Page 65 - TheGoldBug1936-37
P. 65
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE Captain Skinner In Form As Mates I TERRORS NIP FROSTBURG Blast Out 13-3 Win Over Loyola TERROR TALK IN CLOSE CONTEST, 6-2 By FRED COE Limits Greyhounds To F'ive Safeties; TERRORS DEFEAT SHO'MEN Skinner And Cook Pitch Good Brand Campbell And Mcquillen Lead in Of Ball. Rain Halts Game 14·Hit Assault On Kemper Three Terrors Make All-League Tcam In Seventh IN TIGHT MATCH, 5-4 BYRD AND KEMPER HIT FOR 'Vith the end thc baseball The Havensmen registered th nr this CIRCUIT Miss Jean Harshaw Is Outstanding team. is the proper second win over Frostburg State For Visitors Teachers' College on the latter's home Paced by the five-hit pitching per- grounds, Saturday, May 22, formance of Captain "Otis" Skinner, Coach Frank Hurt's tennis squad The game was a much better con- and the timely hitting of "Monk" took the measure of the Washing-ton test than the one played on the Ter- Campbell and "Red" McQuillen, the College on the upper ror's home lot earlier in the month, at rtnvensmen avenged an earlier season cour-ts, May 20, which time the locals amassed a total defeat by downing on the home Captain Volkm-t and John diamond, Tuesday, 18. Elliott had little trouble winning their The Terrors started the scoring in singles matches, Both men won ill and the second inning with one run and straight sets without the loss of a tor followed this with three more mark- single game. the Terrors in their half of the sec- ers in the next frame. A home run The same two men teamed in the ond. A sharp single by Coe drove by Byrd figured in this scoring. doubles to win from Zebrowski and two runs across the platter. FI'OSt- Only in the fifth and ninth innings Shorb, 6-0, 6-2. burg got back one r-un in the second could Coach Dave Danforth's boys Miss Jean Hru'shaw of the visitors half of the inning on two hits and an dent the plate. Two hits and an cr- • rot" produced two runs in the fifth Foul' runs produced on hits Pen- One of these hits was a long home run The scores: nington, Campbell, and Coe to center field by Kempel', the Loyola Volkm-t, \Y. l\L, defeated Zebrowski Smith, Washington the scoring for the Green and hurler. 6-0,6-0. Edmond, Western .Maryland the fourth. In the seventh and eighth, the Ter- Elliott, \Y. 1\1" defeated Shorb 6-0,6-0. Everett, Washington Frostburg added another run in the rors added eight more runs, which Davis, Washington, defeated l\1urphy Kardash, Washington same inning, and the scoring was end- ed for the rest of the game. completed their scoring for the day. 6-2. '1'. Apicbclla, TIlt, St. Mary's Washington, defeated Campbell, Western Maryland McQniIlen of Western Maryland The box scores: I College received a split finger in the West. Md. Brown ~~~'l\1., 6-2. Snyder Skinner, Western Mm-ylnnd second inning and was forced to re- Drugnsh, ss. 221 Bracken, Loyola tire from the game. 6-3, Koegel,l'f. 323 Belt, W. u., defeated Kaufman 8-10, Cook, Western Maryland The box score: McQuillen, If. 33100 7-5,6-2. Evans, Washington West, Md. Ab R H Tb Po A E Campbell, cf. 1310 Volkat-t and Elliott, W. M., defeated for the 4123620 Skinner, p, . 0113 3100 01 Stropp, lb. 5019 Zebrowski and Shorb 6-0, 6-0. Byrd, c. 2318 Davis and Johnson, Washington, de- 11 2110 IIfujwit,3b. 501140 feated Brown and Ransone 6-2, 6-2. 20 0220 Edmond,2b, 410 20 Miss Harshaw and Toney, Washing- 022100 ton, defeated Wright and Dickson 0 1 1 0 6-0,6-2. ....... 4 1 1 1 0 Totals 39 13 14 27 15 2 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Loyola AB R H PO A E 3 1 0 0 1 1 lIIcCarthy,2b. 410110 STATE LEAGUE STANDING Pennington, lb. 2 1 2 7 0 Rector, If. 01110 T. Baacken, c. 00700 woe t.ose rce. Totals 31 6101220" 8 2 Flynn,rf, 4 0 0 0 Washington *2 out in 7th, game called. Stevenson, d. 0 3 Western Maryland ... 3 2 Frostburg Ab R HTbPoAE Donohue, ss. 3 0 3 2 1 Loyola 2 4 lIIurray,2b. 3 0 0 3 Bremer,3b. 3 0 0 2 0 m. si, Mar-y's J. Thomas, cr. 2 0 0 0 0 (1) Bracken 1 1 1 0 0 Hopkins Connor, c. 3 1 1 0 3 2 8 0 0 0 g:;:C;:~e~'~·ib·...···· .... ; ~ ~ 2 ~ ~ '-----==:=;::;:::==---___.! W. Thomas, 3b. 3 1 1 1 2 3 1 ~;;n;,::;'t: ; : : : : : I U. OF M., WESTERN MD. Wolfor-o, ss. 2 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 - - - - - - IN 4 SPORT COMPETITION ........ 3 0 1 1 Totals _ 333 524 8 2 __ 3 0 0 0 1 3 0 1 1 1 2 0 (1) Batted for Bremer in sui. Extramural Speedball Nine Wins At (2) Batted for Kemper in 9th. College Park Total. ....25 2 5 721 9 2 Innings 1234567 8 9~T 1 2 3 4 5 6 7-1' W. 1\1. C. 0 1 3 1 0 0 3 5 x-13 Thl'ee extramural .... 02040 ° 0 O~G Loyola 00002 ° 0 0 1~ 3 01010 0---2 2-base hits: Campbell, l\TcQuillcn, Skinner; home l'l1l1S: Kemper, Byrd; tramural program. Five colleges stolen bases: l\JcCal'thy, Rector, Stev- wcre entered in an extJ'amul'l11 trnck Campbell, meet at College Park last week. The Tenors placed third behind the U. of Campbell, Cook, M., the winnel', and Georgetown. St. outs: by Skinner 7 in by John's and Catholic U. also sent rep- (~ook 1 in 1 2-3 innings, by DenSlllore 7 in 7 innings; hits: off Skinner 3 in 5 innings, off Cook 2 in 12-3 innings. OLEAIR LEADS GOLFERS Winning pitchel', Skinnel', IN WIN OVER ST. JOHNS C. U. DEFEATS TERRORS ON TRACK, 60;-43; The Green Terror golf team over-I caught. The other membel's ,of the a weak St. John's aggrega- team wel'e GOll1pf IB, Sh~l'man 2B, in the campus course, Saturday, Ortenzi SS, iI1addox 3B, Bryson RF, Klare And Sharrer Win Mile And IIl"ay 15. 1\1oo1"eCF, and Hartle LF. 'Bull' Half Milc. Lassahn S('ts Hoffa Leading the home forces was Joe Draper accompanied thc tcam. ' Fi('ld Mark In Javelin Oleail' who shot 11brilliant 37 and 40 In retul'll, on Thut'sday, several for a 77 total. Maryland racqucteers were guests of Catholic University's tl'ack Grier was the only Johnnie golfer the outstanding non-varsity tennis virtue of its superiOI'ity in the b score. He picked up If.! point in players on the Hill. The visitors defeated Westel'n his match with Burtis, soundly trounced the Terror gt'OUp 43Y~ in a closely A newcomer to the Terror team was which was headed by Brust, Grier, l1leet staged at W. Ill. C. on Saturday, Uvanni who \Von his match in ap- Hendl"ickson, Slaysman, and Waghel- l\Iay 15. pl'Oved fashion. The Tenors succeeded in capturing five first places, but the sweep by C. AVERAGES U. in the shotput and discus events tnabled the Cardinals to assume a lead which jlroved too gl'eat to he what 0>1 selec1ions. An unexpected 'rhe clHllllpionship Pl'e;lcher,~ natul'ally when the 2-mile run, feature usually developed a dull 22 18 27 .391 with fom' of their men ill tIle line-up The Gamll101 Bets nnd grind, was tUrlled into tIle most thrill- 12 3 4 .333 2 10 .800 plncpcl two men, (mel tile Blaek and "\Vhites but ing race of the day. O'Neill of C. U. 16 4 .313 23 26 .961 .An interesting" sidelight Oil the voting \\"lIS ~nd Eldel'dice of the Terrors battled 8 14 21 .304 22 24 .90"7 the full number of yotes possible. The closest and tuck for eight laps. On the 11 9 11 .300 13 19 .843 were \Vnllace Rnd TomiclJek of thc PrcRehers, lap the lead changed six times 38 7 11 14 .289 54 12 68 .971 one second. before O'Neill finally stumbled ncrORS 33 9 13 .269 5 3 11 .727 First Team the finish line the winner by two 48 12 13 .250 59 3 65 .954 Gompf, PI'cachers lb. Lallasa. HInck yards, 52 12 21 ,231 19 24 47 .915 BitclJie, Gamma Bets 2b. Vollwrt, Preachcrs Less spectaculal', but finer frOI11the 13 3 .231 23 27 1.000 Achiallce. Baehelors 3b. Mllddox, Preachers ~talldpoint of g-ood running were the Mujwit \ 13 49 .184 10 19 7 36 .806 GndWIll. GllIllIna Bcts ss. Shcrmflll, Bnchelors jobs turned in by "Bill" Kllll"e in the Bf!l'kdoll 9 17 ,177 2 2 5 .800 Radlltm'ich, nIacl, and White l.f. Kiefer, Gnmma Bets ll,ile and "Bob" Shnrrcl' in the baH- 13 44 12 ,160 20 23 2 45 .955 Martin, Bachelol's d. Klare. Gamma Bets mile. Both of these boys ran b~nut'- 7 10 .100 2 4 1.000 Bl'rson, PrCflehers r.f. Church, Prcachers ful races and each won hands down. 4 13 .077 30 1 32 ,969 Wnllflce. Prcachers c. I-Iell(hickson, Blaek and 'Vhites ,000 6 .833 TomicllCk, Preachcrs p. Ne\\·eomb. Bilchelors "Lou" Lassahn set a new Hoffa 0 .000 1 1 1.000 Othcrs who figured strongl.\· in the ,"oting \I·ere 'Vaters, AI Moore, Field record when he hcavcd the jave- win to 188 feet, lin 4 inches hi~ Team 15 529 114 151 217 ,286 350 1<0 42 532 .025 Lee Hartle, HllInphrics, Bill Thomas, and Moritz. specialty,
   60   61   62   63   64   65   66