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~Ol HOP "Y" ON HOPKINS BAZAAR AT HO.MEWQOD, MEN TOMORROW NIGHT Vol. 14, No.8 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE. WESTMINSTER, MD. February 18, 1937 Union Nat'l Bank Sunday School Gi.ven. ISeniors In Speech Dean's List Announced Winning Snapshots Major Reorqanization For Second Exhibits 1887 Copy New Conatitution Setting Up Execu ITo Present Recital Increase Is Sh~n Semester of From Sun Contest Number Of College Paper Live Council Is First Step In Plans Second Group __ To \ppear In Smith I Students Enjoying Unlimited Cuts Shown In Exhibition 26 I . Undergoing extcll,slVe leolg~lllza- Hall Friday Night, February Increased by the addition of several bon at the hands of Its new president, __ new students and reduced by the sub- Vault Contains Copy Of Irving Lite- 125 Prize-winners Shown Were Select- rary Gazette, In Addition To Other Fred Tyrrel.l, the Sund~y Sch~ol is Senior students in the speech de- traction of a few unfortunates, the i-c- ed By Famous Judges and Sesqui-Dentenrrial Material now embar-king- on a serres of discus- part.ment will present the second of a vised dean's list now carries the ~ions which in the eyes of its ~dmin- SHies of three interpretative recitals following thirty-one students: Amateur Photographers istrators should prove an effective ap- on Friday night, February 26, in EXCERPTS ARE GIVEN Seniors THIRD CONTEST PLANNED peal to those college students whose Smith Hall. At the Union National Bank of support the Sunday School has so far Those students appearing on the Kline, Albert Pierce. The second annual contest in the John Ralph. Lambert, Westminster- is a unique collection of been lacking. program are Margaret Smith, Mary Myers, Dobert Kurtz. Newspaper National Snapshot papers printed in 1887. The new series of lessons are being Lou Rockwell, !'Ifary Emily Matthews, Riefner, Cartel' William. Awards, sponsored in Baltimore by There are various booklets publish- built up around present day problems Lil Moore, George Needham and John Taylor, Walter Lee. Tho Slmday S~t11,was represented by ed at the same time, as well as two of young people everywhere. Boyle Warman. \Villiams, Charles Herman. the reproductions of the ju-Ize-winning registers, one containing the names of In the consideration of the prob- Varied Program Arranged Blades, Ruby Madalyn. amateur snapshots exhibited last those citizens of Carroll County born lems an open discussion bnilt upon a Miss Smith will open the program Harman, Margaret Virginia. week in the student parlor of Smith when the county was formed in 1837 leader-confidence basis is the aim. with a selection from "Elizabeth the Harrison, Beverly Loraine. Hall. Those who attended this inter- and 'still living at the time of the Leaders will be members of both the Queen", by the productive Maxwell Hoshall, Margaret Ella. sesqui-centennial celebration in 1887, faculty and student body and those Anderson, wh'o is the author- of three Moore, Lillian Rebecca. i :~t~:gM~.i:.P~;~n~!rr~~~~!se~~~.t~n!e::~ the other containing the names of all who feel qualified to take part 0)' current poetical plays. Nickell, Louise Cur-rie. possible this "gift" from The Sum, those who registered as being present whose interest lies in social and re- "The Chinese Water 'Wheel", a piny Rockwell, Mary Louise. Over a period of years many news- at the celebration in 1887. ligious problems are requested to see by Edna H. Strachan of internal con- Shank, Ella Nora. paper's have conducted amateur snap- The object holding the most inter- Mr. Tyrell as soon as possible. fiict objectified, will be read by Miss Smith, Margaret Frances. shot contests. In 1935, however, in est for Western Marylanders is a yel- In addition to these changes a new Rockwell. recognition of the hundreds of thou- lowed, slightly frayed paper entitled constitution has been drawn up. Un- Christ as a problem child to the Juniors sands of amateur photographers in "The Irving Literary Gazette", issued del' this new organization provisions neighbors has been depicted by Zoe Beer, Charles William. the United States, sixty-foul' selected May, 1887. ere made for- an executi;,e council Ahern in "The Little Miracle", to be I Balderson, Sherwood Herndon. newspapers participated as co-spon- funned of the three e.xecutlve officers I interpreted by Miss Matthews. Dorrance, Charles Samuel. Collected By i\lr. Hering Goldberg, Alfred. sors in this competition and announc- The foresight of Mr. Joshua W. a.n~::~~~:I~~~:':h~~~~I:hiS ~ouncil COI1- The f~.~:ceel~;e~; ~:~;enbC intro- Gompf, Clayton Norvin. I I'd the awards. One hundred and Heling, then cashier of the Union Malone, William Frank. twenty-five cash prizes, totaling $10,- National Bank, whose daughter, Mrs. ~:~sd~~ ~~~~ofY~~:\:;el~],~~I::~1t~~i::~ ~~:~ ~~eil!::~a~~::l~~ :n!a~l~~h~e:ad~ Armstrong, Helen Towne. 000, and cer-tificates of mer-it were of- Frank Z. Miller, was graduated in Chew, Anne Ayres. fered for winning snapshots. 1S92, made possible the preservation ~::::i~:~;ff:\' n~:~:n~n~z~l'~l~~~~';:~~~ ~e~:~o~~:e ~~!y ~~b:~l'l'i~~U:l~l~~n :~ El'b, Elizabeth Byers. To Be Annual Event of such interesting papers. After ens, secretary-treasurer, Lumar Coop- "The Eligible Mr. Bangs." Miss Haines, Dot-is Virginia. The resulting enthusiasm of arna- gathering together one issue of each ~;~C~~:l~~·t Ingram, and Sarabelle Moore will read it. Mr. Ncedham will Henze, Eileen Claire. teur pictul'C takel's won the decision of the pieces of literature published Johnson, Alice Lillian. to make the contest an annual event in Carroll County in 1887, he sealed Recent addition to Sunday School (Cont. page 4, col. 3) MacVean, Janet Emma. This year ninety-three newspapers them in a package and put it in a progl'am has been a rcvised music Moxley, Allie Mae. participated, conducting contests in vault of the bank with instructions service under the direction of Mary Taylor, Ruth Eleanor. their respective localities and award- that the package should not be dis- Robb. Debaters' Schedule Wilmer, Mary Martha. ing weekly pdzes fOI' the best Snll-p- bn-bed for fifty years, or until the shots submitted. Winners were select- centennial. ed frqm classes including "Children This year, r.h. J. Pearre Wantz, a Design Students Win Arranged For 1937 and Babies", "Sports, Hobbies, Action, member of the class of 1899, in his "Y" Bazaar ToFeature Animals", "Scenes and Still Life Stud- capacity as the present cashier, open- Ribbons In Contest Timely Subject Of Minimum Hours ies", and "Informal Portraits of ed the package and discovered the To Be Discussed By Team Mother Goose People Adults". collection. Mrs. Calvin Coolidge was chairman Miriam Guyton Heads Winners With After consideration of several sub- of the Board of Judges which consid- Was First College Paper First Honors Tn TII'o Groups Annual AlTair Will ne Held Tomorrow To return to the subject of "The jEctS, the debating team has selected Night In Girls' Gym ered pictures for the National AwU\·ds. Irving Litcl'Ury Gazette", there was New foibles for feminine fashions the following topic for discussion Other judges were Amelia Eal'hul't, an one paper on the Hill in 18S7 and that were displayed last Friday night in this year: "Resolved, that Congress Borrow a b],oomstick and ride away al'dent amateu\' photographer; Capt. was published by the Irving Literary conjunction with the fashion show in should be empowered to fix minimum to the "Mother Goose Bazaar" spon- Albert "'IV.Stevens, famous aerial pho- Socicty. It contained all the news McDaniel Hal! Lounge. As W. 1\1. C. wages and maximum hours." sored by the "Y's" February 19th, in tographer; George Henry High, inter- that was fit to pl'int in 1887. One art stlldents , emulating' the best p)'in- Taking the afRrmative side of thi~ the girls' gymnasiulll, Blanche \Vard nationally known amateur photog- thing that the two papers, the above ciples of Parisian clothing design, ex- subject will be Alil'ed Goldberg, man- Hall,from7.30tol0.00 P.M. rapher; Kenneth Wilson Williams, (cditor-in-chief of all Eastman Kodak mentioned and the Gold Sllg, had in hibited their sketches in a contest ager of the teum, John B. Wurm!lll Mother Goose hel'self will be there, Company amateur publications. COlllmonwas the appearance in each sponsol'ed by the Art Club. and W. Frank Malone. Joseph Oleail', along with Simple Simon and the of a "dirt column." Although the Miriam Guyton took first pl'ize in Paul A. Nelson, Charles R. Ehrhardt Piell1an, with a whole stock of your Experience Considered Unnecessary column of 1887 was headed "Locals", both Class I, for shoes and hats, and and Fred J. Tyl'l'eil will present the favorite ]lies; the Farmer ill the Ail pictul'es were judged primarily it sounds much like the 1937 version. Class II, for daytime wear. Her shoe negative side. Dell, Old Mother Hubbard, whose Conthe human interest appeal of the For instance: Two Debates In West.minster picture or the interest it al·oused. "Mr. P-, will you be kind d.esi~ns were the prize-\:inning crea-I The team is following ,a new policy cupboard won't be bare; and all the Photographic technic was not the de- enough to return the paper-collar you tlOn Ill.the firs.t whIle an orange- this yeal' and will present its debates other nursery rhyme characters ex- ciding factor. cept poor Jack and Jill who fell down Many people harbor the impression borrowed last parlor-night? Nevel' bee Clepe smt a pleated cape in the McDaniel Hall Lounge or the "the Hill" on the way. that elaborate equipment is necessary mind having it washed. was .awarded the green and gold rlb- girls' "Y" room, instead of in Smith Tt's a "story book" party (the kind for success. On the contrary, many It will also make Hall as in the past. bon III the second class. (Cont. page 2, col. 4) (Cont. page 4, col. 5) two appearances in "'IVestminster, out- yOll read about) and a gay tinte is of the winning snapshots were taken side of the college, debating at the (Cont. page 4, col. 4) (Cont. page 4, col. 5) Student Government Baker Chapel Is Scene ~~~st~;~:~el~~~!~e~~~oO~e~~':~r~e~~~ Holds Tea Sunday P.M. Of Wine-Wade Wedding nnd on March 17, before the Rotary N. Y. W.M.C. Alumni Alumni Make Changes To Hold Dinner-Dance Within Organization Social Function Offered As A Fill-in Former W. M.C.&udcnts. Are Wed I CI~~ ::~:~~te~i~~~s:fn ;:~l~~~s into For Sunday Afternoons By Dr. H~!~::a:~~n SImple I iJ:~:s;~~a~~~d:::g baeSe~h:r~~;~e~Oi~~ Commodore Hotel AlTair To He At- Progressive Constitution Adopted At A tea sponsored by the Men's Stu- of the schedule. American Universi- tended By Guests from Special January 3 Meeting on Hill dent Government on Feb. 8 in Mc- Hel'e is another Westel'll Maryland ty of Washington, D. C., will debate Campus Daniel Lounge from 2.30 to 4.30 was romance that has led to the altar. On W. l'I1. C. in the assembly period on W. !'If.C.'s New York alumni chap- At a special meeting of the Alumni presided over by President John B. February 6 at 3 P. 1\1. Miss Elizabeth I March 15. ter will hold a dinner-dance on Satur- Association, January 30, former stu- Warman. Assisting him in the ca- Wine of Denton, Maryland, was mar- Schedule Arranged aay, February 27 at 6:30 P. M. in the dcnts of "!estern Maryland discussed pacity of servers were Joseph Oleair, ried to Mr. Franklin Wade of Port Jan. 21-'Vashington College, away. Hotel Commodore, just off Grand Cen- and finally adopted a new Alumni Harold Hansen, William Cronin and Tobacco. Feb. 9-Washington College, home. tral station. The guests will assem- Constitution. Paul Ritchie. The ceremony was performed by ble in the South Room for the recep- This new constitution brings about Mr. Warman and his committee are Dr. Holloway in Bakel' Chapel here on 17-Ursilllls College home. tion before dinner, going later to the some radical changes: Membership to be congratulated for their compe- the campus and was characterized by 23-Drexel, away. away. Palm Room for the dinner-dance. may be confelTed upon persons other 24-Muhlenburg, tence and poise in handling this social a befitting simplicity. The bl'ide wore 25-Albright, away. Mal Hallett and his orchestra will than former students; a Board of event without benefit of the pl'evious a tailored traveling suit and carried 26-Ursinus, away. furnish the dance music while a spe- Governors, numbering nine and meet- experience usually had by our young roses. She was accompanied by one " 26-Lebanon Valley, home. cial floor show featul'ing Dawn and ing quarterly, replaces th~ old Execu- women. Many visiting parents and attendant. Mar. 2-Albright, home. Darrow, ball-room dancers, and Jean tive Committee; officers shall be elect- friends of students were graciously Immediately after the ceremony the 6-Penn State, hOIllc----Parlia- Kirk, acrobatic tap-dancer will pro- ed by the Board of Governors in- served tea, cookies and candy. The couple left on a ShOlt wedding trip, mentary Session. vide additional entertainment. stead of by the Asso(jia_tion; local friendly atmosphere created by the calTying with them the best wishes 15---American U., home. Dr. and Mrs. Holloway will be pres- and district clubs shall be chartered hosts was augmented by the presence of their friends and plenty of rice, 17-Dickinson C., home. ent to greet the alumni, former stu- by the Board of Governors; and dues of Miss Sally Price, president of the just as a reminder of what had hap- 17-American U., .away. cents, and friends of Western Mary- nre increased from one to three dol- Women's Student Government. pened. On their return Mr. and Mrs. April 7-Penn State, away-Parlia- land in and neal' New York. The fol- lars. The contempJated addition of such Wade will reside in Port Deposit mentary Session. lowing guests have been invited: Dr. The old Alumni Constitution, was functions as features of the regular where Mr. Wade is in business. 9-Bucknell, away. and Mrs. W. R. McDaniel, Dean F. M. written in 1900. It has since the.n social calendar should mean much to I Mrs. Wade was graduated in the 15-(tentative) Dickinson, Stover, Dean and Mrs. S. B. SchofieJd, been revised from tiiue to time. A_r- students and their visitors for it pro- class of '35, while Mr. Wade was a away. and J. Donald Kieffer, president of the thur E. Benson president of the asso'- vides a welcome fill-in for the Sunday member of Jast June's graduating 20-(tentative) Wash. and Lee, University of Maryland New York ciation, suggested that the constitu- afternoon gap. class. I home. alumni chapter. tion be rebuilt entirely.
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