Page 9 - TheGoldBug1938-39
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The Gold Bug, W'eatem Maryland College, Weatminster, Md. PAGE THREE Washington Brings New 28 Out For Soccer Terrors Win Opener Sidelines Team To Face W. M. Sat. SOPH BACK By As Season Opens 21-7 From Cortland .Green Terrors Are Ready For LARRY STROW Home-Coming Tilt Barkdoll And Wallace Lead Team After Slow Start Against Salisbury Tomorrow Washington College will bring a Among the spectators at the game newly built team to Westminster this Drugash And Soph Backs Use Steady last Saturday was one, Gibby Young, Saturday for the Home-Coming Day The Green' Terror soccer-itee held Drives To Make Scores who was doing his bit for his Alma game with Western Maryland. The their first regular practice under Mater, Washington College, by scout- Shore line-up includes several fresh- Coach Harold Wright, '38, on Monday, VISITORS THREATEN IN LAST October 3. About 28 men reported on QUARTER ing the Green Terror team. He had men and is about equal in weight to plenty to watch as Western Mary- the Green Terrors. the pitch for the first warm up and land's new backfield went into high a few more freshmen are expected to 'Western Maryland's team took gear and moved up the field. That is, Zebrowski And Fetter Star join up this week. Yesterday the charge of the gridiron after the first some of the time they moved up the The. mains~y of the backfield is big booters played the first game against five minutes last Saturday and defeat- field. Anyhow it looks like Washing- Char-lie Fetter who runs and punts. Towson Teachers and tomorrow the~ ed Cortland Teachers College 21-7. ton College's scout didn't get a chance The other backfield men lack Fetter's take on the Salisbury Teachers. The The Home fans were grinding their to scout Juniata which mowed the next five games are all away from teeth after Cortland scored on a pass Shore team down last Saturday' 45-0. size but. are just as dangerous. giant On home and the team will not play on from Hathway to Block in the first line is 'Goop' Zebrowski, the This is all very interesting to the Ter- basketball center. Kirby of track home grounds again until October 28. quarter but then a couple of substitu- ror forces as Washington will be pit- team fame plays tackle. 'Josh' Hor- 5 Vets Return i:~:.s~~:t;::~o:~,efir~~e:;or:::m~O!~ ting its newly developed gridiron ner, brother of Paul Horner" former Heading- the. soccer array are the I the beginning of the second quarter strength against Western 'Maryland Western Maryland tackle, plays one • this Saturday. semo~ co-captains, Buck Barkdoll and after the team had worked its way guard position and Duterer, All- Char-lie Wallace. Both have played down to the 8 yard line . Terps Drop Second Scholastic center who played with ~~:ta~~y :~:d~:~~~~, ~;e bSei~;d,b~ii~~I At the same time Bruce Ferguson Holljes at Forest Park in Baltimore, First Score On Pass was down at Chestertown and 'Daddy' now holds the pivot job for the Shore- around Barkdoll, Wallace, Galbreath, Drugash tossed a pass to Knepp Rineheimer was at Penn State. From Russ Smith, and Tomlinson, first and Hansen kicked the extra point to the scores it looks like they will have Against Juniata, Washington made stringers returning from the 1937 even up the score. The offensive re- Borneinteresting and encouraging in- several fumbles and could not hold State Champion team. mained in the Terrors' hands until the formation to give to Charlie Havens. the heavy ground attack of the Penn- Upperclassmen expected to add last quarter when 'Havens sprinkled The University of Maryland went sylvania team. George Ekaitis, strength to the team are Dooley, Lin- the team with substitutes and the down under a 33-0 score as Penn Washington's coach is a former Wes- ton, Bob Brooks, Robinson, Apple- Cortland star, Hathway, shook him- State's backs pushed the Terp line tern Maryland player and \ was' in garth, Lewis, Williams, Day, Elias self loose a couple of times. The second Terror touchdown was around. school with Charlie Havens. Wash- Hahn, Windsor, Kable, Brust, Le- the result of a steady march after re- Compte, Eckers, Parks, and Bradley. Hank Holljes took a beating ington last played Western Maryland Saturday. After the big Cort- in 1926 when the Terrors won 60-0. The freshman class is looked to to ceiving the. second half kick off. Knepp made a 25 yard run, Dr-ugashe- provide several regulars and the foun- land tackles had mauled him in dation of next year's team. Several added several gains, and then Kenny in the flrat quarter of his first Tearr: In Good Shape likely prospects were out and the list Bills bucked the last five yards for a collegiate football game, he tried As the Terrors prepare for the sec- included R. Shockley, Mackenzie, Paul to get a little rest on the bench. ond grid tilt, no one is listed as in. Myers, Adams, Tarbutton, and Doug- score. But when McPike was driving jured. Bob Dickson will be able to las. The third one was likewise the re- home a touchdown in the second pla y as his finger has mended. Ha- sult of a march from the Terror 38 . half and the squad jumped to vena says that he wants to give his Wheaton Added yard marker. Elder, Drug-ash, and watch, Hank didn't jump. He reserves plenty of experience in this Two schedule changes have been McPike took turns carrying the ball landed on the back of his neck as game. The juniors and sophomores announced by the athletic department. and McPike drew the assignment to the bench did a summersault af- will be needed later in the season Dickson College will be played-on Oc- rush the ball over the goal line. Har- ter being relieved of"half a ton of when the going gets hard, and then tcber 21 instead of Virginia Univer- old Hansen kicked his third goal. gridmen. they have to prepare for next year. sity, and on November 22 the bootera /! Visitors Threaten At End The backfield will probably alternate from Wheaton College, Illinois, will Only one penalty marred the game Some things worth praising in the Cortland battle, were Drugash's re- around as it did in the season opener visit the campus in the closing game when a Cortland backfield man, John- verses and spinners through the line, with every man taking a turn in the w. A. A. Plans Annual Picnic ,,:r the season. . ny Lockwood, reinjured a game leg Knepp's running, and Hathway's field. In Honor Of Freshman Girls Coach Wright would like others to that has given him trouble before. get-aways around the Terror team. The probable line-ups are: turn out, saying the material looks Lockwood was carried from the field That number 77 kept Western Mary- West._ Md. Washington Hockey Team 'Viii Play Notre Dame pretty good but needs plenty of r-e- on the third frame. land on the jump all afternoon. And Stropp LE Zebrowski serve strength. Hathway almost got away from the then a word for Rado, Peters,. Lesin- Lytton LT Kirby Of Baltimore Either TerrOI'S several times in the last half ski, and Lytton who hit the dirt in Hansen LG Nov. 12 or 19 but the Western Maryland line dug in nearly every play of the game. Peters C J. Collins The Womens' Athletic Association Freshmen Open Grid twice on their twenty yard line and Dutterer However, the team will have some Fagan RG Horner once on the ten to prevent further heavy practice during this week. They Radatovitch RT Ware held its first meeting of the 1938-39 Practice With 22 Men scoring. The game ended with Cort- will be working on speed and condi- Lesinski RG Neubert year, Monday evening, October 3, land having the ball on the Western tioning and a numbe, of other faults Drugash QB Geilser 1938, to plan its activities for the com- Rinehimer Says Team Has Maryland 9 yard line. that turned up. The squad has plen- McPike HB Bremer ing year. Promise Statistics of the game show West- ty of work to do before they take on Knepp HB W. Collins Thursday, October 6, was selected ern Maryland having a 16 to 5 ad- Maryland. Thomas FB Fetter as the date for the Annual Picnic in Only eight exper-ienced g;idmen vantage in first downs and outgaining honor of the Freshmen. All Fresh- How do you like that TERROR Officials: Wilkinson, Kaufman, Eich- showed up when freshman coach, Cortland 244 to 191 yards. The Ter- yell? Not from the spectators elberger, and Eyth. men met in front of Smith Hall at 4 Charles Rinehimer, sent forth his call ror punting department did not show joining the W. A. A. After P. M. but the one from the team as it members of the upper classes, the for candidates this week. Fourteen up so well, but the passers made 5 out came out of a huddle. One of the group hiked across the golf course to other potential players reported and of 10 tosses good. One intercepted CorUand rooters wanted to know tween two natural rivals in Maryland. the pavillion where an informal sup- drew equipment. However with tbe pass by Bob Dickson halted one Cort- if 'Frosty' and boys were trying Other scores of interest to Western per was held. eight experienced men as a nucleus land drive in the last quarter. Dick- to scare the Teachers to death. around which to build a winning Baby son, Radatovitch, and Lesinski were Marylanders from last week end are: Notre Dame of Balthnore extended able to play although they did not Rooters Need Practice Brown 20, Harvard 13; Fordham 47, an invitation to the Western Mary- Terror team, the outlook is far from start. A word about soccer as the team Upsala 0; St. Joseph's 29, Mount St. land hockey team to play them there, discouraging. Western Maryland Cortland or-ens its season. Yesterday the Mary's 7; St. Anselm 9, Providence 0; either Nov. 12 or Nov. 19. Among the candidates reporting was Str'opp LE Block team played Towson af'ter- only two and Wake Forest 31, The Citadel O. Notice will be made of the first Emil Grenda, a promising guard from Holljes LT Kleiber days of real practice. Charlie Wal- St. Vincente defeated Thiel College meeting of the Women's Athletic As- Lawrence, Mass. Emil is the brothel'j Hansen LG Wells lace and Buck Barkdoll, co-captains, easily on September 30. Only three sociation. The members of the Board of Steve Grenda, head coach of the Peters C DeDominico have to bear the brunt of the work. of Western Maryland's coming oppo- have expressed their anticipation of a University of Delaware. Otller fresh- Fagan RG Eckhardt Tomorrow Salisbury Teachers will be nents won and of these, Wake Forest successful year in their athletic pro- men reporting were John Pirie, Narcis Lytton RT Faller here for the second game. The soccer app~ared the most impressive. gram. Orloski, and Mike Petrucci, linemen; Sturm RE Tesori team needs a lot of support this year and John Biosa, Robert Bricker, Har- Drugash QB Lockwood and a sideline full of rooters tomor- ry Baker, ana Edwin Lewis, backs. Knepp HB St. Lawrence row would help. Out of this crop Coach Rinehime? Thomas HB Hathway Charlie Havens was looking over will start to build a team, that faces McPike FB Stone the schedule for the booters arranged a six game schedule with the opening Touchdowns: McPike, Bills, Knepp, by Manager McNight last year, and tilt only eight days away. Coach Block. Extra points: Hansen 3, what did he find but Virginia Univer- Rinehimer's comment was, 'they're Wells. sity scheduled on the 21st and Buck- green but very promising'. Statistics of the game: nell on the 22nd. Bet McNight plan- Prepare For 1939 Cort- ned to use T. W. A transport planes Several of these men will be called W.M. land on that trip. A game with Dickinson on to play varsity next year when the Passes completed .. 1 '-has been substiuted for Virginia U. fourteen seniors on the present squad -Yards gained . 244 191 Coach Carl Davis of Cortland leave the 'Hill'. With practically the Passes tried. 1. Teachers had a good man in entire line graduating next June, the First downs. 16 Hathway but he didn't, pin any coaches will be grooming the frosh all Yards_J.ost 11 27 lilly on him for' that play in the year in preparation for 1939. Punts • fourt.h quarter when the Red Charlie Rinehimer, in hts first year 3. 37 shirt reversed his field and was of coaching, is a capable man to lead 3 snowed under by the Green Bnd the freshmen as he knows football 48 43 Gold wave for a twenty·two yard and played under both Dick Harlow loss. 'Vestern Maryland had a and Charlie Havens. In his sopho. good grip on the ball throughout more year at college; the frosh coach the game. BABY TERRORS LIST developed an injury that kept him 6 GAMES Washington College's first string from starring for the Terror backfieJd must have accumulated some injuries but he still learned his football from from Juniata but George Ekaitis will A to Z and became fitted for a coach's Oct. 14-Devitt Prep, h;ome c~rtainly bring a dangerous team to job. 26--Blue Ridge, away opening I Hoffa Feld. Ekaitis would love to de- His team will meet Devit.t Prep of Nov. 5-Fort Hoyle, away feat the team of his old schoolmate,- Washington, D. C., in the lI-Maryland, away Charlie Havens. Home-Coming Day game October 14 on Hoffa Field. Dev. 16--Blue Ridge, home wHl see a good game and the reopen- itt has one of the strongest prep 19-Dkkinson Seminary, ing o~ relationships in footbalJ be- : teams in the District. ~ home --; _