Page 48 - TheGoldBug1936-37
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, \VcstCI'II Mal'yland College, \Vestmillstcr, Md. Dean Brisco of N. Y. U. to be Chapel Speaker VARIETY , , , GAMMA BETA CHI Y. W. C. A. HOOK REVIEW AN OLD DEAD TREE Gamma Beta Chi, in its weekly The Y. W. C. A. hold its election of Over in the woods lies an old dead tree- thing, black and bare. across the foot path, of dead beauty, now a to men. campus. of the trunk's end shoot. out. It's very green and There's a certain hopeful look about that piece of green On the dead tree. hua been j-ecaived. And when I look at this, somehow I am reminded of poetry, Of the poetry and tragic humor of life. Once that tree was mighty and g-rand-e- attended tho summer training at Eaglesmere, and February Just like a mall with life in his grasp, 8 this year Helen Boughton, Charlotte more Hotel. The citation which ac- But, somehow, th rcugh a careless axe storm, 01" a ruthless and lIIildred Wheatley at- companied Dean Brisco's award c-ead, TIle tree was knocked killcd. date. the "Down-the-Bay Confer- "Dean Norr-is A. Br-isco of New York The cureless axe OJ' storm University for his work in education ence", held on the "Cit:l' of Nor-folk", left_ and at Hampden Institute, Virginia. of women for business". 1"0min others as blithely as they hari 1 -. killcd this beauty. captain of the sp.eed ball SUND.'\ Y SCHOOL But the dead tr-ee lies-useless. also I and Pei-sh Volkart captain of the, CAMPUS I '1'he little like a reincarnated tennis team .. The fraternity During .thi!>. semester sturting out of a plans to enter both golf and baseball School is I LEADERS life- teams in the intet-nun-afIeag-ne, the "Social 3. Population of India The fraternity is supporting and I lcms People", in I cooperating with the dance committee and Harlow. Now Wl~:~'have "Pork Prices rain, pure ail'; bathed by a dean Amer-ica" to do with "The Poet Lau-I in its effm-t to get a better known 01'- chestra foruhe Pan-Hellenic Dance. reate of England"? To me they did As emln-aceu by a true Fr-iend. not seem closely related, but, appar-I S.OOll. will be and and, the author thought there was wl!l laugh at sun some connection. And warm, pure r-ain. But it die. ALPHA GAi'lll\IA TAU As I continued on the in- 1 think of poetry when I look dex, I noticed that the that sight, yet the same Job, "Sin and I current issues such as: I'm always asked, "How can one find poet.ry in a little "BOB" KIEFER ~o II"~ad that chapter. shoot gr:l~~l~~ l~l~~sicin m~~~r ~~l~ll~e.PI:~ i b u;~cle ~ob-and his kiddie Clu~~ I : wond~r~~;',ICt:~en I was interesting' anecdotes. this a:~o~~l)~~il~:l,t~~,)~~~~d~:~~~i Ull( e l~lan:~::10~:Ug~::e~g~~~1 ~;.g.~ "Who owns !:; s~:~:,s \;;~;~i~~~~I~l:;1 IIIARGAIlET PACKWOOD. Paul Wooden was in charge of ur- i.n addition to the singing of i then the chant: "Kiefer did It". s fall on I11arch 28 this rangemonts. the melodies. YET FEW KNOW IT Some plans have also been made At fir-st, it was a tiny tr-ickle for the annual school picnic PI ALPHA ALPHA Of trusting water, flowing into an un- which will be lleld in early part known. l\lembers of tIle Black and \Vilite of May. TIle wind and rain beat it, and widen- Club are forward to their an- edit. to be held the The ripples grew so thllt they could It will be held ]leel'ahead officers and the And see their way. elected the week 'Yeal'S widened it, and full. previous. Then II huge l'ock into thc The Elllck and White Club takes deptllS .4.nd its watcr all IIbout on flowers. this ;'I'ear. This medal goes to the sen- GI·adualJ.v life reproduced there. ior mall who is the most outstanding work and its requiremcnts. The Car- Tin.v fish glided and plaj'ed in its em- in extl'a-curricular activities. I roll County Home Demonstl'ation brace. sJloke about hel' work and whj' IIC)". Miss Anna Bakel' DELTA srG~Ii\ KAPPA told aboutinstitlltionul Miss Dorothy Hull gavc an of her The members of Delta Sig'l11a Kap. experience last summer us a student pa met l\Tollday night at five-thirty dietitian at Franklin Square Hospital for the usual a£tel'-vacation "feed" in BaltimOI·e. And so was that life. and "get·tog·ether". There was a W. IlL C. Home Economics The lal'ge amount of good homc cooldng", Club has joined with the Hood Col- l\IAItGARET PACI{WOOD. and many tales about Spring Vaca· tion werc As thel'e was no immediate to discuss, this A l\IOONLIT TOWN gathel"ing took the place of the weekly The town looked like a fairyland meeting. When the moon was Just like the realm of a 1'1 ALPHA i'lIU True that in the light of day Phi AII)ha l'IIu has completed its ar- l"flllgcments for a shore ]Jarty to be It was only mortals' homes held at the l\Iunfol"(! Cottage, Ocean But the moon transfened it l11agicall~' City, I\lar.\'land, the third week-end in Tnto the dwelling place of gnomes. ,Tuly, from FI'ida~', the sixteenth, until Sunday, the eighteenth. A large num- The road all like silk ribbon shone, ber of alumnae pIau to join the group, And the roofs were shil1~' white. thus giving the present college mem- ~Iel"e houses were as palaces bers of the club the opportunity to III that shimmering silvery light. become acquainted with those who Tn the moming's light 'twill only be have graduated. It is hoped that ali club girls will be able to arrange their Just common peoples' homes affairs so that thej' may stay the en- But the night's bright 11100n will tire time, but in cases where previous marked the end change it back engagements intel'fere, the girls are Into the dwelling place of gnomes. urged to dl'Op in at any time during MARY J.~NE HONEMANN. the week-end. THE NIGHT Y. i'If. C. A. ties The nig·l1t is silent, so still and deep; God has rocked the world to sleep. Election of the Y. M. C. A. officers I tllis was a supper held on Gently He closed the eyes of Day for the year 1937-1938 was held in the the Club 1'00))1. This was And caught the sun and jlut it away. "Y" rOOI11in Alumni Hall on "rednes_ all informal affair intended as a re- Then he pinned bad, each cloud with day, Apl·jj 7. The new officers are: unioll of the girls after spring a shining star President, Franklin Stevens; vice· vacation. An "get-together" And hung the moon on a sih'el' bar. president, Odell Ost('en; secretary, of this type ~hol"tly after the holidays <.kbnle in i'lIonday chapel belongs in The night is !>ilent, so still and deep; Shelton Bowen; and treasul'e)', Ray- , has become an annual custom of the this colulnn. That's a debatable ques- New York ChrQuicle? • God has rocked the wodd to sleep. mond Roderick. i W. W. Club. I tion. -CATIIEIlINE \Y,\YBRlGIIT. N. ENFIF;W.
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