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PAN-HELLENIC GOLD BUG DANCE STAFF l\1EETING MAY 29 TONIGHT Vol.14, No. 13 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE. WESTMINSTER, MD. May 13,1937 Final Results o( Annual Sophomore. I Longer Hours Secured Comprehensioes Released by Reqistrar F I F D First Ten Highest Ratings ~or Groups Covering General or nter- rat ance, Baer, Balderson, and Ballsh Elected As Senior Representatives On Council Exomin"ion, Johnny HampFeatured Final results of the annual Scpho- , _ As a result of the election held on more Comprehensive Examinations Wednesday, May 5, Anthony Ortenat a hundred W.M.e.Honors Students have been released from the office of Pan-Hellenic Breaks Precedent, Signs Dr. Warner Delivers was elected to the presidency of the the registrar. More than Big-Time Orchestra. Gains Men's Student Government. Mr. Or- 12 O'Clock Close sophomores took the examinations Hold Annual Banquet tenzi is the captain of the Terror foot- du'i-ing-the week of April 8. Address On Cancer ball team for 1937, and is business The general examination included The orchestra of Johnny Hamp has manager of the 1938 Aloha. He is also work in General Culture, English, Argonauts To Initiate New Members been engaged by the dance committee u. Of Md. Pathologist Speaks On a well-known intercollegiate boxer to provide the music for the annual Contemporary Affairs, and Literary At Dinner In Carroll Inn Pan-Hellenic Dance. The dance is to "What A College Student Should and has shown well in the Eastern Acquaintance. Special examinations Intercollegiate Championships during were .given in the fields of French, The "Argonauts" will hold their be presented in the Dining Hall on Know About Cancer" the last two years. He is a member German, Latin, General Mathematics, annual banquet at Carroll Inn on the the evening of May 29, from 8 to 12. Dr. C. Gardner \Varner, M.D., As- of Delta Phi Alpha Fraternity. The dance is breaking precedent in General Science, Zoology, and Chemis- evening of Monday, May 24. The fac- sistant Professor of Pathology at the As president of the council, Mr. try. The results in special examina- ulty of Western Maryland College, two ways in that this is the first year University of Maryland Medical Ortenzi will endeavor to carry out thc dances have been until held tions are rated according to the sizes the fellows and associate members of o'clock, and that a well-known orehes- 12 School addressed the student body on principles of the Student Government the society, and the sophomores who of the groups taking examinations Monday, May 3, in Alumni Hall. Dr. as well as he is able. It is his belief 'The firat ten highest ratings are giv- ~:s:h~~:e:Chs~II~:~t:;sve~.;:ee~~::~:d t~: I !::l ~::m~::~one~;:sg~~t!~n:~a~:omS::~ Warner- is no to Alumni that there should be a strong Men's en for the groups covering the gen- Student Government and he intends eral examination. become associate members next year, I Faculty Dance Committee to provide Hall, for he received diploma there "to see that the laws are carried out After his g-raduation from in 1924. General Culture will be invited. At this banquet thc as- the longer hours. W. M. C. he attended the University to their fullest extent." This fact 1. Elmer Allison 'Ford, Annapolis sociate members who are to be g'radu- Feature Dance of Maryland Medical School, from was impressed Oil the members of the H. S., Annapolis, Md. ated with honors, either C1[1I1·laude or The Pan-Hellenic Dance Committee Council in their first meeting on May 2. Joseph Oleair, Lorain H. S., Lor- sumsna cum: laude, will be initiated as has made special efforts to insure that which he received his M.D. in 1928. 10. ain, Ohio. fellows in the fraternity. This lnitia- this dance will be the biggest event of "\Vhat a college student should At that meeting the members elect- 3. Mary Jane Fogelsanger, Manches- tion takes place with a formal ritual the year, and for this reason such an know about cancer" followed along ter H. S., Manchester, Md. based upon the quest of Jason for the orchestra as that of Johnny Hamp Dr. 'Varner's field of ed as vice-president of the council as 4. Gwendolyn Elizabeth Heemann, golden fleece. The candidates for full has been cngaged. Jerry Balderson, Next and year's secretary, Charles Buer. council Eastern H. S., Baltimorc, Md. membership are the crew; the golden At the present time Hamp's orches- 4. William Francis East, Oakland fleece is knowledge. Faculty members tra is playing and broadcasting night- schools and colleges. Not being a re- will be composed of Jerry Balderson, H. S., Oakland, Md. most of whom belong to the Phi Beta ly from the Rainbow Grill, on the portable disease, the records are frag- Charles Bner, and Har-ry Balish, Sen- Edmond, 6. Joseph Carl Myers, Catonsville H Kappa fraternity, take part in the 65th story of Rockefeller Center in mentary and yet over one-half mil- iOI' representatives; and Emil Sherman, Ransone, Alex Bob S., Catonsville, Md. ceremony. A prominent speaker will New York. He has scored a tremen- lion persons in the U. S. arc suffering 7. William Lawrence Klare, Roose- address the guests. dous success in his engagement there, from one form or another of cancer Junior reprcsentatives ; and Paul velt H. S., Washington, D. C. The committees for the banquet are: as he will no doubt do at this dance. which is second only to heart disease. Burtis, Sam Galbreath, and Frank 8. Frank Coe Sherrard, Tome School, Ritual: - Carter Reitner, (chair- He brings a band of 13 musicians Disease Prevalent Shipley, Sophomore representatives. The Council was elected on Friday, Port Deposit, Md. man); Alfred Goldberg, Anne Chew. with Jayne Whitney to the vo- Among white persons, out of a 9. Grace Robertson MaeVean, Ches- Faculty adviser, Professor Makcsky. cals. The band is of the group of one hundred persons at May 7, by the various classes. tertown H. S., Chestertown, Md. Decoration:-Eleanor Taylor style of Benny Goodman's famous birth, ten males and thirteen females 10. Ann Madeiras Stevenson, Central (chairman); Eileen Erb. Henze, Alice band, and is strictly a "swing" bund eventually contract this disease. Ac- Johnson, Elizabeth Faculty ad- H. S., Lonaconing, Md. Have National Rcputation cording to the organs or parts of the English viser, Miss Snader. Previous to their Rockefeller Cen- body affected, one-half of all cancer College Players To 1. Grace Robertson MacVean. Guests:-Madalyn Blades (chair- ter engagement the band has play- is in the intestinal and digestive 2. Gwendolyn Elizabeth Heemann. man); Charles Baer. Faculty Ad- ed at the Netherlands Plaza Ho- tracts. Twenty per cent is on the skin Appear In Finale 3. Dorothy Hammond Smith, Forest viser, Dr. Bertholf. tel in Cincinnati, the Cocoanut Grove externally. Park H. S., Baltimore, Md. Banquet:-Allie May Moxley. in Los Angeles, the Congress Hotel What is cancer? Dr. Wai-ner ex- 4. Joseph Oleetr. and the Hotel Drake in Chicago, the plained that a disease like pneumonia r« Present "Half Hours", Group Of 5. Jean Mullineaux Lang, Catons- Kit Kat Club in London, and the Ho- 01' typhoid results from a parasite. Three One-Act Plays ville H. S., Catonsville, Md. ANNOUNCEMENT tel New Yorker in New York City. "Cancel'," he said, "is an actual 6. Marjorie McKenney, Centreville There will be a meeting of the Johnny Hamp was formerly known as as much a llart of the indi- 'Three plays by Sir James M. Bar- H. S., Centreville, Md. Gold Bug Staff tonight at 7.30 P. one of the best trombonists in the as is a finger, and can grow to rie, noted British dramatist and play- 7. Virginia Rebecca Keith, Dover H M. All members of the Editorial music world, and only the recent rise a fatal termination if not removed. wright, llave been announced by the S., Dover, Delaware. Staff al'e requested to attend. in popularity of Tommy Dorsey 11as Cancel' of the skin is much more com- College Players as their eommence-- 7. Elmer Allison Ford. dimmed this reputation. 1110non exposed parts of the bod~' than mcnt presentations. They will be giv- to an- The 1937 Aloha wishes 9. August Trago Brust,' Frederick nounce that all Aloha fees should The dance is to be a non-program on those covered by clothing. It is en in Alumni Hall on Friday evening, H. S., Frederick, Md. be paid as soon as possible. For affair, and is to be semi-formal. There found more prevalent in the tropics June 4, under the direction of Miss Literary Acquaintance students who have paid their activ- will be no corsages and therefore the and among those who lead outdoor ex- Esther Smith. 1. Elmer Allison Ford. expense will be at a minimum. istences, i.e., farmers and sailors. Be- The group, "Half Hom's," is made 2. Joseph Oleair. ities fees, the fee will be one dol- Applications for tickets will be ta- up of three one-act plays called, in the 3. Grace Robertson MacVean. lar. For those who have not paid ken by the Invitation Committee cause of a pigm1'!nt in the skin, the order of their "presentation, "Seven comparatively free 4. Frank Coe Sherrard. their activities fees, the Aloha fee which is composed of John ReifSllider colored race is and the lack of this \Vomen," "Hal.( an Hour," and "Shall from subjection, 5. Gwendolyn Elizabeth Heemann. will be two dollars and a half. The TTT, "Doc" Kohler, John Elliot, Persh- pigmentary protection results in We Join the Ladies1" All are sophis- 6. Mary Jane Fogelsanger. fees should be paid to Paul Ritchie, ing Volkart, and Misses Vinup, more numerous cases among blondes ticated comedies, but each one show~ Robert or Bevcrly Harri- Kiefer, 7. Della Elizabeth Dunty, Kenwood Wheatley and Heemann. 'Thcy ask thnt than brunettes." the playwright in a slightly different H. S., Raspeburg, Md. tickets be gotten as early as possible. mood. They are unrelated but not 8. l\-[argaret Theresa Lavin, St. Causes Of Cancer dissimilar. John's H. S., Westminster, Md. Ewing, Chief Medical Authority on Of the three perhaps the bcst known 9. Dorothy Lee Cohee, Kenwood H Western Maryland Choir to Present cancel', says that man is the only ani- ]s the last one, "Shall We Join the S., Raspeburg, Md. mal that suffers from stomach cun- Ladies?" When first presented at the 10. Dorothy Hammond Smith. Concert at Newark, N.j., Church cer. Profcssor Warner said this is Royal Dramatic Academy's 'Theatre it Contemporary Affairs Dr. John N. Link Invitcs Choir To Sing At First M. P. Church attributed to over-eating, rapid and boasted a cast almost unrivalcd in 1. Joseph Oleair. poor mastication, alcohol, and excess hrillianey, including as it did such 2. Elmer Allison Ford. Following a precedent set during the llights that will be spent in New- seasoning. Cancel' of the oesophagus I~Gted artists as Dame Sibyl 'Thorn- 3. Margaret Theresa Lavin. the past several years by trips to Bal- ark. results from hot teas and hot soups. dike, Cyril Maude, alld Sir Johnston 4. Jay Byron Mowbray, Baltimore timore and 'Washington, the \Vestern All of the choir is looking forward Cancel' of the lungs is often caused FOl'bes-Robertson. City College, Baltimore, Md. Maryland College Choir, in its first to a full day in New York on Mon- il'l'itating coughs, products of gas- The other 5. Gladys Holton Coppage, Forest ~'ear under the direction of Professor day. As individuals and in groups fumes frOlll tarred roads, and known to the two, while not so well theatre-going public Park H. S., Baltimore, Md. Alfred de Long, will journey to New- the choir will see the usual and unus- tobacco smoking. "This latter condi- have been widely llublished in collec- 6. Lawrence Evans Strow, Forest ark, New Jersey, where it will present ual sights that most tl'avelers see in tion," he continued, "is more preval- tions of Barrie's works. Park H. S., Baltimore, Md_ its third concert of the season at 8 the metropolis of the nation. The re- ent in industrial centers." Cancer of Members of the College Players 7. Grace Robertson MacVean. o'clock on May 23 at the First Metho- turn to ·Westminster will be sometime the mouth is encouraged by false who will appeal' in these productions 8. Frank Lesinski, Senior H. S., dist Protestant Church of that city. after classes on Tuesday. teeth, decayed, jagged, rough teeth, Beaver Falls, Penna. Dr. John N. Link of the Board of The program to be presented will ill fitting plates or bridges. Lip can- arc Madalyn Blades, Crisfield, Md.; 9. Aaron Schaeffer, Baltimore City Trustees is the pastor of the church be the same as the one that has been cer is more often found among elderly Eloise Gunn, Mt. Airy, Md.; Jean Mass.; Elizabeth Harlow, Cambridge, College, Baltimore, Md. and has invited the choir to Newark plalmed for Sunday of June \Veek on men addicted to pipe-smoking. "All Harrison, Westminster, Md.; Ethel 10. William Francis East. to uphold the musical reputation of the campus. It will consist of num- thesc causes are from external or in- Lauterbach, 1\1t.Airy, Md.; Ruth Lun- French the school in a big city atmosphere. bel'S by Ford, Bach, Vulpius, and Pur- tel'llal irritation," the speaker said. 1. Frank Coe Sherrard. As announced by Dr. Holloway the. cell of the sixteenth to eighteenth cen- In closing Dr. 'Varner discussed Iilng, Cos Cob, Conn.; Mary Emily Pocomoke City, Md.; Lil- Matthews, 2. Dorothy Hammond Smith. choir will leave 'Vestminster early tUries, and others by Gounod, Brahms, preventiOll of the disease. "Cancer lian Mool'e, Hagerstown, Md.; Bernice 3. Thelma Mae Weaver, Bel Air H. Sunday mornillg. A light lunch will Kastalsky, Arkhangelsky, in addition l'8l'ely develops in normal, healthy Robbins, Robbins, Md.; Mary Lou S., Bel Air, Md. be prepared by the Dining Hall staff to a number of carols. tissue. The pOOl' tissue must be re- Rockwell, Hagerstown, Md.; Louise 4. Louella Helen Mead, Sparks H. to be eaten en route ill order to ar- Dr. and Mrs. Holloway will accom- moved or brought back to norlllal. All Shipley, Westminster, Md.; Janet S., Sparks, Md. rive in Newark in ample time for re- ]lany the choir as will Miss Gesner, minor skin. operations remove the Smith, New Windsor, Md.; Margaret 4. Kathryn May Foltz, Hagerstown hearsal and necessary rest before the head of the Music Department. Miss I source of initation. Known sources Smith, Hagerstown, Md.; Ralph Lam- H. S., Hagerstown, Md. concert. Owen and Professor Royer will sing should be avoided against cancel' in bert, Thurmont, Md.; George Need- 4. Norma Margery Keyser, Eastern Students in the choir have been in- in the choir, Professor de Long will the mouth while internal cancel' call ham, Lutherville, Md.; Clinton Walk- H. S., Baltimore, Md. vited to be guests in the homes of direct, and Miss Wilsie Adkins will well be avoided by obedience to the cr, Catonsville, Md.; and John War- (Cont. on page 6, Col. 3) various members of the church for, accompany. laws of nature." man, Uniontown, Pa.
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