Page 46 - TheGoldBug1936-37
P. 46
PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, \VcstCt"11 Mal"yi:lIld College, \Vcstminstet", Md, GOt Ofllcial student newspaper of Western Maryland College, published on Thurs- day, somi-montbtv during October, November, February, March, April, May, and monthly during September, December, and January, by the students of Western Maryland College, Westminster, Maryland. Entered as second-class matter at the Westminster Post Office, under the Act of March 3, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1.00 A YEAR N~;i~~:iAd~;~;i:i~·~S~;~i~~:I;~. 1936 Member 1937 420~D;~f:o~~!/~s:.mR;:~~.;~~I:~N.Y. I4ssocia!ed Cotlel'iia!e Press CH,C."" • "o.To", _ S"",FUNC'$CO Lo ....... "£CU "ORTL.... O SHTTU of collapse. \Vhat was EDITORIAL STAFF Editor-in-Chiv! .. _ ALFRED GOLDBERG, '38 cold shoulder OJ' the A8sociat~ Editors \Y. FRANK MALONE, '38, ANNE CHEW, '38, smitten check??? Nevel' mind, Bob, JAMES COLEMAN, '38 my Pa told me, "Faint heart Junior Associate Editors PAUL BURTIS, '40, EMELINF. NF.WlI-1AN, '40 lady." Managing Editor .._-----ROBERT G. McKNIGHT, '38 News Editors... ALVIN NEWTON, '40, MARY CLEMSON, '39 Guess Her-man ain't the little bash- Copy Editor _JANET MACVEAN, '38 ful boy lie tr-ied to be or else he forgot Copy Readers . BETTy EaB, '38, POLLY LONG, '39, HELEN ARMSTRONG, '39, WILLIA~I MELVII_LE, '40 the gal back home. Nice goin', Proof Editor SUE PRICE, '40 "Herm"-my hat's off to thc man Proof Readel·S ELF.Al\'On LONG, '39. GR,\CE l\TAGVEAN '39, what can keep "Brooks" from run- j AARON SCHAEFFER, '39. ALEX RANSONE, '39 ning back to the "Wood" (en) !ll Feature Editors VERONICA KOMPANEK, '40, EUGENE CRONIN, '38 GLADYS COPPAGE, 39. MARY JANE HONEM,\N, '39 Charlie was my dar-lin', my dar-lin", Sports Ed-ito)·8 _FRED Co», '38, MARJORIE MCKENNY, '39 1l1j'dariin'. How 'bout that, A8sistant SpO)·t8 Editors LAWRENCE STROW, '39, HAZEL GOMPF, '38 01' dear??? Now that it's Exchange Editor ELEANOR TAYLOR, '38 wat'ru again, don't j'OU need BUSINESS TAFF You'll make thc poor boy feel like a BU8illess iIJ(l1l(1gcr ........ .JOSEPH OLEAlR,'39 "fuel." But that's just like a woman. AdvC1·tishlg ilJallager...................... EVERETT JONES, '38 Assistant Advertising 1I1o.llage1' _-..._.-.. FRED PLunIMER, '40 I had a hard time truelc of Ch'cl!lation 1Ilanagc1's.. .. l\IALcoUl KULLMAR, '40, HILDA BITTLE, '38, Peters to A8sista11t Ch·clllal.iol! Jlfmragcrs MARY CLE~ISON, '39, RUTH FIELDS, '40, LESLIE STOKES, '40 was dis- another Reporters cO!lt'l'ibtl~i>!g 10 I,his issue; Margar-et Packwood, '40, Katherine whether to Klier, '40, 'Joseph Oleatr, '39. Frank Sher-r-ard, '3D, Lamar Cooper, '38, Francis 'Stout, '39, Sarabella Blackwell. '37, Helen Boug-hton. '37, Naomi his vacation on the shore 01' in Enfield, '37, Sue Smith, '37, Bob Coe, '38, Jack Lambert, '37, Eiskie Need- ham, '37. Maiden Editorial In of editorial. It doesn't verse comin' 011 and I just can't keep make any difference to me because I it fromvou. didn't know there was as much men- ey as $2.50 in the wor-ld. 1 would just efficicnt ".I·~tPill of ~Icn's as soon sit outside and heal' a g-ood that orchestra though. Her little she led, field fOI' the Govemoi-shfp arc IIfayOJ It followed her to Cumberland, INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Howard "'. Jackson of Baltimore, At- Which ain't against the r-ule, Pifth : To pr-omote ill rl'rl'r IUI.Y relationship and CLUB Her-ber-t R. G'Couor, But ther-e it mct the big' bad lllHkrslnllding: IJetW!'('11 III(' and the student and Senator Lansdale Sasscer. Who just came home f'r-om A dub of this type is an asset to "Twiggie" thought she'd turn 'em any campus. Its attempt to Of the three, l\IayOl' Jael,son appears out, 1'01' ;1 hii!~cl' ;lml hdt01' Gold AUff ill :ICClll"lCY. keep in touch with world ai- to have the most powerful An' ihen shc changed hel' mind. Howevel', a I'ecent poll of a intel'cst. fail'S is all obvious necessity, Here Next she tl'ied to make 'em friends, students come togcther to political c1llb showed but a slight Hel' thoughts wel'C all too kind. to tlHlnk the viewpoints ill the war in Spain, e(ke fOl' Thanks 'I'll" .~IiIt of tIl(' (/r;frl nllY For all we knoll', the hig', bad wolf AdministJ',[jlioll for its cooperalion and the (laId e~onomie cOlH.lition of Germany, the Could not the 13mb digest, BHg Stall'. Thal imp}'o\'emenfs coopenilion '11'lse of 11l the Far East-an ap- But we gotta' give hel' Cl'edit, foil,s, J'nthc)' tlwn thong-htll'1:;s cI'iticislil more appnl'pnt to the stu- the wor!d-mindedness which I I\ill Cause "Twigg-ie" did her best. dCllt borl.Y liS 11 wholE). Dil'('c1 stnf:elllf'llt I al ~:cl:~~:;~~ suric~l,~::~:~~'l~atli:~~: a~ain. ?lIr. Jacob F of membership. This is regrettablc in 'fhe ,""";";",,,,';0,, that it shows a lack of interest on thc students Re
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