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GOt SENIOR PICTURES GROUND BR~AKING SOON HAVE COME Z286 Vol. 16, No.8 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. December 1, 1938 Athletic Awards SITES OF NEW BUILDINGS May Use Dynamite .Are Presented At In Ground Breaking Special Assembly For New Buildings Athletic Department Awards Letters In Varsity Sports As Program University Of Maryland President Is Broadcast To Be Speaker At Banquet . Preceding Ceremonies Athletic awards which had been earned so far this year were present- Dynamite, rather than a shovel, ed to Students by the Athletic Depart- may be used for the ground breaking ment in a special assembly on Tues- exercises for the new men's dormi- day. The entire program was broad- tory and field house to be held on the cast by station WFMD, this being north campus Friday evening, Decem- the fifth in a series. of broadcasts or- ber 9, nt· 9 o'clock, Dr. Fred G. iginating on the campus. Holloway stated on Monday. Tlie' New Sports Interest ground breaking ceremonies will be The program was opened with se- held following the banquet of the Car- lections by the college band. LalTY roll County-Western Maryland Club Strow then introduced Dean Free who in the college dining hall at 6:30 conceived the idea of having such a o'clock at which Dr. Harry C. Byrd, program. Dean Free expressed the president, of the Urriverai'ty of Mary- policy of the college in regard to ath- land, will be the speaker, and which letics by stating that on the "Hill", Governor-elect Herbert R. O'Conor training of the mind holds first place will attend. but that an adequate health program Locations Selected plays an important part. After giv- ing some of the values of a well ad- Dr. Holloway explained that dy- ministered athletic program, Dean The lbcaf.ion of the new men's dormitory is designated on the above picture by the cross mark to the left namite would necessarily replace the Free introduced H. B. Speir who of number 19. Thc site of the field house is marked by the cross to' t.he right of number 19. The white spots shovel if the weather remained stressed the fact that every student marked 19 and 20 were the locations first considered for the buildings. cold enough to prevent the ground at the college has a chance to parti- from thawing prior to the sched- cipate in SOme form of athletics. He uled event. He added that a dynamiting was also noted that fencing, tumbling, Dean Free Appointed To Charles Ehrhardt Speaks College Cburch Campaign precedent for the Pa., when blasting set at Lewisburg, hiking, and lacrosse were attracting interest among the students. Mr. Executive Committee To William G. Baker Closes At $425 Total was resorted to at the ground break- Speir presented the intra-mural ing exercises for the field house at awards in touch football and tennis Student Activit.ies Committees Sunday School Class Ackerman, Shreeve, Cummins, Karow Bucknell University. breaking The ground for the new to the Delta Pi Alpha fraternity. He Featured In Convention Open Fund Campaign buildings will be held on the old ath- announced that the Bachelors, win- Discussion Alumnus Now Doing Graduate Work On Nov. 18 I1':J'f< of the sportsmanship cup last Dean Forrebt Free was named one At Princeto~ TI1f'!!:~',;!'icalSeminary letic field behind the tennis courts, year, were in the lead again closely of six members of the Executive Com- On Friday, November 18, the an- but it has not yet been determined followed by the Preachers. Milton nual financial campaign of the Col- whether Dr. Holloway 01' Governor- Crosswhite, Clyde Baden, and Neil mittee of the Eastern Association of lege Church was formally closed with elect O'Conor will wield the shovel or, Eckenrode were given awards in the College Deans and Advisers of Men a. total of $406.50 either pledged or in the case of the use of dynamite, es- fall handicap golf tournament and at the tenth annual meeting of the paid in cash. Subsequent contribu- tablish the electrical contact to set Association last Saturday in Atlantic freshmen passing the achievement City. In placing Dean Free on the tions have raised that amount. to at eff the charge. The new dormitory tests provided by the State Depart- committee, the Association was pav- I least $425. As yet there are several will be located so that its corner near- ment of Education were given their pledges for indefinite amounts, which est the present college buildings will medals. ing the way for a conjectured section- will raise the total still more when be at the northeast corner of the far al conference which may be held in seminary. behind the tennis courts Large Number Participate the South Central Atlantic States in made known to the campaign commit- Dean Fr-ee presented Charles W. the spring. tee. The field house will be at the far end Havens, director of athletics, who ex- In 'planning such a conference, it The .campaign was opened in Men- of the soccer field. plained the organization of the ath- day morning chapel, November 14, Bonds Issued letic department and the inter-colle- is necessary to have a member of the when Eugene Ackerman, chairman of An extensive program has been giate program at Western Maryland. Executive Committee from a college the campaign committee; Virginia planned for the ceremony and w1ll be- in this section. Last year no college Mr. Havens stated that the college south of the Mason and Dixon Line CHARLES R. EHRHARDT Karow, president of the Y. W. C. A.; gin with the Carroll County- Western belongs to three National and State Charles Raymond Ehrhardt, presi- Paul Cummins, representative from Maryland Club banquet which is Associations, showing that its athletic was represented on the committee. dent of the William G. Bakel' Sunday the Y. M. C. A.; and James Shreeve, scheduled to end promptly at 8:45 policy is sound and that its stand- Therefore, it is believed that, in case School during the first semester of president of the Sunday School; ad- o'clock. The college band will play ards of scholarship and eligibility the proposed regional meeting takes last year, spoke to the class last Sun- dressed the student body, asking for prior to the ground breaking; a huge place, the representatives will convene cannot be questioned. He said that at Western Maryland College under day. Mr. Ehrhardt returned to the its financial support to the three re- bonfire will be Jighted during the cere- last year 146 boys participated in var- the leadership of Dean Free. College last week-end for the first ligious organizations which make up mony; and fireworks will be dieeharg- sity sports. This is a ratio of three time since his graduation in June. He • (Cont. on Page 4, CoL 2) od to conclude the events of the even- out of every five and disproves the (Cont. on Page 4, Col. 1) is now doing graduate work at ing. cry that intercollegiate athletics are Princeton Theological Seminary. t The combined costs of the struc- for the few. Major letters were pre- R.O.I.C. Officers Attend Mr. Ehrhardt's topic was, "Does Saturday Night Dance tures will be approximately $220,000 sented to the following soccer men: The Church Have A Challenge FOl' Attendance Hits High and will be met partially by funds Hyde Dooley, Russell Smith, Bill Gettysburg Military Ball The World Today? His text, "The raised during the financial campaign Robinson, John Barkdoll, Sam Gal- mighty are fallen", was taken from begun with the proceeds of the West- breath, Guy windsor, Tim Lewis, Eleven Members Represent 'V.M.e; t?~ second chapter .o~ Sa:nuel II. H.e Recorded ~Music To Replace Band ern Maryland-Maryland football game Charles Wallace, Robert Schockley, Music by "Andy" Kirk pointed out that r-elig-ion IS on a preci- In McDaniel Lounge on December 5, 1935; a $175,000 bond Tom Elias, John Tomlinson, Tus Ap- pice. If religion is to stalp- a come- Last Saturday evening attendance issue will cover the balance needed to plegarth, Arthur Bradley, Marbury Eleven members of the R: O. T. C. back, it must make a challenge to the at the Student. Organization weekly 'erect the buildings. Linton, Paul Myers, and Sam Garri- Officers Club attended the Gettysburg world; to offer this challenge, the informal dance, held in Mcljaniel Hall Bids for the erection of the build- Military Ball, sponsored by Company son and Allison Ford. \ church must become a pattern com- Lounge from 7:30 to 9:55 P. M., ings will be received about December E, Third Regiment of Scabbard and Football Season Success Blade, at Gettysburg College last Fri- munity, and must offer friendship and reached a new high of more than fifty 15 and the contracts for the construc- Mr. Havens praised the work of day, November 25. unity more than any other- organiza- couples. Music. was furnished by tion will be awarded approximately Coach H. B. Wright and gave 18 The dance was held in the Eddie tion. The church must find its basis Jimmy Stoner and his college orches- two weeks later. freshmen football players awards in Plank gymnasium and the music was in rebirth rather than birth, and must tra. Buildings Large the form of their class numerals. by "Andy" Kirk and his "Clouds of recognize the Lordship of Jesus At the previous informal dance, . The dormitory will be composed of Mr. Havens praised the efforts of Joy." Christ; for, unlike any other organi- held in the Lounge two weeks before four units, each housing about thirty- .. the varsity football team this season Among the guests of honor were zation, the church is the creation of this one, approximately thirty cou- two men. Bedrooms will be compara- which lost but two games in an eight Governor George H. Earle, General God. ples attended. The increased attend- game schedule, one to one of the few Malin Craig, Major General E. M. Led Church Campaign ance seemed to be due to an orches- hie in size "to those in McDaniel and Blanche Ward Halls, the women's dor- undefeated teams in the country. The Shannon, Major General J. K. Par- Upperclassmen will remember how tra, cold weather, and a fireplace mitories. The new lfuilding will also following received major letters in sons, Colonel Frederick G. Kolland, I "Charlie" adopted for the Sunday Formerly held in Blanche Ward Hall contain lounge and game room facili- varsity football: Bob Stropp, Frank and Colonel Albert S. Williams. School George E. Babbitt's motto, Gymnasium, the dances are now being ties. Lesinski, Hank Holljes, Jack Lytton, Besides Major and Mrs. Shepherd, "pep and piety", and rocketed attend- held in the Lounge because of its The gymnasium will have a floor Steve Radatovitch, Joe Oleair, Edgar who were among those receiving, the ance to unprecedented levels. They more convenient size. As Charles 80x115 feet and will have seating ca- Reinheimer, Harold Hanson, Joe Fa- following attended: David Calhoun, will also recall how, under his ener- Wallace, president of the Y. M. C. A. pacity for 1,000 persons. In the field gan, Bob Shennan, Bob Walters, John Constance Rossiter; William Klare, g~tic leadership, the College Church says, the Lounge is "smaller and house will be the offices fo; the physi- Tomichek, Bill Sturm, Ed Peters, Joe Mary Virginia Cooper; Sidney Wagh- campaign quota was exceeded. He cozier". cal education and the athletic depart-, Bobo Knepp, Mac McPike, elstein, Lucille Fertig; Jay Mowbray, served as chairman of the 1937 cam- An unusual feature of the dance ments, lockers, showers, team rooms Bob Dixon, Ed Elder, Ken Bills, Bill Corinne Adams; Charles Buchman. paign. was the comparative absence of stags. and storage room. Thomas, Vic Impeciato, Francis Polly Long; John Barkdoll, Dorothy Ehrhardt was a dynamic debater The reason may be found in the fact Both buildings will be of red brick Smith, Reds Bender, and Phil Lan- Brown; Robert Brooks, Louise Jame- throughout his four years at Western that admission is fifteen cents for and colonial design which the college assa. Mr. Havens then announced son; Edward Peters, Ruth Greenfield; Maryland. His absence is also being either individuals or couples. plans to follow in its entire building that the Athletic Council had decided Robert Sherman, Mary Brown; Car- felt in the College Choir and Orehee- The new policy of holding the Or- program. A new approach will be to give to all seniors who finished roll Cook, Letitia Bogan; Alexander tra in which organizations he was ganizations' dances in the Lounge made to the buildings from Pennsyl- (Cont. on Page 4, Col. 5) Ransone, and Veronica Kompanek. quite active. (Cont. on Page 4, Col. 2) vania Avenue.
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