Page 32 - TheGoldBug1936-37
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. ~T_(:y_iSA_,~_o~_!~,_:g_~:_J::_ia_;:_p~_:'~_J:I~~~~~J::~~~~~.~/1,__ C_I_Ub_N_e_WS_----1/~,~~~~~~~~:o~~~~~r~~fi~~!~1/ News In Brief Ohio's Governor Martin L. Davey Instead Of Beer Joints I Pi Alllha Alpha Year 1935.1936 Students of Western Mar-yland Col- was not called upon to give the shirt off his back, but he was requested to Clinton, S,C, (ACP)-Conceived in lege were given nrst hand information give up a pail' of shorts. This is the the diverse but uniformly curious Oil the National Social Security Act story in brief: sport prog-ram for minds of six people, born in the steam last Monday, January 11, in the As an initiation stunt, Charles A, r-ising from cups of hot coffee, and more than a $2,000 morning chapel service, Dr, Walter Fer-nald, Ohio State University senior, nut-tm-ed in the aromatic odor of gnin over that of 1934-35, it was an- Campbell, representing the Social Se- was ordered, by his Delta Kappa Ep- black java, a touch of Eighteenth nounced in the annual of the curity Board, presented the act in silon brothel'S, to obtain an auto- Century Englund has come to life on Harvard Athletic some of its more important aspects graphed pair of GOVernor Davey's the Presbyte~'ian College campus, The profit of and distributed to interested students shorts. college year is Around the tables of London's Cof- Alpha Gamma Tau literatur-e prepared by the Board. Fernald telephoned to find out the fee Houses in the Eightcenth Century The following men were formally three years, contrasting with the sur- governor's size; then he bought a pair, there gathered a group of men who initiated at the meeting on plus of $2,306.18 for- the preceding The Hill has been, since vacation, called at the executive's offices, and mixed philosophy with tr'avel, stirred January Kermit Beyerd, year-and a deficit of $32,881.78 for the "Grippo-ed," Dr. wms, Professor proposed a swap, in a great deal of literature and a Arthur Bradley, Clifford Byrd, Carroll year ending June 30, 1934, Hurt, Miss MacDowell, Miss Sara Governor Davey consented, went pinch of criticism, spiced the whole Cook, and Donald Humphries, Smith, and Dean Miller have all been into a side office, and, a few minutes with sarcasm, and having sprinkled absent from their classes due to later, presented Fernald with the au- THIS COLLEGIATE WORLD colds or influenza, Mrs Ham- tographed shorts, well with mathcmatics, brought the Gamma Beta Chi erick, the dietician, and John Reif- mess to a In-ow in their inquisitive snider HI have been ill for some time Burtis, Cline, Wal- Senior Women students at Pennsyl- minds and drank deeply thereof. lace Paul Marshall, Marlowe Mather-, John (Cent. f'rom Col. 1) with pneumonia. In McDaniel Hall Frank varna State College have agreed that The most authentic and interesting Mur-phy, Louis Norris, William Pen- the outcome of the Indiana-Pm'due the most serious case of marriage and a career cannot be com- chronicls, of their doings is in Bos- nington, and Fred Plummer have game, sent to him by a fellow pro- sickness still that of Virginia Cluta, bined successfully, well's Life of Johnson, and for this cently been pledged to the fraternity, i'e- fessor at Indiana University, he dug ill with typhoid fever. An overwhelming of the reason Presbyterian college's an- up statistics showing- that Purdue had 1.90 girls that took in poll nchl'onic group calls itself the Bos- won the majority of games, he watch, George N, Fringer, States Attorney, declared that a career uftei- marr'ingc wellian Club, Phi AII)ha Mu ed the team at practice, and consult- spoke on the subject of negotiable in- is not fail' to the husband nor to needy Phi Alpha lUu held its lI1111ualsup- ed with athletic directors. struments law, in the business law single girls who are out of work. Every night, ~etw~en eight, and pel' "spread" in the club room on Jan- I Feeling ~ure that Purdue wou~d ;vin class at Wester-n Mm-yland College, eleven, they gather III the SCJCnce nary 5, the night after returning on the baSIS of all the substanfiat.ion, Saturday, January 16, 1937, The "Mail-Order Ghost" has talked Hall of the college, and then I from the I he mailed his acceptance to the In- fare at last-after a million words of his forth into their night life, which con- On Saturday the club en- diana professor, themes and term topics have been ststs of walking up !own to a cafe tertained its own members at bridge. When the game ended in a both PREACHERS DANCE graded under the names of a score of where they always Sit down at the Refreshments were served. These professor-s breathed mer-e and paying- student clients. same table, order coffee, light informal pat-ties will be contiued re-pocketed their- respective (Cent. from page 1, col. 2) John Galvin, graduate student in ettes and withdraw themselves every Saturday afternoon until and Mrs, T. K, Hnrrison, Miss Esther history at Columbia Llnivet'aity, began another world, spring vacation, Dr. Alfred M. Nielson, Smith, Miss Ethel Owen, 1'111', Milson his "ghosting-career" in high school Conversation is no lost art with economic geography at Raver-, and 1\11'. Alfred DeLong, The when lazy lads paved him a quarter them, They run the gamut of the Univer-sit.y, has an aversion for chew- committee in of the affair was to write each of their ace-word sciences, solve great problems in the Delt.a Sigma Kappa headed by Wright and in- themes, fields of arts, quote voluminously On SUnday, December 13, 1£136,Lu lei'S of gum. Here is how he classified cluded Eugene Cronin and Thomas them: When he came to Columbia in 1932 from the poets, delve into the mys- Mar Myei-s and Elizabeth Crisp were Pyles. and his many clients enrolled at Yale, teries of metaphysics and theology, formally initiated into Delta Sigma The fraternity announces that its Harvard, Fordham and Randolph- discuss politics and Aristotle in the Kappa. "pledge list" includes Charles Cole, Macon, he had to extend his tailol'_ same breath and even take a stab at On December 15 the annual Christ- motion, like a Samuel Galbreath, Rubert Ingram, made theme service, The old patrons Einstein whom one of them knows mast party was held in the club room. cow. the type which Malcolm Kullrnm-, John Newman, Wil- recommended him to othel's, and soon personally, chews to t.he 'rhythm of Fred Astaire bm· Pl'entiss, James Shreeve, Robert he had a prosperous mail-order busi- Widely varied are they in tastes- Presents were exchanged and cal'Ols I and Ginger Rogers, the Stropp, and Forney Young. ness, in literature they range from extreme sung, kind known as the The officers of club for the coming Mtcr more than foul' years of hard classicism to the deepest of deep,died Clu~uI~~:~n~~~sCI~~~st:~HSB!\~~~::': ~:~ ~~:0~~O:l~~':i~~ises like the 'clickety_ semester will be: Delta-Cartel' Rief- under others' names, Gal- Romanticism-but even more widely an afternoon social. After luncheon "Then come two types of has released himself from his varied al'e they in origin, There is in at El Patio the club went to the mov_ nizers, First, those who Coc'1refulanonymity and has become their group a professor of biology himself once again, from Harvard who is busily writ- iI'S to sec Marlene Dietrich in "The their mouths with their Garden of Allah." Phil Dessauer, a columnist at Okla- ing a history of that science, The On Decembcr 12, the following homa City University, recently called University of Wisconsin has yielded girls were formally initiated into the HNEVERHART attention to the need of new type- up a pro~essor, of _physics ~vho W, W, Club: Mat'tha Yocum, Marjorie writers for student usc by classify- ~vas born III 1IflSSOUl'l and l'!llsed I McKenney, Dorothy VI'oomc, Wini- HE COLLEGE BARBER ing the old machines in the follOwing law student, is sick of hearing his own AND BOBBER manner: :;~eK;~~:~ ::d as~:~~~~~e:~~it~IO;~n~~~ :I;~fa ~:~:~~~:'~ndR~~:nd!:~~o~~ll1~~~~ voice, AT THE FORKS "Th'3 common type is known as the ton forgot its football long enough to Julia Berwager and Virginia Taylor He wagered his roommates that he 'Hawaiian' 01' 'Hula model', It shim- contribute a of English lit- could bettcr the late Huey p, Long's mies, Number two is the 'Love-bird erature who been surpassed in filibuster record of 16 hOUl'S, When type', Every part is stuck on some romantic feeling only by some nine_ author of several pulp papel' maga- they took him up on his boast, he 'I'he other pm't, and the keys al'e stuck on teenth century lyric poets, zine stories which he sold while he launched into 11 non-stop monologue Drug Store themselves, William and Mary [)]1(1the Medical was on undergraduate, he is now I time and again as lengthy as any that "The 'Hop-skip-alld jump' variety College of Virginia conhibuted the dl'eaming and writing on a novel while I ,.;orllelia OtiS. Skinner .has e~er given, for i~ the Jesse Owens of its regiment, only female member of the group- he eams his coffee as publicity direc- Talking on astronomy, reilgion, pol- College Students It always goes twice as fast as the The Boswellians, l'emembel'ing theil tor of the college. ltics, econollllcs, his life history and typist, 18th century terminology, insist that A strange gr~up they form, these I many other things, Mann las~d 16 "Number four is the 'Journalist's she be known only as the "female heterogeneous nllnds, as they sip their I hours and 10 minutes_l0 nunutes Mackenzie's Special', It is nature's great boon to member", She is the most universal fifth 01' sixth cup of coffee and let longer than Long. DRUG STORE lhe lead pencil industry. A sort of in her interests for she has studied rr !lviator_type machine. The keys al- psychiatry, medicine, and Shake_ theil' Ilhilosophies "rush in where an- ~~~~~~~~~~ Next t.o Stnte 'l'hellirc gels fear to tread." ways look ove]' the field before they speare, Presbyterian College itself land, contributed the two remaining mem_ SURPRISE AND PLEASE "The last model is known as the bers of the group: One is fl'om In- I I 'Secretary'. It slips into your lap at diana and was probably the greatest YOllr PrielHls and Relatives WESTERN MARYLAND as field Sta~""~~~alreII the slightest provocation," track man that South Carolina has with seen and is now interested in the de- Coffee Shop Until recently it seemed that the velopment of the civilizations of the Valentines novel idea of a half-blind, tottering world but makes his living gentleman who died in the Ozarks of secl'etary of the college, The other ONLY I AND RESTAURANT Arkansas last spring would ]lass is a native South Carolinian, The along with him, ONE DAY COFFMAN'S SODA + He suggested that someone erect a "Banjo On My Times Bldg, E, Main St, 130-foot-high pyramid, fill it with SANDWICHES modern products, and seal it hermet_ PATRONIZE Knee" LUNCH ically. with DINNERS "This civilization is going to the OUR BARBARA STANWICK + dogs," he said, "and when the year J. D. KATZ 8113 rolls around, the people can open anel III ]. F. MOORE, M
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