Page 61 - TheGoldBug1937-38
P. 61
The Gold Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE Bachelors Win Intramural Tennis Team Opens Second I Sluggers Drop Close Maryland Game Shifted Sidelines Track MeetWhilePreachers Streak With 3 Straight i Decision To Mounts To October 15 By Coath By Capture Speedball Title VOLKART DOWNS BROTHER In Md. League Game Backs Work Hard In Spring Practice Sessions LARRY STROW Alpha Gamma Tau Scores 57 Points IN MATCH Barkdoll Pitches Seven-c-Hlt Game .---. I With Delta Pi Alpha Getting 41; Coach Hurt's net men embarked on 'Vhile To Score In Eighth Chance by Coach Havens made pos- trip up to Providence, Misses Team R. I., Sophomores Win ancther winning streak by hanging If the Terrors whip the Mounts __ three straight victor-ies in the The "'estern Maryland twice, they have second place in the Repeating from last ycai-, the two weeks. Thr-ee other were held scoreless until the league cinched and the .chance to come Bachelors club swept into first place were postponed by rain and may yet inning yesterday as lilt. St. l\1ary's won a close 4-1 decision on Hoffa ~h~~Oo~g~v~~;g:e:l~o~~;v~~;m~~~~~l~I~!l~~::s~h;~~tl~:~:~.ral ;~:c~v~I~~~e~e~~a:le7~ be~~:yeg;.een and Gold racqueteer-s a previously signed contract with Field. Buck Barkdoll mowed the Providence calling for a game there burg on Saturday ought to be a fairly ahead of the Preachers who over to Catholic U. and Mountaineers down in order in the October The 15. easy game for the boys if,they play second place. Tn spite of the a weak Cardinal team under fil·st four innings but in the fifth, on Maryland had scheduled University of a game with Mike Scesney singled and was St. John's date, but the John- on that ~~1t:l:d:~~~~~r~il:e ~:::I;:\~Vi~a~:~: !~~t ~~~t i~~et:~c~oi~sht~~~;,e~~~ ~l~';!~I ~~~estet"l~co~~;ll";~~dIO~~a~Oil~ta:o~.~:~! brought home by two sacrifices and a nies asked for a release from all of the squad to Juniata to meet a team was closer than in past years. match given to Catholic U. by the balk. their- October football games. The that was defeated badly by Mt. St. The results were almost dit' Tenors. No match was extended to The Terrors threatened to score Mary's earlier in the season. On any proportional to the number of men three sets. four- times but made good only in the 'previously ar-ranged Tet-p - Ter-ror game was to be on November 5, the days that are clear, the nine must entered by each club. The freshmen Double Over Shore men ninth when Barkdoll doubled into same day which Navy plays Notre journey to Emmitsburg and down to of each club did a major share of the Washington College visited here on right field and was brought in by Ken- Evergreen to playoff the league work and will be heard of more in the the 17th for a return ny Bills. Tn the eighth, Western Dame in the Stadium. western games with Mt. St. Mru-y's and Loy- future. Maryland loaded the bases with two Maryland now has a chance to sched- ola that were rained out. The .score: went walks and a single, but Bob Stropp ule a game on either November 6 or feat. Looking across the Bay, it seems Bachelors miased a big chance to clean up by November 19. Havens is working on that Washington Collegc has snared 57 an easy infield out to retire the schedule and will announce any both baseball and track h0110rs. A Preachers 41 The Havensmen got two new arrangement as soon as it is good pitching staff helped the Shore- Black and Whites 58 over Washington were by the same men on base in both the second and made. men to bring home the baseball bacon Gamma Bets 7-2 score. gained sweet re- sixth innings also. . Spring Backs Are Problem Terrors the Per-sh Volkert practice for while their track team with the big I Sophomores Take Interclass venge over his brother- Edmond by Western Maryland Summary ended about six weeks ago. The ~~~e~\~!yy\~~~~gth~%l:~~~~~D:~I:nTi\~~~{ cla:~e tSl:~,omol.e class won the inter- leading the Terrors in an 8-1 tr-iumph AB RHO A hardest work was done in the first in the St. John's return match. Pei-sh Honemun, rf 2 0 1 0 0 week after vacation. The coaches last week end. Western Maryland physical edu~~et~:nsP;en:1~1~~~enb:I~I:~ defeated his brother- in three sets of Drugash, If. 5 0 0 1 0 spent the most time with the backs week. The scores were: Sophomores, the singles but lost in the doubles. 3 0 0 and worked on a new system of at- 47%; Ereshrnen, and Juniors, 5. The team is expected by Coach 4 0 0 tack and defense that will suit the The second year men six of the Hurf to go through the rest of the 3 0 1 1 2 small set of lig-ht-weight backfield firsts and made a clean sweep in the season undefeated and retain the 4 0 18 men. IIIcQuilIen, Drug ash, and Koe- Washing ton, it certainly will be a sur- field events. state championship. 3 0 3 gel will probably be in the starting prise. Congratulations to Washing- Preachers On Top In Second Round 1 0 0 0 1 line-up next fall while the fourth ball ton's successful teams. The speedball league played its Cindermen End Season At 4 1 1 1 ° 1 8 carrier may be Thomas, Mcj'Ika, Im- The ball team appreciates the last gamcs Tuesday afternoon. The 1 0 0 peciato, or Knepp. Juniata trip on Decoration Day. Preachel"S defeated the Black and Mason-DixonConference Meet Baer, c. 2 0 0 0 0 The linemen were not put through for, a nice cool ride through the Whites 14-12. In the other game, the J Linton 1 0 1 0 0 us much drill as the backs although mountains is always belter than Gamma Bets upset the Bachelors, 8-6. 2 Smith 1 0 0 0 0 the whole rcceived its share of a hot march t.hrough the streets BENDER LEADS TEAIII IN tackling blocking that is a fea- of Westminster with an R. O. T. Final standing of the clubs: SCORING 34 1 5 26 20 ture of the Harlow system. Al Sa- c. rifle on your shoulder. Lost 1 Batted for Honemanll in 8, 2 dusky, former tackle and present ath- Preachers o Western ended up on the Batted for Baer in 9. letic director at Pottsville High in RUN TILL YOU FALL Bachelol·s low end in Mnson·Dixon tl"!lck l\It. St. Ill's. 000010 021-4 Pennsylvania, was down for a few The interfraternity track meet came conference with only 6 points and ~ev- West. Md. 000000001-1 days to help Charlie Havens. All ob- off as usual with the run-till-you·bust enth place in the meet. "Red" Ben- Walks: Barkdoll 1, 3. Strike servcrs agreed that the Terrors will spirit predominating. Behind the ElTol"S; r.ave a fine line if the present set of story on the right is the fact that ALL·STAR FRAT TEAM Karpinsky, Mulvaney, Leary, DI·u- and all return. el,e or two fellows fainted dead away gash, Edmond, Sturm 2, Koegle 2. Lytton I tedraternity speedball All-Stars pin ski. Left on bases: West. Md. 9, a half dozen more were sick for The annual selection of the in- Triple: Mulvaney. Home 1:un: Knr- appea,B b"iow. The choice was M r.-St;--1\hu·y's -5-:- ~ made by a member from each club and the sports editor. W.A.A.Holdslndoor Play Day the clubs aren't hanging up any rec- AII·Star Team ords. For their own good next year, p. Tomichek Preachers For Visiting Women's Teams the best thing to do would be to make c. Reckol·d Bachelors sure that the men get out to practice lb. Lytton Bachelors Games Played In Both G~'mnasiums. for at least a week before the meet, 2b. Robinson Preachers U. Of 1\1. Wins In Volleyball; or alTange some type of preliminary 3b. Mnddox Preachers Home Team Runner· Up ss. Graham Gamma Bets the Univ€l·sity of Ma)·y- FRESHMEN IN BASEBALL sf. BI·yson Preachel·s In spitc of the rain on .May 14, the t.eam and the Towson juniors reached the semi-finals. In the finais The baseball team would certainly i: ~I::l~ef ~::::~~:;:: University of Mal·yland defeated the second team of Western Maryland by ~:a:.1,~11~:sth~~~~~0~I~i~~eo~I~~e:~o~~~~ f. Radatovitch Black and Whites a score of 14 to 4. and Ryan, Sturm, and Bills in the in- A set of alternates has been In the main round of singles in field pI·ovide fine material to help the picked from those !lot on the first table tennis, the contestants were veterans. Sophomore Mal·bury Lin- team. They are: University of l\fal'yland, 'Towson, and ton turned in a fine afternoon behind p. Smith Bachelors Marjorie Webster. The finalists were the plate in the Dickinson Seminary c. Galbreath Preachers the University of Maryland and !lIal·- game. The other catchers, Martin and lb. Ortenr.i PI·eachers run, and Lesinski made a jorie Webster. The totll·nament was Bnel·, are both seniors and someone is tb. Bunoughs Bachelors the shot put. Though none of the scheduled out- won by the Univel·sity of l"I~aryland. needed for next yeal". Although he :lb. Dooley Gamma Bets dool· games were played, the compe- The tourname11t in badminton was lacked the judgment and confidence ss. Sherman Bachelors tit.ion continued until lunch timc, a douoles tournament and the teams that comes with experience, Linton sf. Burtis Gamma Bets second when lunch was served cafeteria style were composed of two girls not from did better than expected. He stopped f. Phllllmel Gamma Bets in the girl's gym to the members of the same college. TherefOl:e, it was s('vel"Rl pitches that have gone f. Church Preachel'S the W.A.A. and their guests. AI- not possiblc for one school to win the as passed balls and displayed a f. Hauff Bachelors though the rain upset a good many tournament Yohn f)·om \Vestel·n i:~liC~~s~~~ ~~~I good arm in throwi11g to second for I the Washmgtoll Collegc stals, Tully, I of the WAA plans the games that ~~~;:~a~~m~n~efe~~~~c~i:~fee~~ ~::~~: !:~:,u~:~s·ma~n~~~ I ~:~:l~veannt~ McMahon, set lecolds III I ~~~~eal~~a~~~affolded much compeb- Towson and Gilchrist from Western ~:t~~e~yan stole two bases on the Frosh Team Holds Off hlll~R~~~ ~;~de~~~Il~I~e~OI~:lln~~1 g~~: I m:~lt, ~~: ~~;t~~~o~~~I~~b:~ \~:~~~I~1 ~~:r~!:~~a~e~lt~core of 15 to 6 to win O,,",'g,O'boyth,' .,D,:,'~,i'''d,"nth:t"ruh·~': I team "Red" co ... " " Dickinson Rally To Win: season on the '1eUOl Ilhlle FHlnk Le- I TERROR BATTING AVERAGES>i< I has scoled 24 pomts school, too, had a campaign on 1.0 slllski IS second With 15 LeSinskI has .~~~. ~t A. E. Games ::~~u: ~emsa:;~h~~~r~;~e,~:: SMITH CR:I~~OER\' WITH 9-8 ~~~l1d~S:~e~I:~entt~e cvery ~~:t I~~l~ ~~. 1~· ~. 11 drive two weeks age, had receiy- has had a hal·d job to match up with Ryan 3 3 .428 ed over 51000 from the student The freshman baseball team nal"- the viSiting teams in all these. The Edmond 19 .368 14 bod}' alone. There is either a set rawly escaped defeat at the hands of other scoring for the season is as fol- Koegle 49 14 17 .346 20 9 11 of rich men on that campus or a Dickinson Juniol' College last SatUl"- lows: Klal·e 13Y~, Andrews 10, Fitz- Drugash 40 12 12 .300 17 33 15 10 set that reall~' makes big sacri. day on Hoffa Field. The Baby Tel·- gerald 10, Holljes 10, Balish Martin 18 5 .277 4 flees. I"ors were able to stand off a last in- 7, Rouse 6'h, Williams 2, Stropp 44 12 .272 84 11 The netmen's last match probably 1 ning rally 1lIldwin 9·8. A coincidence 1, and Dickson L Sturm 33 9 .272 10 14 10 will be played today with Loyola in I in pit:hing .marked t.he ~allle, as both The teams that took IlI·St, second. Cline 28 .250 15 1 Baltimore unless some of those post- FranCIS Smith and Bill VlIlcellette, the and third in the Mason-Dixon each Adriance 14 .142 poned by rain are played later. The Dickinson hurler, wel·e credited with dcfeated Western Maryland in a dual Baer 17 .117 tennis squad has really had a suc- nine strike outs and eight bases on meet in the season. The Terror men Bills 19 .052 cessful season losing only five out of balis. scored the most points against Johns Lanasa .000 l more than 14 matches. Coach Hurt is Kenny Bills made two of the six Hopkins with a 70-38 score on !llay 4. ·Wallace .000 sorry to see Volkart, Elliott, Belt, and Tenor Ilits and dl·ove in four of the .In that meet, Klare, Fitzgcrald, Ben- Geister .000 Harold Wright ])lay their last games I'uns. Western Maryland was ahead der, and Balish each took a first. On Barkdoll 12 .500 , because they will be hard to replace 9-3 at the end of the fifth inning, but the 11th at Catholic University the Cook .500 next spring. Ransone, Solomon, and the ap]llecart was almost upse.t in the team was downed by a 71-37 score. Smith .444 Prentiss will be back, but three or ninth when the visitors got two men A serious lack of material especially Catington .400 four more are needed. on base with the score 9·8 and nobody in the field events has hampered the Cole .200 who will be I Referring to thE' column of out. team all year. High jumper An- Darn ~ - - ~ ~ .000 stat.istics on this page. it ma~' be The box score: drews is the only said that there is onl" one thillg Dickinson J. C. 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 0 2-8 missed next year the team is 380 90 110 .289 221 113 52 4, Col. 5) W. ]\T. Frosh 1 2 3 0 3 0 0 0 x-9 looking forward to seaSOll. ~Does not include freshman game nor games this week,
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