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L1br~ry ·Western MarYl~~d College GOt DITORIALS: Military Ban • HfJre It Is 'Again E • Let's Dance Tops March 16 Z286 Vol. 17, No. 11 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. March 7, 1940 StudentsChoose Education Students Military Men In Peace Time Twelve Fairest Must Meet Higher Maneuvers At Annual Ball Requirements For MayCourt Candidates Must Now Be In Upper Three-Fifths Bogan, Coe, Stover, and Of 'l1heir Class Shipley And Wilson Poll Largest Admission to courses in junior edu- Numbers of Votes cation will be limited in the future to Payne Will those who are in tlie upper three-fifths Composition of the May Court was of the class during their sophomore definitely determined when the stu- year. Previously, one was required Command dent body cast ballots last Monday to to be in the upper four-fifths of his elect the class duchesses and attend- class. This was based on Section 8 of Auxiliary Dance Troops ants who will escort Grace Brannock By-law 30 of the State Department of Smith, May Queen, in the celebration. Education. This section reads as fol- Drill To Music By Duchesses chosen were Letitia Bo- lows: "Sec. 8-0nly those students Jimm~H~ gan from the senior class, Kathleen who 'rank academically in the upper Coe from the junior class, Jean Stov- four-fifths of the class shall be ad- Lieutenant-Colonel Frank Shipley er 'from the sophomore class, and mitted to the courses in education in and Miss Patty Payne will lead the Peggy Wilson from the freshman the junior year." figure in Gill Gymnasium on March class. The attendants chosen Certain Exceptions To Be Made 16, as the Officers Club presents its Katherine Jockel and Jean Cairnes The new decision of the college will fifteenth annual Military Ball, high- from the senior class, Jeanette Wig- have exception made to it in the case light of the winter social season. ley and Ann Dexter from the junior The Grand March will also be led by class, Jean Lamcreau lind Shirley of well qualified persons in the fourth Major Robert Stropp with Miss Betty Reese from the sophomore class, and quintile who may have the personal Brown and Captain Sam Galbreath Mary Francis Hawkins and Virginia qualifications for teaching. The rule with Miss Mary Frances Hawkins. "Only those students is as follows: Belle from the freshman class. who rank academically in the upper LT. COL. FRANK SHIPLEY MISS PATTY PAYNE The rest of the commissioned officers Results Of Balloting -three-fifths of tlie class shall be ad- in the R. O. T. C. battalion with their The results of the election follow: mitted to the courses in education in escorts will follow in the procession. Seniors: Letitia Bogan, 60; Kath- the junior year without permission of Jimmy Hill To Play erine Jockel, 38; Jean Cairnes, 37; Fashion Show Will Feature Jimmy Hill and his NBC orchestra Winifred Coberly, 35; Patty Paine, 31; the education faculty." is to se- of twelve pieces will provide the music The purpose of this rule Pauline Nitzell, 28. cure a better group of education stu- Latest Fads In Spring Styles for the occasion. Hill hails from the Juniors: Kathleen Coo, 72; Jeanette Knickerbocker Hotel in Flint, Mich. Wigley, 53; Ann Dexter, 35; Ellen dents, and yet not to eliminate the and is well-known in the mid-west. may ones the Logan, 24; Betty Brown, 18; Betty qualified quintile. who A reduction be in in the Student Mannequins He has played for. proms at Bucknell, fourth Vroome, 17. number preparing for high school Famous Symphony Model Outfits From Cornell, and Colgate Universities and Sophomores: Jean Stover, 68; Jean teaching may bring the number of Baltimore Shop is noted for his swing arrangements Lamoreau, 55; Shirley Reese, 46; Ed- applicants for jobs down to a point Furnishes Climax and solo work. A glee club accom- na 'I'rieeler, 44; Mabel Greenwood, consistent with the number normally panies the orchestra. 39; Caroline Rudisill, 32. available. _ For Concert By Lucie Leigh Barnes Invitat.iona for the ball have been Freshman: Peggy Wilson, 86; Mary Dresses ... more dresses ... dresses sent to the Officers Clubs of the Uni- Frances Hawkins, 85: Virginia Belle, Beethoven's Fifth Will fo~' play and pleasure. Outfits for versity of Maryland, Pennsylvania 66; Mary Hassenplug, 55; Jean Pol- Princeton Chemist Conclude Program Of knockabout sports ... "dreams come State College, Gettysburg College, lard, 42; Virginia Elzie, 31. true" for evening loveliness. Clothes, Johns Hopkins University, and Lehigh To Speak Here Familiar Music settings, faces of the modeJs--every- University. A large representation is thing in the spring motif. Every English Writer Speaks Dr. F. O. Haas of Princeton Univer- Beethoven's Fifth Symphrmy will outfit perfect ... shoes to match, bags expected from each. In Monday Assembly sity will speak on "Organic Sulfur be the climax of the program of to contrast, hats designed to be a Officers .t\nd Their Ladies Compounds - Th:ir Ilhamistry and familiar music to be played tomorrow part of and not an addition to a cos- The other members of the Officers With the position of women in the Uses" at the regular meeting of evening in the National Symphony tume. A fashion show. Club taking part in the figure are: Captain Douglas Catington with Miss modern world as her subject, M'iss Alpha Delta Lambda tomorrow after- Orchestra's fourth annual concert at The Art Club has never planned Winifred Coberly, Capt. George Myers Hilary Newitt of England will be the noon at four o'clock. Alumni Hall. such an ambitious fashion show as it with Miss Annette Miller, Capt Jack guest speaker at the Monday Assem- For the past several years, Dr. Haas Dr. Hans Kindler, conductor of the h going to sponsor on March 15. Lytton with Miss Jean Cox, Capt Paul bly, March 11. has been a research associate at orchestra, has followed his usual cus- Alumni Hall's large stage will be the Burtis with Miss Madeline Cline, After studying in Geneva, Switzer- Princeton and has devoted much of tom in placing this best known of all ideal setting. A good seat for every- Capt. Robert Walters with Miss Kath- erland, from 1926 to 1929 Miss New- his time to the investigation of prob- symphonies at the close of the con- one . admission free. Flowers leen Coe, Capt. Lenny Bee with Miss itt went to Frankfort-am-Main, Ger- lems in the field of organic sulfur cert. The remainder of the program banked in the setting and music Judy Grow, Capt. Mason Sones many, for further study of the social compounds. will be composed of some of the bet- blended into the background. with Miss Geraldine Newton, Lt. sciences. In 1936, Ishe made a tour He comes to Western' Maryland to ter known works of the German com- Clothes From Lovell's Frank Mather with Miss Virginia through France, Switzerland, Austria, show the students the important part posers, Mozart and Weber and of the The models will be at their best in Jackel, Lt. Charles Fitzgerald with Czechoslovakia, and Germany. Dur- that these compounds play in the Russian nationalistic composer, Mons- the clothes from Dorothy Lovell's of Miss Alice Vollmer, Lt. Edwin Elder ing this time, Hilary Newitt gathered modern world. His talk will cover the sorgsky. Charles Street in Baltimore. At eight with Miss Ruth Wareheim, Lt. Mar- material for her book, Women Must practical aspects of sulfur compounds, Overture, Oboron: . . Weber o'clock the house lights will go down; bury Linton with Miss Doris Lane, Lt. Choose which was published in 1937. particularly those materials used in Elin6 Kleine NachtnnU8ik Mozart Miss Lovell will step forward to dis- Malcolm Kullmar with Miss Veronica the home and in industry. Allegro cuss the styles. Active sport enthusi- Kompanek, Lt. Donald Humphries Singmaster Addresses Warning' Seniors! Romanze-Andante asts will appear in neat sport attire with Miss Dorothy Attix, and Lt. Menuett Faculty Club Betty Ellwein, Jean Pollard, Kath- Charles Horan with Miss Virginia Deadline Set Rondo-Allegro Icen Coe, Doris Hess. The spring Wigley. Excerpts from Boris GO'Ildaunon setting will frame each costume. This year's Military Ball has the dis- Elsie Singmaster, a writer of short All senior payments for the Moussorgsky outfits, colorful striking and stories and books, will be the speaker Aloha and all money owed for Introduction-Coronation Scene- Street Peggy Kuhns, Anne Dexter, Lucie tinction of being the first "open" Mili- ... tary Ball, the first student dance in the at this month's meeting of the Fac- pictures are due before spring Tone Music Leigh Barnes. Afternoon ensembles, ulty Club. vacation. Intermission cool and refreshing ... Winnie Cober- (Continued on Page 4, Column 1) Miss Singmaster, who is from Get- The policy regarding the pur- ly, Grace Brannock Smith, Peggy Wil- tysburg; Pennaylvania, has used this chasing of yearbooks is as fol- Symphony No.5 in C Minor Men Will Debate section and particularly its people of lows: all students must buy books . Beethoven son, Eleanor Jameson. The show will German descent as the source of much every year, or. else the cost of the Allegro con brio include a dozen models taken from the Honor System from the student body and, perhaps, of her writing. Events associated books not purchased is added to Andante can moto faculty. with the Civil War are also portrayed the bill at graduation. Allegro (Continued on Page 4, Column 2) in some of her stories. (Continued on Page 4, Column 2) The Men's Student League will meet on Tuesday, March 12th, at 10 P. 1\1., in Smith Hall. The fol- lowing issues are to be discussed: the "why" and "how" of an honor system in the dormitories; the question of sportsmanship among spectators at athletic contests; a new angle on why every man who has his radio should pay his fee; any other matter that any member cares to bring up onto the floor. All men are urged to be present, to participate in the discussions, and to help influence the decisions in the proper directions. The Men's Student Council will meet in Room 22 on Friday, March Bth, immediately after lunch to complete plans for the League meeting.
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