Page 53 - TheGoldBug1936-37
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The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster; Md. PAGE THREE Debate Season Ends 1 Gilt Made T? Library Orchestra to Present . . By Passmg Stranger With Carlisle Tnp . I Doner, A.;. ",.Coo,";oo. U. S. 01,,10- Annual Spring Concert FROM THE REALMS OF GOLD -- W, ;\1, C, At T. rc. A. Convcution I Warman And -- F. Malone Represent mat. Liked Looks Of The Place PI'Of. Royer Announces New Feature, All printed matter is Hot from "the Ii successful in ShOWing. the difficulties -- , The alibis of Western Maryland Vocal And Piano Solos Augment realms of gold". In the Machine Age faced by those who endeavoured danger to re- of form Russia-the imminent much of it is from other realms-the The men's debating team conclud- English students have figuratively Regular Program In spite of to Siberia of iron and steel. ed a successful season Tuesday, April speaking "gone with the wind" as the realms extent to which it is removed being sent of the peasant and the naive cha.racter which some- the 20, when a men's team composed of college library became the re- Thc Annual Spr-ing Concei-t of the from the "realms of gold", Soviet Rus- times gave to their work the frayed Joseph Otcnir and Fred Tyrell jour- cipient of thirty-six of Eng- Western Maryland College Orchestra, sia, however, does make a pretense of stamp of futility. The novel's chief neyed to Pennsylvania, and lish words. Perhaps this erudite gift under the direction of 1\11'. Philip Roy- being one of the many goodly states interest, however, lies in the skillful met the teams Dickinson Col- will help to restore equilibrium to the er, will be presented at Alumni Hall, and kingdoms. It is thus entirely ap- portrayal of tile characters. Mariani, lege. library after the recent gift of cock- on Fr-iday evening, May 7, at 8 propi-Iate that the internationally the heroine, is a woman of New Rus. The schedule arranged by Alfred tail and mixed drinks recipes by AI- o'clock. minded, who like facts because of sia filled with enthusiasm for- the Goldberg, debate manager, called for bert Crockett, prominent 'Western A varied program has been ar- I their social significance and who go to cause in which she believes and with twenty debates during the year with Mai-ylanrl alumnus. This time the 1anged. Mr. Royer promises that it I International Relation's Club meet- determination for its fulfillment. In fifteen different schools. The question benefactor, unlike Mr. Crockett, is a will be one of the best ever presented inga from interest rather than from contrast to her is Valentina Mihail- debated was "Resolved, that Congress total stranger to the .school, having no by the College Orchestra. An entire- duty, should find be empowered to fix minimum wages interest in it whatsoever, he was Iy new feature will be the presenta- and hours fOI' industry." The major- "merely and liked the tion of two soloists with the orches- ity of the debates, in line with the looks of the tra. Pr-ofessor Alfred deLong will trend in intercollegiate debating, were Andrew Jackson iI"icConnico, the sing "Vieni! la min vendetta", all of the non-decision types. The new donor, was born in Mississippi, find aria from the opera L1Jr,1'CCiaBOTyiu, style of debate, the Ot-cgnn plan, was Donizctti, accompanied by the OJ'· used more frequently than any other Miss Margaret Burns, a type. piano student of Miss Gesner and Teams Tour Pennsylvania acting as con- pianist for the orchestra, will play the Highlights of the season included first. in ill 190!), and 1 first movement of Concortino in C, by two tl'i~s by negative al~d affirmative sinc~ ser-ving in Trinidad, Nicaragua, Mozart, accompanied by a smail or. has been uprooted-uprooted from its ancien-t ideology, its conventionalized i~J~~~ti~~t~ea~~n:~~~~:~~~. QfTh;ra~I~~I ~~:~lC~m:~i(~a~ng~~~~i a~~:I~,s E~~~~I~~:~1~~:~'a;r~~::tSI~~'ib:: _~o~~I;;a~:ll~;: customs and its traditional mode of lzes ~l~~::~ar~l:ti~~!:~d l\~~~~~~~~:.g~iSi~~ I i~:ld:;a~~:cehils!)2~~m~v:;nLi;n:I~~~~~: These selections will provide a new life. The reader is made to feel how because of his devotion to the cause. the Russia of today has Finding that he can no longer- serve br-ight, and UISlllUS DeCISIOns were I California Russia of the Czars-the the cause, he kills himself. Mariani, won at Albr-ight and Dr-exel Joseph of the in keeping with Nejdanov's wish, Olean and Charles Ehrhardt VISIted Donates Dictionar ics Offer Beethoven's Fifth of the turns to Solomin. Penn State Susquehanna and Buck- The volumes that 1\[1 Connico gave Volga boatmen singing, "Toil we must ".41·011lld the WoFid in Eleven nell, debating- the negative Side of the 11 to the college ale all diction Russia's tOil. is pain." questIOn UIleS of the Enghsh whose though also is rich in its J'eferences l1'on I Yeru's", the book wh.ieh won popuiar- Age and John Patience, Rlchal'd, to for In a debate held at the Monda~ names ale ale mOllllng exe1Clses III Alumlll Hall, as follo\\s 1116 the past. Chamberlin refers to the un-, shows us Russia fJ'om the Flank Malone .and John \Valman lep-I ill thnteen Ccn- ::~~,~~~f:~dCtha~\a~~e O~n;)~~~~~:alo:ib~~:; 1a:::~ec:,~bs\~,~,~;::t ~;u~~e C~~~:~~i lesented \Vesteln Mal viand agaInst volumes, in Old Russia, thereby showing how I Stalin's wife, "Stalin", she says, American in one of the I' ironical is it that tcrrorism is being "looked very sad as he walked behind best debates held yea!'. seven replaced by terrorism. Bronze chuI'ch t.he big box." She and bel' brothers Wins Places At COlH'enlion tional'!! bells, ccnturies old, have been melted I g'o in swimming with very ~mall Com· dOWJ1for the value of theil' metal. Russian fasllion. Patience, at:e~~~l:d'~I~:ll~~lU aT~~]lI~~·a~?PI::a:~::~ I That is sacrilege. But the wooden and John. al'e troubled nei- yention held at Gettysburg, Pennsyl- plow is being replaced by a tractor, absence of equality in the vania. Frank Malone won two one- Symphony No.5 in C Minor-Lud- --~__ ~.~fu~~ __ fu~ man debates held on the question, wig Von Beethoven. The foundation upon which the sellce of liberty in the Russia of Sta· "Resolved, tllat the President's propo- Exaltation-Louis Coame. Russian revolution was built form the lin. They see Russia through the sal for reorganization of the judiciary Finlandia-Jean Sibelius. background of one of TUl'geniev's', same clear eyes through which they ~1:~.UI:p::k~~P~~~~:str~,e~~ ~~~~~;:ii:~ SIXTH SUMMER SESSION Admission is free, and friends of ~~:~.~~t~!;·9!I:eS~~'cii~1 which the chief ! ::1~le~~:~lCI:'isG::';;e~.~~:~,~;t~:~~~;la::: the College as well as students al'e in- the banquet, John Warman won OFFERED GY COLLEGE is life illteresting. fourth place. A parliamentary ses- vitedtoattend. sion, a iJusiness session, and a tour of The Sixth Annual Summer Session the Gett)'sburg battlefields were other I cf Western Mal'j'land College will be- features of the convention. I gin June 21, U)37, and con~lude .Aug- ANNUAL SOP" GRIND DRAGS T. Ie A. Banquet Planned ust 30. The ten-week seSSion wlll be TO WEAHY CONCLUSION SPRING FEVER Debaters and affiliated faculty: divided into two five-week terms. The membel'S will I'elax at a banquet to be ' first terlll will on June 21 and Pouring rain-cold room-uncom- held soon. The Tau Kappa Alpha fra- I will run until 26. The seconrl fortable scats-blank minds-Sopho- '1 A few of our coed senson rushers ternity will sponsor the banquet. Des- term will be from 27 to August more Comprehensives. Directions is- to should; l;ave been about with f~ces a pite the unlimited already let 30, sued-tests distl'ibuted-pencils fly- so hazy, rosy blush. hue IS fol' loose this past season, feared that Rcgistmtion for the first term will ing-wild guessing-Sophomore Com- I couldn't to toil if 1 would. once induced own remedy, the members still have enough energy be completed June 21 and for the sec- prehensives. r feel so exceedingly silly, g'ood old D, found eithel' in fOl' one more blast. ond term JuIJ' 26. Students may reg· Reflections of a participant-How That I say what 1 shouldn't to ought, 01' codlivcr oil-heaven for· 'Vestminstel' High school was the istel'fol' either ol'foJ' both sessions. do I know what's making Hitler lllad And my mind is as frail as a lily, bid codliver oil. scene of a debate against Lebanon Eig'hteen hours a week-two courses, and what's peeving Mussolini? What It would break with the weight of a What prominent senior took his cue Valley. Fl'ed Tyrell and Charles Ehr- each meeting six times a week for 80 do I care about Little Alliances, Ger- thought. hardt upheld the negative side of the minutes-will constitute a normal many's Colonies, or the A.A.A., from the robins, but instead of sport- question. An audience decision was progTam. R.F.C. and N.R.A,? Oh, why didn't Spring Fever is the funniest of ,diS-I ~~~17it:ntl~:;~:~e?veJ\slt~n~e~I;~.::~~.t~y~~ rendered in favor of "'estern Mary- This program satisfactorily com- I read the newspapers? Thank good- eases. It is misnamed, for one .thlll~. that followed in his wake; many were land. pleted will cal'll six semester hours for ness, movies! Now I'll know some- In most cases, the illness begllls 1;1 the hearts that resolved to follow his At the weekly meeting of the Ro- each term or twelve semester hours thing. Well, at least I've accomplish- September, .and the patient doesn t illustrious example. They have. Club of Westminster, AlIl'ed for the session. Perfect attendance is ed something in two years; I've been until June. __ and Frank Malone lost an necessary to obtain fun credit. to the movies. On and on-books, funny thing about it is that it's Emily Post sa:.'s that a lady and audience de~isi?n to the affirmative I Science Hall, Lewis Hall, and the plays, politics, national affairs, inter- funny if you don't have it. The only g'cntieman do not stand on public it yourself than having they talk; team from Dlckl1lson College. ~ Library will be open for summer national affairs, thing funnier some one else have it. walks to What campus should stroll along. personality is watching WYJ\IAN, HORTICULTURIST, 1 classroom and laboratory work. neck is my eyes hurt, my But some people don't think it's fun- was seen to Dud Ritchie for PACULTY CLUG GUEST I Blanche Ward Hall and McKinstry is tired, oh, my brain _. _ I will be open f,or summer ~chool stu- Finally, "Stop. Pencils up. Five min- nj' at all-they think it's pathetic, half an hour dinner last Thtll's· ._- DI·. Donald WJ'man, lecturel' and dEmts. Meals WIll be served ll1 the Col· I utes rest pel'iod. Be back in your With due and earnest consideration I. Hall? at the side entrance al'e of Mc- some "There hOl,ticulttll'ist of the University of lIege Dining Hall. I places on time". But, alas, we can't of the aforementioned facts and state· '1 thlllg'S a lady docs not do. ." Hal'val'(l Arnold Arboretum, was go far in the pouring rain. Hardly is heard in McDaniel Lounge by two GRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP ~\~I~;'~~;~l~n~~t;~~~~~:a:: ~~~ ~~~e~~~~ :l::~~'O~v:;:~::~~ :~~: t:eP:~~P:::d:h:~. It ~eems that ~he sole purpose of :~~:~:dFI;~:~t:V:~i~l~~ Faculty Club . OFFERED j.'OR RESEARCH many l1Iore things we don't know, ~.~~~~::~\.A;~:a~e~~·t~lr~tC~:~;~~~a~~~ ! ~~~D~II~elbu~~o~l:ss~OJ:ve:~secon~va~o~~ lion for time off from studying (Ed. settle \~:~W~~~lSto room with lia~~!U~lt~t~:,:f' C~il~l'l~~l~~~~gl::)t;s,b~:,~ (Continued from Pnge 1, Col. 4) ho~,u:t~:::i~r~l':lIa~:~I' ~;~~v'le::: ~~~~~ note----Tt's unofficial now) ~hould be W.l'man told of the introduction into this insecticide problem two years ago. fOl' the oncoming Sophomores to find granted. This action, we believe, hull this country and the subsequent devel- The idea is that this shall be a year out the great extent of their ignor- would save much vain cffort on the on fal', fal' into the night, and thll first opment by the Arboretum, of more round pl'oject from 110W on, for as ance. Perhaps it's for Sopho- part of the faculty. The administra- streaks of dawn and the dean found than twenty-five hundl'ed species of long as both sides are agreeable, with mores to "get wise themselves" tion should realize that during the the exhausted freshmen unified in woody plants and shrubs. Arnold Al'- Dr. Bertholf devoting his summers to once in a while. proposed week extl'a-extl'a-cul'l'icular their resolve to stick together. bOI'etUl11,possibly the greatest garden the research, and a graduate student, activities should on no account be dis- Speaking of girls changing their in America, has, during the past six- in .all probability, continuing such couraged. All in favor say Aye! minds, the are developing tlle ty yeal's of its existence, assembled work during the winter. At present 'MERRYMOUNT' FEATURES hesitant mind Sally was the lal'gest collection of flora in this Lora M. Outten is engaged in prepar- PURITAN J'tIAY POLE DANCE Clouds of g'l'ej' engulfed the day rounding up male it contains more than sixty- ing a dissertation on this study. And overwhelmed the town; having some trouble Betsey Patterson fOI' the duncel'~ species. Though all facilities of the Bee (Continued from Page 1, Col. 5) It was not raining rain to us, quadl'ille. Only five noble charactel's Combining' academic research with Laboratory at \V.ashington are at OUI 'Twas raining Comprehensives down. materialized at the first practice. Now advice to the garden makeI', Dr. disposal, Westel'll Maryland furnish- p/'ogl'(!Jn-Naollli Crown, chair- il seems that the~' al'e beg'ging to be lllan made suggestions for the pl'opa- es cel·tain facilities. Up to the pres- man; Edith Hansson, Dorothy Hull, WHlT-TCISMS included in the festivity. Oh, the fri- of ~'ear-around garden and ent time Dr. Bertholf and his students Virginia Karow, Anne Chew. Washington-the city bureauful. volity of the masculine mind! ornamentation, as contrast- have concentrated on the minimum Food-Charlotte Coppage, chair- \Ve now take up alliances in Eu- cd growing of purely Season- lethal dose of val'ious insecticides, and man; Mildred Wheatley, Eleanor rope, leaving our maidens to make al- And now, having exerted our· al plants. this problem is pretty well settled. 'ra;)'lol', D01'Oth~' Cohee, Lucille Fer- liances on the campus. Let us pas~ selves thus far, we sink back into the III addition to his duties at the Ar- Next they desire to discover what oc- tig, Rebecca Keith. Ion. lIpath~' of Spring Fever. \Vhich boretum, Dr, \Vyman is a frequent curs inside the bee when it is pois- reminds us-please leuve votes at the contJ'ibutol' to botanical literature and oned-what the reaction is. Different ma~l~a~l~e~e~e~i~~~ :y~e:~: NC:r%l; gO:dou':~t!.~;i~~I!~ave\~: Gold Bug office ilt javo)' of the pl'O' to the featUre section of the New poisonous compouJlds are being test- Nicodemus, Grace Scull, Blanche I might rennnd some buddlllg poels of posed Spring Fevel' "'eek. Those op· York Times. Jed. Scott. that.) posed need not vote.
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