Page 59 - TheGoldBug1936-37
P. 59
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE Faculty Adopts New Promenading Spooners Traditional Ceremonies L_SPRING FLOWERS Disrupt Gold Bug Staff Scholarship Standard Passing Couples Provide Fertile Mark Senior Farewell Material For Dirt Column Spring fever-ishness is the violent One of our small co-eds must have Two New Regulations To Go Into Each Class Bids Seniors Adieu effort of budding poets to burst into been hying to make an impression the Effect At End Of Present Sleuth Hounds By Part In June Week full bloom. For a garden they use the other evening about mail time. She Semester when is an improvement not all Programs Variety Column. For fertilizer they certainly did-on the sidewalk. She improvement? \Vhen the Innovation use good intentions-but unfortunate- took a tumble from the steps and At a meeting on May 3, the Facul- destroys valued privacy. When the This year the College and the stu- ly there has been a drought and their firmly refused to move until Ken Ad- ty adopted a new set of scholarship Gold B'ug staff can no longer work in dent body will be expressing their re- growth is stunted. We need a bot- riance carried her in. Str-eng man, regulations immediately affecting peace uninterrupted by passing strol- gret that the Seniors must leave the anist on the staff to distinguish be- Ken! The result is a co-ed on crutch- students in the second, third, and lers. when tile passing strollers are Hill, by entertaining them with din- tween weeds and flowers. es. She says that the crutches make fourth years. The two new regula- possibly uncomfortably aware of ob- ner parties and the traditional fare- Since this is our column, we hereby her so tired that when she gets off tions are as follows: servation from the windows of the well ceremonies. present a Rower: them she can hardly walk. Paging 1. Students who in a semester of Gold Bug office. The period of festivities will open "Oh what keeps every Freshman Adriance and Lesh ! the second, third, or fourth As most of the student body bas with the dinner for the seniors which From breaking under the strain years make less than eight, discovered, since the new walk President and Mrs. Holloway will Oh what keeps each poor freshman And the annual spring cycle of ten, or twelve semester hours through the arch was opened up, the give at their home on Thursday, May From becoming quite insane. Girls' meetings has begun again. respectively of academic work officers of the student paper hold 27, at 6 o'clock. The sororities are Oh what keeps timid freshmen with a grade of C or better forth under the library, or more also planning dinners in honor of From a softening of the brain? "The female of the species is more shall he immediately dropped specifically, directly beneath the bust- their- senior members. deadly than the male". We hear that from the rolls. ness office of the college. Where on The Y. W. C. A. will again spon- NOTHING" . little Audrey and her Willie were 2. If at the end a college year the campus could all. office have been sor the very moving and beantiful Here's one we thought you aU downtown the other day in a playful a student's academic record is better concealed? Who seeks library Senior Farewell, on Thursday, June might like: Flattery is soft soap and mood. Audrey was pretending she deficient by more than 34 sem- or business office unless blinded by 3. At 4 o'clock the "Y" girls are go- soft soap is 90 percent lye. was a cowboy--cowgirl, that is-with seter hours Ol'34 points he shall to present a short skit entitled a lasso. Alas! So? be immediately dropped from Bachelor's Reverie". Following We have on the campus an associa- the college rolls. this, in Robinson Garden, the Junior tion for tanning- hides-and we don't The Bentztown Bard told us in our The ruling will go into effect at girls will bid farewell to the girls mean a razor strap society. \Ve refer assembly meeting that at one of the once and will be carried out at the of '37 in the traditional Cup Cere- to the Amalgamated, Incorporated, places he visited they brought out the end of the present semester. Munificent League of Sun Bathers. firemen's band. Hope he wasn't dis- sophomores will serve refreshments, Oh yes, and Professor Hurt could appointed because the R. O. T. C. SUl\IMER CONFERENCE PRO- and the freshmen must "clean up". not decide whether the rosy tint on wasn't lined up to greet him. But the GRAM ANNOUNCED FOR All the girls, particularly the seniors, the face of one of the charter mem- local firemen's band was warming up W. MD. CAMPUS are waiting to see the senior imper- bers of the League was sun tan or the night before. Maybe we should windows to greet the editors, razz sonations which Charlotte Coppage, Lady Esther face powder. have appropriated its services. Dur-ing- the summer months when them good-naturedly, and gaze at President of the Y. W. C. A. promises Mr. McKinsey seems to have ac- the college is officially closed, it will those pages in the hands of the copy will be true to life. Spring rains have had one comical quired many honorary titles in the be occupied upon different occasions reader which just be the "dirt" During June 'Week the Freshmen result. You should have seen-per- course of his travels. We feel that the by groups engaged in various acti- column. 'Which is very pleasant girls will form their Lantern Chain, haps you did see-students huddling college should offer him one too. \Ve vities. Most important of these for the editors, but a trifle hard on and the Sophomore class will perform in doors and under movie roofs down- hereby propose the Bentztown Bard events will be the Maryland Annual the paper. the Ivy Planting ceremony. How- town about 9 :30 on rainy nights-c-um- as a candidate for the \Vomen's Stu- Conference beginning June 8 and con- However it is an ill wind which ever, the dates have not yet been set, breilaless, raincoatless, and utterly dent Government of Western Mary- tinuing to June 15. Minister-s and blows nobody consider how nor hav€' plans been begun at this downcast and damp. land College. laymen from all of the Methodist many can be col- early time. Churches in Maryland are expected CW1nllUS May Day is very nice, but we no- Here's another flower-rosemary to attend. lected by casual observation through The last social activity will take these same windows. ticed certain coeds suffering from for remembrance. This is not or-ig i- On June 18, immediately following place on Saturday afternoon, Jnne 5, tummyaches as a result of too much \ nal to us, but it is a (tower, anyhow: the Maryland Conference, the Young SENIOR HONORS STUDENTS when the college entertains the picnic lunch. How history does rc- "Roses are red, People's Conference will open. This TO TAKE FINAL EXAi\IS alnmni, and the seniors and their par- peat itself! Seems to me we have no- Violets are blue, is a joint meeting of the Y. M. C. A. ents at a formal party in Robinson ticed similar sorrowful situations in Sugar is sweet, and the Teachers Associations of the Pei-scver-ing seniors working for Garden. The Junior girls will pay to the outgoing past years. And we're through." District of Columbia. Later on June graduation honors in the various their final tribute at this function. class by serving ===================== I ~~i!~le :~ry~~~dd i~:J"~sl~~:nalE~::~:I~~ scholastic departments will take final examinations which will qualify the lasting until June 27. successful students for the Cum From June 21 to August 30 the col- Laude and Summa Cum Laude hon- J. D. KATZ FROM THE REALMS OF GOLD lege will be occupied by the Summer ors. The students will take examina- School which is held here annually. tions in their major subjects and in QUALITY two related fields of interest. SHOE REPAIRING COLONEL F. G. KELLOND Special Rates to Students If you happened to grow up in the where bad short stories are all laid" INSPECTS R. O. T. C. UNIT Students who are candidates for sleepy atmosphere of a Southern vil- to the South. graduation honors are required to lage, whether in Southern Maryland Southern Album is bound and Colonel Frederick G. Kellond of the make application for these honors in or in Alabama, you will find in South- ptinted to an old family al- Third Corps Area inspected the R. O. October of their Junior year. They arc required to pass an oral examina- fwn Album a group of short stories bum. The according to the ded- T. C. unit on Monday, May 3. This tion at the end of their year WESTERN MARYLAND poignant in their suggestion of your icatory page, "for Sara Anne is an annual event for all colleges in order to continue hon- own childhood. If it is your misfcr-, Duffy." Sara Arine Duffy is the with R. O. T. C. units. ors work. Coffee Shop tune to have grown up in an atmos- daughter of Edmund Duffy, cartoon- The purpose of the inspection was pher€ other than that of a sleepy ist for the Baltimore Sum, to give the battalion a rating of sat- AND RESTAURANT village you will find in these stories The stories of Southern Album re- isfnctory or unsatisfactory. K. Harrison attended, showing mov- the second best way to get the feel of veal the struggle between the South Colonel Kellond spent the day at ing pictures of some of the activities + that atmosphere-the beautifully in- of Thomas Nelson Page and romanti- the College, observing several mili- on the Hill. At the conclusion of the SODA tangible feel of it through the mixed €ism, and the South of Ellen Glasgow tary classes in the mOI'ning, and re- banquet the following officers were SANDWICHES fragrance of age and youth, of de- and realism. Tn the first story, viewing the battalion during the re- elected for the coming year: W. B. LUNCH cadence and growth. called "The Twilight of Chivalry," gulal' Monday aftemoon drill period. Smith, '25, president; Mary Warfield .. DINNERS Sara Haardt, the author of these this struggle is shown in contrasting Colonel Kellond, whose official ca- LeBoutillier, '25; vice-president; Mrs. short stories, is better known as the the familial' Confedel'ate veteran, pacity is Assistant to Officer in Emily Porter Brown, '33, treasurer; wife of H. L. Mencken. She died whose code of chivalry is perhaps a charge of Civilian Components Af- and Arthur E. Benson, '35, secretary. ]. F. MOORE, Manager May 31, 1935. For some time before worn out shell, with Mary Julia, of fairs of the Third Corps Area, also Howard Newman, Jr., was elected to "Good Food-And How!" her death she had been in ill health. the younger generation_Mary Julia conducts inspection of the C. C. C. represent the club at the annual meet- on I "Dear Life," perhaps the most beau- with the Confederate gray eyes. The and R. O. T. C units of tilis Corps ~:~e ~ the Alumni Association Never Closed tifnlly written of all the story-pic- characters in these stories are old, Area. tUres in Southern Album tells about but the intel'pretation is new. The The next inspection will be held by a period of convalescence. In the Southern lady, ,vith her invincible the \Val' Department on May 17. i~':ia~:l~: ::a;:kli~~~n~~::u~e~ls":I~ ~;:~!l~' :~~ f:fdedso:;, h~: ! PHILADELPHIA ALUMNI HOLD the turmoil of the spirit" which she I drawn not as an idea! but as a per- I FIFTH ANNUAL CLUB FREEMAN FASHION BUILT describes there. Although half her son. The little girl, lliayillg in a BANQUET life was spent north of the Potomac, bower of honeysuckle, is not just a $5.50 Mencken says that she was essentially nice, sweet, little girl, but an indi- The University Club in Philadel- a Southerner. When she was eigh- , vidual with her own secret anguish. phia was the scene of the fifth annual teen she left Alabama to attend In the background of these is the banquet of the Philadelphia Clnb on IT'S 15 0 COOLER INSIDE Goucher College where she edited the Deep South. Sanl. Haardt's descrip- Friday, April 23. Mr. Albert Darby, college literary magazine, the year- tion of it has an intrinsic and l)ecul- '25, president of the club, acted as . put your feet in a pair of book, and won a Phi Beta Kappa key. jar beauty which cannot be decribed. toastmaster. Since Dr. Holloway was these handsome FREEMAN Although shc majored in history, she She ends "Dear Life" with this para- unable to be present due to illness, summer oxfords. White makes got her A's in English. Her interest g1"8Jlh:- Professor Frank Hurt represented heat waves detour. Take a point- in history was mainly directed to- "I closed my eyes The mists him and carried the greetings of the er from lllen in the tropics. ward the Civil War. She won a lit- were Tolling over, as they had rolled college to those present. Secretary T. Wear white for comfort. erary reputation on the college cam- over the river down in Alabama. I 'Worn With Pride By Millions pus and, according to Mencken, her saw again the low-lying land, the work there was particularly promis- gl'ay gullies, and gray stones in the Summer Posilions for SludeDls ing, chiefly in adroit phrasing. cemetery, the gray shape of Pansy After her grad nation she taught for Hurns before his mother's grave; but EARN • You 'on u," yom- MEN'S SPORTS PANTS two years in Montgomery, Alabama, with them come the old fragrance of $4010$75 :~~c:;il~~~~t~.~a:~~~~ NEWEST PATTERNS AND STYLES -- at tIle end of that time returning to the magnolias, and the older wisdom Gouehel' as an instructor in English. of the tropics: life-this dear life, A WEEK ~~~~~~lu~l~l~l~~~u~r~; $1.98 and $2.98 In her leisure time she wO"ked for a lind the shred that was left to me- for educational ex- doctor's degree in psychology and was inseparable with its beautiful tension work in the home is ex- tremely interesting. wrote fiction. Partly because of her roungness. My heart had gone out have been exceptionally IIIallY students THE COFFMAN -FISHER CO. successful bad health and partly because of dim- ir; reconciliation to the South at last:' and have found it the solution to inishing interest she did not continue their financial problem. Write for Carroll County's New Department Store to work for her degree. Her fiction, full details and proof of results at once. however, improved. She turned from Rigid economist: a dead Scotchman. The John C. \Vinsloll Company. 11 EAST MAIN STREET Phone 102 melodrama to Psycl'ological stories WOlTy: interest paid on trouble be- Home Extension Dept., 1012 Arch WESTMINSTER, MD. She turned "from the vague regions fN'e it comes dne.-The Davidsonian St .. Philadelphia, Pa.
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