Page 58 - TheGoldBug1936-37
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. GOt >_V_O_X_C_A__M_P_U_S--,>PaSsi~:N!:AL~:viewII FLASH and FLAME The stars-the /ettm's' moon (Add)'ess ou: vox CAMPUS to FOI'U1nEditor ISSUE and pnt lettcl's eith- But, oh dear, it makes me ill, CT in thc box 1lndeT Main Building, 01' The SUPREME COURT proposal of A perfect night to spoon, Supreme Court leave them at the Gold Bug officc.) President Roosevelt received it setback 'Cause just some things aren't Official student newspaper of western Maryland College, published on Thurs- FORUM LETTERS at the hands of the Senate .Iudiciary done on the Hill. day, semi-monthly during October, November, February, March, April, May, and monthly during September, December, and January, by the students of To The Editor: committee last week when an unfnv- Sounds like the spring lament of the 'Western Maryland College, 'Westminster, Maryland. Entered as second-class ot-able report was retur-ned by an campus-but oh-h-h l matter at the Westminster Post Office, under the Act of March 3, 1879. l\IUSICAL SEASON PRAISED 11-10 mn jority. The decision of Sen- Blushing maidens-boastful men SUBSCRIPTIONPRICE $1.00 A YEAR '1'0 the Editor:- ~~~l~'S~~'~:~I~~:;:':dtS~lC~o!ere~!~,~l~~~~~ Proves they've all been at it again. College has been Western N;~i~~;i:;d~;;;it;i~"~ S:;;~i~~:I~~. 1936 Member 1937 indeed iortunate in the amount of ~~~::~it~;::;~l~Ci~:~~~~,~ee ;~:~t~~:;~ in El'~~~:~{te l~ve bug bit me too, nev- Maryland 420~O~~f:o~u!I~S:'"$R;:~~.;~~I;~N. Y. f:\ssocided Q,Ue6ia!e Press good music presented on our campus. CH'CAGO. SOoTON _ SANFRANe,.co All kinds of vocal and instrumental ve~:~~ill th~:':~:~'d'~~~ C~~~i~:~e ~':'~~~~~lC~: LOSANGEL£S. PORTLAND SEATTLE programs have been offered. ~ compromise and that Gibson, Barnes, Lippold, etc. Nice EDITORIAL STAFF The National Symphony was splen- does not augur well for the going Charlie, you certainly won't Editor-in-Chief AJ,FREDGOLDBERG,'38 did. The Stradivarius quartet was lose any of the quarters you bet at Associate Edit.on; W. FRANK MALONE,'38, ANNE CHEW, '38, excellent. The vocalists from the CU1'- that rate. Jvnior Associate Editors ... PAUL BURTIS, '40, E~;E~~':: R~r:::~~::~~tis Institute of Music were very good. Managing Edit01· .. . ROBERTG. McKNIGHT, '38 The students enjoyed these pro- News Editors . ALVIN NEWTON,'40, MARYCLEMSON,'39 Copy Edit01· .. .. JANET MACVEAN, '38 ment seem no longer tenable. figures prowling below two dark Copy Readers .. ··HELEN..A"R"~i·ST!~d,y,fs~B,~~L8LI:~~LkfEL~~~LGE,'~}d Those who have the Pres- Look-a light. It flashes Proof Edit01· ... .............................................. SUE PRICE, '40 ident in his desire judiciary rc- on-it flashes off. Whispers-the Proo] Reailers ... .. ELEANORLONG,'39, GRACEl'IfACVEAN'39, sic and want more. form have done so chiefly for the ma!- AARONSCHAEFFER,'39, ALEX RANSONE,'39 Here's for more good music for tel' of expediency. That certain weak- li~:ht Hashes again-signals!! A Feattt')·c Editors ... J~:g:s'C20~~~:,A~~~'l\;!~Y ~~%Et~o~R~~~1~', :~~ I w. 1\1. C. neeses have been very evident in the conspiracy???? Wrong again- up to old merely Murphy and Walker ;!~ff!~~~t~i~~~·.·~dit~;:s.·····......~:·:·::.·:·:.·::·:::·.~~~.~.~.~~~~~.~~~~!~~~L:~!~~iCl~~~.::~ii F. ;~~~dil~l~v~:~Vt~:a~upreme ~~u~~I~~t~ tr-icks. , ted by most of the sena- . We wonder what broke up the Clag- BUSINESS STAFF TOLERATION OR PURITANISM? tors who are fighting the Roosevelt gett-Tomichek duo-for a whole Business lIlanager ...... JOSEPH OLEA1R,'39 To the Editor:- proposal, together with the general week. Strong must be the hand that Advert'ising MunageT. ....... ..EVERETTJONES, '38 It seems that Maryland's public. But thaf the addition of new wielded that mighty blow. Com- A8sistant Advertis'iHg Mana,ger FRED PLUMMER,'40 toleration has come down members to the Court is a tern- prcnez-vcus I ? Non??? On the base- Circulation. lI1anagc)·s.......... MALCOLMKUI_LMAR,'40, HILDA BITTLE, '38, Assistant Circ1tlation lIIanagcrs ...MARY CLEMSON,'39, RUTH FIELDS, '40, through the centuries unmitigated. porary alleviation of the and a ball field?? Sunday night walk- LESLIE STOKES,'40 \Ve permit our campus religious ac- poor permanent policy, is also freely ing? ?? Naughty-naughty. Reporters contributing to this issue: Kay Souder, '39; F. Sherrard, '39; Kath- tivities to be run by students from acknowledged. erine Klier, '40; 1\1. Packwood, '40; F. Stout, '39; J. Lambert, '37; Delaware, Pennsylvania, Virginia, When it appears, that Looks as though the blow-out in the "Fiskie" Needham, '37; Bill Thomas, '39; Bob Coe, '37; Charles R. Ehr- West Virginia, Mississippi, and Texas Mr. Roosevelt's hope of all en- Whiteford-Coe run-about has been hardt, '38; Franklin Stevens, '38; Shelton Bowen, '39; Charlotte Cook, '38; with Maryland scal'cely represented. actment has disappeared, and the patched up with a sorority pin. Ca- Leon Timmolls, '38. All this toleration, if you will, but measure may not be passed at this nine disappeared, (doggone to you) I personally, I would have another word session, we must side with those op- ulways thought Cupid used ar1'Ows. Worthy opinion; Model management; Correct neW5. for it-indifference perhaps. ponents who are seeking a constitu- Hang these new fangled inventions. However as a Marylander myself tiona! amendment. That this is the I feel it m~ 'duty to defend ;llY stat~ wisest possible long-l'~n course has ll'~~:!:te~~~~::r~ionFf:I~· tl~:~'~i~:~~I~ Campus Letters The students fl'~m .an~ such sla.nder. I feel that hee.n seen for some bme, a course I see Bob Shan'e:' We he~l' that 11; been most ,]i"""",i"ti,," thIS mdlfference IS not all inborn whICh must have followed Mr. t k h . f . un~I~~? ~r ~ P~ll' of few alld far between, indicating a trait of all Marylanders, that the offi- velt's to make the s~en a ;;:ee I~ rewar h' . . part of the student body. c(,rs of our religious activities have I Now it appeal's.the only sensible PI'O-1 ~hoes. h e ound ha.d n~ ~mall hand in .the creation of i cedure to advocate. w:;~er ai~g~:; ;~ll:d eou~o~~tP:~t~. th! The Vox Campus Column was institnted in order give the stu- thIS dlsmterest. .Havmg nlade ~uch It is our belief that majol'ities of mischievous young lady was. Cour- dents an opportunity to expl'ess their opinions on anything of the I h' under the SUllo Let.ters offering constrllctive criticisms are welcomc if a bold statement, It is my duty to de- the people in over thl'ee-fourths B b s e s s I t"ll aroun. d an amendment i ~ge, 0, fend it or to justify would support states it in some way. they ha"e been eareflllly thought out before being written. Briefly, I might suggest their pUl'i- gTanting an extension of Evidences seem to show that Bette In short, the Gold Bug is once morc makillg an appeal to the t:1nical attitude toward their fellow sional powe)" in economic Helm must have stumbled over the students of 'Western Maryland College to put their opinions in writing. students. The Democratic platforlll of 19313call- wrong rope----or else some consi{l.erate All letters if they havc anything worth printing will be welcomed to Yours, cd for such an amendment, and 1\11'. pe)"son "tramped on hel' toes." Never- the ext.cnt that. they will be printed. P. D. Q. Roosevelt must certainly favor it if it t.lle-Iess, we offer our congratulations. SUGGESTIONS FOR MAY DAY ('an be obtained. The use of the state I ~I~.e ~~O:nd~~.ll~v~~ta~l~e:'~:i:ef:~:::I~ player has to say in the matter. Employment Chances of Employment of this year's college 1'0 the Erlitor:- College Graduates graduating arc only a lit.tle less fav- Next May seems a long time off, \Vlio was the young lady who swore OJ'ablc than of the 1929 gl'aduates, and but it never hurts to plan ior the that she would be among tll05e illus- snbstantially bettcr tlHlll the June, H136. expericneed. 'l'his cvi- future. Why can't May Day be an all Irious women who never weaken??? dellce of continued employmcnt improvemcnt re"ealcd in announce- day affair? (Old maids, if you don't understand.) ments today of the results of a S\lncy by Investors Syndicate of Mill- Most of the colleges that have a CORONATION Who was this fair young maiden who neBpolis. May Day celebration llH\ke it quite a The front pages, despite' the cluse- l"f'fused men a place in her career??? Engineering, business fHlministl'atioll, teaching, flnd gelleral busi- gala affair. They have llltra-lllural ness of the Coronation, continue to How times must change!!! Look at ness classifications are offering employment in greatest volume, nccord- contests in the morning, May Court in impress us with the iact that Edward,' Sally Price now. ing to J. R, Bidgewny, president of 111,"cslol'S Syndicnte, in announcing tIle afternoon, and a dance at night. the Duke of Windsor, is much better Talk about conceit-Joe Parker re- the results of the study. Law, jonrnalism, and investment banl,ing All classes are suspended for the day news than his bl'other, George VI, of cently declared that this reporter are ncar tIle foot of thc list, he said. so that all students mlly attend. England. The former, as Prince of could get nothing on him. If I didn't These conclusions nre based Llpon analysis of questionllil'es returned pe!~~:'~~l~::~~el~;·:f ~~!e;~dc:~lli~~~~::~ Wales and as Edward VIII, want to prove you're wrong, my dear by 218 leading eollcges and universities which account for nearly half Alumni also use this day as 11 good needed anyone to tutor him on fellow, I woulrln't do you this honor. of thc total enrollment. of male and coeducntional institutions. time to revisit their Alma Mater. sJleeches, 01' worry lest he should ut- But here goes- ter and spoil the effect, nor did he Little Joe Parker Enginecring jobs were in the lead ill 96 instanccs with 83 placing Couldn't such a celebration for Wes- ever shy from the microphone. Hi;; I Is un awful barker bnsiness administration in top posit.ion. '1'eflellillg topped 65 lists, and tern Maryland College be planned for recent dash to the arms of his newly; But barking dogs never do bite. gcnenll business classifications were in fourth place. llext year? freed fiancee commanded two-incll! He likes all the girls, Sincerely, Scholarships, personality, campus activity and popularity, char-i R. S. V. P. headlines in the Baltimore Evening l Short' ones with curls, acter, leadership and gelleral ability, in the order named, were most S1O~while the Coronation has received That's wh:l' he likes little Jane White. frequently given ns qualifications being sought by prospective employers. CUT SYSTEM AGAIN rather incidental attention. Now, he and. Jane White The leading eorporfltion in each industry is usually most. active in To the Editor:- A member of the House of Com- Once had a fight. recruiting college graduatcs. Also, recognizing continually changing I'd like to second the idea of a new nlOl1S recently warned Americans to Poor, pOOl',Ijt,tle Joe Parker. emplo~ent demfluds and eondit.ions, many colleges are eithcr inau- cut system being installed. It seems stay away from the crowning, because But IIOWit's all right which had been {Ofthe sucker traIls gurat,~g placement but'eans or are expanding existing ones. t'l me that the plan suggested in 'Cause he gave to Jane White ~--- Vox Campus last issue was laid for them. If he considered, how- Each little green and gold marker. enough and fail' ellough. ever, how often American girls have Diplomatic School A National Academy of Public Affairs to train young w()uld be given a spent thousands of dollars and hOU1'S Now he's allowed (Got this from the crowd) before a king who was thinking all the I men and '\'omen for diplomatic and administratiye The justified made have d time to perform a second's curtsey Each Friday, a different date. service in the goyermnellt flS 'Vest Point. and Annapolis trains officers proved that our present system is not while how stupid the whole business For every little banner, for the Army and Navy is proposed in a bill introduced by Represcnta- the best possible. Because there has was, he would regard Americans as I Hard-earned soccer banner tive Disney of Oklflhoma. been a better system suggested, let's capable of almost anything. Helped him again to rate. have it! Under the terms of the bill, each COllgressionnl district ,\"Ould have Sincerely, Let this be a warning, one studcnt at. tIle Academy llPpointed by the Rcpresentatiyc of the A. W. O. L. IRISH CONSTITUTION Well worth the larning, district; t\\"o students from eflch state large would be named by the The most significallt event in for- Of all boastful young chaps, Senators; and t.he President would 50 students from the District eign affairs in the past few days was For each banner you yield of Columbia Bnd Puerto Rico. Eamonn de Valera's revolutionary ae- You'll lose ground on the field, To be only the campus saps. Students at the time of entrmlCe could be no younger than 17 and SCRAPS tion in proclaiming a new Constitu- How'm T doin' Joe?? ??? Let this no older thBn 25, Eacll would be required t.o have at lcast two years of tion for the Irish Free State, severhlg be a lesson to you. Crown "as nil ties with the English college work before ndmission. The Academy would be situated in the it were a thousand miles District of Columbia. Life in six chapters: The Constitution establishes hetic What is it, "Sleepy" or Walker, mag- in- personality fatherly ChHptel' I: Glad to I)leet ;ou. No hearings llave been held on Representative Disney's bill, Bnd it Chapter II: Isn't the moon beau- a new Republic to take the old name stinct???? Welllean your four com- is impossible to say whcther or not thc proposcd legislation will be en· rof Eire. A presidency much like tha'1 panions of the mourners' bellch- tiful? acted into law. Chaptel' III: Just 011e more, dear of the United States is established· my, what a college education can do TllC idea is an excellent one, but tile manncr in '\'hich the students -please. with :J. seven year term, and the Prime for you!! would be chosen is a most objeetionablc one. Political appointments Chapter IV: Do you? I do. :i'lIinister and Cabinet will be appoint- Well, don't go 'way-'cause I'll would be the result unless some safcguard agflinst sneh appointments Chapter V: I;'a-da-da-da-da. (Odby him. The Dail and Senate will be a-seeing you, . were included in the bill. After all, the students of snch a school should Chapter VI: Whel'einell's dinner? he retained, and leaders of these will Please, I beg you, don't feel blue. be selectcd beCBuse of mcrit,
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