Page 30 - TheGoldBug1938-39
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Welltmlnater. Md. PI ALPHA ALPHA TO HOLD SORORITY FIRST SEMI-FORMAL HOP SOCIAL CALENDAR COLLEGE CHURCH CORRECTION I REGULATIONS Pi Alpha Alpha Fraternity will November: CAMPAIGN In the last issue of the GOLD BUG a cui hold the first semi-formal dance of the 17-F Lounge t y Club, McDaniel Miss Mabel Harris' name was omitted Inter-Sorority Council announces year Saturday night, November 19, in I9-Pi Alpha Alpha Dance, To the Editor: from the list of music teachers whose the regulations concerning bidding to Blanche Ward Gymnasium. Dancing Blanche Ward Hall, 8 P. M. Last Monday, the annual College students performed in the depart- sororities during the year 1938- will begin at eight-fifteen o'clock. 21-F r e n c h Club, McDaniel Church Financial Campaign was mental recital on November 8. The There shall be a Code of Honor Music will be by Dick Dorman's Lounge, 6:45 P. M. opened. In past years, students have GOLD BUG regrets the omission. which shall bind each active and orchestra which will come to Western Tri Beta Meeting, 8 P. M. cooperated whole-heartedly in this alumna club member and pledge to Maryland from the District of Colum- 24-Thanksgiving Play, Alumni campaign. They have recognized the HOME ECONOMICS CLUB keep club matters a closed question bia and Alexandria, Yirg-inia. Featur- Hall, 8 P. M. fact that, by so doing, they are sup- at all times. The restriction means ed with the band arc a girl vocalist 28-International Relations Club, porting organizations that are not TM Home Economics Club held its that there is to be no statement made and an electric guitar. According to McDaniel Lounge, 6 :45 P.M. only essential to our campus commun- first meeting in Blanche Ward Hall to a non-club girl by a club girl con- the dance committee, several novelty I ity, but are, in part, also essential to Lounge, wednesday, November 9. A cerning any individual club's tradi- numbers are planned. December: democracy and social justice. survey of the American Home Econo- tions, regulations, or bidding. The program will consist of twelve I-Argonauts Meeting mics Association was given by Anna Freshmen and sophomores shall dances with a short intermission be- The three organizations that con- Lee Long. Plans for interesting pro- not be bid to any club until they have tween the sixth and seventh dances stitute the College Church are essen- grams were discussed for the forth- attended Western Maryland College during which refreshments will be COLLEGE CHURCH FINANCIAL tial to our campus for several unde- coming year. nlable reasons: (1) they are a means for one year. Juniors and seniors may served. DRIVE OPENED MONDAY of expressing our gratitude to the M. be bid to any club after a residence of one semester at W. M. C. I (Cont. from Page 1, Col. 5) . ~l:o~h~~~~o[uo~o~:v~:~t;~~I~~~~t~:i~: pected to make some contribution to WHIP Any girl must have a scholastic TERRORS DEACONS DEMON the College Church. Be it large or these pleas for subscrip- Following average of C for the semester preced- (Cont. from Page 3, Col. 5) I tions, the students were asked to sign its present stability and importance; small, do your part. (2) they have become a part of the ing her bid to a sorority or the re- pledges of the amount they cared to accepted tradition in which our college PAUL CUMMINS quired number of hours and points to bounding pigskin with a diving leap contribute. These pledges, it was is steeped; (3) they make definite become a member of a sorority. If on the Wake Forest 18. After three marks are not made up at the end of plays, Elder threw a fourth .down stated, could be paid by either De- contributions to the social and spirt- WESTERN MARYLAND 1. cember 1 or February tual life of our campus. the second full semester after pledg- running pass to Dickson, who gained The pledges made at this time to- The fact that our College Church is, COFFF:E SHOP ing, the pledge is automatically drop- IS yards and a first down on the Dee- , AND RESTAURANT ped. con 4. 1.fcPike hit center for 2, and tailed ~283.00. .Since t~at time the in part, essential to democracy must SODA, SANDWICHES, LUNCH Bids to sororities will be issued Bills plunged off left tackle for the student pledges have Increased by also be admitted. Democratic pr-inci- . DINNERS through the college post-office in the winning touchdown. Tomichek again $6:50. Thus far the con~ributions by pies are Christian ideals. The equal- JACK MOORE, Manager very near future. booted the extra point and the final classes have been: seniors, $52.00; ity of man, and the inherent rights The Inter-Sorority Council expects score stood 20-13 as the Terrors play- juniors, $59.50;,$60.75; I of man were first recognized b.y Chris- that full 'cooperation be extended by ed inspired defensive ball to stop and freshmen, $117.50. ,As a result trans. These ideals have been sup- J. D. KATZ those involved. the College Church IS still approxi- ported and fought for by Christians QUALITY Wake Forest in their tracks until the mately two hundred dollars short of down through the ages. Christians Phi Alpha Mu entertained its rush- final whistle blew. its goal, but the campaign committee have been unsuccessful and democracy SHOE REPAIRING ees in Baltimore on November 11 with West. Md. Wake Forest member-s are confident that their goal has met defeat for only one reason: Special Rates to Students a theatre party at the Vagabond, Stropp LF Jett will be reached. people have not become thoroughly Joe Ofeair, Agent where Shaw's play, "Pygmalion", was Radatovich LT Pate saturated with these Christian ideals. being shown. A supper followed at Hansen LG Trunzo ART CLUB EXHIBITS WORK OF Organiaations such as our Christian the Belvedere. Miss Addie Belle Robb Peters C Pendergast ODEN SCULPTORS association on the Hill are the only and Dr. Herring were chaperones. Sherman RG Balionis means of saturation. If democracy Lowry Beauty Shop The rushees were: Betty Arm- Lytton RT Powers (Cent. n-om Page 1, CoL 4) is to survive the college students of strong, Betty Brown, Mary Brown, today, who are the leaders of to- Adjoining Post Office Mary Louise Asbury, Kathleen Coo, ~;~i;:~ ~~ wo~~;~~ l\1argrethe Middelthon morrow, must become influenced by PERMANENT WAVE Judy Collinson, Jane Cowperthwaite, Dickson HB Gallovich Negro Head Christian ideals. For this reason, if SPECIALISTS Dorothy Delahay, Anne Dexter, Pran, Bills HB RE~wardl'd w~~:~ajitepp for no other, you, the students, must ees Dillaway, Ruth Greenfield, Ellen McPike FB mggo I I Clarence support this financial campaign. EXPERT HAIR STYLISTS Logan, Doris Lubking, Mildred Mel- Score by periods Tot-so Not only are we bound by tradition 93 East Main Street vin, Jean Shank, Ruth Reese, Mary Western Maryland 0 6 7 7-20 Roger Butt to do so. Weare obligated by demo- Phone 395 Jane Toomey, Elise Wiedersum, and Wake Forest .. 0 13 0 0-13 Helen cratic demands to do so. In lieu of Westminster, Maryland Addie Ruth Williams. Touchdowns-Western Md: Stropp, Garden Figure-Feeding the Fish such obligations, every student is ex- Bills (2); Wake Forest: Gallovich, Louise Shipley (Cot. from Page 1, Col. 1) Pendergast. Garden Figure-Young Faur r-, 1924, when it was taken over by Extra points-Tomichek (2) Byrd. Mother and Child members of the student body. Substitutes-Western Md.: Smith, Portrait Study o.f Negro Girl In connection with the first issue, Sturm, Hulljes, Oleair, Walters, Fa- Fountain Figure \ Shop Rosenstock's Ladies Shop the following are excerpts from a let- gan, Tomichek, Elder, Thomas, Impe- Adolph Humphreys ter of Dr. George S. Wills, to the ed- ciato ; Wake Forest: Vanden Dries, Head of Goat itors (January 22, 1924): . Waivers, Pivec, Crabtree, Tingle, _ For your new sport clothes "The appearance of this paper is Evans, Clark, Fuller, Byrd, Eustler.. H. E. R E ESE nu encouraging event in the college ,I TAILOR life. Such a publication has for a (Cont. from Page 1, Col. 3) CLEANING SPORT JACKETS T,y our 3 thread long time been needed. The Monthly who is directing the production, has PRESSING Crepe Twist Hose has its place, and merits the full named Malcolm Kullmar and Frances REPAIRING in plaid and solid colors. We moral and financial support of every- Stout to take the lead roles. Both 94 East Main Street :;$;.~~~to match your skin Special pric; 59c body in the college; but its field is players were prominent in college SUITS MADE TO MEASURE H it's a different from that which will be oc- dramatics last year. Miss Stout, who Jitter Bug Jacket $1.00 cupied by the Black and White. ia a senior, president of the Art Club SKIRT, JACKET "The college needs a means of dis- and active in other campus organiza- Mackenzie's Drug Store Campus Shirl $1.00 seminating news. The college life is tions, Is serving her last season with or SWEATER broad enough and large enough not the Players. Kullmar is a junior. The Announces a Complete Jook Jacket $1.98 to have to depend upon casual con- rest of the cast was announced in the ManTailoredShirts $1.00 you need. stop at Rosenstock's veraatlon for its knowledge of events November 3 issues of the Gold Bug. Line of Drugs, Toilette Goods, and see what we have for you, of interest. and importance. The col- "Post Road" is a mystery comedy lege, again, needs a means of giving by Daniel Steele and Norma Mitchell. Sodas, Magazines, and Candy .Rosenstock's Ladies Shop out official information, and of mak- It has an intricate plot, unpredicta- ing annOUncements of events that ble characters, and unexpected situa- 50 W. Main Street 67 East Main Street Westminster, Md. concern the college community. tions. Well-performed, it will serve Next to State Theatre Store Open Every Evening More than anything else, however, af; a fitting climax to the Thanksgiv- the college needs an organ for the ing holiday. expression of student opinion. These are some of the reasons for be- lieving that the appearance of the ave Your Films Developed Black and White will be the means of and Finished at developing a broader, freer, and 'The finest in movie fare is yours higher type of college life." he College,Grili As was stated in the early issues, it was a "weekly newspaper devoted at tf, making Western Maryland College a Bigger, Better Institution". In 1924-25, the paper consisted of Three Chair Service four pages, twelve by ten inches in THE CARROLL si:l:e. In 1925-26 it was increased in NO WAITING qo lair leqqed in size to twelve by sixteen inches, and KEEP TRIM AND reached its present size (12% by LET US MOJUD 16%) .the ~oll?wing year. DOlT CLari-phane and DUring Its fifteen years of exis- HEAGY BROTHERS' tence, it has had only two women BARBER SHOP SILK STOCKINGS serve as editors-in-chief. They were THE STATE Their eleCif. smooth lux- 1\1. Susan Strow, '33, and Rosalie Sil- Next to Post Office • ury makes them the ehole. berstein, '36. Emmeline Newman, of our lIDartelt eUllomers '39, is the first woman to serve on •.• for th. new Sere.lllil. the staff as business manager. sherdes herre erYibrcml 'Nal. The Gold Bug was printed for the ily tbert makes le91 look THEATRES young cmd ediv•• Types for first year by the Enterprise Printing •.,.ry oceasfon. _ Company of Westminster. Since then for •• ery co.. the work has been done by the Times Iume ernd ••• 11' • Printing Company of this city. purs •• Utility Sb"r, $ .79 "'Two Houses with one PU1-pose~~~ JOHN EVERHART SEE PENNEY'S Aft"./lo. SIu,,, .79 THE COLLEGE BARBER Dr,,, •.,, ,In,,, 1.00 your entertainment" AND BOBBER J. C. Penney Co. THE COFFMAN-FISHER CO. AT THE FORKS WESTMINSTER. MD.
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