FINAL STANDINGS De Molay Hands Frosh at present. With the last two defeats Drew U. Is at the hands of Loyola and Washing- "A" League Team Startling Setback; ton College here in Gill Gym perma- WASHINGTON-W. M. C. W Gibson Leads Scorers nently sealing the fate of the Terrors' WASH. COLL. FG. F. Pts. Here Tomorrow; Bachelors'.. .. 5 championship hopes, the outlook for Kardash, F. 4 11 Preachers . .. .. 5 The Frederick De Molay handed the the rest of the season is anything but Collins, F. . ..6 13 Hopes Are High Gamma Bets 1 Green Terror freshman quint their promising. The Blue Jays of Johns Fetter, C. .... 1 3 Black & Whites . . 1 third defeat in nine games this sea- Hopkins meet the Terrors tonight in McNiff, G. 1 2 son on Tuesday night, 14-11. Coach the next to last Maryland conference Neubert, G. . 5 11 "B" League Jack Lytton's five was handicapped, game, and the Green and Gold should Preachers 5 however, due to the illness of two stand a better than even chance to Stevens, G 5 10 MARYLAND COLLEGIATE Bachelors. . . 5 regulars, Lee Lodge and Jack Robin- make it two straight over the Jays. 6 50 LEAGUE Black & Whites . .. 2 son, who will probably be lost for the \ Totals. .. 22 W L o Gamma Bets 0 remainder of the season. Preachers Meet Terrors W. M. C. FG. F. Pts. Loyola 4 The "Preachers" from Drew U. are Evans, F 3 8 Washington 4 2 "A" League Scoring Leaders Frosh Heepmen Are Success here tomorrow night, and from their Faw, F... .. 2 Western Maryland 2 4 (Compiled by Lou Elliott, official In completing a creditable record, record, should furnish the Terrors Suffern, C 4 0 Mt. St. Mary's 2 0 3 4 Hopkins league scorekeeper). the frosh have defeated Gettysburg with really stiff oppositioh. The last Biasi, G. 1 1 Knepp, G G F Pts. Frosh, Baltimore Pals' Club, West-- home game of the season comes up Stropp, G. .. 0 Tonight in Gill Gym, Coach Bruce night when the Moun- next Tuesday Robinson, Preachers .. 27 3 57 minster Seminary, Westminster High taineers of Mt. St. Mary's invade Gill Bricker, F. 3 0 Ferguson's
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