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I 'CHAPEL TO GOt I C ALUMNI SERMON SUNDAY W. 1\1. C. STUDENTS OMITTED DUE URGED TO ATTEND EXERCISES SEMINARY Vol. 14, No. 12 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. April 29, 1937 Carroll Centennial Dean Brisco Speaks I ANNOUNCEMENT Girls: Student Government Program to Feature Pageant of Business Openings, The Library wishes to announce Pays Annual Homage to May Queen N. Y. U. Business Education Expert that those students who arc unable Miss l\Iargaret Smit.h Has Charge 0 f May Day To Be Presented l\1ay 8 'fells Qualitics Demanded for Suc- to return reserved books during On Hoffa Field College Students To Participate III cess In Modern Retailing the first two periods because of Depiction Of Maryland History classes may leave them in the box TRIBUTE TAKES FORM OF ONE-ACT l'LA Y On HolTa Field Dean Norris A. Brisco, of the New at the top of the Library steps. 'fork University school of retailing, The door to the building will be 'I'he annual May Day celebration sponsored by the Women's Stu- As the feature of the Oar-roll Coun- addressed the student assembly in Al- opened so that the books may be dent Government Association will be held this year on May 8th On t~, Centennial celebration, which is umni Hall OilTuesday morning, April deposited before the classes begin. Hoffa Field. Preparations for the program have been under way for being held from May 30 through June 20. He discussed "The College Type -----------c several weeks. Margaret Smith, vice- 3, Miss Dorothy Elderdice of the That Business Men Seek". president of the Association, is in Westminster Theological Seminary is "Today," said Dean Brisco, "busi- County Schools to Study of Honey Bees charge of all the activities. directing a pageant entitled "Carroll ness needs men and women of ability, The occasion for the program is the County Caravan, Pageant of the industry, and will power. Now it is Hold Musical Event Carried on at W. ~1.C. crowning of the May Queen who is se- Soil," that is to be presented on the the individual who is under consider-a- lected annually from the Senior Class afternoon of Wednesday, June 2. The tion and not the institution with by the women of the College. Accom- pageant is to be given on Hoffa Feld, which he has been connected. Any Nine High Schools To Participate Biology Dept. Cooperating With U. S. panied by her court, the Queen de- and a crowd of approximately 10,000 student, with the capacity to think In Communal Musicale Dept. Of Entomology On Study scends the hill in state, crosses Hoffa people is expected. and think straight, who gets along In Alumni Hall Of Effects Of Insecticides Field, and is crowned by the Presl- st~~ec:t~!otho~cl~:~~a;et~e~:~iC~ro::~ ~:il~hn~:~~\ea~~~e:e:~e~~u;:~o;~ ~~~~ I II~ the forn~non-comPetitive The Department of Agriculture. ~~:t n~!s:h~e;:~:;~~' gi~l: ~r~l;!~Ue;e:; nent figures in Maryland politics, in- ness material." festival of mUSICthis year, the annual Bureau of Entomology, and Western class, her court, and to the fairest of eluding Governor Nice, and U. S. Sen- Ouportunittes Numeruus ~:~It~~d~~~d~~ ~~~:::~i ~:~~: ~l~~~; ~;;;~as7:n~t~~g~P~i~P;1:n~~:~e~.~t~vi~ all, the queen, some form of entertain- ators Tydings and Radcliffe, will To the question of college gradu- evening, April 30, at 7 :30 o'clock. agreement for which Dr. Bertholf is ~~:;t c~:r:~:S:~~:d~ el~~:d. following ::t~:,~;:a::~~~~~:;;~:~:O;;:,.~n~~::ui:Io~;:2~::;{:~,~~::,:~O'~!i:~~~::n:;O:::::,:::'::':ot::~::::O:'~~~~:!:~~::~:':~~:;~::~~:>h~~:R::~:I Queen-Mal'y Alice Wigley. White- Duchess-Caroline Senior land through the eighteenth century. than ever before. Opportunities are two numbers-c. WIth the ultimate purpose of discover- ford. wuntz, Twenty-five hundred persons are ex-[ numerous for the J"ight pet-son, the "Priests' March", from "Athalia", tos some substances or s~me ,~ay of Senior Attendants-Edith Sue Hance. pe~:~.t~~~~iiio~~~;y~\Vjfe of the ~~u~'::~iz:sh~h:P;~!:~I.~~::~:el~fb:~:~:: Mendelssohn. ap:plYin~ a substance which WIll re- Junior Duchess-Helen Leather- President of the College, will lll'esi~e above the "C" bracket. Mental achieve- A suite of three pieces, Beethoven. sult death of the coddling moth wood. as queen over the pageant, and WIll ment is vital. Even the potentiality BO~~:~d~~~~::~~le,II~t~d~~:;tm~n:~~'~ :~~U~~h~:l~l~:~~e;::~~~:~C~ee~vit;~I:! Junior Attendants-Ellen Hancock, have as her attendants several of the of it is valuable, for business is anx- alliance with the Government makes Caroline Smith. fa~~t~e;:~::~sla:~v~~lIege students ious to aid in its development. SO~~~es:~~:~~;~.s~~'~.y.New Wind~Ol" possible a scholarship each year to so:o:~mol.e Duchess-Louise Jame~ and other faculty members are play- Dela: ~::~:~a:~:~iedi~~~i'~J~:l~ds;~:~·t:f Girls' Choruses: Manchester, Charles ~::~in~o~~ ;:~:~~a~:rb~OI~f:St:::d~:~ Sophomore Attendants - Dorothy ~~!~~::!~/a~l~~b!~~y e~~n:I;~~~e:~ personal achievement". This measu t- :t:~,I.'OJl,Taneytown, and Westmin- gree by appl'oaching a research prob- Vroome, Jane Langford. Freshman Duchess-Kitty Jockel. number of them will participate. in :::e ~~:~.~,i:cl~::S~~a:~~e~:~::!:n!f :~~ Male Quartets: Sykesville and West- lel;l~n ;:I~:h!;~Oj:::~l'cd both his :tHas- Freshman Attendants-Lee Nitzel, the Betsy Patterson Episode. Doris tra-cul'l'kular activity, and good per- M:~~st~~oruses: \Vestmin:tel" Tall- tel"s and Doctor's degrees on presen- Grace B. Smith. This year the entertainment takes :h:l1li::di~~d c~:l~ac~;l~:vi~Vi~~i:.ort;~~ :~:l:!\~~~li~~e:~le~Sh~ig~~i:~IP~~ta:~~ eytown, and New Windsor. tation of bee theses and later spent a the form of a play. "Merrymount", theme will be further carried out by for one must be able to sell oneself to Lat~i\~,~,~~~e~~k~sl~~~:.Wolfe, Taney- ~(:al\ :~:l ~~:::~,n~ro~:~~~ o~~'O!;s:~: the play of the afternoon, is based on a dancing gronp which is composed of others. Personal grooming is essen- M d 0 II! A outstanding European investigators the first American May Day, and it is Annie O. Sanbury, Polly Long, Marie tial and one must be "style minded". ixe ctet: t. iry. of bees. Having been connected each believed that there will be a real May ~:~~, ~~::e~ri:soZ~~~e~~~;~ ~!~ Interest In Work Vital co~~~~nte~5~f~~~ce~hsOi~~~~g~OmpriSingsummer since 1922 with the Govern- Pole dance in the genuine Puritan fashion. Constance D. Mackay is the cock, Lucille Fertig, Frances Stout, sP~::~I~U:I~~I:I:Syn~~;~:~~~~~~:I t~a~~l~ ~~.,:~~~ To Me Only With Thine ~~~,\ns~~n:t::~:lt~~~llI~::~;;t~:~rl~e~~ author. Veronica Kompanek, Laura Breeden, The cast for the play is: Sarah Blessing, Virginia Claggett, sticks, One of these is "Aptitude". Combined Mixed Chorus, about 350 (Continued Oil Page 3, Col. 2) Janet Smith-Sarah Scarlett. Mary Ellen Creager, Steve Newman, The other is "Attitude", including voices, singing: Patty Payne, Lydia Bradburn, Ethel- interest and consideration. When "Choral", Bach. Lillian Moore-Simon Scarlett. b,.rta Gosnell, Rebecca Groves, Kay choosing a career, select one whic11 "I Dream of Jeannie", Fostcr. Seminary Students Dolly Taylor-Bess. Pritch- Robbins-Gillian Berniece ~:~~;~, ~: ~~~~~:'=~,Cij,~~:~:;:~~,~: :OI::a~~:rf~:n;~:ai:::II~~:~t~n~:!:l~~ "~~;;ld:~:~rn.Are The Messengers," Awarded Degrees ard. Adriance, J. Murphy, C. Maddox, H. sions are crowded today, but there are The last number will be accom- Mary Clemson-Resolute Endicott. Wright, III. Lefferts, C. \Vilson, F. jobs awaiting those men and women panied by the Carroll County Orches- Winifred Harwood-Robin Make- less. Young, A. Newton, J. Balderson, G. Capable of fulfilling them. "Atti- tra. Dr. Charles E. Forlines To Deliver Elizabeth Harrison - Goody Glea. Gilbert, P. Lanasa, J. Shl'eeve, H. tude," Dean thisco continued, "is a Mrs. A. Earl Shipley, of the College Baccalaureate Sermon Lowery, B. Hill, and S. Grimsey, primary necessity". music department, and former Carroll Carmel. Various committees which will assist In closing, Dean Brisco said that County Music Supervisor, will act as The fifty-fourth Commencement Kay Sauder-Kit Lackleathel'. Kay Cissel-Will In plesentlllg thIS epIsode ale headed 1~~:l'eC~~I:~::;:t~i~~tet~:~t:~:e)~:~T::~ga~!~d,i~:~o:i~~:~!si~':ao~:f:;~~:~~.~::~! I ~:;t~~~e~e~~in:~':' ~~~~t~~ns~:~~~~~~ Beulah Gnffen-Faunch. as follows: Publicity, Charlotte Cop- Dorothy Smith. page; Costume Designing, Rufns er did it pay better to study, to an- decisions will be discussed with the Sunday, May 2 through Tuesday, Simms; Script and Research, Virgin- alyze yourself and see that you are I teachers and no public announcement May 4. Nine students will be given Helen Frey. Louise Kirks. ia Brittingham; Rehearsal and Stage, mentally alert and style minded. I will be made. ~~:'C\:~i~: ~::hoe~~:r~fw~l~c~:~:ei::e~:~ Dorothy Witherup. Ethel Bames. ~:o::gi;~~\~~~m::~lsr.~~~i~~l~a~aohv~~~ plomas. ment Boa1'd is sponsoring this part of Appearance of Campus Altered by di~np~~;e~~~n:~'~~~'~hinoft\;re~e!l:: Sue Price. Ward, Violet Gibson, SingeJ's-Julia th~1r:~g:;:Dowell, of the Speech De- Changed Site of Ward Memorial Arch ster, President Charles Edward For- Katherine Klier, Mary Robb, Dorothy partment, will direct a speaking chor- ! I ~~~~a~!u~::t~e~~~':::n~vil~~e~v~ t:1~ Harman, Margaret Burns, Sarah Ad- kins, Gross, Louise Phyllis Nickell, ~:n~~hi~~v:i~~ ;:I:trpi:~t: atl~e~~\~~!~Path From Arch Runs Between Administration Building and Baker Chapel Revcrend George Esdl'as Bevans, Elizabeth Poffenberger. elnded in this chorus. Triangle South of Carroll Inn To Be Paved I ~'I~" ~;a~~:f ~;~:b;::l~~~ n~:a~~cl:f Dancc7's - Jane Murphy, Marie La Forge, Arline Hndson, Mary V. COOpel',Hazel GOlllpf, Virginia Lip_ Ol~:~s!~y:~dW~I!n~r~~e:::::1U~I~~;S~ 1l1~.~~~ld:ig~~r o~a~~~:I~OV~~lle~~tO~~i:: :~~~~~1~~!~~~~:i~~a:~eP~~~ib~~~tu~:i~~h~~~:~~\al~e~~~~~tion, will preach the pold, Mal'y Anna Brown, Virginia :i:~lt~:~a::~la~i:::i~~ ~~!hc~~~~~n;:~ spring. With steam shovels, tractors, er plantings along the walk and In the Seminary Chapel on Monday Wooden, Marie Park, Peggy Scarbor- other selections. and cement mixers in action, no end smooth lawns spreading on either night at 8:00, Reverend R. L, Shipley, oug-h, Elaine Fennell, Betty Sehrt. Prof. deLong is directing' a large ~~m~·~:Ssf~;:::~oynbemg:~.result. And side. : ~~~li:~:1l0r~1~ntMaot~;:u~0:s:,,:'T~~ Pages - Jane \Vhite, Rebecca chorus of college students united with Somehow with a new approach one will be recalled that Revel'end Shipley Groves. Town Cri,w-Ethel King. ~~~r:h ~~Oi~:~ members of various er~f~;~~;~ai~~~:~a:l~ee:;:eu:haa:g~:e:~ ~:i::l(r:~:~v~~ i~n~l:t;e~::n~n~';h~~mp- ! :POt::tint::::e~l::~el:l fl7:t~:r a~~o:: The following committees have been Tn presenting some of the scenes in cuning below Levine Hall. Our campus is not the only scene of l'h~'me, chosen: ~~et~:~~r;;' ~t.i~.p~:7t~ed to use some If the upper elassmen were at first activity, for one has only to look I The Annual Meeting of the Board DccorQtion-Sally Blackwell, chair- sony to see the removal of Ward Me- across to Carroll Inn to see changes of Governors of the Seminary will be lllan; Sue Smith, Jane Corkran, An- ce~~et~::~~yPOaftt~~:::~~t~i;~~~l~:;~ morial Arch from its former position there. These activities do 110tconcern held on Tuesday morning in the Sem- nie O. Sansbury, Anne Brinsfield, Doris O'Donnell, Lucretia Day, Eliza- who was born in Baltimore in 1785. ~~:YSi;~~S~f~~: a~:~ i~o;~~~nr::::dt ~ ~:i~~ls~~:esC:~~ho~h~;:~~~i::t:: ..l'a~~: ~~::~' t~:~ \~i~~;al ~~e~c:i~~S;il~{t.a7~ bl'.th Crisp. Costume-Margaret Hoshall, chair- When she was 18 years old, Jerome cation 011the cornel' of Main and Un- triangle of land south of the inn lIas the Methodist Protestant Church, the Bonaparte, the young brother of Na- ion streets. been bought by the city and will be graduates will be addressed by Rever- man; Helen Boughton, Ruth Lun- po~eon, visited Ba~timo:·e,. meeting Alreaily there are trees set out in macadamized so as to eliminate the end Wesley Boyd, D.D. Reverend ning, Miriam Guyton, Kitty Messen- ger, Lillian Gore, Winifred Harvard, Ehzabeth at .a ball gIven l.n hIS honor. front of the arch and along the divid- blind cornel' fOl'med by the triangle. Boyd is now the editor of the Primi- H~ be~ame lllfatuated WIth her and ing line between college property and A stone. wall will limit the remaining tive Methodist, which is af- Sue Irwin. deterlllllled to many. her. Napoleo~'s I Union street. No longer do a fence territory. We'll miss the iris-border- filiated with the Primitive Methodist Publicity-Naomi Enfield, chair- consent fOI' the marl'lage was not gl~- and alley bound this territory, and ed walk leading up to Carroll Inn. Church. This Church is working at Illan; Georgia Dixon, Mary Edwards, en, and so Jel'ome was told to keep hIS with this land deeded to the college an But there's always the new path the present time toward a union with Martha Wilmel', Louella Mead. (Continued on Page 4, Col. 3) attractive aPI)l'oach to Western Mary- , through the arch. the Methodist Protestant Church, (CQlltinued on Page 3, Col. 3)
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