Page 62 - TheGoldBug1936-37
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PAGE SIX The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. , HAZEL GOMPF ELECTED GREEN TERROR NINE I CALENDAR ~I PRESIDENT OF W. A. A. DEFEATS CATHOLIC U.l2-2 May 14, Friday- THIS COLLEGIATE WORLD T. K. A. Banquet, Carroll Inn, By ASSOCIATED COLLEGIATE PRESS Other Officers And Sports Managers Scoring in every inning but the 6:30P. r.L Elected For Coming Year third, the Terror nine registered its May 15, Saturday- Albany, N. Y.-The lowly worm Here's a tip for the physical edu- f,t'st win over Catholic University 'on Track-Catholic University helped Ralph L. Emmons, federal at- cation department. On Monday evening, May 3, Hazel the Westminster field Saturday, May JUay 18, Tuesday- torney, earn his way through college. Dick Kline, head of Paramount's Gompf was elected president of the 1st. Baseball-Loyola Picking worms off the University gymnasium, is starting an innovation W. A. A. for the coming year, suc- Cook gained revenge for the defeat Tennis-Delaware of Michigan golf course was one of in cocktail parties. When the redcco- ceeding Naomi Crown. Miss Gompf he suffered at Brookland earlier in the JUay 20, Thursday- the odd jobs that contributed to his rated gym is opened for inspection in has been an outstanding athletic fig- season when Anthonavage took a one Episcopal Club Supper, Harvey getting an education. a week 01' so, he will give a cocktail ure among the coeds since her fresh- run decision. Stone Pavilion "The job paid me 20 cents an hour," par-ty at noon instead of the prover- man year. Other officers elected to The Cardinals took advantage of Faculty Club--Banquet-8 P. M. said Emmons. "Attendants poured a bial five o'clock hour. the W. A. A. Athletic Board for the Cook's wildness in the fifth to push Baseball-Washington College chemical on the ground to bring the Health cocktails made of prune coming year are: across two runs. This was the only Tennis-Washington College worms to the surface. I picked them juice, carrot juice, pressed spinach and Vice-President, Mary Virginia Coop- time the team from Washington May 21, Friday- up." tomato juice will be the drinks! er; secretary, Lu Mal' Myers; treas- threatened. Art Exhibit. 7:30 to 9:30 P. r.l. "I did everything to scrape money urer, Temple MOlTis; hiking manager, Campbell and McQuillen hit the ball Art Room together. I washed dishes, beat car- Carolyn Timmons; hockey manager, hard for the Drapermen. No Cardi- May 24, Mondav-c- pets, and .swept sidewalks. The worm- Two Cornell students hitch-hiked Marjorie McKenney, basketball man- r:al batter registered more than one Argonaut Banquet, Canoll Inn, picking job helped me get an unex- into Washington on their way to Itha- ager, Carolyn Gompf; volleyball man- hit off the effective hurling of Cook. 6:00P. M. pected job." ca, broke and hungry. They walked ager, Eleanor Taylor; baseball man- Innings 1 2 3 4 5 6 7-T May 26, Wednesday- down to the neighborhood of George ager, Julia Berager. W. M. C. . 1 3 ° 4 3 1 x-12 Baseball-Mt. St. Mary's An "Anti-Corsage League" formed Washington University, spotted a neat Temple Morris received her W. M. C. U. 00 0 0 2 0 0- 2 Woman's Club Picnic, Harvey at the University of the South at residence and presented themselves at Carolyn Timmons and Lu Mar Myers Batteries: Cook and Byrd, Anthon- Stone Park Swanee claims 11 membership of 75 the door. They were college fresh- will receive their W. M.'s at the close nvage and McDonald. Brown. May 27, Thursday- percent of the student body. The 01'- men being put through 11 fraternity of baseball season. At the same time Senior Dinner, 6:00 P. M. Dr. g-anizat.ion's men will not dance with initiation, they told the housewife, Ella Shank and Jane Murphy will be ALL STAR VOLLEYBALL TEAM \ and Mrs. Holloway. women who wear corsages. and they had been instructed to ob- given their M's. CHOSEN !Hay 28, Friday- tain from her a couple of ham sand- Norment Contest, Alumni Hall- wiches and an apple or two. \ h~~:~a~~o:e~l~y ~~~ I 8:00 P. M. ! gr,! ~~~~!iO~;Il~:!lo:t~!esr t~~t~~,~~i~ If they failed on their mission, the va~~~/~~~;i~!s May 29, Saturday- BLACK AND WHITES WIN FROM W. A. A. board. Pan-Hellenic Dance . is one dampfonl thing after another boys said, they would be soundly pad- GAJUMA BETS Front row: \Vitherup, D.; Brown, Dr. and Mrs. Isanogle Entertain and love is two dam pfool things after dled when they returned to the chap- The housewife smiled, and ter house. D.; Whiteford, C. Seniors each other." A bombardment of 23 runs by the Second Row: Berwager, J.; Gompf, produced the sandwiches and apples. Black and Whites struck the Gamma n.: Corkran, J. Behemoths who attended the Crew The boys repeated the procedure Bets down in the first game of the Backrow: Crown, N.; Smith, N. with several housewives and left second round 23-6. With Moritz Alternates: Wigley, N. A.; Gompf, COW BeU, Town Crier ~~~:!;! ~:;~:n:!t~~~'~~l~~:f :~~~o;: Washington a couple of hours later pitching, the winners were able to stop c.; Taylo,_·._E_. They were charged an admission fee well fed and carrying sufficient food the big bats of the Gamma Bets in COMPREHENSIVES I Feature May Day to last them for several meals. short order. On the following day, SOPHOMORE of lf2 cent a pound. To prevent. em- the Pi Alpha forfeited a game to the RESULTS ANNOUNCED II1cal'l'assment, coeds were admitted Love-making by mail is often a hard Alpha Gamma 'fau. In order to save BY REGISTRAR "Maypole Of -- l\Icrrymount" Pilgrim free. -- job for collegians. Some find it diffi- __ time for the hard ball round, the rest cult to fill a few white sheets of pa- of the second round of soft ball will (Cont. from page 1, Col. 1) Play Presented By Don't call freshmen "dumb!" Take per with sentimental symbols. "How be played off early next week. 7. Dorothy Lee Cohee. Players the one at the Pasadena School of the can I put fire in my letters to Lulu 7. Ailene Elizabeth Williams, Cal- Theater for example. He wanted to vert County H. S., Prince Freder- To the ringing of a melodious cow- get out of taking military science, but when I have other interests here on Fred- asks Fraternity the campus?" ick, Md. BACHELORS SCORE IN 7. Pauline Marie Long, Wicomico H. bell and the shouts of W. M. C.'s in- there was no way out-apparently. die. And Sorority Susie wonders May So he ate nothing but acid foods for imitable town cr-ier, the annual about the same thing in regard to her went Md. INTERFRATERNITY MEET S., Salisbury, German I hearty "Hear yet Hear ye !" we were a two weeks. His face became as flush- A correspondence with the grocery clerk celebration Day with off ed as the tomato juice he drank. 1. Aaron Schaeffer. taken back to 1647 to t.he scene of hot bath ripened him to a brilliant back home. The Bachelor Club, by taking eight 2. 'William John Bender, Senior H .. Hawthorne's "the Maypole of Merry- catsup color and a chest rubdown Such worries are no longer neces- of eleven first places, captured the an- S., New Castle, Penna. I mount". Colorful costumes, old fash- sanded flakes of skin off; then he re- sary because a University of Chicago student, Roslyn Schenker, has organ- nual Interfraternity track meet. on \ Latin ioned discordant fiddle music, rustic ported to the school physician. Hoffa Field, Thursday, May 6. 1. Gwendolyn Elizabeth Heemann. maypole, and the enlivening spu-It of "The Doc," he laughed, "took one ized a bureau to write tailor-made let- Second in scoring were the Preach- General Mathematics pilgrim apple juice brought to our look and said: Don't argue with me, tfl'S for students. ers with thirty points, trailed by the 1. Elmer Allison Ford. campus a delightful picture of the young man. You just can't take mili- For just fifty cents, Miss Schenker Gamma Bets with twenty-five. The 2. Alexander Lawson Ransone, Mc- first American May Day. tary anymot'e!" "..ill spare you the necessity of smok- Black and Whites furnished little Donogh School, McDonogh, Md. At the soundi11g of the trumpets, ing a couple of packages of cigarettes, c(;mpetition for the other three clubs General Science the majestic court of Queen Mary Quotable Quotes ! wearing the nap off your rng and and scored only six points. 1. William Francis East. Alic~ made a stately proces.sion of I "Students today know that the edu- finally resorting to alcoholic lubrica- Drugash, Mujwit, and Frank Math- 2. l\Iary Jane Fogelsal1ger. loveh~es~. A formal coronation and cational system is phoney. What they tion to grind out a belabored mess of • {'t' stood out in the dashes, winning the 3. Anna Katherine Maxwell, Nott the chckmg of numerous camera shut- are getting is a mass of variegated words. 60, 100, and 220, respectively. Terrace H. S., Schenectady, N. Y. Humphries, Snow, and Bradley of 4. Joseph Oleair. ~~::ntfe~~ec~~tu~~~ May Day of the I :s~e~b:~e:l~;:~ ii~f~~m::~oa~.e~'~~hu~~ lc~:S~:l~~~O~~~: o~~n'~iti;~~:n::n the Bachelor club swept the high Zoology Each spring, we pause in our usual l'elated form and about which they do produce it. Sonnets, odes, blank jump. 1. Lawrence Evans Strow. nctivities-sports, studies, business, little if any thinking." The frank verse and fl'eeverse are also a part Complete scoring for the clubs: 2. Jay Brown Mowbray. et cetera, and turn to tradition to find opinion of President Robert M. Hut- of hel' service. BacheloTs 65 points 3. Frank Coe Sherrard. pleasUl'e and appreciation in May chins of the University of Chicago. 1£ it's a tactful letter you want, one Preachers 30 " 4. Frances Cooper Stout, Wicomico Day. All over thc country, we find "A strenuous program of adult liv- that acts as a shock absorbel' for your Gamma Beta Chi 25 H. S., Salisbury, Md. that this day is one which finds eager ing brings one ultimately to terms two F grades, she can fashion it so Black and White 6" 5. Sidney Herman Waghelstein, Bal- expectation and fond memory in the with life so that life reaches fulfill- skillfully that Dad will think you're timore City College, Baltimore, minds of college students. It seems ment. The central bushless of a col- a great guy after all and tack some Md. to usher in the SIll'ing events, dances, lege is to produce adults. The cen- extra bucks OlltOthe allowance. MARYLAND GOLF TEAM 6. Norma Margery Keyser. farewell formalities, thoughts to the end tral business of the adult mind is to and the turning of the graduates' come to terms with life." Duties de-I 7. William Lawrence Klare. EXTRA-MURAL WINNER j. Elmer Allison Ford. of one On this day we pay homage to of fined by Hemy M Wllston, plesldent happiest of the periods Chemistry youth. of Blown Umvelslty 2. Alexander Lawson Ransone. our school's loveliest. B. Hurd of George Washington Compliments Takes Medal With 153 Playing steady golf, the Old Line "Always An Appealing Menu" III J~!~o~~~~!!D of golt team captured the extra-mural I II AND BOBBER tournament here on the Western AT THE FORKS :Maryland course, Saturday, May 1. BEARD'S RESTAURANT The Terps' four-man team posted an average score of eighty-two per John W. Beard, Proprietor OPERA man. Individual honors went to B. Hurd, VACATION POSITION 01 George Washington, who shot a Catering To 153 for the thirty-six holes. for College student who wish- Paul Burtis turned in the best in- PRIVATE PARTIES BANQUETS - CARD PARTIES es profitable employment. dividual score for the Terrors. Joe Must have initiative, good per- HOUSE OJeair was the only other Green and sonality and be open minded. qold golfer to appear in the first 17-19 East Main Street PRIVATE DINING ROOMS $175 for 70 days. Write for twelve. Phone 427 SECOND FLOOR interview Educators Associa- B. Hurd, G. W. 75 78 153 tion, 11 E. Lexington St., White, Md 82 75 157 Baltimore, Maryland. Grier, St. Johns 82 75 157 BILLIARDS AND BOWLING IN REAR .,. Porter, St. Johns 82 78 160 Rea, Md. 80 83 163 Brownell, Md. 82 83 165 Keneally, C. U 87 79 166 Trexel, G. W. 85 82 16'j COLLEGE TEA ROOM Now Showing Burtis, W. M. C 81 87 168 Oleair, W. M. C. 90 82 172 Jones, G. W. . 87 85 172 Lunch With Your Friends in a Congenial Atmosphere the Wade, Md. 88 85 173 SODAS SANDWICHES ICE CREAM LIGHT LUNCHES Best H. E. REESE TAILOR THE GRILLE CLEANING PRESSING REPAIRING 94 East Main Street 'k-===================O~P~P~O'~i"~M~'~D~aru~.'~[H~a~[[====================~1 I,k-====P=i=c=tu=r=e=s====d SUITS MADE TO MEASURE
   57   58   59   60   61   62   63   64   65   66