Page 10 - TheGoldBug1938-39
P. 10
/ Cont. from Page 1, Col. 3) Il PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, We;!IternMaryland College, We~tminster,Md. 1.RataM:~!n~~'~~~~::,~~~ GENERAL RULES FOR SNAPSHOTS THE :::~:o~, SIDE I i!~~:;ickki::l~~, LoL~;bo;t·esriat:o~~ YOUR NEWSPAPER The 1939 Aloha Staff is now Smith, Oxon Hill; Allie May Moxley, Editorial to be walks or on the grass. ~~~::~Sb~:O~in'iilea:~ T~~~~r i~n:~el~ ~--------~ ready to accept snapshots Any pic- used in its publication. Today the peace of the world still 2. Rats MUST speak to Il-ve·ryone on tures dealing with campus life tak- hangs in a sling and the David hold- the campus .. ~~.:~Ol~nhe~:I:~ill~eaC:~~:tY'i:n~r~~~ ty:e~is I:d!i:!a!oi~~~ ~~:eree~t:~t~:;: en within the last thre~· years will ing the sling is still Herr Adolf Hit- 3. Rats MUST wear signs back and ler, Germany's militaristic dictator. front, at least 12 inches square George county. I formation which is clouded by much be accepted for consideration. All Sarah Adkins teaches music in sev- The "civilized world", that is to say with their names and nicknames, eral schools in Wicomico county; Vir- ignorance on ~e part of the Gold prints and negatives submitted for Bug readers.. consideration will be carefully pre- . the "democratic nations", plead with starting Monday, October 3. ginia Clute, in Harford county; Violet The Gold Bug IS the offlclal student served and returned. Please leave the powerful little plasterer and erst- 4. Rats MUST car-ry matches at all Gibson, in Queen Annes'; and Doris newspaper of western Maryland Col- all prints or negatives either in the while frequenter of "flop-houses" to times. Haines in Howard county. Miriam lege. ft is published by an editorial I college bookstore or with Bill preserve that peace. 5. Rats MUST buy a "rat cap" at Guyton teaches art in Caroline county. and a business staff, listed in the Klare. Mr. Franklin Delano Roosevelt, $1.00. This admits the buyer to Two out-of-state schools have em- masthead, composed of students of generally conceded to be the cleverest the Freshman-Sophomore dance. "ployed W. M. C. graduates: Anna the college. Mrs. Evelyn Wenner is politician and diplomat of the present 6. Rats MUST make way for up- Kenney is at Lewes, Delaware, and the faculty advisor of the Gold Bug. (Cont. from Page 1, Col. 1) day, has offered up his prayer for perclassmen at all times. Wesley Simmons has a position in The news and editorial material are and Robert R. Sherman; Platoon Ser- peace to the great German deity. In 7. Rats MUST not sit at the heads Virginia. copy read only by the students on the geant, Samuel C. Galbreath; Right so doing, he truthfully exposed both of tables in the dining hall. Charlotte Cook, having spent the editorial staff; no member of the col- Guide, Paul M. Burtis. his feelings and those of the Ameri- 8. Rats MUST have no dates from summer- in Grenable University, has lege faculty or administration cell- Company B can people, the feelings that in the Oct. 1 to Oct. 10. just obtained the position of Assist- sore the Gold Bug, before its publlce- Captain, Joseph Oleair; 1st Ser- event of a major European conflict, 9. Rats MUST remain seated until ant D'Anglais in the French School tion. It is naturally subject to can- geant, George A. Myers. Germany will have been at fault. all upperclassmen have left System. sur-eship by all its readers after pub- . 1st Pla~~ French and English propaganda Alumni Hall. In the years past, Western Mary- licaticn. I 1st Lieutenants, ~Vllham J. Flern- during and following the World War 10. Rats MUST· attend Sunday" lund has placed more graduates than The Gold Bug is financed by money ing and Ro~ert F. D1XO~;P.latoon ~er- with the very able assistance of the school, church and chapel Oct, 2. any other similar institution in Mary- received in three ways; by an allot- geant, Edwin W. Elder, Right GUide, American press have performed well 11. Rats MUST address all upper- land. The latest tables show that out ment from the college taken from the John W. Lytton. the embitterment of the American classmen by "Sir". of 76 placements ill schools in the $25. activities fees paid by all stu- I . 2nd Platoon peoule toward German peaple. With 12. Rats MUST learn all the school Counties of Maryland, Western Mary- dents, by paid advertisements solicit- [st LIeutenants, Jay Mowbray and sentiment in the United States as one- yells and songs. land graduates obtained 36 positions. I ed by the business staff, and by sub- Harold D. Hanse.nj Plato~n Serge~nt, sided as it is, it would be impossible, 13. Rats MUST be courteous to the scription charges to subscribers not L. Marberry Lmton; Right GUIde, in the event of conflict, for the United . "Co-eds". (Cent, from Page 2, Col. 3) in the student body, the faculty, or Donald H. Humphries. States to remain neutral for long; the /14. Rats MUST smoke only in their Blanche Ward Halls Monday night,- I the administration. . Company y world knows in advance for whom the rooms. ~~~:~eh.aren't such bad yodelers in the In recent years, the Gold Bug has ge;=e~~be~S~~hw~~~~:.Sh; 1st Ser- douchbovs would shed blood. 15 Rats MUST attend breakfast In the interest of peace for the every day. Since, however, even the finest in- received from the college $800 (ap- 1st Platoon United States, it would be well for the 16. Rats MUST NOT sit on the ~;:\~~,':ve~nt::':'t::~~nn~'~:;;::,' ~:~::::;:t~!~F:fC::;,::,::::~::~l;:~::~~:;~!:~rc~~~:;,io;::~~; American people to try to see the Ger- mourner's bench. man I)oint ·of view, as well as that of 17. Rats irUST assemble in front of "the "democratic nations", in order Smith Hall daily and march to 7~~:ic!r~~I~n~s ~e;;te:~o:~~n~!a:n~~l~~)' ~·I'.lseIII this allotment has been prom- Guide, Charles M. Horan: Left Guide, thJ>t they might observe disinterest- dinner. They'd better 'remember to show due lsed for the present yea~.1 and ~f I J. Douglas· Catington. 2nd Platoon of Wes~mlllster, ~erchants ed1v the conflict which still seems in- 18. Rats ?I.fUST attend all home III lesse~ quantI- I v.arlOus othe~ places 1st Lieutenants, Sidney H. l,Vaghel- ties, have pmd the Gold Bug In recent stein and Joseph P. Fagan; Platoon years between $1.00 and $2.00 an- Sergeant, Frank W. Mather; Right nually, for the use of advertising Guide, Jay C. Gore. space. The lieutenants of the platoons will At the present time the Gold Bug be in command of their details alter- has three paid subscribers amOl).gthe llately on Mondays and Tuesdays. alumni and friends of the college, making the total amount received from subscriptions for the present JOHN EVERHART year $4.50. THE COLLEGE BARBER III The advertising manager receives AND BOBBER ten per cent of all the money paid to AT THE FORKS him by the advertisers. During the time required to publish an early edi- tion before school sw.rts in the fall, the editor and one assistant are sup- plied room and board by the college. Three Chair I BEAUTIFUL PERSONAL Service CHRISTMAS CARDS Fifty Assorted Designs with Envel- opes, $1.50. Finest Grade, a work of NO WAITING ~rJ~s~~~d.N~~e fd:~t~~aisn (m~~fO~~I' del" at once. NICHOLS & CO., I ROCKMART, GEORGIA KEEP TRIM AND LET US DO IT On Sale In College Book Store Heagy Brothers' "WIN WESTERN MARYLAND" H. E. REESE Barber Shop' TAILOR A New March CLEANING PRESSING By Next to Post Office REPAIRING CALEB O'CONNOR 94 East !'Ifain Street SUITS MADE TO MEASURE Carroll Pastry Shop Mackenzie's Drug Store Next to Carroll Theatre Announces a Complete II FINE PASTRIES Line of Drugs_!Toilette Goods, At Your Service OF ALL KINDS MADE WITH BUTTER Sodas, Magazines,and Candy Specialties: Wedding and 50 W. Main Street ENTERTAINMENT AND EDUCATION (Cont. in Next Col.) Birthday Cakes Next to State Theatre WESTERN MARYLAND IN DELUXE COMFORT COFFEE SHOP AND RESTAURANT JOIN THE CROWD SODA, SANDWICHES. LUNCH AT DINNERS • JACK MOORE, Manager BEARD'S BRING YOUR DATES ALONG Have Your Films Developed AND ENJOY THE FUN Carroll and State Theatres and Finished DANCING SANDWICHES The best of Fox, Paramount, Warner Brothers, RKO. SOFT DRINKS The College Grill Beard's Resturant Columbia, and Universal Filmt WESTMINSTER, MD.
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