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GOl COMMENCEMENT PAN·HELLENIC DANCE JUNE 7 MAY 29 • Vol. 14, No. 14 May 27, 1937 Week of Festivities Marks , Bert Gosnell To Head " June Week Program Will End.' I WomenChooseOfiicers; • Carroll County Centennial New Student Council' With Commencement Exercises Charlotte Coppage, Vice - Presidont., Cullege To Have Part In Program Including Pageant On HolTa Field, Rev. Dr, James Gordon Gilkey, of .the Department Of Religion of the Memorial Day Services, Horse Show, Parades, Street Carnival, Gomllf, Stevenson, Robinson , International Y. M. C. A. College to deliver Address to the Field Day, and Baseball Game. Also Elected Sixty-seventh Graduating Class STATE OFFICIALS EXPECTED TO ATTEND Miss Ethelberta Gosnell was elected MORE THAN 100 TO RECElVE DIPLOMAS to succeed Sally Price as President of To commemorate the hundredth an- ,- _ the Women's Student Government As- More than one hundred graduates -, niversary of the founding of Carroll sociation at a girl's meetmg in Smith [ :'I',".'·C'.01', C.harl·esA, K,'ng ill . Iiul t th . t s western Commencement County, the county will hold a eele- , Hall on Tuesday ...Mao;' 11, 1937. Otb- '_ wi enth receive 'P om" a of e srx v- ev- bration from May 30 through June 3. I ei- mem~ of the organization were Maryland College in Alumni Hall, Mr. J. P. Wantz, in charge of the Coppage iilspects R. O.T. C. Unit program committee, has ar-ranged a ~i::;r::i;::::w.~.: ..Charlotte M;n:ea~~::k::. :'t ~~~~x~~.e~!~swill be varied schedule for the five day pe- Honor Member __Hazel Gompf Dr. James Gordon Gilkey, pastor of dod. Junior Rep Anne Stevenson Cumpany B Wins President's.' Cup. the South Congregational Church, On Sunday, May 30, each church in Sophomore Rep Nora Robinson Awards !\lade To Lt. CoL Dunstan Springfield, Mass. Dr. Gilkey, who is the county will conduct services which "The object of this organization And Capt. Robert I\Iyers ttlso a professor of religion and a are to the day, Memor-ial shall be to give direction to the con- trustee of the International Y. M. C. Day, the celebration. In the duct of students in all phases of col- Western Maryland's Reserve Of- A. College at Springfield, is director afternoon at 2.30 P. M., a Memorial I lege life in so far as it has power." fleet-s Training Corps Unit was sub- of an elaborate program of inati tu- Day Parade has been listed. This is All women students residing in the jected to its annual inspection on May tional church work. He is the author following a custom of westminster dormitories are, ipso [acto, members 17 and 18 by Lt. Col. Charles A. King, of a number of books, among them be- that was initiated some years ago, but of the organization. Their confidence War Department inspector for the ing "A Faith :(01"the New Genera- Lhis parade is to be much larger than in Miss Gosnell is supported by her Third Corps Area. By its showing tion", "Secrets of. Effective Living", previous ones. At 8.00 P. 1\[. the former alliance with this student the unit promised to maintain its for- "what Can we Believe?" and "You churches of the- county will combine MILLICENT HOPE board in the capacity of treasurer. mer "Excellent" rating. Can Master Life". to present a union service in the au- Vice-President Charlotte Coppage The highlight of the inspection was The academic procession, including ditorium of the Westminster High Miss Hope will sing with Johnny has been exceedingly active in Y. 'V. the program of events which took the faculty and the graduates, wiII School. Professor de Long will direct Hamp's Orchestra at the Pan-Hellen- C. A. work. That association recent- place on Hoffa Field, May 17. The march from Smith to Alumni Hall. a large combined choir, while Pro- ic Dance on May 29. ly expressed its appreciation of her battalion formed in front of Alumni As the college orchestra plays "A fessor Royer will have charge of the ability by oIT",ringher the presidency, Hall and marched to Hoffa Field. MiglJty Fortress Is Our God," the music furnished by a combined or- W it1C A tD It' which she accepted. Presentation of sponsors took place; ~:~:li:n:~i:~ll~:st~:enfil~sstedg;:d~a~::~ chestra. . . . r epar men Horse Show To Be Held ',bit I H In th~~e~eCtion ~~ Ha~ell ~O]llPf as ~!;~~~~!'t:~.dt:~~eP~e:~:~~:il~YM~:~ exercises of the college, they will en- A Centennial Horse Show at 10.00 Holds Annual Exh ot~~~I~alnl::t~n;:~de;-.e r-.~~:n~e~·:V:f~~~ H~ncock by Capt. Brown to the ~alld; ter Alumni Hall and file up the two A. M., a parade of nt·emen and fire Women's Athletic Association recent- MISS Hudson by Capt. Waters to aisles to the stage. equipmcIlt, with commercial vehicles, Great Vanet~ ~ork Displayed \ ly votcrl her then new plesldent Company A, MISS Hall by Capt My- Friends InVIted To Attend and a baseball game at the College MISS Gaskllls, Art Instructor, I Quahficatlons fOI thiS office ale ath I ers to Company B, and MISS Youn£ Pale ts of the graduates fllends of will feature the second day's enter- Takes Chalj:·~ letJe rlOWC~'l,honOI, and spOltsmR)l- b:i._C~J)tLathrop to Company C the coll~"];e,formt!l"gladuat~s leunltdl luinm!wt. The Celebration will continue on The Alt Depaltm~lt of Westeln 1 Sh~ th J CI h II d I~~~~~~~:~I;eo:o~:~~:~I!~:p~~te:om_ at Alumm Day, and college students Tuesday with a parade of school chil- l'Ilal~land College held ItS annual ex fOltl7a~~llleeSt:;~~:on, ~~~m:ls ;:CI:- I pallies then took place PhYSical dllil I ~~:IO~Vea:I:\::~~ ~~es~~p~:na:\:d t~e (h·Cll,consisting of floats representing ~~~ltfr~:l ;;~~t~lt:~~~ lan' 0, the Board. She is at present by Cllmp~ny A, Comp~ny B IHustlat- sixty-seventh graduating class. all phases of past and present educa- !7c;~~~: J\~~~ tion. A Field Day will follow on the studio was filled with wOl'k of the ~i~;·~::~·;e::n~l~e~:ec7a:sY::e~:~~:~~aasn: ~dOl~:)I;n~·I~t~~a~~:~e~~io~t:~c~; c:~~ iOt~e:li::sS ~~~:c :~~:lb;:~ll~l~t!~e ;~~l:, city pla~'ground. Frolll 8.00 P. M. to 10.00 P. M. that night there will be a ~\~:;:Ot~Stt~~~:~~~·M~S:e;l~~~~~~: ~::~ member of this council. ~~~.YKin~~e latter was inspected by yeal·s of the college work, degrees street carnival, with three Ol·chestras kins, head of the department, took Nora Robinson, too, returns to be- All three companies participated in will be conferred upon special stu- for dancing, and a Grand Mal·eh at Ch;l~gee~~.t:t:~~lil~~t. themselves pl.e- ~~~~o~~:r:e:i:~:~n~::~: ~fo~:e~~l::~al~: the annual company drill competition ~~:t:U::i~e:a~fe t~:e:o~~:~~.ings:v::.:l; 9.00 P. M. Dick Sprouse's "Westel·n Marylandcrs" will be one of the or- sided as ushers. The studio contain- has honored het· with this office. ~ol~:!~~!~~'sb~ut:eiScaa~::r~I:~e:~nu~I~; graduate students will be awarded chestras to play. Pageant On Hoffa Field ~~]l~p!~·~~!nV::~i;t~1o~'l::o:~, 1:~:(~iJ:.e~l~ M~.~~al~~O~~I~eg:~u'~l~::I~Zi~:t~~es~~:~ ~l~O~~I~lC~~tl:ll~~nihew~:~~l~l~~~~~.~sl::~~ ~~~odel~l~::~~ 1\!::~e\~:i~r~~~d;ehO:; On Wednesday, the highlight of the composition one found still life, land- ~~dCl:'~e~~~iZ:~I~n~~~!n~;~\seda~~a~,onf:I;:ncr. Judges were Messrs. Havells, ~~.h:l::;:~~~ \~i~~er~:f:~Ja~:irth;e~~:~ Celebration, "Carroll County Cara- sea pes, stencils, portrait studies, per- " " Draper, and 'Vyand, all rescrve of- gumma cunt laudc or cllm In"1!de. van, a Pageant of the Soil", will be S]lective examples, and pure design. the purpose", have adopted honor res- ficers in the U. S. Army. The Cup prcsented on Hoffa Field. Twenty- In media there were types ranging olutions. It will be the duty of this was won by Company B, under the Argonauts Initiated five hundred people will participate in :'g.~.I~lp~'pn~:~~c!~I:I~sd,~~:I~i~:~' to lith- ;~;~I:nc:e:t::k ~~a;~l"l:l:/ command of Captain Robert Myers. After the Argonaut banquet at this with approximately 10,000 people Awards Presented Carroll Inn, May 24, the ceremony expected to attend and witness this The dress and costume division of I the responsibility. The climax of the program was a was held for the initiation of t.hose High political figures in state have been invited to speak ~~~l:x~~b~~ew~~in~i:;r~e~~:lail;l °tnhe~ Pr~:~ o~~~.~sa:.:t19::~i1t~~7~;~:I;e~~:; ~~~::.~:n w:sal·~I~:;1e.PI~Se~~~tl~:nw:! ~~~:lel~~i:v~;e~:il~h~r~~:a:ee~~!:~ ~~~~ at this time, and are expected to at- contest sponsored last winter were on Gosnell, Anna Stevenson, Evelyn awarded to Lt. Col. Dunstan by the have completed the requirements fOl· tend. On that night, a contest will be exhibit. Crown, and Nora Robinson. Officers Reserve Association of Car- this membership are: Madalyn held for bands from Carroll County 1·011County for his excellent work in Blades, Margaret Harman, Beverly as part of the continued street carni- Harrison, J. Ralph Lambert, and Ella val. Arboretum, Protege of Plant Students, :::~~~al:ys~:~~'·JO~~\r~~:~.~:~~nF~::~ Shank. On Thursday afternoon at 2.00 P. A member of the United States M. the celebration is to be brought to To Cover Large Portion of Campus I ~:!i~:::\~:;,~;,~;o~:~t"'~~~:::~; as sec- Army will give commissions a close with a Grand Parade. Mili- COlllpany B by Mr. J. Pcarre Wantz. ond lieutenants in the Reserve Of- tary companies, bands, historical Limits Of Tree Hatchery To Be Taneytown Highwa,y, Payilion Road. And Lt. Col. T. K. Harrison presented the ficers' Training Corps to the gradu- floats, and floats of industrial con- Back Campus Fence H. A. Jacobs and SOllSsword to Capt. ates who have done their work in the cerns in the county will make up this MJ-'ers, commander of the winning department of Military Science. parade. Thus, with this great five Probably the sight of an occasional To this particular end the chosen company in the competitive drill. day celebration, CalTol! County hopes truck with a m:l'sterious load and the site is well adapted. In and around Although the official report of the Special Awards To Be Give-II to pay tribute to her one hundred sight of numerous individuals run- the stream and the newly constructed inspection will not be issued until a Special awards will also be bestow- years of progress. pond will be found the plants which later dat.e, Lt. Col. King stated after ed upon the students who have mer- ning around the campus with picks, shovels, and buckets has given the are COlllmonto such a habitat. Plants the inspection that the unit had made ited them. These are Bates the Norment the Speech Prizes, Prize, the to Faculty Club Banquet casual observer sufficient cause for common th~re the and roadside will be the best showing in the Third Corps Mary 'Vard Lewis Prize, the John A. F. planted by Ma- usually alal·lll, but all may rest easy, fOJ"it plants The unit is instructed Al·ea. Medal and Alexander Lynn the and will be located jOI· MacLaughlin Major found in the uplands Shep- has been proved beyond a doubt that Held at Carroll Inn these mysterious individuals are just on the hill along the pavilion road. In- by SCI·geants Lavin and Junior. dents of each class who have received Gruber Medal. The names of the stu- army officers, assisted herd, regular cidentally, who are doing the limits plant ecology students of the arbore- ·their bit for the advancement of tum are the Taneytown highway, the honorable mention fOI· their scholastic Unusual Program Features Films scicnce. pavilion road, and the back campus work will be read. Secured From U. S. Government On almost any clear day, and other- fence. The commencement exercises of By Major MacLaughlin wise, one can see varying signs of ac- Scores of treE:s and shrubs have al- CORRECTION AND APOLOGY Monday morning are the culmination tivity in the lower corner of the cam- l·eady been planted, and more are con- of the commenc~ment fes~vities, The Faculty Club held its annual pus in the vicinity of the old spring tinuallJ' being added. Most of the The statements which were made which last from June 4 to June'7. banquet at Carroll Inn on the eve- house. Here. the Western Maryland trees are labeled, affording splendid in the last issue to the effect that of May 20. The banquet was College Arboretum is becoming a QPllOrtunity for one to become readily the Y. W. C. A. sponsors the Sen- by a showing of five reels of reality. In this arboretum are to be acquainted .with the native speC;ies. ior Farewell and the "Y" spon- ANNOUNCEMENT United States Government. moving placed representative specimens of The biology department is co"fident sors_the Lantern Chain are incor- pictures which had been secured from the lllOStCOlllmonnative trees, shrubs, that in a few years, with the coopera- rect. The Senior Farewell is Phyllis Gross, '37, of Sharps- Washington by Major MacLaughlin. and herbs of the midland zone of tion of the students, the arboretum sponsored by the Junior elass, and burg, Md., and William F. Thomas, The first four reels l)ortra~'ed various Maryland-that area lying between the Freshman class and Student '39, of Baltimore, Md., have an· stages in the construction of Boulder th""_"shore" region and the mountains. will become not Ollly an area of scien- Government sponsor the Lantern nounced their engagement. No Dam from thl'. time the Colorado Riv- A sort of "cross section" of plant life tific interest, but one of the beauty Chain. date has bcen set for the wedding. (Continued Ql) Page 4, Col. 3) is what the plalJ caUs for. , spots of the campus as ·well.
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