Page 64 - TheGoldBug1936-37
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. GOt vox C~ 1 Passi~:N!~A,~~viewII FIN ALE no man-neither Iy reads this column: for tl dead does the ti In th~~~~s~ s~~!~~'o:il~~~;Tolera- hi h I In which we find that someone actual- po~~e~i t~l~k;~al;.~reT~~n~s~t:~i~:s~V:~; p·t·?"· Official student newspaper of Western Maryland College, -publiahed on Thurs- s~:nnd~rlik~l~~ ~~~:n:;tle~P~~, :he \:t~~, In the previous issue of the Gold line-so I'll dispense with all prelimi- day, semi-monthly during October, November, February, March, April, May, P. D. Q. says that "Maryland's Re- Bug this column made a horrible neries and- and monthly during September, December, and January, by the students of ligious toleration has come down to blunder by asserting with some final- They say that W. M. C. is the Western Maryland College, 'Vestminster, Maryland. Entered as second-class us through the centuries "unmiti- ity that the Supreme Court proposal "hitching post." Ceremonies are pr-ac- matter at the Westminster Post Office, under the Act of March 3, 1879. SUBSCRIPTIONPRICE $1.00 A YEAR gated", which ordinarily means un- of President Roosevelt had been turn- Used beforehand and all arrange- abated, undiminished, um-elnxed and ed down in the Senate Judiciary Com- menta made-the latest mock wed- Ig,6 Member 1937 th~l:i~':·ur closing sentence P. D. Q., ~~!~!~e:: ;e~~~~rO~11c~!~~.~~it~w~~~i~e~I :~~.!~~~.::chd:~~al~~eel\;~~:a~~:; ~load~ atti- J:\ssocialed CoUel3iale Press you suggest that their a "puritanical students" the balance. Ken Adriance, Usher Peters, Flower tude toward fellow The horror of the blunder lies in (among the religious leaders, we pre- the fact that we by no means intend- Girl Barker-complete company for Lee certainly rent. Bashful has sur- EDITORIAL STAFF sume) is a reason for disinterest in ed it to read as it did. The decision prised us all. How about giving the Editor-in-Chief ............_ _._..__ ALFREDGOLDBERG,'38 campus religious activities. If you of the good senator was fresh at that yearning little Creager maiden a Assocwt.e Edito)"s .. 'V. FRANK MAI,ONE,'38, ANNE CHEW, '38, mean by puritanical one who is JAMES COLEMAN,'38 date, and considerable publicity was break, Lee~?~ Jm~iV1' Associate Editors ................ PAUL BURTIS,'40, EMELINE NEWMAN, '40 "scrupulously or censorious given the statement that this sounded \Ve wonder what the principles of Managing Editor .... ................. ROBERTG. McKNIGHT, '38 and exacting in religious the death knell of the bill unless the the recently Anti-Rinehi- News Edit01·S . ._ALVINNEWTON,'40, MARYCLEMSON,'39 isn't it that you judge the Copy Editor . . _ _ __.__ JANET MACVEAN,'38 group by the attitudes of one or of Senate should choose to take it out of mer Club are. like it's the only Copy Readers ._ _._ BETTYEnB, '38, POLLYLONG,·.'39, the committee's hands. By using the individual female organization in ex- HELEN ARMSTRONG,'38; \VILLIAMMELVILLE,'40 several? In other words, 1 suggest 1V0ni "reported" we very unfm-tunate., istence. What could little Charlie Proof Editor . ................ __. SUE PRICE, '40 that you ren-ame your complaint and Iy conveyed the impression that an have done now??? Proof Readers . ELEANon LONG, '39, GRACEMACVEAN '39, by being more. clear and more speci- ~ilfavorable report had already been AARONSCHAEFFER,'39, ALEX RANSONE,'39 NOTICE: Mr. Charles Raymond Fcatu1·e Editors VERONICAKOMPANEK,'40, EUGENE CRONIN, '38 fie show its juatification-: If students returned to the Senate. Etn'hardt makes a formal announce- GLADYSCOPPAGE,39, MARYJANE HONEMAN,'39 can see real weaknesses Oil the basis This, of course, was not true, and ment of his final choice after three Sports Editors . .................. FRED CaE, '38, MARJORIEMcKENNY, '39 years of meditation. Congratulations, Assista11t SpOl·ts Editors ... LAWRENCESTROW,'39, HAZELGOMPF, '38 ~~l~~~:~:!~el.' ~~m:tl~ei;e~t~aSt::)~11:~: I ~::dw:;~~e~OU~~dl~si~~~:lli~d\~~S~l,~e~::~~ Exchange Editor ...... _ ELEANORTAYLOR,'38 Miss Gibson. To public (Sherman in- walking in a mist. As we heard scv- on the day when the committee ac- cluded): All complaints may be reg- BUSINESS STAFF B1!siness IIfanauer JOSEPH OLEAlR,'39 eral weeks ago, religion involves the tualfy made its report. lstered at the post office. ~ ~~i~~~~~l1~l:ea;.~i!i~~-if~~·I-~g~;:·_·~.·.·~.·.·_·.·.·_-_-.·.-.-_-_-.-.-.-.-_-.._-_-.: ..~-.-...: ::::E~Iu'!.~~:~::!~ subjective, and spiritual growth 01" So with shame in OHr heart and a Harold Bell WI·ight seems to have Circulation·s. __.__...... __.. __.. _.._:r.lALCOLMKULLMAR,'40, HILDA BITTLE, '38,,h; lil;I~:~.~~·;e:bi~~C~io~~I~much reddened countenance, we pro- made a flying start with Miss Irwin. conditions With should suitable he Assistant Ci)·cltiation IIfanagel's MARYCLEMSON,'39, RUTH FIELDS, '40, side of the fence, r that you ~~:d i:Vi~~U~~~yr~:ld r~~~rt:n:~:d C~~lt~i; have smooth flying-Cal·eful there, LESLIE STOKES,'40 Hal, you know there are such things Reporters contributing to this issue: Kay Souder, '39; F. Sherrard, '39; Kath- ~;~~~~:n~~l~'~' :~l~ll that you and !~I~·U/;t. Fred Essal·y and tell kim as forced landings. erine Kliel·, '40; M. Packwood, '40; F. Stout, '39: J. Lambert, '37; specific and clear. "Fiskie" Needham, '37; Bill Thomas, '39; Bob Coe, '37; Charles R. Ehr- The Senate Committee, Evidences make us think that a hardt, '38: Franklin Stevens, '38; Shelton Bowen, '39: Charlotte Cook, '38; Marylander No.2. cel'tain "Byrd" must have an awful Leon Timmons, '38. on May 4, sent its on the Su- beak. How about the scar on the preme Court bill, voted it face of a certain "Park?" Could he be down by 10-8 (But there really are 21 getting to be a wife beater alrearly~? membel·S on the committee, so we Jean Lynn has finally succumbed weren't trying to ring in any before). to the ardently paid respect of Steve On the same day Mr. Justice Willis Radatovitch. Atta boy, Steve. But Van Devanter gave Mr. Roosevelt his woe unto the number of hopeful maid- first opportunity for a high court ap- ens you've left fallen the way- pointment by being the first to take side-never-the_Iess, we that advantage of the ]·etirement act, j'our latest has : passed at this session, enabling him tl) of Ike's, Dick's, retire at full pay. This immediately own. Just remember-never say die! Which is it, Helen-Cronin, Elliott, or Volkart??? We thought Kitty and "Persh" wel·e all patched up. But the New man seems to have destroy- ed any J'our 01' editor did. Be- tween the Ncwmans seem to control the tennis team. Some "rac- quet," I'll say. 'Ve reserve all rights to the publi- cation of Jane 'Vhite's private nick llallle for Joe Parker-"Josie-'Vosie Now isn't that just they llavc worked harder. The recent. report shows that You may thank yOU[· beell advnncccl to the "First Class HOllOI' Rnling" "A ',,,I,,,,,Wo',,I,,, Gold-Bug", for but one collegiato publication ill the bi-woekl? group and there is ahl'aJ'S the vague Rug. 'rhe Calherine Wheel. published by the siu- that he belongs to the "old Our congratulations go to the little of St. Catherille, St. Paul, l\'finnesota, ha" this past of Democratic thought and f[·eshman day-student who haR OUI"publication, seclHing for itself the one filii] only All- SIlC- Rnting in thc bi-\\'eekly group. would l·evert to it if presented the cceded in going Shirley Morton one A fresh egg if slightly cracked, chance. With the CongressiOllal fire better. Looks like Church knows how All \ye Clln S..IY is, "Be\\'nre, St. Catherine". Brother Lambel-t, high priest of the growing hot under other presidential to take care of St. Johns' competition. Pluvian cult, bOUllds in to the Gold legislation, Robinson will do well to With all the lovely belles at W. M. BIIU office, seizes a pencil and rips leave the Senate and preserve his rec- C. it's stl·ange that B. B. Cronin lllust into the Gold Bug copy-an excellent ord as one of the best Administration seek his pleasure elsewhere. Are they editor, if editorially ebullient, publish- lieutenants of all time. any better at Washington College, of the qncstion, it is obvious that tho carotllker ing his thoughts when not knowing Gene?? of his clllnghter. Of tIle personalities men- what else to do with them. Governor Nice has written another Rausch has weighed anchor with the is left only one--the caretaker's dallghter. Refusing to regret anything he has SOlTy chapter in the history of a non'?_ Mary Anna during the past year- n;~e no exten~~t~~~11~i~·~~[lllllltl:;11~~.:Sa~~·l~~~~~aillll~~~;~'e~~~fl~~:~~.~~::~~cri~l~s ~~neile~~~~!~,~t "~\;::t~:7- ~l~~-I=~~:~~l~~~:nta~t~::.~r~~~;~al~vi~ ~~: !~a~eitk~:~~~ ~:c,,~~~:wae:~~i;~~ is fhat tbe caretaker's daughter takes Cllre of hell" philosophy. An esoteric esthete, Lawson as Police Commissioner of during June week . . he de.l.ights in bamboozli~g ~he masses, Baltimore. Only a few weeks ago ad- Marlowe Cline has certainly falhm main problem is anS\\'ered there are other questions I s]Jeaklll~ first and thlllk\llg after- I vice was solicited from cities using cff a "Craig" again. ·What'd you do, Ho\\' old is the carctaker's dang-hted How old I wal·?S, If at all... I ,·al·ious police and printed in "Baby Face," push Phillips off before of hel"self~ Where does she take herself'? How .PICture of an arbst: Whlte over.alls . the BaltimOI.e Of what avail, you?? herself? "Then docs she take care of herself? Aw, wIth deep-~yed seat, figure eaVOrtlll~, lI'e now ask, was such advice? If it It took him a whole year, but Dick takes Cilre of the earct,ak~r's daughter! ;I~o~~ar~~-I~:, e:::l~ p:I;~t ~~l~~:us;~ represents the best thought in the Newman seems to have finally settled College Incomes Shrinking Alarmed at the shl'inkage of the eI1(10\\'- splashed on an amazed canvas-and ~:;~~tl~'al~::ll~l~~i~~it~e::: o~o~~ei~'Olll.~~ ~::~n t!Oh:n~t~t~~ ~:~:~~ia.Guess we'll ment incomes of colleges and universities, thcj' call it surrealism! in the cities of the nation? May Day must have been a "pun- DI'. Geol'ge P. Zook, president of the Financial Advisory Service of tho Caustically critical, especially of ny" day for McKenney and Slaysman American COllncil on Education, urges n "serious investigation" of the the mediocre, Dale sets high stand- . Whet~el; on~ beli;v~ Wit~ COlll~l.iS-1 Did yO~ all notice the perfect pict\lJ.~ problem. :~::I.!Orah:~l::~~f a~~)~~.Wi~~l:a~.~o~:~~ ~~::e: l11:ne;~.I~;u:te~ f~:m t~:\al~~.; ~~e~:~l~ ~:~~10n~~~~Jt~::~.rgie and A recellt study Il1ilde b.\· Dr. Zook show" that endO\\'menL incomes of 45 institutiollS holding neal"ly forly percent or all ell(lQ1\'1llellt funds versatile, evasively erudite, he dili- ~{o~~e~~r~~tl~ ~~~e:.~lt::a~o~ t~~V~I~:~ Take it from Frank .Malone-it's in t.he country declined $4,000,000 in 1934-35 from the total it would gently strives to aSSUl\lean air of dis_ sweeter when j'OU say it with flowers. lUl\'e reachcd had the ratc been M. t.he 1925-26 level. cr~:~I~o~'~l:~l~ng~eneral handy man, is better named, As the situation now stands, the Applying" this measure to all endowed in.~titlltions of higher learn. ing, in t.he United States, it was fOimd, hypothetic/dIy, that the depres- Lambert is the confil·lned theatre- 1 ~1~:li~::t b~e~:~!~:r ~~.:t:r~:I:: ~~:v~:~ "~~;~~;',: ~·:n::nd:::~~~ be making up sion loss to colleges and uniyersities generally flmolwted to $11,000,000 ;i~~1~t;:~~~:;I\n:~i:I~~cedl~:~:~:~; f: 1: litical recOI·d in the Republican party for lost time-dances with one girl in 1934-35. 1 dramatic effect. ~:al~~~:t:II~~ ~::.e b:~~s ~~~hi:~.~eo~;~ ~~~el~Vig~~~ ::~th~~~~wri~~atOnJe~l~ "TI[ore important than \\'hllt happened ill 1934-35," explains the /ldvisory service, "is thc filet that published reports coming to the office ca~ynee~.I:t~Ct~~:YC:~~l~ie~~:~~keett::~: political connections would still em- \Vants it back??? What happened? of the service fOI· 1935·36 show no mflterial improvement in endowment fonnity, Ralph, the apostle of Kalei- ban·ass him in the conduct of his of- Dear me, "Friskie Needham" cer- income for the year just endcd. descopic Personality, dresses on the fice. is a problem. At this late nether side of conservatism, is spas- The dismissal of Major Garey, as stage the game he goes around pro- "1\[oreo\'er, the best for 1937 indieat.e that of return and is ad- which ma~' be secured Oll illvestments will remain low." mOdically anti-gregarious, in fact, tht:' Superintendent of State Police, while fessif!g his love for a freshman. He by a good man, he was he has been to has beel) I·eprimanded_, doggerel-is, superseded dieted The problem is certainl." a serious one. Om colleges and universi- diddling dilettante. had many unpleasant political as- told the fruitlessness of the situation ties proyide the life blood of the nation and must be maintained at any Striding blithely over the campus, pects, and the appointment of Mr. but still-you hear him-as lie fol- cost. Tloss of revenue and the evils rcslllting fl'om it may serioHsly coat tails to the wind, toting a vast Lawson to an office with even more lows her up and down the walks-"T affect our educational institutions. Dr. Zook's call for au illvestigation amount of knowledge in a bulging responsibility casts a blot on Nice's loff you, Olga." Poor Olga hasn't a of the problem is to he commended, and it is to be hoped tlmt some solu- briefcase, he heads for the Avenoo administration which he can scarcely thing to say in the maEter. tion may be arrived at. and Grandma. (Continued on Page 4, Col. 2)
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