Page 55 - TheGoldBug1936-37
P. 55
The Gold Bug, Western College, Westminster, Md. PAGE FIVE Anthonavage Edges Cook in Pitcher's II VOLKART LEADS NETMEN Battle; Cardinals Take 3-2 Win TERROR TALK IN STIFF COMPETITION By FRED COE Terrors Rap out Ten Hits But Fail With Men on Base lb===================d Squad Defeats American U; Loses McQUILLAN LEADS BATTERS Pair to U. of M., Bucknell Netmen Coming Fast In weather more suited to a game , _ Coach Frank Hurt's tennismen have been setting the pace for the of football the Green and Gold nine HARLOW PICKS DRAPER Terror athletic teams thus far in the spring sports schedule. 'I'heir rec- dropped a close game to Catholic Uni- ord points to victories over American U. and Elkridge Tennis Club. The versity on their field Saturday, Avril AS BACK FIELD COACH defeats have been at the hands of U. of Maryland and BuclmeJl-two 24. top-flight aggregations. The vast improvement in the 'l'error tennis Both pitchers went along nicely un- team can be seen by-a comparison of this year's con- JOHN til the third inning when Cook allowed test with Maryland with the showing made a year ago ELLIOTT two Cardinal men to score. This lead against the Old Liners. One point decided the match lasted until the first of the sixth. In last week. Last season, with practically the same this frame the Terrors bunched their squad, the points scored against Maryland were few hits to score two runs and tie up the and far between. The 'l'erps now sport in their squad ball game. several ranking players of the state of Maryland. C. U. came back in their half of the \Vith three or more matches every sixth and pushed one man across. week, the western Maryland tennis face thc Hurtmen Cook struck a streak of wildness and three In state the next t.wo weeks Washington, and will Johns team has been working in high gear, tenms-c.Loyola, walked two men who proved to be the Hopkins. Coach Hurt expects to tnke these in stride winning one and losing a pail' of bouts winning margin. last week. The University visitors The Terrors loaded the bases in the and in addition meet four out-of-state teams. en Friday, April 20, furnished an op- lust inning, but the rally was cut off Tournament First Step In Competitive Golf portunity to the net men to show their when pinch-hittur Barkdoll drove a 'l'he extramur-al open golf tournament, sponsored by the Physical winning furm by trouncing the visi- tremendous drive to the base of the tors 5-4. In the blustering weather stands in right field only to have it Education Dcpnrtment, constitutes the first step in promoting golf as n Saturday, the Tenors were downed by the opening competitive of the college golf sport here on the Hill. Since pulled down by McDonald. course the ancient and honorable game of the Scots has taken tremen- Bucknell 6-3. Adamatis of C. U. and McQuillan dous strides. This interest has been equally manifest among the co-eds Captain Volkm-t has proved his of W. l\f, led their respective teams at right to the number 1 berth on the bat. and the male sector-to say nolhing of the professors who daily add sextet by consistently winning, espe- The Box Scores little dignity to the fncnlty by their presence in those areas in which a cially in the singles events. Playing Catholic U AB R H TBPO A E niblick must be used (to the unininated-c=sand tr-aps"}. The tonrna- the bottom position; 'Wort' Belt has Castarguay, If. 2 1 0 0 JAMES F. DRAPER mcnt, however. is for the men only. 'l'here are at the present. time several shown up well by only losing in one Adamatis, cr. 3 0 2 The appointment of James Draper excellent golfers among the men's student body. There are others, doubles match in three engagements. Arnoldsky, ~b. 1 0 to the Harvard football coaching staff doubtless, who are golfers in the making, and, if sufficient interest were The University of Maryland team, Brown, c. odds the name of an ex-Tej-r'or star to aroused, would take the matter seriously instead of playing only once or although not quite up to that of last Geodeck,3b. the rapidly growing list of Western twice a week. In golf, as in tennis, practice is the prime .requisite and year, contained foul' veterans hard to McDonald, rf. Maryland men in college coaching cir- can not be neglected. The Physical Education Department has taken a beat. Krulevitz and Volkat-t provided Manion,2b. o cles. "Dick" Harlow has assigned big step in obtaining the services of Mr-, T...eo Kernan, who will give corn- plenty of excitement in their match Garland, ss. 2 1 o "Bull" the task of coaching the junior potent advice and instruction to those \\'ho arc willing to learn. by running up the first set to 14-12 Anthonavage, p. 2 0 100 varsity backs, the position "Jimmy" Terrors Wet!k With The Willow and then tying the score in the sec- Dunn held before he became head Coach "Bull" Drapere charges have yet to register a win in college ond set. 'Per sh' finally came through Totals 22 3 4 521 G 0 coach at Northwestern to win. West. Md. AB R H TBPO A E It is rather likely that "Bull" will competition. 'I'he Dickinson Seminary tilt, more of a practice affair, All of the Western Maryland sin- Drugash, ss. 2 a 1 3 0 confine himself completely to thc jay- has been the only time the Terrors have come out on top. In the past g,es players except manager Brown Edmond,2b. 0 0 1 1 vees but will probably bccome a "trou- the blame has been placed on the pitching' staff which usually rounds cI2featcd their American U. opponents. Stropp, rI. a 0 0 0 0 0 tile shooter" for all of Harvard's many into form Inle in Uay. This season, however, the moundsmen must be Defeats in the first two doubles Campbell, ci. 3 0 \ 1 0 0 squads as did his prcdecessor. given plenty of credit. Their showing to date hns been far from unsat- matches and a forfeit because of the McQuillen, If. 3 1 1 Draper became well known to \Ves- isfactory. Two of the last three games have been lost by one l'llll, and lack of time gave the visitors theil' Sadowski, c. 3 5 born Maryland fans as a blocker and their outcome might easily have been changed by some timely hitting. points. Byrd, lb. 1 1 7 0 0 t'ucker for the first Haven-coaehcd In both of these gllmes Cook has been the losing pitcher. Against George Today the racqueteers entertain the l'Ifujwit,3b. 0 1 1 1 1 0 Terror Terror football team in 1935. 'Vashington he let them clown with eight llitS and lost the game on an Hopkins squad in what is expected to Cook, p. 0 1 Last spring he was regular catcher on error. Against Catholic University he limited the Cardinals to fom hits, be a tough match for the locals. To- Barkdoll 1 0 0 the baseball team. In the fall he but was the victim of rflgged support and weak stick work with men on morrow Coach Hurt's men entrain for coached the~ frcshman gridders and base. In every game the burden of the attack has been borne by four the Shore to tackle Delaware Friday Totals 30210131851 the Baltinlore p"ofessional football men-the outfield and JOB Drugash. The rest have shown little power afternoon and Washington College Innings 1234567- team while playing a nice game at wit.h the willow and 118l'e not tieMed any too well. 'Vith this situation Saturday. Catholic U. o 0 2 0 0 1 x--3 full back for the lattet· team at thc at hand the coming campnign with the state league teams does not offer West. Md. o 0 0 0 0 2 0-2 same time. much consolation for championsllip·minded followers. There still reo Two base hits-Drugash, McQuil- If the usual custom of retaining a main return engagemcnts witll Catholic U. and George 'Vashington sisters" LOYOLA DOWNS TERRORS be· lan, Sadowski, Brown; left on Base- captain as freshman coach is follow- fore any league games appcar. In either of these tilts the "weak W. M. C.-10; C. U.-4; Base on Balls ed, it is probable that "Cliff" Lathrop have a chance to break their slump and provide t.he hurlers with some- IN FIRST LEAGUETILT 7-6 -W. M. C. 4, C. U. 3; Strikeouts- wi]] succecd Draper here. tIling to work on. Cook 5, Anthonavage 5; Double Play Sho'men and Mounts Lose Veterans -Mujwit to Byrd to Sadowski; Time Down nt Chestertowll Tom Kibler:s Club is rolling right alollg' with nO Kemper TurliS III Fine Performallce; -1.32. PREACHERS SNARE thought of the veterans lost last June. With sueh men as Bill Nicholson, Fans ElevCII Terrors Tignor, SHO'MEN TAKE 82-44 WIN INTRAMURAL LEAD Huffman, six strflight and Rhinehart ant of the pictlll'e, the Sho·men have State League Standing wins and arc at the top of the ladder in the State annexed this and Evans OVER TERROR TRACKMEN Close Play Marks Last Game league standing. tIle Kiblermen Pfund arc providing t.he ffreworks in the Washington 2 0 1.000 catcher the leading season. llaye perhaps In Pfund Loyola .750 As Bachelor Lose 6·4 circuit and a good man at the plnte besides. EVflns was fl big factor in Mt. St. Mary's .500 Terrors Take Points In Every E\'ent; the J936 mach inc which took tlle titlc. His left·handed slants are still Western Md. .000 Sweep Javelin Throw Round one of the intramural soft- giving opposing sluggers plenty of trouble. Hopkins .000 ball battle goes to the Delta Pi Alpha Up at the :Mount the situation is closely akin to that at Chestertwn. Showing decided improvement over team which has been hitting its way The lIIountailleers have lost hea"ily. 'l'he ontstanding vacancies 11I1Vebeen its team of a year ago, the Western ll\ft by T...okuta, all-league catcllel', l\'TflcNamara flnd Reilly, outfielders; Western Maryland's ball tossers Maryland traek squad travelled to through plenty of toug'h opposition. Scgadclli and Leahey, infielders, and Sullivan, pilcher. Unless a flock suffered their first league defeat at Top place for the Pl'eaehers was as- Chestertown April 17 and lost to the sured last Friday when they defeated of pitching material is unCOvered tIle title will not rcst nt the Emmits- the hands of Loyola, at Evergreen, on star Washington College cindermen the Alpha Gamma Tau team 6-,j in a burg college in June. 'rhe only hnrler left is Al Thomas, "'ho saw lim· Monday, April 19, by the score of by all 82-44 score. Coach Ferguson's ited service l[!st year. The other posts arc being filled fOr the most part 7·6. The contest was the first the men placed in each of the twelve hotly contested game. by fresllmen. The Apiehella orothcrs <1tsecond and third arc the only Terrors have dropped to Loyola in events but collected only three first The score was 2-2 until the begin- veterflns ill the infield. Scesney is the lone holdover from the 1936 outer several years. places. Despite this early season loss, ning of the sixth inning when the garden. it is expected that the Tenor runners PreaciJers went to town with three Appointment of Draper a Good Choice will develop enough to send represell- runs. Al Moore hit, and then New- The Ilppointmcnt. of Draper to thc Harvard coaching stHff' Hdds a tatives to the Penn Relays in May. comb and walked Bryson. man who is well trllined in the "Harlow system". "Bull" played three "AI" Moore, winning the 440 and Maddox, led the hitting that af- years under Dick in positions which are vital to the success of Harlow taking second behind Washington's ternoon with three singles and two football-bucking back and blocking back His wide experience in these great "Gibby" Young in the 100, led {'uns, then knocked a single driving in the team by scoring eight points. Lee one run. Two more runs were driven positions gives him an excellent background for instruction in bacl.field "MONK" Adriance placed in three field events in on a bingle by "Skip" Church who play. The Crimson backs should" go to town" under the guidance of for a six point total, while "Bob" was caught off base after the men had "Big Jim". CA~fPBELL Sharrar' and "Truck" Lassahn, the scored. The Bachelors tried a come- Tracksters Off To Good Start former taking the 880 and the latter back in the seventh, but only Hartle 'rhe Green and Gold rllllllers displayed much promise in their open· the javelin, were the other blue rib- and Martin scored. ing meet with the SllO'men at Chestertown last Sat.urday. Although boners. On April 16 the Bachelors won a there is much room for improvement, Coach Bruce Ferguson has his men McMahon of Washington did an tig'ht game 1<1-13fro\]] the Gamma coming right along. 'rhe strengtll in field evcnts is apparent. More en· "iron man" stunt and won both the Beta Chi. Heavier batting power and tries with proper t.raining are needed badly in the track events. Seconds mile and the two mile. "Bill" Klare Newcomb's pitching helped the win- and thirds off-sct the loss of first place ill many cases and often determine In the first inning the Terrors went ran him n close second in the mile, ners pull through. Newcomb is bid- the outcome of a meet. The next. test for Ferguson's runners is with the rignt to work and scored two runs off but was unable to meet his driving ding strong for the strike out title, Jays at Johns Hopkins. Kemper. This lead only lasted for finish. having fanned 11 batters so far. two innings as the Greyhounds began The same afternoon the Pl'cachers Ramblings: to hit Skinner hard, and piled up sev- walloped the Black and White club In spite of the poor showing made by the Green and Oold nine thus en runs in six innings. This lead was INTRAMURAL SOFTBALL 20-12 by pulling 12 runs out of the fnr several big league scouts have been watching their performance more than Coach Drajlel"s boys could STANDING bag in the last inning. On the follow- .Max Bishop of Detroit and McGann of New York have been looking W. L. P.C. ing Monday the Bachelors did the them over. Ex·big-league ball players son's are in abundance this o\'ercome, and they ended up one run Delta Pi Alpha 3 0 1.000 same triek again against the Black year in college bai'eball circles .. Eddie Collins, Jr., is tops in the short at the end of the ninth. charges Dave Danforth's Alpha Gamma Tau 2 1 .750 and White when they made 9 runs in Yale outfield.. George Sisler. Jr., throws them past the batters for thirteen hits off Captain "Otis" collected Skin- Pi Alpha Alpha 0 2 .000 the fifth to make the score 13-9. Paul Colgate ... Charley 'l'esrcau, JI' .. covers the initiill sack at Dilrtmoutll ner's slants for a total of fifteen Gamma Beta Chi 0 2 .000 Horner starred for the Pi Alpha Al- ... His father coaches the Big Green nine ... Eddie Johnson, son of Games tomorrow vha by knocking two homers into left bases: Carney led the Grey- cavorts and Rector the "Big Delta Pi Alpha vs. Gamma Beta field. However this didn't help the re- year faced Train", the poorest in the :Maryland outfield. Albrigl1t is tlJis hounds' attack with three hits apiece. in the history pitching with material of the col- Chi sult much for the Bachelol'S were able lege. Charlie Keller is making good in a big way with the Newark Dl'ugash featured for Western Alpha Gamma Tau vs. Pi Alpha to pull off a double play and six Maryland with three hits; a single, a . The Terps Alpha strikeouts. Bears the Hoyas. missed him sorely during the beating they took double anq a home run. from
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