Page 33 - TheGoldBug1938-39
P. 33
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, 'Md. PAGE THREE CoachIsOptimisticAs I Rooters Drop Finale Preachers, Seminites Sidelines Nine Veterans Report To Wheaton Team 5-2 Win Touchball Titles Terrors End Season ' By 5 Victories Credited To Newly Built , With Scoreless Tie LARRY STROW For VarsityBasketball # Squad This Fall All-Star Selections Staff l\tade By Sports On Turkey Day Ferguson Schedules 20-Game Season In the closing game of the Season Having gone through the season I As another Western Maryland foot- Including 8 At Home; First on November 22, the Western Mary- undefeated, the Preachers Club was Game Is Punting Duel Between ball team passes into the pages of his- Tilt December 8 land bccters were handed a defeat by awarded the intramural touch foot- "Drug ash And Seni Of ~,t?ry, tribute must be paid to this the fast-playing Wheaton College ball trophy on Tuesday. The Black The Bear Cats year's Terror gridiron records and to Despite the loss of Hi KoegaJ, All- team, 5-2. In one of the hardest and and Whites and the--Gamma Bets-are the character of the men who made League guard and one of the fastest fastest games of the 14 game sched- still tied for second place in the sec- TEAMS PLAY IN BLIZZARD this addition possible. The fourteen ami flashiest ball handlers seen here ule, Western Maryland had the ball ond round of the schedule, and they senior squadmen are the first men to in some time, Coach Bruce Ferguson in enemy territory for the greater have yet to play one game. The Western Maryland and St. Vincent graduate who have been under the di- will put an all-veteran array of bas- part of the time, but lacked the drive Bachelo'rs are in the cellar as they played the weather to a scoreless tie rection of Charlie Havens for four keteera," led by Captain John Tomi- to shoot it between the bars. have won but one game this year. ill the last game of the seaeon on chek, on the floor for competition this The Wheaton club used one of the The Preacher-s were undefeated Thanksgiving Day. Most of the team ~~~:n:al;~stI~s!~:!~llf:~ 1c~3a5;g~V~~ season. Among those returning arc fastest breaking attacks that the Ter- b:Oth in the first and second rounds, reported that in all their playing tel' Dick Harlow went to Harvard Tomichek, Bob Stropp, Emil Edmond, rors have faced this year and made. and they were scored on only occa- days, they have never played in a University, there were thirty-seven Don Honeman, Joe Drugash, Charlie use of every opportunity to counter sionally. Their success was due prin- game such as this when the wind was men. Since then, twenty-three of Wallace, Carroll Maddox, Bob Sher- a goal. cipally to the Shreeve-Maddux com- blowing at blizzard force and the field this freshman crew have fallen by the man, and Kenny Bills. Only Koegai, Win 2 Out Of 3 bination in the backfield, and the work was cleared of snow four times dur- wayside, but the pick of the crop re- Freddy Coe, and Bill Burroughs are However, the booters did manage of Edmond and Ryan on the line. ing the game by a horse-drawn plow. mained to fight through to a winning missing from last year's squad. to win two out of the last three season. Five Victories, two losses, Five Games Before Vacation games. With fight and spirit, the Ter- Seminary Defeats Classes Teams watt For Breaks and a scoreless tie against opposition The Terror courtmen will face a t-ozs won two close ones from Gettys- The Seminary 'seven won the class St. Vincent's team is credited with of high caliber for a school the size of tough. twenty-game schedule against burg, 4-3, and Maryland, 3-2. In the league title, having- defeated everyone first down, but because of tho in- Western Maryland, make a worthy league and non-league opponents. Gettysburg ga!lle, the Wrightmen ] team except the freshmen. The ability of the officials to find the lincs record for 1938. To the players, Thanksgiving Day was the end of the ~~~~ea:;oes::;~ne~~a~~~l~~e ~:.or~:~ ~:e::t~:.v~:t~~:~ ~::~ l;~~.;:g~~~:~~ I :;~::~~~:n~~~~~Yisg;;~h:1~.0~:ta~~: ~;e;~:d fi'~i~h·t~heei;e;:~~:.m;~e n,~~o~: higgest single inftuence in their eel- seph, and Villanova, all played before ly. Against Maryland, the team was Seminites are eager to play the game was a punting duel between Joe lege lives. The fellows just lived from the Christmas holidays. The League never headed through the entire Preachers next week to decide the real Drugash and Joe Seni of the Bear Saturday to Saturday, as will always o~ponents are American U., Hop-I game. W~llace and BarkdoU led the champion of tho school. Cats, with each team waiting for a be true in a game which demands kina, Delaware, St. John's, who will team to victory, as usual, but sopho- As winner of the interfraternity break, such as a fumble, to put them such courage and stamina. For the have a basketball team for the last more Tomlinson displayed fine form league, the Preachers played the in- in an opportune position. students, the most colorful and exett, time as they are abolishing inter-col- iii both games. tr'amuru l champs of the University of In the first half, after an exchange ing show of college days is over, and legfate athletics, University of Balti- Beginning the season with but four Maryland, but lost 26-6. The Terror of punts, the St. Vincent team re- the weeks when the student body is more,. Mt. St. Mary's, Washington letter men from last fall, the boaters team's lone score was made on a pass ceived the ball on the Ten-or's 15 yard most unified have drawn to a close. College, and Loyola. have done rather well in winning five to Prentiss in the third quarter. The line, but then they were unable to Over are the happy treks to Balti- The league as a whole will be much more and the Saturday afternoons on s,tronger and faster this year, as out of fourteen games. In the state University Boys had too much speed make any headway against the Ter- and blocking, and were equipped with league, the team won three and lost line. The Green and Gold men 1'01' Hoffa Field, when five hundred stu- many of the teams have strengthened three. Such teams as Army, Buck- football shoes. The Preachers were dug their cleats through the snow and dents wish, as one, for the green clad themselves for the coming campaigns. nell, Wheaton, Penn. State, West further handicapped by the absence easily stopped any running attack hacks to push the ball over the line. Coach Ferguson will not make any Chester, and Towson Teachers are of Jack Ryan. The first half of the that was possible. "Time and again, One gpod thing about Western predictions as to the outcome, but tough nuts fpl' any team and the in- game was played under Maryland's Drugash and Elder put their toes to Maryland football is the unity of the promises to have the Green Terror experienced Terrors did well.' The rules, which permit any amount of the pigskin and sent it flying through players with the student body. They basketeers in the midst of the battle. many freshmen and sophomores on forwal'd passing, while the Jast half the snow-filled air, as the backs were are not apart, except during the play- Last year Washingtou College, Uni- the squad gained experience both in was played using the Western Mary- unable to handle the ball very much ing season when practice and trips versity of Baltimore, and Mt. St. varsity games and in junior varsity land rules, which pe,\mit only one for- and could not move through the muck keep them busy. In one northern uni- Mary's kept the fight for the cham- games that will help the building of ward pass per play. Oll the ground, Whenever a kick was versity, the football players have a pionship all to themselves. Most of another championship team, in the fu- As is its annual custom, the GoldIcalled, the el.even w.ould scrape a lit- dormitory outside the city in which their players have returned, together ture. Bug submits its choice of a first and tie space with their- hands for the the school is located, and see- the stu- with new talent, and they appear to Only 3 Men Graduate second All-Star fraternity team. punter to stand in so that he would dents whom they are supposed to rep- be the "class" of the league. Yet, any not slip. resent, only in a few classes. Let one of the other teams may corne Only three men of the '38 team will First Team Western Maryland feel proud of her along and upset the apple cart. West- be lost by graduation. They are Wal- L.E. Emil Edmond (Preachers) Terrors Strong In Second football sons who have worked and ;~: M:::~a~~r~:s ;~t~c~t:n:~l~~e~;~~ :~~' c~:;~~o~al~~! e::~:~n aC;=~~~ LZ' ::~~t :;:~k~p~!;:~~r~)d Whites) In the second half, Western Mary- battled so that the rest of the stu- dents could say "Our team won!" combination. out in the forward wall for years and R.T. Bill Bryson (Preachers) land showed its superior strength by The student body must certain- De~~~~:::~:::~,'::::" ~~:~!l~!~:~t:~:tb~~~~::~~~~~~r~::~:~~~;::\~:~:;:::~~:l',;~:;:,!::~:;:~::t;~:~bE~~~~ ly be conscious of what their football team bas done by now, with everybody from Dr. Hollo- 10-Frostburg, away for fOUl"years and is one of the best B. Carroll Maddox (Preachers) ;i~~: y::d~h:ro~:de'th: :~~~ ~r~::~~ way all the way down the scale ~:=~t~~:i~::h'~"a~:~e ~~:::Si:~d b~:~~ ;~:;·l. se,~~uc~~ ::~ Second Team heaved a couple of passes that were to the Gold Bug, patting the 15-ViiJanova, away kick equally well with either foot and L.E. Wilbur Prentiss (Preachers) just short of a score, but the running "gridders" on the back. \Ve prom- Jllnuary: was invaluable all Season to the team. L.T. Oharlie Buchman (Black and pnd of the attack was hopelessly bog- ise to close the gridiron season 10-Hopkins, away Goalie Dooley was playing' his first Whites) ged down. with this issue. 14-Delaware, away year of soccer and filled an important C. Frank Shipley (Gamma Bets) "California Kid" Dickson had to be Boxing is in a peculiar situation at 18-St. John's, home spot on a new team. He had a lot R.T. Charles Horan (Gamma Bets) removed from the game early in the Western Maryland right now. There 19-Baltimore, away of chances for stops this year. The R.E. Can-oli Cook (Bachelors) first half because of the effect of the is a real lack of material among the 2S--American U., away record shows the Western Maryland I B. Paul Burtiss (Gamma Bets) cold on his injured finger. A erowd men, and the coaches are hard put to 31-Mt. St. Mary's, home opponents scoring 53 points while the B. Frank ,l'Ifather (Gamma Bets) of about 400 saw the game from the build a team capable of fighting Ar- February: Terrors scored 34 through the season. B. Don Honeman (Preachers) St. Vincent Stadium. my, Navy, Penn State, and the other 4-Washington College, away Although Hansen and Knepp were large schools. However, small schools 7-LoyoJa, home unable to play at all, the team had such as Washington College and ll-Baltimore, home confidence in its ability to defeat the Mount St. Mary's do not support box- 15-Delaware, home BASKETBALL CAPTAIN Latrobe boys, had the weather been ing squads and Western Maryland is 17-Loyola, away fair. The last scoreless tie in Terror forced to battle heavy odds in some 21-Washington College, home history was in the opening game of matches. In the days of 1930 and 22-St. John's, away 1934 when Harlow's men played Vil- 1931, Western Maryland was a real 25-Hopkins, home lanova to a deadlock in Philadelphia. power in Eastern Intercollegiate Box- 28-Mt. St. Mary's, away ing. In 1930 the Terror mitmen de- I 1 Line Graduates ~:,~~~~'';;'n~~;~;i~,~e:t~~:'~i~:I Dickinson Seminary The Green Terrors have ended their two the University of Pennsylvania, and Swamps Freshmen 12~O 11938 season with five victories, credit. and one tie to their I defeats, Georgetown, and lost only to Navy The outstanding victory was the 20-13 and Penn State. In 1931 the team Baby Terror Squad Promises Varsity defeat of Wake Forest, while the most tied Navy and Penn State, and defeat- Material For Next Year I rugl'etted defeat was at the hands of cd C. C. N. Y., V. P. I., and the Uni- The 1939 schedule is near- Maryland. versity of Pennsylvania. Terror box- The freshman grid team wound up ly ready for publication and will ap- ing has a real history behind it, for its season on November 19th by los- tile school has had matches with Yale, ing a wet game to Dickinson Semi- pear in an early issue of the Gold Rutgers, Temple, and other large Bug. l'rIost of the schools of the 1938 season will again be on the Ii;i. schools )png before its football team nary by the SCoreof 12-0. The game For bccame nationally known. If the was played in a sea of mud and a con- "ext year Charlie Havens will have stant downpour of rain, and although football team were playing schools of the frosh gridders lost, they played only Bob Stropp remaining on the the caliber that the boxers used to line, but Bob Walters, Bill Sturm, meet, the Terror gridmen would have a hal'd game. The visitors scored Hank Holljes, and several freshmen their two touchdowns late in the last had a schedule like Notre Dame's. quarter. will see varsity duty. However, Ha- vens will have a well-balanced back- But boxing is declining as a sport During the season, the team won 2 field to start with, and he may produce at Western Maryland, despite the rule games, tied 1, and lost 4. Western cne of the best attacks that the Ter- changes that have eliminated much of Maryland trounced Mt. St. Mary's, r01"Shave seen in years .. the danger of injury to the fighters. 13-0, and Fort Hoyle, 7-0. They tied Unless the Terrors make a worth- Blue Ridge College, 0-0, and lost to The line-up: while showing in the ring this year, Devitt Prep, 25-0, Gettysburg, 7-0, St. Vincent Western Maryland the powers that be may move to abol- University of Maryland, 29-0, and Loncal"ic LE Lcsinski i<'h intercollegiate boxing. Either Dickinson Seminary 12-0. Karolewics LT Lytton boys capable of boxing are not going Bricker has been the Terror high Patrick LG Fagan to Western Maryland anymore, or, if scorer, but is rather light for varsity Ratica C Peters they are, they m'e not going out for duty. I Sikora RG Sherman the sport. It will be sad to see the Ed Lewis, as blocking back, shows i G.Amanati RT Radatovitch passing of Western Maryland from promise. Peiri as guard and Ordaski I Stll:nko RE Stropp , Wiater the intercollegiate boxing stage all center are a good line combination QB Drugasll where she was once the recognized and should do good ~vork next year to Askin HB Dickson leader in this part of the country. replace this year's seniors. JOHN TOMICHEK 1 Nath HB Bills I Seni FS McPike
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