Page 40 - TheGoldBug1939-40
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug. Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., February 22, 19040 Fifty-one Frosh BOXERS GO TO NEW Rushed By DeIts HAVEN (Continued from page 3, column 4) Chesterfield presents a In celebration of its sifteenth At times, however, Scholl rallied furi- birthday, Delta Sigma Kappa Soror- ously; but lack of experience here ity held a dinner party at City Res- again was the cause of defeat. Combination you can count on for taurant on Wednesday, February 14. The 175 lb. match was ruled no de- The club will hold its winter rush cision, or a draw in scoring, because party in McDaniel Lounge on Friday, of the cut eye which John Pirie re- February 23. Invitations have been ceived from Leites i~ the tirst round. 7?eat sent to Virginia Bell, Bertha Belt, This is a National Boxing Association Jean Bentley, Deborah Bowers, Phyllis rule. Cade, Betty Crawford, Joan Daniels, Mike Petrucci, in the unlimited di- Yvonne Earle, Virginia Elzey, Eliza- vision, seemed to be winning against beth Gable, Caroline Gable, Lois Pyles, when suddenly the Maryland Guba, Martha Hodgson, Doris E. man rallied, to have the tight stopped Jones, Doris Lane, Lorna McCracken, in the tirst round. • MILDNESS Georgie Milby, Mary Miller, Frances Team Meets Bulldogs Ogden, Ridgely Pollitt, Martha Lee Tomorrow evening, the team fights Robinette, Audrey Routson, Marjorie at Yale University. 'Yale has a good Rue, Alice Rohrer, Ann Scott, Mary squad, and will give the Terror mitt- Louise Sehrt, Margaret Moss, Betty men a tough scrap. All regulars of Spurrier, Sara Belle Veale, Ruth the squad except Ricker, who has had AND ·BETTER TASTE Anne Whitmore, Jeanne; Mooney, the flu, should be fighting; and Coach Elizabeth Thorn, Mary Jackson, Har- Ortenzi hopes to do the unexpected riet R. Smith, Carol Stoffregen, Mary against Yale. Virginia WaJker,\Anne Watkins, Joan Next Saturday, March 2, the team The perfect blend of West, Peggy Wilson, Sara Louise Ab- completes its program with a home the world's best cigarette to- bott, Beatrice Burk, Elaine Meade, match against the Coast Guard Acad- Marie Crawford, Virginia Crosius, emy. Coast Guard in the past has baccos in Chesterfield gives you Jean Pollard, Mary Frances Hawkins, turned out good teams, but Ortenat is Eleanor Healey, Mary Anne Hassen- optimistic about the bout. First of the two things you want and plug, Doris Harmon, Clara Beck, and all, the match will be held in Gill Muriel Ha_,_din_:"_. _ Gym, so that the morale of the squad look for in a cigarette ••• Real will be higher with the support of the student body. Also, the match' with Mildness and Better Taste. THE DOGHOUSE Yale may prove to be the necessary (Continued from page 2, column 3) experience that many of the men need. Then, if you add that accurately informed by less-playful It is interesting to note from past Chesterfields are far cooler, friends that there really wasn't any bouts the value of experience to tho intermission .. members of the team. All the experi- you know you have a ciga- From what we could gather with enced men acquitted themselves well, two nea r-sig hted eyes from the last and the newcomers improved with rette that really satisfies. row of the last balcony of the Pal- ring experience. Since no men will be ace Theatre in Washington, the pic- lost by graduation, and with the able ture looked pretty good. We could Tony Ortenzi as mentor, Western tell it was in technlcolor anyhow. Maryland fans may feel confident Extra Laurel Wreath ahout future boxing teams; and if Every time we attend a basketball more home fights are scheduled, they game and sit on the ~tudent side of may be certain that Western Maryland the gym, there comes over us ,that boxing teams will hold the spotlight unsurpassable sensation of having got in the Eastern Intercollegiate circles. something for nothing, when all those people on the other side of the gym HILL AND LLOYD had to pay for it. We know that they fill really didn't but don't detract'from (Continued from page 1, column 1) the simple pleasures of the poor by telling us so. Ted Shawne or Ruth St. Denis," she All of which leads to the statement said. "The leading modern concert that the promises of a New Deal for dancers are Martha Graeme, Doris the Student Activities Fee were not Humphrey, Charles Weinberg, and Hanya Holm," continued Miss Hill. idle chatter, and appreciation is due ed the fact that, like all forms of art, I the administration or whoever is re- Miss Hill and Mr. Lloyd emphasiz- sponsible for the new policy. modern dancing is a means of giving expression to the times. It arises HANS KINDLER from the same psychology of the age as does modern social dancing. It (Continued from page 1, column 5) differs from ballet and other older er, never, never would I do so if I dance forms in'that body movement were not totally and completely cer- is all important and that a wider tain of the contents." The leader has range of techniques is used. Modern conducted some 250 different composi- dancers borrow from all forms of tions by memory so far. dancing and from all the arts. "Any Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt is one forward looking person," said Miss of the orchestra's most argent pat- Hill, "uses a greater synthesis of all rons. At her invitation the National the arts, such as dialogue in ballet, to gain the effect which he wants. ~::eho:~n:~~ts:la~~e att:;::i~:~~: Again Miss Hill and Mr. Lloyd ex- also took a prominent part in the first pressed pleasure at the large attend- and second inaugurals of President ance and great enthusiasm of the stu- Roosevelt... -- dents in their classes. The many sore muscles and stiff joints suffered over At the University of the South, Sunday, however, would indicate that each junior elected to Phi Beta Kappa this campus is a fertile field for more is given a $100 scholarship. dance training. Compliments of The Carroll and , H. E. REESE State Theatres THREE CHAIR SERVICE CLEANING PRESSING REPAIRING PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS TAILOR No Waiting HEAGY BROTHERS' Smith & Reifsnider SHOP BARBER Next to Post Office MADE TO MEASURE SUITS 94 East Main Street Incorporated • JOHN EVERHART LUMBER '" COAL THE COLLEGE BARBER AND BOBBER SPECIAL 30 DAYS SASH, DOORS, BLINDS "Carroll County's 6nest movie houses" AT THE FORKS For Students only GENERAL MILL WORK LADIES' HALF SOLES 70 SLATE, CEMENT offer a special attraction to all students-a special book of 10 tick- LADIES' TOP LIFTS 20 & PLASTER ets, good at either 'theatre at any time, f9r $2.50 cash at either Have Your Films Developed MEN'S SOLES .... 85 C. & P. Long Distance Phone and Finished at MEN'S HEELS .35 227 box office. You save 50 cents. The College Grill J. D. KATZ, Prop. WESTMINSTER, MD.
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