Page 66 - TheGoldBug1936-37
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PAGE FOUR ,--c--c;-- Bug, Western Mary~and College, Westminster, Md. The Gold -; DIRT F ACUbTY CLUB Sixty-Seventh Commencement COLLEGE TEA General Program Of Exercises (Cont. from Page 2, Col. 2) (Cont. from Page 1, Col. 1) of the C;i;eMASh;~ June 4 to June 7 Galbreath has come home - to er ran unimpeded through Grand ROOM freshmen. The girls breathe easily Canyon until the completion Friday, June 4 again as they see the old Romeo massive power plant. The last reel 8:00 P. 1\1., "Half Hours," a breealn' around McDaniel Hall once pictured St. Thomas Island, the most AND RESTAURAN~P I SODAS group of three one-act plays by more. Well, Sam, how do you like important of the United States own- ICE CREAM James Bar-r-ie, Department of Massachusetts?? Wish I had a Boston ed Virgin Islands. It is an insular + Speech. accent. possession valuable to the United SODA SANDWICHES Saturday, June 5 States as a coaling station because of SANDWICHES 9:00 A. M., Opening of Alumni Isn't Ellen Hancock the little busi- its central position on the route be- LUNCH LIGHT LUNCHES Headquartet-s-c-M c D a II i e I Hall ness woman?? We hear that she has tween Europe and the Panama Canal. ., DINNERS Lounge; registration of Alumni. found an efficient exchequer in 11:00 A. M., Open golf tourna- "Browney." ment; conducted tour of buildings Did Murphy's game of cops and J. F. MOORE, Manager THE GRILLE and grounds. robbers with Keifer have anything to J. D, KATZ "Good Food-And How!" 12:00 M., Club and class reun- do with his game leg? We have been ionsvluncheons- etc. informed that it was a "tight" game. SHOE QUALITY Never Closed Opposite McDaniel Hall REPAlRING 1:30 P. 1'11., Conducted tour of The column ends, the year ends, so Special Rates to Students buildings and grounds. until next yea)' when some other 2:30 P. M., Baseball game be- bloodthirsty snooper takes it upon tween Varsity and Alumni. himself to spy upon the private lives 2 :30 to 4 :00 P. M., Garden Par- of Western Marylanders-I bid you a ty, Robinson Garden. ) fond adieu- Th, 4:00 P. M., Annual business Ever thine- THE OPERA HOUSE I meeting of the Alumni Association, TOOTS. Drug Store Room 22, Science Hall. [or WESTMINSTER, MD. " 6:30 P. !'If., Alumni banquet- College Students ROYAL Birthday Dinner-in College Dill- ing HalL MAY 27-28-29 9:00 P. M., Class reunions, as SCRAPS Mackenzie's GRILL scheduled by individual classes; DRUGSTORE "Romeo and social gathering in McDaniel Hall Lounge; dancing for alumni and "It says here that they have found Next to State Theatre Juliet" seniors in Blanche Ward Hall a sheep in the Himalaya mountains Gymnasium. that can run 40 miles an hour." Don't Miss It Sunday, June 6 "Well, it would take a lamb like 10.30 A. M., Baccalaureate Serv- that to follow Mary now-a-days.t'L. Restaurant ice-Sermon by President F'l'ed Missouri Miner. ~rprNDABILITY MAY 31-JUNE 1 Holloway. to 5:00 P. M., tea in Me- and "The Man Who Daniel Hall Lounge. th~ 'j"" 7:30 P. I'lL, Sacred Concert-i-Col- y,::~~,"" ar of vester- Lived Again" lege Choir, Alumni Hall. Soda Fountain Monday, June 7 In movie langu~e - prejl~rations 10:00 A. M., Commencement; for tests are "Reviews of Commg Dis- Voo. tractions."-PaI'J~Y conferring of degrees; address by JUNE 2-3 the Rev. Dr. James Gordon Gilkey, pastor of the South Congregation- A DELIGHTFUL "Outcast of al Church, Springfield, Mass. Santa Barbara State college owns a "rat-fish," the evolutionary link be- PLACE Poker Flats" tween the shark and the fishes. It is INTELUGENT, a very rare type of sea animal.-ACP. selfish, dependable. A good TO EAT dog is +ruly Man's bestfriendl H, E. REESE He companions our lonely JUNE 4-5 TAILOR hours, guard, our homes end 21 E. Main Street CLEANING children •.. end i!lshnothing Laurel and Hardy PRESSING but permission to continue REPAIRING COLLEGE BARBER serving. WESTMINSTER, MD. 94 East IHain Street AND BOBBER "Way Out West" SUITS MADE TO MEASURE AT THE FORKS We +eke pride in hevinq served the people of this com- munity, Ilnd hlll'e served con- seientiouslYllndwel1. You cen depend on the offerings of this Phone 304 iewelrv s+ore. "Always An Appealing Menu" Gloria Beauly Parlor For Graduation Make this Store your We specialize in GRADUATION GIFT BEARD'S RESTAURANT PERMANENT WAVING Gifts HEADQUARTERS John W. Beard, Proprietor Wet Finger Waving 25c Marcelling Facials-Manicuring See the CASSf:LL'S Catering To JEWELER.S 82 WEST MAIN STREET J.WM.llUlL.o .. "£~·51 E.MAIN ST. WESTMINSTER, MD. PRIVATE PARTIES BANQUETS - CARD PARTIES 17-19 East Main Street PRIVATE DINING ROOMS Phone 427 SECOND FLOOR White Shoes WESTMINSTER, MD. BILLIARDS AND BOWLING IN REAR FOR MEN $3- $4. $5. 00 WE EXTEND OUR SINCERE 00 00 Best Wishes Style Plus Quality TO BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS THE GRADUATES IN Summer Ties OF 35c-3 for $1.00 Western Maryland I MARYLAND" "WESTERN 55c-2 for $1.00 MASTER PRINTERS THE COFFMAN -FISHER CO. Carroll County's New Department Store THE TIMES PRINTING COMPANY, INC. 11 EAST MAIN STREET Phone 102 PHONE .... 106 WESTMINSTER, MD. TIMES BUILDING WESTMINSTER, MD.
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