Page 62 - TheGoldBug1937-38
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Wesbninster, Md. Underclassmen Honor Officers were elected in the Chem- IN RETROSPECT SIDELINES CHEl\llST'S CLUB (Cant. from Page 3, Col. 1) Seniors In Farewells Club News ist's Club on Tuesday, May 17. "Don" berth (Cont. from Page 2, Col. 5) Malone that a baseball player will argue Helen was elected president: Trader night. "Dope" every over more than he will about Frey, secretary; Josh Bowen, 'Preas- came to college with a straight razor and we've often wondered if it was rors. That's what his batting er- The lantern chain. . ivy plant- GAMMA BETA CHI average should be. ing ... and j u n i 0 r farewell. The Gamma Beta Chi fraternity SIGMA SIGMA TAU jealousy because he wasn't old enough to have one that made Goldberg carve once more these traditional ceremo- elected at its regular meeting on May Sigma Sigma Tau met on May 17 the window sill with it. lIAVENS' FIRST TEAM nies will be held in honor of the grad- 17 officers to serve during the first for election of officers. The results uating class. semester next year. Those elected were: President, 'Vinifred Harward; Remember when . Once more farewell songs will echo were: President, Hyde Dooley; Vice- Vice-President, Virginia Karow; Sec- Ortenat kicked a hole through the from Hoffa Field as the freshman President, Joseph OJeair; Secretary, retary, Dorothy Vroome; Treasurer, wall separating the men's and wom- to used and dorms ... en's then &,irls pay tribute to those leaving the William Klare; Treasurer, Frank Jeanne Lang; Sergeant-at-Arms, Le- Hill. On Tuesday, May 31, at 8:00 Shipley; Vice-Treasurer, Harold Hen- titia Bogan; Alumni Secretary, Mary blow taps through it every night. Two tables of fellows carried milk P. M., Western Marylanders will sen; Chaplain, Charles Fitzgerald; Jane Honeman; ~Sunshine Messenger, and pies in the dining hall in protest Inter-Sorority again see the senior and freshman Sergeant-at-Arms, Paul Burtis. Jean Cairnes; Marjorie McKenney Council of the food ... Dean Miller acted members, and girls, dressed in white, form in front DELTA PI <\LPHA Martha Yocum. .. and within three minutes they same system and spirit that ~~\!~c~:~::l t~:llh~17dt:a~:~:y ;~:~~ At their regular 1~leeting ?n May The club decided to hold their fare- dined in the vestibule on ... milk ized the Terrors in the early well dinner for their senior members and pies. These men comprised Havens' where. the class numerals will be I !~~ctt:; ~~:n~~~;:w~~gD:~:er~~ ~:'~~i~ on May 30 at Windsor Inn. Bill Graham had to go through freshman team. formed and Where O~ Whet'e Are ~he dent, William Bryson; Vice-President, town tarred and feathered and was . Ve?'dant Freshmen WIll be su~g. Like Emil Edmond; Secretar-y. Malcolm a sad glow worm the chain WIll make Kulhnar; Treasurer, Samuel Gal- At a meet~n~l'o;~~eB Art Club in I Pl~l~~ u~a~~:ol;ld=:~:~ e:eos~~:n fOI H. E. REESE its way slowly up the Hill to Blanche breath; Chaplain, Charles Wallace; Ward Hall where each of the classes Sergeant-at-Arms, William Mcwu- !';;:ce~~:d~:el~ene%:ied23fo~.h~ef:2°;:~~ , ~~:ea~t:~d h~:~s:s~~:~~e~~a~ow:::~ I CLEANING P:~~~~:G will sing its own farewell song and Iiams. President, Frances Stout; Vice-Presi- punishment III Itself he'd only REP AIRING everyonc will end the ceremony with dent, Louella Mead; Secretary, Sue missed one hundred and sixty classes 94 East Mam Street the Attna ALPHA GAMMA TAU Price; Treasurer, Ethel Martindale. III one semester SUITS MADE TO MEASURE The sophomore class will pay tri- The following have been elected to bute to the seniors in the ivy planting head the Bachelors for the next aem- OLD STUDENTS EXPECTED O\~~;:I~:~~~e~a~~stml~l:h t~~v~~:nh:ln I ceremony. It is said that the ivy ester: President, Robert Sherman; ON ALUMNI DAY. JUNE <1 II J. D. KATZ either crawls or dies. can it also Vice-President, Robert Brooks; Sec- t-or of M,,, Par-ker and her protegee TRY OUR NEW Br-ig-ht gave Pugh a drink Ha t-rj be said that the ivy is a symbol of the retary, Jay Mowbray; Treasurer, Car- (Continued from Page 1, Col. 2) of "Wolf Cleek" and the Right Rev- CEMENTED WORK senior class? roll Cook; Chaplain, Donald Hum- At 3:30 P. M. Dr. and Mrs. Hollo- arend Ehrhardt went ovei to reform Special Rates to Students On Thursday afternoon, June 2, phries; Sergeant-at-Arms, Edward way, with the class of 1918, will re- he went to ~~~~~~~~~~~~~I the junior farewell will be held in Peters. The elections were held on ceive at a tea held in Robinson Gar- bed As fOI Pugh gloves on . Blight with his boxing Robinson Garden. The traditional cup May 2. den. Immediately after the tea the did you reform him too, Charlie??? ceremony will be held and impersona- PI ALPHA ALPHA reg-ular- meeting of the Alumni Asso- "Willie" Skeen went to look for Prescription Department tiona given by underclassmen. A Alexander Ransone was elected ciation will be held, its purpose bcing Miss Gesner and ended up on the quality of burlesque of Hamlet, called The Tt'ag- President of the Black and Whites to elect the Board of Governors fOi third floor of Me Uaniel Hall. We guarantee the edy of Hamlet, will be presented with for the coming year at a meeting the following year. Officers for the Yes ... you remember ... these this medic'ine regarding pur- the accompaniment of a choir. . held May 10. Other officers elected next year will also be chosen at this times .. and many more. Memo- ity, accuracy and as being June week ... lantern cham. . were: Vice-President, Philip J. Lana- meeting. des. take them . the greatest strictly in accordance with ivy-planting . cup ceremony. sa; Secretary, Charles Trader; Vice- The annual Alumni Association din- gifts college has to offer. physician's order. prel~des to. t~e final act .of .the ab- Secretary, James Stoner; Treasurer, ncr will be held in the At MACKENZIE'S PHARMACY in· ~~l~~l;!' ~~r~~~ngCI:::r~~g~';~~m~e~i:~ I Ford; Delta, Steve Radato- this ti-ne the class of '38 Dancing in Smith & Reifsnider At State Theatre ducted into membership. play . alumni day baccalau- McDaniel Lounge will follow. WESTMINSTER. MD. reate . . . commencement . DELTA SIGMA KAPPA The lounges and club rooms will Westminster, Md. tain. Tuesday night, May 24, Delta Sig- be open in the evening and it will be i ~~~~~~~~~~ ma Kolppa held the forllJal installa- here that the alumni will find the best LUMBER, BUILDING SUPPLIES ~ COLLEGE OFFICES WILL BE tion of the officers elected at a spe- opportunity fa\' talking over old times AND COAL MOVED TO CARROLL INN cial meeting on Monday. Those in- with el'shvhile e~llege friends. stalled to serve for the first semester (Cant. from Page 1, Col. 3) of next year were: President, Eliza- SASH, DOORS, BLINDS AND GENERAL MILL WORK space required for the new post office ;;~-~:~:~de;I~~y;G;~:!~~ equipment is making the search more urer, Veronica Kompanek; Alumni -~~---keC'retaI'Y, Katherine Fertig;- Saturday, May 28, Delta Sigma Kappa will end the sorority rushing recitation room when his headquar- Congratulations tel'S will have been bronght under a season with a swimming party. COMPLIMENTS common roof with the other admin- of Carroll Inn arc i Graduates! i$t~~:O~p;:c~:ors Phone 304 being renovated at the same time as Gloria Beauty Parlor OF the first floor. They will be used again next year as faculty residence We specialize in CELEBRATE rooms. PERMANENT WAVING Carroll Inn was purchased by the Wet Finger Waving 25c WITH AN ELGIN THE college ill 1922. Until this year it has Marcelling • It';; )'()Ui!:'~[,i<;l,eot ~:lomcnt- Close your college days with been used as an Inn open to students Facials-Manicuring aJl<] for ,~~,,~,·~,i.:-,..~it h~8 'jc~n clothes of fine quality, and to the public. However, during ~~~:~~~}:;:.~:~L~~:'(':~'l~lf~~~:::~ _the present year it has been used ex- 82 WEST MAIN STREET clnsively as faculty living quarters. WESTMINSTER, MD. whr. ScI) c"r r:,,!.'C"t Ff/:1psl So 6UUtl-W /$,'y-EO ,E~i.'''-I(,,jobcd. Cr;:at",l .hy t!.c '1"'" ~,j'g Lest. Opera House equipf'.,J cl.f;~'.r..C\l-~I"l".tiflle
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