Page 60 - TheGoldBug1936-37
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, PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Bentztown Bard Speaks , , , Q11nll£lta.Q11uba.null ~ortdtta On Assembly Program , , , VARIETY I Recites Own Home-Spun Poetry Of 'Shore' Trip PI ALPHA ALPHA Y. M. C. A. And Relates Experiences AMERICA RIDING TO RUIN ART Pi Alpha Alpha fraternity takes During the past two weeks the Y. A headline in a recent issue of the The artist looked out through his pleasure in announcing that Major M. C. A. has had several most inter- Good Morning! The Bentztown Baltimore Sun read as follows; attic window and said, "I will paint a Severne S. MacLaughlin, of the Mili- esting programs. "Geography in the Bard, Folger McKinsey, was intrc- "Trailer to Replace Cathedral for picture today if I can find a subject." tary Department, has accepted the in- Bible" was the subject of an illus- duced to the assembly on Thursday, South Dhio Episcopalians." The sub- But there was only the same dirty, In present- May 6, by OUl"President. vitation to act as faculty advisor and trated lecture by Dr. Jenkins. Profes- sequent article disclosed the tntcrma- squa.lid street as always, the same honorary member of the c1nb. Dr. sor Crawford brought a very fine talk ing the speaker, Dr. Holloway recalled George S. Wills, who has occupied this which surely, if heeded, will make the that upon first coming to Maryland he ~i~~, t~~:n:i~~O~n~~s~~, :!t21~~~W~ :~:~' di~~;e~:~~:r i~h~::e~list:::e. t~ position, will act in a similar capacity "Y. M." a great organization. became aware of three factors for trailer the only cathedral in his die- fruit vendor, pushing a rickety cart with the Alumni Chapter. Major Mac- The Y. M. C. A. has sponsored dur- which the state is famous; The East- cese. He stated that a trailer would down the street, was crying his wares Shore; ern in a half-singing voice. A drayman's fried chicken; and The Laughlin was installed at the regular ing the past week the presentation of Bentatown Bard. be less expensive than a huge cathe- cart stood in the middle of the street; meeting on Tuesday, May 11. Stainer's Crucifixion, and the Annual At the meeting on May 4, 1937 the "Y" picnic. Both of these were great sP!!~~gh~IC~~~:::h fi~~::~::I~;~~ti!~: :~:~nt~g~ o:e:r:il:tl~t~~~~~~ ~~::e:~ ~~:keds:~y~~:c~~:s \~~~s~iS :i~:en~~ following officers were elected to lead ly enjoyed by those attending. 0 ~:Iti~:~:; g:!~~l~ngaa~c~.:~~~s, :0 :;;; the club in 1937-1938: President, MiI- Nine cabinet members were pres- to Frederick's local paper. Today his ::::~~Pi~no~~a~I!~e~V~~~~ :~Jm~~:~i:; organ-grinder stood on one corner, ton Hendrickson; vic e -.p r- e s ident, ent at the conference held at Johns ~~:~;P~~p:~:;~n ofT~:rs;u:~d B~~!~~ the possibility of the church eventual- Clande Adams; corresponding secre- Hopkins on May 2. Although this was mere's leading newspaper, with which ~tr::li;~o:'t:onn:n;~~v~~!~n~h~\~:i~:; capered and danced for a few scant tary, Oscar Moritz; secretary, Leon a small conference, there wer-e several Timmons; treasurer, Alexander Ran- fine speakers who brought inspiring !~ir~;~o:eee;ea~~~ociated for the past could go to the people instead of the ;;:~~:~. a ~o~:~ :~;~t~;~s~o~~~e~~~ sone; sergeant-at-arms, William Ben- messages. This touring troubadour related peop!e:s having to ~ome to it, thus pulled down at a dejected angle. der: master of ceremonies, Kirk Fal- Y. \V. C. A. some high lights of his 'recent trip prov?dm,~tofOl~lat~l13Xlm.u~esa:o~nt.of The artist turned from the window lin. through Maryland and West Virginia. I service a e pans n mrs- almost sobbing. "How can I paint Sunday, May 9, was Mother's Day. He contended that the "graces of sions." when I see the same thing every day? GAMMA BETA CHI In observance of this date the Y. W. Maryland hospitality" are not to be This plan of Bishop Hobson's, al- I must have beauty to paint. I must The annual banquet of Gamma Beta C. A. presented a special program on competed with. Som.e admirable peo- ;h~~~~ens:~~t~~negin::ea~~:g~n~;~~~~;~~ ;~i:~ :e:l~:;f~~ Chi was. held on Mo.nday, May 3,. at ~~~~i~:~at~e A~~~:. ofL~:t~:r~;onte~ I ~~c:oerst~;e~;'~~;s.hlmA th:ig~g:~~o~~ and use of trailers. These houses on stifled in such a place." Cle~r Rldl!e Inn, With the outgomg white candle burning for the deceased, conferred the title of Honorary Prin- wheels are now so much in use that The artist looked out from his attic semora bemg honored. Gavels were and a red one, for living mothers. cipal, while Leona:'dtown ~lim~xed the they are rapidly becoming economic, window and said, "I will paint a beau- ~resented rio JOhn B. ~arman d and I The theme of the program was daily honors by presentmg a ghttermg gold ;;!itl\~~{ya~: ~:~~~~ee:d~l:~~.::dtot~~~ ~lft~l/~~;~;:; :~~!I;'~~g!~ :~i~d~e:i:.~ J ;l~:s~:e~t, f:I?\~~36-~93;~ 0 serve as i ~~:~;:r~~~~a~fcem~~he:~era~~ert::e:~ ~:e~g;i:~e h~:~:;t~~~~~~'~0~;~:s~0~~7~ e.Rta~hshed system of American C:VI- along the street, clacking their heavy The committee arranging the 1937 ! hundred-sixty-five days in the year. !'Ill'. McKinsey, "the whole spirit of ~;~:~~~\e A.p~o~~~~te~h:nl~lO:ee:~otyr:~~el'I '''d·.OO,d'n''''~kh,Ot'y'·"aA,.tfla'Wl::,',·gvetnhd,or~Pt,~a',ht-. Shore Party is endeavoring to secure Grace Scull, Nellie Williams, and these events was ~13de memorable. te " ._ " ~ the same site as was used last year. President Charlotte Coppage render- me by the charmmg and aboundmg EconomiCally, the harmful effect of crying his wares in a sing-song voice. It is not known as yet whether this ed appropriate selections. Mary Robb Igood-will and loving fI"iendship of a the trailer is apparent. The man who A drayman's horse stood in the mid- can be procured, but if it cannot, an sang "The Old Refrain" with Becky real Mary:and pe~ple." sells his house and property, and buys dIe of the street, the sway-backed equally desirable one will be lined up. Keith accompanying her at the piano. The Philadelphia Pen and Pencil a trailer to live in, is depriving the i":.orse patiently flicking off the fiies At the meeting of Tuesday, May 4, Club many years ago entertained Ed- state and county of an important with his tail. An old fiddler patient- the fraternity expressed a desire to win Booth with high reveh·y. Our source of income-namely, the tax on ly fiddled the same mournful tune. play baseball in addition to softball. DELTA PI ALPHA :8entztown Bard was present and this real estate. In depriving the state A man stood against a corner lamp- ~e~::~!, ~:~ Pt~O~iS~~P:odP~~;to~:;~~ The annual spring banquet of the ~~c:~~! ~::; ~~~a::;;s~? b~~O::nad~:~~ ~~~, c~~:tYb:l~;ee~'n:fen!~P~o;~ii~gre:~~ post, his cap pulled down at a hope- with other fraternities can be ar- ~~a~~:~~!~\:~:n~~~ a~~~e~~ Ridge Inn group. The poem has government necessarily falls on oth- les;h:n:~;i'st turned from the window, ranged. T a blbhcal theme and our guest offered ers. This is unjust, for it results in clasping his hands excitedly, "Paris! 'ran;:I~e~::e::~r:.~~::m:~d o~at:t~::~ ! it ~o us along with other of his brain an increased tax l'ate for those who It, is beautifnl. Today I will paint a tel', presented a varied program as I children. Folger .McKinsey's final do not have taxable property. picture." ALPHA GAMMA TAU the climax of the evening. :-,ords ;~r\~x.pressl~~S o~ his o~~im- po~~~~a:ne:il~ra~I:;a~!:o o~O::i~:!;Sre~ NAOMI ENFIELD, '37. The Bachelors will hold their annual ~p~~~ ,",n,ia ,W,,:a,md~be~,',a""Owt~ell'.IUnb ~~i~o~.~erv:~io~; :r:~if~ing. ~OC~~:I:~~ qniring a period of residence in one sponsor, addressed the II spring banquet on Wednesday even- ., v ., w v ., V .,_.... d 1 d f I WONDER ~~g'c:!~:e l~'f ~1~I~n;:e:et~ i~o:g:~~ •~~:~s~eo~o:~e~he!~~~lu~v~~~~r~!!~: ~~:. Ive to see much 0 hfe and peo- ~:~: \~hOo:~d~~I~;o:~~ ~l~i~r~;~t::~ I wondcr-is it worth ;he price, banquet which will be held at Clear the fraternity I forfeits· his vote. This is harmful in This endless striving all our lives in CAM PUS Ri~~:e~n:~e banquet, an ejection of ~~~~fded ~;~:~:~~:;:ntthoef !r~~:rs~~?; ~Vh~O:~~~ ali~:m!::at~n~~v~rn:~:~e; Thisv~~~riShing of hopes, ideals and officers for next year will be held. Ilature. LEA D E R 5 In order that a dcmocratic govern- ambitions ncver to be reached, The new officers will be installed at The date of the shore party has been J ment might really accomplish its aim, With nought to gain? set for Tuesday, June 8. It will be I every clear-thinking, intelligent man I wonder-is it worth the price th::e:l:~;i:~i:~llo~l::eb:l:b~ld to de- i~~~r~t Forest Greens Beach or Bush I ~, :~:~~~~e~vai~~~m;~~~ ~~t~i:n~i~;~h~! This constant straining cvery nerve to do OUt·best, termine the senior who has done most ( .. _ ~ 'group of willful non-voters continues for the club during his four years on ~ -- to increase, the fundamental aims of This setting up of countless tasks to the Hill. His name will be inscribed ART CLUB ,the United States governmcnt will be be completed and begun again, ~ weakened and eventually undermined. Never to rest? C-Il the Paul H. Wissinger Memorial The Western :Maryland College Art Plaque. Club, in cooperation with thc Shima In addition to the political and eco- I wonder- is it worth the price? Art Company, of New York, is pre- nomic evils resulting from trailer life, Our efforts are at best but vaunted senting an exhibit and sale of Japall- there is a third evil, which is per- pride. TKA ese prints. The entire display is hand- haps the most important of the three No! It's better to enjoy this life, to Tau Kappa Alpha Debating Fratcr- printed on mulberry paper, and totals FRANK BROWN ·-namely, the social evil. Those who heed no conscience calls, • nity will hold a banquet at Carroll one hundred and fifty pieces. The ex- live in tl'ailel's are transient. They I definitely decide. twirling Silver madly baton over Inn, May 14, at 6:30. All members of hibit is being held in the Student the goal-posts, brown boots strutting have no responsibilities to tie them Until I think of those whose trust I to one place-they Lounge, Main Building, and is open merely come and the Debating Teams and Tau Kappa go when and where they please. They keep, steps, Alpha are invited to attend. every evenhlg, from eight to ten, down the field with exaggerated an enor- have no aim 01' purpose to discipline Whose own ambitions, hopes, ideals of canary through Friday, May 14. britches, a pair The banquet will be followed by A showing of work done by stu- mous shako-"the General" takes the them. Such a life as these people lead are all in me, clection of officers and initiation of dents in the art department will be field, pursued by the College band. cannot but cause them to become care- And then I know-inside me, way m,w members. less, shiftless, and irresponsible. down deep, held in the Art Studio on Friday, May A shadowy clubroom; from the desk The committee in charge of ar- 21. A particular effort is being made I ('manates an authoritative voice- Again, a trailer can never take thc The answer is-the price is much too rr.ngcments is composed of Ethel B. b.v Miss Gaskins, instl'uctor, to display Brother Chi, the innov~tor, place of a real home. Thus trailer cheap. King, Joseph V. Oleair, and Alfred the work of every member of the de- has a scheme whICh Will materially life destroys that instinct in man that MADALYN BLADES, '37. Goldberg. partment. The public is cordially in- enhance the prestige of the Gamma makes him want a home, and the pride vited to attend both displays. Bets. Efficient, executive, conscious- that h~s in owning a home and NIGHT FLIGHT l;y competent fo)·m-worshipcr. becommg an mtegral part of a com- I ARGONAUTS Wet plaster klunking over molded munity. Another aspect of the social I Thc earth lies below clothed in silver THE OLD ROW BOAT clay, gaudy color slappcd on risque eyils of the trailer can be found in down; At the regular monthly meeting of the Argonauts on May 6, in the Y. How I loved to go a'rowin' signs-artist, Art-Clubber, Frank is its effect on the family. Family life Silver ribbons twist into a silver W. C. A. room, the following officers In the days that used to be, the essencc of good-natured versatili- in a trailer can scarcely be normal; town, were elected: President, Eleanor Tay- With the brisk south wind a'blowin' ty as he beams over his spectacles and the family, a fundamental insti- Silver ships sail swiftly by, lor; vice-president, Charles Baer; sec- And the moonlight on the sea. with roguish grin. A prom is held, tution in American civilization, is cer- As tln'ough the silent night I fly. rctary, Anne Chew; treasurer, Allie One night when I was rowin' a queen presented, the ex-Ohio States- tain to suffer as a result of the trailer man has triumphed! Mae Moxley. And glancing toward the west, The band presents a chapel pro- home. A silver lake with an ebony rim, After the business meeting, Miss T saw the moonlight fading; Should many of the American citi- The beacon-light just faintly dim; the or- Mudge, of the Education Department, I thought I'd do my best. gram, Bud beats a the drum; Frank is zens take to the road in trailers, the Alone in the silver world am I, the silent night I fly. concert, As through chestra gives addressed the Argonauts on the sub- there, whacking the tympani-a capa- l"e~ulting ecollomic, political, and so- N. ENFIELD,'37. ject "Graduate Work". I turned and homeward started, ble, if striking, performer, "cymbal- cial evils would necessarily become a M:yeyes upon the shores; izing music." menace to the established customs and I saw the sea gulls darting, institutions in this country. POEM WITH A MORAL SUNDAY SCHOOL And faster worked my oars. Down the hall of third-floor Levine streaks a Jacobean pajama coat of I She called on me in class today- The William G. Baker Sunday But now my boat is worn and old, many colors-"Luman, be sure to get My mind was devoid of thought. School Class met in Baker Chapel And its days of pleasure past, me up for breakfast."-the General BLIND IN SPRING I knew of no reply to make, Monday evening, May 3, at 7:45 for But I wouldn't take its weight in gold hotfoots it to his hall bedroom-suitc, And yet I knew I ought. the election of new officers. Those For memories it has cost. dodging a poorly aimed milk bottle. They tell me spring has come, clected were; President, Charles R. VIRGINIA TAYLOR, '39. Eu~ 1 do not believe them. My tongue clove stiffly in my mouth; bloom on the They say the violets ~~:~tlg!~e:~~e-:i::~~dr:~~d:~l~ ~:;'\;:~ I . . SIi\lILIES hillside, I felt Illy face grow red, men, Mal'Y M. Robb; secretary-treas-' ~reshman girls, beware~Blg ~ad As likely as J. P. Morgan and Hen- But I cannot see them. And yet she waited expectantJy- I wished that I were dead. ~l~:r~kr,Cnh;).'IOst::ven~o.o~~macI~u~~~Po::,',~~le ~~~is~rmone~ :;:~ a;r~~l~dt~~~g ry Ford coming out for the Townsend The world is dark and cold to me; ., Plan ... As versatile as a safety pin Robert Ingram. I Ah, our walks are again being well ... As irrevocable as a haircut. Spring will never come again; Time seemed like ages passing by, While there I sat and stared, There will be a special installation h3bited. According to the Dean's in- As uncomfortable as a dachshund The sun will never shine; Until she turned disgustedly, service held Sunday, May 16, at 9;15 vestigation last Sunday night, there with the backache ... As reliable as Only a long night stretching into A. M. in Baker Chapel. Everyone is must have been need for a policeman I a campaign promise As trite as a eternity. And called or: one prepared. MARYJANE HONEMANN. cordially invited to attend. i to take care of all the walking traffic. political speech.-Davidsonian. NAOMI ENFIELD, '37.
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