Page 28 - TheGoldBug1938-39
P. 28
PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland CoUege, WestmUuter, Md. COL Passing In Review By OLEAlR JOSEPH There's a lot to be said. The handwriting o"?ithe wall IIBS Official student newspaper of western Maryland College, published on Thurs- The Monday night exhibit of sculp- become legible. Uncertainty about day, semi-month October, November, February, March, April, May, ture in McDaniel Hall Lounge caused the content exists no longer. As a and monthly du anuary, by the students of more electricity to be used for light- nation, Germany is lost. When it col- Western Maryla d. Entered as second-class ing than that room has experienced lapses, it wil l be a long time before matter at the W Act of March 3, 1879. ~~:~o~:t~l:lpu~c~~r~::;:e~ot~:P:~ :~e~a:a~f:~~t~:eh!!sl~:~~eg;:s~;i~;~ SUBSCRIPTIONPRICE$1.50 A YEAR Daniel Lounge electric bill has been fur in the past decade. National Advertising Service, Inc. 1'95' Member 19'8 almost nil-for sometime. There are ob- No longer is Germany a stete of Colle,e l'"blhhers Represno'''',,,e c"" •• o. aO>To. Lo, A...... J:bsocialed CoDe6iale Press g~~;~:n~~ this extreme economy. ~::~e;~~~:fi~!~~Il~::s~l~v::df::r::!:~ __ ---'--'-'--""-"-=----=----==---'--'-___________ While on the subject of economy, blance of law and order, has disap- EDITORIAL STAFF Professor Makosky told one- Of his peared as a hooliganism and has Editor-i'n.-Ckief . FRANKCOESHERRARD,'39 classes last week of his economical I swept through the nation, manifest- Associate Editors AAR~::O~~~!:~~~~~~~~E;;JIJ~igI>~~~:~:~JJ roommate. This gentleman brought ing itself in the brutal persecution of tin can NeW8 Editor ALVINNEWTON,'40 to college with him a large he would a helpless people and in the expression containing the houses and men of socks. These against Copy Editor RUTH MANSBERGER.'41 of hate Copy Reader8.. . SHIRLEYFEURST,'42; HENRYTRIESLER,'41 wear pair by pair. As one pair be- God. The code of honor which exists Proof Editor _ SUE PRICE,'40 came uninhabitable he would 're- among thieves prohibits any tamper- Proof Readers .. ELLENSHIPLEY,'40; LUELLAMEAD,'39; WILLIAMBANKS,'41 deposit them into the can and draw ing with churches or with servants vf Feature Editors LAWRENCEFREENY,'39; KATHERINEKLIER,'40; MARGARETPACKWOOD,'40; GRACEMACVEAN,'39 forth another pair. The results of God. The comparison speaks for itself. Sports Editor8 LAWRENCESTROW,'39.; MARYJANE HONEMAN,'39 this system upon the. roommate's AARONSCHAEFFER Propaganda Minister Goebbels said, A88istant Sports Editors ...RUTHFIELD,'40; HAROLDSOLOMON,'41 trunk (where the can was kept), seem "The people will it so. We are only 456 has I Typists. . JANE FRALEY.'42; LAURETTEMCCUSKER,'42 lather obVIOUSand indeed odious Curly-haired, congenial, conscten- the executors of their wii1." A strong- BUSINESS STAFF BU8ine88 Manager . EM~~~:R~~:.!.~~: :!6 Flank Mason Sones, JI, tlOUS that's "Schaeff" also er condemnation of a people could not Advertising Manager . done It again, although this time he known by several unprmtable names be made Circulation Manugers . LESLIES-rOKES,'40, MARYCLEMSON,'39 was not at fault ThiS IS the second by his fellow-inmates of Levine Hall The strength of a nation lies m the A8sistant CirC"ulation Manage)" JAMES MERRITT,'40I week that Mr Sene's has been behmd Admired by both boys and girls moral flbre and the intrtnstc worth of ~~e~v~~:1::l:~~~~II~;k;a~U!~~~b~~ ~~:I:O ~~I~\ha: le;;;e~~~~a~~I:I:b~:~t~ ! ~1:p:~:I~~~~a~o;I~:::~se ;~c m~I~::~ Morale the laws of nature, r.e., of the rrresrs- ! was recently placed beyond suspicion might wit.her •.d away, but because It Words are small to praise the action of Western Maryland's table force and the Immoveable ob-I by his appomtment as an associate lost a cttfzenrv that had Ideals and grid-men in the stadium last Saturday. Maimed by injuries, con- ject type editor of the Gold Bug "Schaeff" purposes, consistent and moral. The demned by public opinion, the Terrors came through with a per- In passmg, t~ remark may be still finds time to stay on the dean's RImy that finally destroyed Carthage formance which would rival any of the now almost mythical made that The Baltimore Sun had bet- list, remain in the Argonauts, and be was not the army that fell before the 1934 days. ter stick to picking the winners of a candidate for graduation honors in barbaric hands of the North. Neither brawn nor brain can account for last Saturday's type political battles and writing the re- Chemistry. As a charter member of R. E. Hume says, "The "Secret of ~hk~t~!~t J;:e ';.~~sr~~~~ ~s~e~:::rs ir~si~~~n~~~~eas~~~~~~ su~,t~~~~~~.~~~nie"has returned to the ~~.:p~:de~~:~ t~~tb,o;;an::~iG~hO:.: ~~~:~h.~?ngevity has b~en religious to lay at least some of the credit for the performance to the CoIIege Hill. There's a chalice for "Yuh the Aloha last year and addressed it That religious strength has been ex. Military Department, with which most of the grid-men are closely Brownie" to become a tradition if he on Tuesday. Aaron is unengaged at pressed in a moral code of)thc high- associated, and which has as one of its, prime purposes the diS-I hangs around long enough. present and has adopted as his motto. est type. If the sage of Shantu~g semination of morale. Ten.shun, "S~~~\~o:~sn:::~r~fter long consid- werc to arise to1luy where in Ger· • ---- • Lt. Bob Sherman takes his Military oration a reference to the Aloha edi- ~~::~v~~~!, ~~.u!~U;;O;l~~t:::~ 11~;; Over-Emphasls training a bit too seriously. At least, tor's private life hal! bj!en deleted at devotion? Next week the three sororities on the Hill issue bids fOl' that is the impression most of us this point.) - additional members. In the light of Anaximander's tried and would ~'eceivo jf we saw Bob at 4 ;00 A firm proponent of democracy nnd cm~:~~i:;ef:~~ ~~ ~i:uh;t~~O~~~:~ss~o~ y Pthr.OtveedverryUleg!,crOlnrC,eCren!'ViU!'nggthaebr"depwet"litliaocnceOpfth"ti',tOjrty'!'sitalis'ossaaffeettOo,saa !it:b~~:~i:!b:/at around his room rugged individualism, Editor Schaef- ing to Hell. The attitude of the y fer will probably someday write edi- Clllll'ch, both Catholic anl Protestant, t~~t .m~nYh girls W~ll bd_~rok~n-~ea~ted becau~e .they b-iJI not have Gridifony, torials fOI· William Randolph Hearst. is worthy of the highest ideals for o aFe t e on g } ope - or dIstInctIon of reCeIVIng a I , '1 Hal.old Hansen had a tough break At present he is concentrating his which the Christian chu1"ch has ever be theO~l~~~~sg~ruf:ni~~t~~~r~~U;:~~/~~~t~~t~ll~~~~~~d'~i;~~~ (dislocation) SsftW'day afternoon ~:.~:t~~~o~e:~~~:;iO~~e~a~:~oa~::r l~! ~;'~~hab~;el:~~le~e~n~~;~~/no~ ~~~ ~~~~r~~t~iir:e:~efr~S';~:;~;~}~il~~~:fJ[shi~:i~~. hereafter. For ;l:~ ~dt~: b~~:~~:~~ ~~·~:a~h~!~p~~ I ~:s~; ;e~dO~!/f:~~ ~!~~~~~aBt~:~~~. hi;'h::\!~b:1e. of a nation that can Time will temper the emotions of both groups. The persons tal. Visitors who have seen Charlie er possessmg personality coupled With g y in the latter will develop other interests, often more valuable both Havens' best broken sidewalk runner ability should not have any difficulty I produce such men becomes grea:er to themselves and to society, casting no reflections on the merits of (a title gained by Harold during with th~ younger generation. 1 ~~~e~J=:~~ym;~re~;;, ~oi~~::,s~~~~tgh, sorority membership. The former group will discover that club training camp) report that he was in I I h ' - tt f' d tak th t t t f 't the best of spirits. The visitors also I and Goebbels. .,..... mem b ers lp IS a rna er 0 gIve an e, a one ge s ou 0 I E ' Th, problem to th" " oboo,vo, ,'n only what one puts into it. Those who have little to invest will re- noticed that Harold's two nurses were . ceive little in return. _ very nice. They also noticed that X - 39 ~:~~;:t:,~~~~e;:se~~a~~~::7e!~ next ~~e~k'~ ~~~I~~~~t~~\e~i;~~~si~~~ee~:11~~li~n tW::t ~~~/~~~gt~~ ~~~..Old noticed that they were very clude that part of the Gcrman popu- "chosen few" by only a tiny group of girls who were themselves One little freshman wasn't able::o 1.h:li~Sel~::~:ri~eos;~~:~:' ~i;:~~o~~ ~~:;~~o~~w::~:a~~:~~;U;r!~ n;;n ~f exultant "pledges" only "the day before yesterday." Not everyone !~~yt~h~~;~e!h:nd~i:~~~~g:~:\etT:~ Delawa~'e, as. the. result of a strepto_ the Niemoller, Innitzer, and Von in college and no one in life after college will care whether they were ;everal squeaky boards and the coccus mfectlon m her blood stream. Faulhaber type. belfnged to D~lta Sigir a Kappa, Sigma· Sigma Tau, Phi Alpha Mu, audience's curiosity. Truly, the early This il1nes~ followed several confine- That type of men will always re- or °C~obsororltbY ath~ , hi' , f' bird gets the worm but the late worm ments d~l:lIlg. the .past summer and ceive the SUPpOIt of the peoples who u mem ers IP, at most, s ou d assume a pOSItIon 0 mmor hel: condltlon IS said to be extre~ely I have conceptions as to what is right importance in the college. It provides an additional source of en- gets the bird. joyment for those who are versatile enough to accept it after lef~U!;:n~h~~~:~ ho~Sh:~ ~~~:;:.n:U: se~.:~~~" is one of the most popular ~~es~::n~f '~~a:7:':~;ht~~' :e~:!e;: fi~~~cientioUSlY attending to the more important phases of college to the clumsy efforts of one of the lllember~ of her class and a n;-ember of somewhat more clearly defined. The fact that a bid is so seldom rejected demonstrates that gangling sophomores to close the door :::nyP~;.ie~~~h~is~~~es;:~~~~. w~:~ U~;eed U~!::':a~fCot~:e~;t~~:; !~:~: ~~~~~i~~ists on the campus an undeserved glorification of club mem- ~~~~;dt~~a!~C~l:s:s po;~~~~ ~::~:~~~~ she brought to the Hill and smcerely Nazis is encouraging. Faith in a de- ]larts. hope that an early recovery brings mocracy is strengthened, especially The socccr team presented the her back to Wes.tern M,~rYl.and next whcn it takes the form of action. Th·e It Could Never Happen Here school with the latest N. Y. style in semester. The girls on Ollion Hall" recall of H h R W·I A b I AI . are fillding things prett,y quiet with- dor to G"-Ung ny ,fO', Pu','poon:",~om,aasd"'~'_ In the fall of 1936 every senior man at the Virginia Military .80 pme h d k H b "LOU ., ... .,,, b oys ook more like h t s. TI Ie lns~itute. voluntarily pledged n
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