Page 8 - TheGoldBug1938-39
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. I CORRECTIONS 1'----------, J From the II .HERMITA~; HANK corrections for mistakes which ap- The Gold Bug makes the following peared in the September 22 issue, The part of the new library floor There's a lot to be said, formerly used by the registrar is now Peace doesn't seem to be a lost used as a periodical room, and not as Official student newspaper of Western Maryland College, published on Thurs- cause. Maybe there will be more Ju- a departmental reading room. On the day, semi-monthly during October, November, February, March, April, May, and monthly during September, December, and January, by the students of nicrs taking the advanced R. O. T. C. same floor of the library the space or- Western Maryland College, "\Vestminster, Maryland. Entered ea.eecond-class course next year, Huh??? , iginally used by the President and his matter at the Westminster Post Office, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Again the tills of Westminster are secretary is now used as a reference SUBSCRIPTIONPRICE$1.50 A YEAR being fed the student body's nickels room, and not as a departmental read- and dimes. Some merchants in the U~H~UNnc FORNATION.LACYUT'.'NQn ing room. National Advertising Service, Inc. 1937 Member 1938 Carroll County seat evidently have College P"blishers Represenlalive discovered that advertising does not "and she walked with dignity I=\ssocia!ed G:>Ue6ia!e Press pay. Recorded music yields more Charles Wallace is not captain of and grace" - titian-haired Dorothy profitably to them. Be sure there's the soccer team; he is co-captain. The Vroome. This New Yorker leads the EDITORIAL STAFF an ad in the Gold Bug for every nick- other co-captain is John Barkdoll. Women's Student Government by vir- Editor-i1t-Chief .. _. .._ FRANKCOESHERRARD,'39 elodeon you patronize; the dear old -_ tue of her charm and respect for pro- Associate Edito'r . VERONICAKOMPANEK,'40 sheet needs that dough. I priety. Last year, as house president , Managing Editor .. ._ __ PAUL BURTIS,'40 I wonder if the "Y's" are planning The Curtis String Quartette will 1 in McDaniel Hall, Dottie gently ush- Neuie Editor ALVINNEWTON,'40 COfYtI Editor --. .. .. _ RUTH MANSBERGER,'41 to continue the very popular fort- not pJay in Alumni Hall on Octo~er ~1 :~:I:c~h~u~f:~vds~:r~~Vea:,d;::~e~h~:~ Proof Editor - - _ SUE PRICE, '40 nightly dances, music courtesy of Mr. Proof Readers __ELLENSHIPLEY,'40; LUELLAMEDD,'39; TRAGOBRUST,'39 bec~use of an unexpected con~lct III ner was ever hospitable and her smile Feature EditorB LAWRENCEFREENY,'39; KATHERINEKLIER,'40; Raver. If they are, the time to begin MARGARETPACKWOOD,'40; GRACEMACVEAN,'39 is now, not after the semester. ~~e~~eP~~~:~e';~~o:;:~ e:ft:~::i~::~ "~inni~gb It's ~~ f~ the 1,ocal lads Sports Editor8 LAWRENCESTROW,'39; MARYJANE HONEMAN,'39 Question: Will the new ultra-deluxe A8mtant Sports Editm- . HAROLDSOLOMON,'41 City Restaurant's upstairs be approv- ~:~l~;'~s c:~~le!:e:~f~c~o~:rM2r8.Frank ~u~u7ncli~~~~:~s~:: a~'~:~: so~:~:~ Typists. .. HARRIETDYGERT,'42; ELLENEEDMOND,'41 ed by the administration or will there pus men who appear either sedately in BUSINESS STAFF be another unobserved rule on the autos or bombastically from the sky BuBineBIJ Manager ..... .. EMELINENEWMAN,'39 Hlll'l If the murky weather of two weeks I in zooming silver planes. 'I Advertising Manager _ _..FREDPLUMMER,'40 Dottie is a stickler for neatness and CirCulation Managers. .. LESLIESrOKES,'40; RUTa FIELDS,'40 ago had contmued, Western Maryland decorum. But don't let her seeming Golf was at a I nught "ell have begun to enterpr-ise DEAN'S LIST steady poise deceive you. Beneath a Breakage Deposit R eturns as a mushroom farm '- ---' usual calm exterior there is much low ror several days due to the simi- hilarity. She does not disprove the During" the summer, the upperclassmen of the college were lai-ity between mushrooms and golf red-head's temperament! pleasantly surprised by a substantial return on their breakage de- balls. Fagan served Joe Oleair with Seniors This secretary of the Sigma Sigma posits. They were surprised because it was the first time in the delectable fungus at one morning Bowen, J. S. Fogelsanger, B. A. Tau Sorority is interested in retail- recent years that a substantial return had been made on their football practice. Joe looked like a Ford, E. A. Fogelsanger, M.J. ing as a future career, with the em- breakage deposits. ~ "T"-bone steak running around loose Mowbray, J. Frey, H. H. phasis on "buying". She has unusual- Eleven hundred dollars more was returned to the students after he had been plastered behind the Myers, J. C. Heeman, G. E. ly good taste, selects her clothes care- than has ever been refunded by the college. The general hall ear. Oleair, J. Keith, V.R fully, and wears them well. breakage in Levine Hall was reduced from $65 to $5. N~w shoe styles seem to be the Ransone, A. L. Long, P. M. A' member of the Art Club, and of This record refund was due to two causes. The raising of dominant. note among the men . .Par- Schaeffer, A. Lyons, M. S. the May Court for two years, Dottie scholastic requirements had eliminated in 1937 an undesirable tic.ularly noticeable are natural pig- Strow, L. MacVean, G. R is typical of the refinement and love- pernicious element from the student body. skins, Some of our coeds are sport- Robb, M. M. liness these groups personify. The second reason for the increased refund was the new ling "Eiffel Tower" coiffures, others Timmons, C. B. psychology of Dean L. Forrest Free who came to Western Mary- aren't. It's a ma~ter of opinion ... FRESHMEN! land as dean of men in 1937. The new dean, accompanying the Ward Hall residents are rejorcmg Juniors superintendent of buildings last spring on his damage survey, un- ove.I' the new mattresses placed on Bayard, K. Q. Cochrane, K. l'If. The Gold Bug takes its earliest op- dertook to minimize (and succeeded in doing so) the cost of repair then' beds. It seems to me .the Crosswhite, J. M. Fitzgerald, R. I. portunity to invite new members to work on the campus. ' n_Jattresses are also a ~entle invite- Gooden, L. C. Long, M. L. join its editorial and business staffs. Experience is not needed. Even though many students think psychology exists only in bon ~ keep down1the norse over there. Myers, G A Quarles, I'll: R The staff is especially in need of realm of theory and fantasy, the most skeptical of them cannot ~f this be t:e tc~~e'lih~y Ct~d have Stokes, L B ""'- Smlth, C L reporters and typists. Please report t ignore it when it puts money in their pockets. It would be a safe e;n more s/~ eJlc t! o~a e h ""'wheeler, M E I tv the Gold Bug Officetonight at 6:45. prediction that, the "Free" psychology will s~ve money in future ban~n:a;; a ~~ sS~OW1~:':~1O~:~~ hked them Let's years, as It obviously has for the students during the past year. hope the school outfit can WhlP ltself I Fleld, the crow , The School of Education Jl::O~:~!,e a:: pO.PuJJO'b"toYnDh,',umh,':d"-I pASSING IN REVIEW The School of Education at Western Maryland College enjoys s By JOE OLEAlR :d~~i~r~;dsf~~~t~~i~~~~PI~~u~~:~soF1isO~!~d~fa:::ryi~~~o:;r~~ w~~: ~::~~r:heo;e:~eOfC!~~~!~~ game '----------- -' hensive curricula, available for the preparation of high school was the clean playing of both teams. ad~~~ :~~s~~S~n~i:~~:;nr-.~~~S:\i~i~~:~~ th~fA::~~~~yLe::e:~;ac\:~ll of the ;~~~~~~s ~~d~~tfh~h:u~~~~~~i~t:~ :::~~Io~~~j~~~~:~~~~r;:~~~:.~o~;~~~:i:Ol~: ~agnO:dr?pouZ;::oa:~: ty. Mr. Hitler was a most charming United States when we are able to We offer in support of this statement the fact that approximately a winner. ~~=:~in~h;u:s~~~r ~~~~~eta~:r,:a;:;: ~~:::h ~:at::h s::~~g:f :~e ~:r :::: three.fourths of the student body majors in Education. Public "\:.M.~ .. has opened ,~?e: couples invited. His manners definitely need in Europe. school officials in the State employ comparatively more Western ~~. e. ~ ell' way ~ th;"h lCdin g post. improvement. Miss Czecho-Slovakia Only in the United States can we Maryland students than those of other institutions in the State. h lS Ir Stom;hno e~l: t'l~' o:e pay was banned, as this was a stage affair. worry about the Joan Crawford-Fran_ In 1878 this State recognized the College as one of its impor- omage e pu lC u 1 1 les y tra- She did come to the back door, and chot Tone divorce, the new 65 card tant institutions of higher education when the General Assembly ditionalizing their property upon our for her reward received a few cake bridge game, the latest Petty Cartoon assigned to it a number of free scholarships for the education of ca;~us??? crumbs that Mr. Hitler neglected to (the one in the August edition was ~~~: i:;~~~!~fo;~y teg~~~~t}~: ~~~~~c :~~~~~~o~f ~oer:t~:~iv~tn; ;:O~~~:I~::\~:~:~;~~~:~:~~::;t:~~ s,,;~:)~:.will be no more parties for ~o:tt~~:' o~O~ob~!p~~t=~~~.and sundry ~1~~~~ca~~ea~~~0:;:::ntt::ke~0 P~~~~~iO~ f~~em~~~fn:~t~o:d~:d ~~~ of Smith Hali after lunch without :~:~~~~; I~~~~;~r;:~:l~o!~~~m!~r~l~ tJ.:h~~:~tw::o!het~:o~li:SOf~:=r:~~:~ quirements of other states when students wish to teach outside of ~~;!~;Si~Ogr~~:d~~l' ~~~e;~sx~:y~!t~mp- indications point to his appetite re- of Cong'l'ess serious attention, and not Maryland. The survey of 1938 placements which appears in this When will we hear Caleb O'Connor's tUl'lling, Rlld the social season will continue to ridicule and scorn its. ef- issue demonstrates that Western Maryland maintains its reputa- new song, "Win, Western Maryland"? burst forth, again in all its glory. forts. tion as the foremost education college in the State. Why not learn it for Homecoming All present were entertained by ar. We have always had ,contempt for Day?? 7 impromptu dance called "The Lam- professional red-chasers and creators Dining Hall \._ Overheard in Blanche Ward lounge: beth Walk" done by a huge crowd of of bogeymen. Tha sincer'ity with In a group as large as the Western Maryland student body it· "But they didn't have anywhere nearly ~:ct:::i;~~:~h ::~~~~~hm,~~~ i:::~'~ which the committee is pursuing its ~~a::~oud;~itu~! f!~o~l~il~fee~o~e:~u~~n~~cfom~aa:i~~~~t~~ienrs~~~~~ ~;, ~~~~eP:::y:o~~i~v:~ s:~tO~~c~~I~ tainly had pep. The GentIans evi- :o~!i:~::so;St::seb~I~::e:hat it falls roommates hardly have time to speak when meeting between per- over the games." The speaker was a de~~~ ~:~.:~~~::t~~~~ a~~~;'avor with b/nsc:t~:l~~;~:;r :~eg','ni~~7,a.Y'cwomil~ iods. Breakfast and lunch which seem to be dominated by Charles freshman woman. Well, what are we r.umerous persons. Ex-first Lord of Darwin's primary rule, the struggle for existence, are no more con- going to do about it? College is sup- Admiralty Duff claimed that the go- munists, Facists, Silver Shirts, and ~~~~i~~~Oi~:'::h:Cllb~~~;~~e~ts~on~f~::ti::'Ot~J1~~I:~~nt~~~~;:~::Lto b, a::::,::::out om high ~~-:~~l:tn;~:::~':u;:'::;:~~n~l;i~~ ::!::~~;£:~~:~:::~n:~~l:;i):;~ :i~~~e °fri:~d, ~~:~ l!gZfn Idis~~u~:~~n~ ~~~r~;ry ~I:sil;a~f:shuma~ The frosh are a darn nice bunch. !~a~;Ex~,h~!f~sl';~rs ~i~I~.adto tack on ways caused their practical extinc- gregarious instincts. ~: ~~~::\~~e~l~estn~:Yt~;! ::e~~e:: The Americans, who move in a' high- tion. In student .life at Western Maryland, as in busy life every· be on the right track. For instance, eJ' social level, felt that while the The committee has shown that ac- where, there exists a single egregious opportunity for the seeds of that group from McKinstry who pass- bounds of propriety might have been tivities of these subversive eJements' friendship to be sown. In a busy 18th century England, it was in ed by on the thoroughfare certainly ~OVU'I'·d''''dPoPa'bdoutth','t·'.was nothing they ::en;~ I::~i~ng~re:~~.a T:~gg!~lecaPn"bo,f the evenings, over a cup of coffee, that Samuel Johnson and Sir did not have enviable voices but their ... Joshua Reynolds found time to propagate their friendship. So at "rahs" and pep songs were full of real For, after all, the parties did treat pointed at Frank Hague of Newark Western Maryland there exists the opportunity at the evening meal .<:pirit. each other with civility, and no blows to bring the seriousness of the situa- for student friendships to find root and flourish. Frosh "Bingo" Binns, the Gabriel were actually struck. Sympathy was tion in bold light. Two years ago, there existed in the dining hall the institution of McKinstry, lips a tuney trumpet expressed for Miss Czecho-Slovakia , Nobody expects a democracy to be of seating arrangements which were changed fortnightly. Thus, a some say. Those who say, howevel', and an eyebrow was raised at the an- overthrown in a day. If forces are at student sat with nine different persons every two weeks. In this ~o ~ot reside in Owings. Those who tics of Hitler. Some people guarded- work in beginning an overthrow, then way, many acquaintanceships were formed, and campus life was IlVe in Owings claSSify "Bingo" with ly stated that Herr Hitler had a nut these forces should be exposed, and thereby enriched. the coffin-makers. loose in his head, but not much at- this is exactly what the committee is In the fall of 1937 the dining hall seating arrangements were Bits of green and yellow ribbon tied tention was paid to such disturbing dOing. These forces can be eradicat- discontinued. Two feeble efforts were made last year to produce in the locks of our bonnie freshman thoughts. cd, by full expOsure and publicity, as the same desirable result§; they failed. women tell the tidings of the return Personally we think that the Yanks they always have been. Last winter a plea was made in the GOLD BUG for the re· of a bit of women's hazing after a will beat the Cubs in four games out . Obnoxious as their smell might be, newal of the old seating system. It was ignored. If that plea is year's absence. And we are proud to of five. The one game we're giving It must always be remembered that ignored for this year and one more year, there will be no students SEe that they are just as good sports them is merely an appreciation of tlUs is still a democracy, and as such left who remember the benefits of the old seating plan. as the stalwart group that prayed for their gallant fight in the National the forc~s of enlightenment and rea- The Gold Bug renews its plea to whomever the proper authori- rain. We advise Professor de Long to League race. son must do the eradicating. Hasty ties may be for the dining hall system of 1936·37. Our one reserva- look over the rats-from the perfor- This forecast must be taken with and extreme measures can be ex- ~i~s~e~~e~l.dbe that members of the Senior Class act as the hosts and mance (d~n/:~n~a;! 4~1~~tn~;1 and, ~ic::~i~h:f cJ:~:ial!a: I:;ia~~e~o~:~ I ;::;~IY harmful. They might be
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