Page 50 - TheGoldBug1936-37
P. 50
PAGE SlX The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. BLAZERS. AWARDE,D TO GIRL'S COACHINGCLASSES I'---C-A-LE-ND-A-R--, I RIFLE TEAM CLOSES I (~::'~I:'::~"::,'::~i~I:':';:a~~~:n;:::_ HARRISON AND N. CROWN VISIT WINTER CARNIVAL I Ap,illO- SHOOTING SEASON ";~:;~ ::,~ti;'I~~~~i;:'~~'n~;~::~;;~,_ ]\Jiss Parker Speaks To W.A.A. Board The and senior coaching Faculty Club-l\IcDaniei Lounge lIiflemen Celebrate Successful Year :~:~;I~~ ;~\\:I:~~'''~~r;;~l~~'~:,~t~~~:~~ On Subject or Living Up To classes the physicu l education d~- II 8 P. M. Of'-Shooting Wit.h Banquet " Set Goals p.utmcnt attended the Fifth Regi- Four-th A.I"t Exhiuit-c-Iasthur for nie . ment Armory on Murch 20 to assist two weeks. and Speeches Since even the best of thing's must .. ~:~I~~lec~~'II:;s\\~~~~.:~"dCa~~1~V1l:;'ra~~~:I AI~'~lrt~:~ecital_Alumni Hall celebrated the Maryland of a Rifle Team ~~~' ;v~~~da,,~il~e:;iO~~l:~e;~v~~~·.~et" The Western Yours, 8 P. M. successful end hours teaching education in physical IGNATiUS. Of, for the senior girls, while the juniors at RIdge. lust are able to get axperjence for next AI)ril 17- season Monday by giving- 11,ler I ~~~~~~~~~~ 'I'ermis-c-Elki-idgc C. C. Clem- the coaching rear. Both classes look re-ward to April 20- Together With the Military III Ii" this caruival and enjoy taking part Senior Speech Recitul-c-Smith staff 01 the school J D KATZ in it. Hall-7:30 P. !II. Depar-tment were ill fulL attendance. .. This yem' the two classes were una- .A pril 21- Speeches 1111(1 good were the . QUALITY blc to work through the entire meet Tennis-Gettysburg'. crder of the evening. The ex- SHOE REPAIRING B. HARRISON N. CROWN pressed its nppreciatton to Sergeant I ;:::SP:':":'[:R:':":':'O::S':U:d,:n:"::~ When the names of the "M" Girls, but did attend the nf'ternoon events. April 23- ~~~V~~\n;O~n~:l: zz: :Mary Alice Wigley, Meta Grace Nock, ~!,~SI~t:~~~e~i:~:sU:l~lecl:u~~~~>t:!na~;e:lll.~ ~e~~;~s-;:~;~:;:a~:ll~I:li~.~:;~i~· work and I Naomi Crown, Jane Corkran, Mar- 0; age. Beverley Harrison officiated Apri;:;~~' 1\1. The Rifle Team considers its .sea-I garet Hoshall, and Beverly Harrison, at the bowling tournament. Naomi son relatively successful. cons](lel'-I befm'e the faculty Crown, Hazel Gompf lind Mary Vir- i~~il;!~;~~~~nell. ing all matches, the team shot a little Westminster's Leading Store committee the western Mary- open an account with land Blazer a deadlock was ~;i'~~~I'~~~Pd~:t:~l~:~'vi~~~t~h~V~~l~~',e~;~: April 28- ~~~~~:\"!~~~ti~Ot1~:rfi~l~;t s:;~~~~; ~I~ I roached. Among' the six there was so ta Grace Neck, and Caroline Smith Tennis-Catawba. the Corps Area Western Maryland I little difference that it was practical- timed and scored deck tennis. April 29- did much better'. In ,competition with I The ColumbiaJewelry Co. to make a decision. This work is part of a physicnl Tennis-c-Hcpkins. 34 colleges and universities in the. Gifts that Last however, it was agreed that education position in Maryland. Eastern Area, the Terrors ranked: the two who stood out a little more eighth. The University of Marylalld I 34 W. Main St. for athletic ability, the primary I"C- I'an off with the Hearst Trophy in I WESTMINSTER, MD. quil'Clllent in addition to SpOI-tsman- CURRICULUM CHANGES IN this distl'ict, for the U. of M. had a Phone 303.W ship, were Naomi Crown and Beverly GIHL'S TENNIS BEGINS Harrison, and these two seniors were '. NEW CATALOGUE I te~:o:~::gO~O~~~::~ds~:t:;ext venr, the I ~~~~~~~~~~~ The I selected as the 1937 Blazer Girls. Spring' is hel'c and tennis balls are (Contllllled from Page 1, Column 4) l':flemen lose only three me~l, Hoffa, I ~ On l\Iarch 24, MiSS,'Parker SP,oket,' I once more flying- f~st, and furiously Two new courses in German, Ger- L1;1ll1ln.'and Captain ~rm!lcost. the W. A. A. Board on living up to the balm),' all" on both th.e up- luan Literature to the Nineteenth first eight men on thiS teHlll the goals we have set for ourselves. pel'. the lowel" COUlts. Tenllls ~n- Centul·y, and German LiterntUl'e of were Armllcost, Hoffa, Lumllll, New Shantung In helping us to take stock of our- tllUSlaS\ll has always run vcry hIgh the Nineteenth and Twentieth C('I\- H. ,Hyers, P!lrker, Rausch, and Wat- selves, she set down the points that, among- the ot 'Vestern i\laryland turies, will be olfel'ed ill 1938-1939. ldns. Among the others present were TIES in her mind, go to makc a good sports- College, t.his year promises to be woman. no Exception If we can judge by the Instead of courses in elementary Bruce Ferguson, 'Bull' Draper, Char- ; alTivals on the com-ts since the oconomics and freshlllcl; lie Havcns, Majol' 'MacLaughlin, 1I1a- : that are just as new as the First, she must be a real woman.~A will be J"equil:ed to a course in .ior Shepherd, Sel'geallt Lavin, Sel'- vacatioll. good has stability and emotional fill incentive in Love of the sport is Political Science. This course, en- g"('ant Juniol', !lfilton Hendrickson and buds on the tree but one finds it The who cries when hel hard to forg€t the loving 'cup titled "PI'oblems of wi!! George Grier. I blames the loss on donated by Caleb O'ConOl", which is te a survey of cOl]tempol'al'y ]JDI_itic:d, ========~= 1 uthcr of her team, or on the awarded each year to the school coed pcononlic, and social pl'oblems of gov- I DRESS SHIRTS referees,ol' and sulks when she Challlpion. This cup was won last cl·nment. istakcn 'f" is lacking in ycal' b;.' Anne Oleair, a mcmber of the I JOHN EVERHART Spanish and Second Elementary one of the features of good freshman class. Year Spanish, formerly given consec- THE COLLEGE BARBER for the Points are awarded to the winners AND BOBBER A real sport is to her te~1ll in utively, will now altel"nate. Second I AT THE FORKS MAY DANCE 01' defeat. for the of the elass championships which are Year Spanish will be offel'ed in 1938· love winning and to Will decided in a tennis tournament in 1939. if she can, but she for her May. The following system of points team no matter what the final score. is used: Every girl knows that there are Class champion .100 SPORT SHOES ctll"tain members of the toam who can- Class semi-finalist 75 WESTERN MARYLAND Name Cards not as well as others, and the Class qUIiI·tel·-finalist 50 for balmy Spring days sport from them only One or Illore matches WOll .•.. 10 Coffee Shop that are differcnt they can If she wins she is • gracious and generous to bel' OPPOll- The pilj'sical education dll'ectors 50 - 75c ents and she accepts defeat in the Ilave I'equested the girls to sign in the AND RESTAURANT Gay Striped Socks I sallie mannel·. She tukes nothing away p.·YIll several da~'s before they wish to 100 - $1.00 fl'olll her opponcnts' joy of winning. play, signifying- the number of the SODA Both teams have played hard, but court and the time, thus reserving the that have an eye appeal the victor8 were better in this game. ·COlll"tS. SANDWICHES Place your order now I And the real sportswoman accepts the Tennis is and should continue to be LUNCH decision gracefull;.', without trying to olle of the major sports in the WOIll- DINNERS make the winners feel that it was a en's physical education pl'ogram at ,t, T.W.Mather & Sons lucky bl'eak for them 01' that they had Western l\1ar:o'iand College. J. F. MOORE, Manager P. G. Coffman Co. 11nextra plaJ'er in the I·eferee. Each team wants to win and should "Good Food-And How!" Times Building WESTMINSTER want to, but at the Sallle time each ]. STONER GEIMAN Never Closed should be big' enough to take what- ever comes. Westminster, Md. It is natural to be disappointed, but Frigidaire and General Electric a good sport rises above any feeling Refrigerators of chagrin and bad temper. ST A TE THEATRE Bring your dates to ... In words, she is generous, cheer- May tag Washers '.'\11, and cooperative to Radios --+-- hel"tealll-illales, her opponents, to MON.,-TUES. RAINBOW INN officials, and to coaches. To her su- pedol's she is I'espectful and friendl~', H, E, REESE "John Meade's Woman" accepts respollsibilit;.', and gets to as- TAILOR CLE.\NING With PRESSING illustmting: points, Miss REPAIRING Edward Arnold, Gcorgc Ban· Parker cited the seniOI' team as an 9·1 East. Main Street croft, Gail Patrick, and Try Our 35c SUPPERS---They're Delicious outstanding example of good sports- SUITS i\lf\DE TO MEASURE Francine Larrimore manship. For four years those gil'ls have come out enthusiasticall~' for WED.,-THUR. eve I';" sport, and have consistently failcd to win anj' championship until Buy Your Silvia Sidney and Henry All kinds of Sundaes and Sodas volle~' ball this ~'ea\". Yet, in spite of Fonda in the keen disappointment, they have "You Only Live Once" and I Spring Outfit acceptcd theil' defeats gl'acefully ro::d~:la~~~~~dl~~'~y:;~~l::~~I":,~~I~ll~n;oa:~~ FRIDAY ~'or four ;.'ears they have workcd to- "Always An Appealing Mcnu" gether as a detenmndedlyand PENNEY'S DOUBLE FEATURE was deservedly volley championship. where you are sure of quality "Devil's Playground" BEARD'S RESTAURANT and and style John W. Beard, Proprictor "Bull DogDrummond Escapes" The Guy Milland, Drug Store COMPLETE LINE OF' With Ray and Heather Sir Angel Catering To Standing fo, WEARING APPAREL PRIVATE PARTIES BANQUETS - CARD PARTIES College Students AND SHOES COMINGSaON --+-- "Champaign Waltz" 17-19 East Main Suect PRIVATE DINING ROOMS Mackenz;ie's J. C, PENNEY CO, "Love Is News" Phone 427 ~ECOND FLOOR DRUG STORE "M'lid of Salem" !\c:d 1u til,ilo '1'II('ll1n.: Westminster f I "Lloyd's of London" BILLIARDS AND BOWLING IN REAR "========,! I
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