Page 49 - TheGoldBug1936-37
P. 49
. ~I NETMEN TO OPEN AGAINST IIIL The GolJ Bug, We,5ICl'Il Mar-yland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE FIVE Anthony Ortenzi Chosen to Captain AMERICAN UNIVERSITY T ERR 0 R TAL K 1937 Green Terror Football Eleven -- By FRED COE Prubable Line-up Studded With . ._ _ __ To Succeed ClilT Lathrop And Lou Lnssahn As Grid Leader Veteran Performers ELECTiON IS UNANIMOUS Frank Hurt's tennis team I Amb,i~ious Spring ~c~edule ~nder Way and strenuous season I he most illldJ1(wl1;o:,]l.~~;:~. ~J~~:II;~s year he made the is not a new thing: Jed the Green Terror season while hold- post for the FRANK TERRORS SCRIMMAGE BnOWN NAVY IN PRACTICE With Tars In Pair Of Hard G,lml'S Havens INTRAMURAL BASEBALL new Coach Charlie for his Terror instituted a football practice ACCEPTED BYCOMMITTEE Fraternities Arrange Schedule For Coming Season 01 their spring practice for a month and bad already given Maryland a severe beating. Under these conditions, it is The idea calls fOI' gnmcs on a non- Ferguson is relying on are Red Ben- commendable that the T'cr-t-or-s gave basis starting as soon as the del', Hyde Dooley and Bob i\IcKnight. such a good exhibition. can be acquired so as not t~ "Long Bill" Klare and Bill Graham Acting-captain Lash led the follow- interfere with the varsity arc making a bid as distance runnel'S. ing team into action: ends, Lesh and The fact that this Lesinski, tackles, Oleair and Ruduto- set forth by Ritchie of the vitch, gunrds, Thomas and Hausen, Galllma Bets, has been approved by PREACHERS DEFEAT center, Lytton, inter-lot- backs, Muj- the other three clubs proves beyond a wit and Adr-iance, and Koegel doubt Lhat Lhcrc Js w Jive GAMMA BETS IN OPENER and Campbell. Hansen off and the teams forty minutes before Navy on a flat pass fol- Delta Pi Alpha fired the opening guns in thc intrn-nnu-al softball bat- lowed by a 35-yard run. The "Tars" tle by the Gamma Beta made three more touchdowns before only player- ever' to win a place on the Club 17-10. Wallace, and "Monk" Campbell tossed a pass to Joe Drugash down in All-Maryland team in the backfield Gompf led the winners in batting hon- corner' tov a touchdown. This came as well us the line in successive vern's. ors. Up until the fifth inning, the The tennis will onH five- He and Dunn played beside en eh game was nip and tuck, but then after two hours of steady scrimmage. man team basis awm-dccl Gumma Tau vs. Pi Alpha I other in the backfield as well as the Charlie Wallace rapped out a horner The Ter-ror-s gained revenge on as has been the Thc golf, line in successive year's. to make the score 11-6. ApJ"i1 10th when they visited however, will be run only as a non- He and Dunn played beside each Annapolis and this time with TIle scoi+nn- nurl ba ttet-ies for MOll- point It i~ all exper-iment just other- in the backfield for a year un- daJ'sg'amc: a 20-12 victory. i\lcQuillen, Sadowski, n~ in Gamma Beta Chi vs. Alpha der Hurlow. In 1932,Koppe captained nnd i\lujwit scored on running plays. The first of three intramural track Gamma Tau the Green 'ren-ors. 1 23456789 R. H.E. Coach Havens used his entire meets will be run on April 30th. The Delta Pi Alpha vs. Pi Alpha AI- Gamma Beta Chi ::gainst the sailors but st.ll"ted 303002110-10147 intel'-class meet, as it is is put pha and Lesinski at the ends, Balish ~~tn~~r~~l~~;~onf~il~i~;:ethoet~:~ntwo.~~ ~ia~'a~~IJaBeta Chi vs. Pi Alpha I ~;:d,\:~~Ul\~:eb::~n~~f~~~":;feet we find, Delt.a Pi ~Ii)h~l 3 4 3 1 2 x-17 15 D !~~~:a;~::~~hs .~: t~l:eg:~:~~i:,\:;~~:S~I~ this Plarground AthlcticLeague I Alpha We stand bchind befol'e we find I Batterics: \Valker, Graham and center, Rinehimer and l'IIcQuillan at medals be nwnrded and it is pos- Alpha Gamma Tau vs. Delta Pi ,'Whnt the two behind be for. : Kiefel'; Tomichel" Gompf and wal-l the int('xior bucks, and Call1pbell and sible 101' evcryone to run. L__:.:A"'lpc:: h"=- ----' -The Cumpionctte. lace. Koegcl on t.he wings.
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